More then just Shane and Joey

By shoeycpv

8.7K 143 23

Shane Dawson and Joey Graceffa is best friends! They want to spend every single second together! But way? the... More

Part 1 Shane and Joey
Part 2 The Boy date
Part 3 #Shisa no longer
Part 4 More the just Shane and Joey, its Shoey
Part 6 The Night at Dawsons
Part 7 I want to be with you
Part 8 Party at Luke
Part 9 Sawyers girl
Part 10 Saving him self
Im sorry...
Part 11 Unicorn
Part 12 Cheating with the Ex girlfriend
Part 13 Tonnes of tears
Part 14 Broken hearts
Part 15 the trues
Part 16 Storytellers cast
Part 17 Want to go to Boston with me?
Part 18 A night out with the boys
Part 19 mornigs...
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 20 I want a puppy!

219 5 0
By shoeycpv

Joey POV

I took my iPhone and pressed the wake button.

Jessica. Why does she text me?

Jessica: Hi Joey! I was not sure when you got to Boston but, want to hang out if you have time?

Joey: Um, sorry I don’t have the time Jess =/ but we can do it while Storyteller’s is shooting when we off =)

Jessica: Sounds amazing Joey, I really think that you’re and amazing person!

What that’s supposed to mean?

Joey: Well, thanks…

Jessica: Am creepy right?

Joey: No! It’s just we just started to be friends and I nearly don’t know you, but that not a problem. New people is good

Jessica: Sorry Joey, but you right! Just call me :*

Joey: Yeah, sure bye

Something gave me a bad feeling about Jessica, but I don’t know why. I hoped I chord talk to someone about it. Maybe Luke or Meghan. I called Meghan.

Meghan: JOEY!

Joey: Hi Magasan!

Meghan: How are you, haven’t talk to you in like… One million years! How are things?

Joey: Just good and you?

Meghan: Just perfect!

Joey: Good, good I just wanted to ask you something

Meghan: Anything!

Joey: Um… How, do you know… if… If a girl… likes you?

Meghan: Aww Joey! Who’s the lucky girl?!

Joey: No, not like that. One in my cast to Storytellers, Jessica, I think she likes me

Meghan: Do you like her?

Joey: No, No, I don’t

Meghan: But, was the problem them? Just tell her

Joey: It’s just I’m not sure if she have a crush in me

Meghan: Joey, like a million of girls wants you to be there boyfriend, what’s the different now?

Joey: I don’t know!

Meghan: Joey, clam down its not

Joey: I’m in a relationship okay!

I almost screamed into the phone and cutting her of. It was quite a while and I clamed down.

Joey: Oh sorry Meghan, I didn’t mean to scream.

Meghan: Its cool Joey, I’m sorry I didn’t know you’re in a relationship. What’s her name?

Joey: I, want to tell you in person if its okay?

Meghan: Yeah of cores I’m so happy for you! and I really want to see you, I heard that you and Shane are going to Boston tomorrow.

Joey: Yeah, I’m going to explain that to, be at your place in ten minutes.

I hang up before she got to answer, ran to my car and drove to Meghan.

Meghan POV

Joey: Yeah, I’m going to explain that to, be at your place in ten minutes.

He hang up. Why was he going to explain why he was going to Boston, it was obvious! He said it in his vlog yesterday. Shane had broken up with Lisa and needed someone to be with and go to his best friend, Joey and he offered to go his parents and just be away from La a while. If not… Shoey was a thing now! I really hope so, I love #Shoey! and joey said that he were in a relationship, why not with Shane?

I heard a car coming from the rood and got up to my driveway. It was Satsuki! I’m so happy! I wanted Joey to say it was Shane, who ells chord it be? Cat? I don’t know! I saw him now, running to the door.

Shane POV

Me and my mom were walking the dogs and talked.

Shane: Mom? You know that me and Joey are going to find a apartment right?

Theresa: Yes, and I really hope you’re going to be together forever, you much happier with Joey then you were with Lisa.

Shane: Thanks, its maybe sounds dumb or crazy but… I think Joey is the one mom.

Theresa: I understand you, Joey is nice and handsome.

Shane: Mom, he also want a dog

Theresa: Want kind?

Shane: A pomsky, so I wanted to ask you if you chord like find a good breeder. It’s yours talent to find puppy’s!

Theresa: Sure, I help you honey!

Shane: Thanks Mom.

It was really started now. Me and Joey and a puppy, in our own apartment. It was really serious between us.  Yeah, he really is the man of my dreams! I would take a bullet for him, his smile, his eyes. O my god! I need to talk to him tonight.

Shane: I think I’m going to spend the night with Joey, so we can get to the airport together.

Theresa: Sounds like a good idea.

Shane: I text him when we get home

Joey POV

I was about to knock on the door when Meghan open it and hugged me, I hugged back.

Meghan: It really have been one million years!

Joey: Yeah! Let go inside.

We got into the kitchen and sat down.

Meghan: Want anything? you seams tied after the running.

Joey: It’s okay, I’m fine but thanks anyway.

Meghan: So tell me! who is he or she?

Was she saying “He or she?” Do she think I’m gay? Well am but how can she guess?

Joey: Well, it a he…

Meghan: I know it! It Shane right?!

Joey: But… How?

Meghan: Best friend power! No, but wait!? I was right!?

Joey: Yeah…

Meghan: Wow, my best friend is dating a dude! is so cool!

Joey: you really think so?

Meghan: Of course do Joey! To be honest I ship Shoey!

Joey: Aww Meghan!

I gave her a tight hug

Joey: I’m glad that you accept me; you’re like a sister to me.

We pulled away from the hug.

Meghan: I know, and you’re my brother. Hay wants to do something?

Joey: Um…

I started to think when I got a text. Shaney boyfriend <3

Joey: I got a text from Shane

Meghan: Well what did he say?

Shane: Hi babe! :* miss you ;) <3

Joey: Miss you to beautiful! <3

Shane: I have been thinking of a thing <3 ;)

Joey: Tell me babe! <3

Shane: We probably have to get up early tomorrow, what about to spend the night? ;) <3

Joey: Shoot boy! You so smart! <3

Shane: and bang each other ;) <3

Meghan were smiling and lathing a bit.

Joey: SHANE! <3

Shane: Jk babe ;) but do you want to? <3

Joey: Yeah sure! <3

Shane: Perfect, came anytime <3 :*

I start to think, I’m hungry. Meghan were still lathing over our texting.

Joey: Meghan, I’m hungry we can get lunch or something

Meghan: I feel the same, can’t Shane be flowing to?

Joey: I can ask him

Joey: Babe wants to grab some lunch with me and Meghan? <3

Shane: Sure! Where? <3

Joey: The one with delicious chicken <3

Shane: How chord I have guess? Do you know what taste even better? <3 :*

Joey: what? ;) <3

Shane: Your lips ;) <3

Joey: Aww boy! <3 Love u<3

Shane: luv u 2 <3

I putted my phone back to my pocket and went to tell Meghan that was now in the closet to find something.

Joey: You ready?

Meghan: Shane’s with us?

Joey: Yeah, he meets us up at the restaurant

Meghan: Exited to see your boyfriend.

Joey: I see him like every day if you didn’t notice it, but yeah I was a little drunk the last time I saw him.

Meghan: Okay, I found a jacked now we can go

We go into my car and drove to the restaurant. It felt good to tell Meghan about me and Shane. It felt good the last time to when we told Ingrid, Luke and Tyler but the best were to tell Shane’s mom and I hope my parents can accept me to. I parked the car and we got out. Now we just had to wait on Shane.

Meghan: Do you think his hear soon?

Joey: I really hope so

I leaded agent my car and waited on Shane, I hope he be hear soon. I really miss him but it was going to be a bit awkward between us and Meghan, I mean Shane and I do have a fresh relationship we are still on each other all the time when we meet, don’t get me  wrong I love it! Make everyone know that I’m his and his mine. Seedily I see a black truck come. I know it was Shane. He parked and jumped out. I ran to catch him in my arms. I didn’t care if anyone saw us and I didn’t care about Meghan at that point. I hugged him from behind I snuggle my head into his shoulder and he latched a bit, I think he known that it was me.

Shane: Hi babe

I kissed his neck

Joey: Hi beautiful

He turned around to face me and hold me by my waist, wow his eyes, blue like the ocean, you pretty. I lead in to kiss him and he kissed back.  We stopped by Meghan taping my shoulder.

Meghan: Are you two going to make out all night or should we go eat?


In class so no A/N

just reed "im in love with my bully" Shoey!

/love you Alex

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