Falling For the Bad Boy (Larr...

By coincidentaldagger

1.2M 44.7K 133K

Harry Styles is a loner. He doesn't have any friends and is bullied frequently. Louis Tomlinson is a differen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Thank you!
Epilogue Pt.1
Epilogue Pt.2
Epilogue Pt.3
Epilogue Pt.4
The Final Final Chapter

Chapter 4

34.4K 1.2K 6.2K
By coincidentaldagger

Louis' P.O.V

I really wanted to know why everyone hated Harry. He wasn't mean or obnoxious, so why else would they hate him? He wasn't a slut either so they couldn't hate him for sleeping with their girlfriends. Was there any other possibility?

"What are you thinking about Tommo?" Niall blew out a puff of smoke.

"Do you guys know Harry Styles?" I asked. They all looked at each other and nodded.

"Yeah." Zayn shrugged. "Why?"

"Well he's my partner for a project and we were supposed to work on it at my house after school. But he was like fifteen minutes late and I found him being beat up by Josh. Then today in gym, Andy shoved into him and kicked him in the back so he had to sit out the rest of gym. After that Stan tripped him into the mud." I explained.

"So?" Liam raised an eyebrow.

"So why does everyone dislike him so much?"

"You really don't know?" Zayn chuckled.

"Why does everyone say that when I ask? Can no one just answer a god damn question?" I groaned.

"Louis, Harry's gay." Zayn explained.

"Okay and? It's such a big deal that people hate him for it?" I looked at them bewildered. I never really cared if someone was gay like everyone else. Just because they like boys instead of girls I should hate someone? It didn't make sense to me.

"Look none of us care that he's gay, just the rest of this homophobic town." Liam snorted.

"So your saying that you wouldn't treat him differently than anyone else?" I smirked.

"Yeah..." Liam said skeptically. 

"Would you guys mind trying to be his friend?" I smiled hopefully and they all groaned. "Please? He doesn't have any friends and I feel bad."

"Louis you know we don't like people." Zayn snorted.

"C'mon guys please? For me?" I pouted.

"Ugh fine, just stop doing that." Liam rolled his eyes.

"Thank you! Just come by my house after school, we'll be working on our project."

"What's your project on?" Zayn took a drag from the blunt and blew out a ring of smoke.

"Um, the right to gay marriage." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

They all burst out laughing, "Bro how did you not know he was gay?" Niall cackled.

"Shut up." I grumbled, snatching the joint from Zayn's hands.

"Hey! I was still smoking that." He exclaimed.

"Hey! I don't give a shit." I retorted, taking a drag.

"You're such a dick." Zayn frowned but I merely shrugged. I heard the click of heels approaching and I wasn't quick enough to get rid of the blunt hanging from my mouth.

"Loui—" Eleanor's smiling face fell when she noticed the joint between my lips. "Louis William Tomlinson." She said sternly.

"Hi El." I smiled but she wasn't having it.

"Give it to me." She held out her hand but I didn't move. "Louis." I sighed but placed the blunt in her hand. She dropped it to the ground and stomped it out.

"We just lit that." Zayn whined.

"I don't care. Louis and the rest of you need to stop smoking."

"Sorry princess, you're not my girlfriend. You don't tell me what I need to do." Zayn snorted.

"There's a reason I'm not your girlfriend or why anyone else isn't for that matter." Eleanor smiled with fake sweetness. Zayn rolled his eyes at her and muttered 'bitch' under his breath. "Let's go." Eleanor grabbed my arm and dragged me away.

We walked to our classes in silence, she wouldn't even hold my hand. We reached her classroom and she turned to look at me. "I'll see you later." She mumbled and I nodded leaning in to kiss her, only for my lips to touch her hand instead. "I don't want you kissing me after you had that cancer stick in your mouth."

I wanted to say weed can't even cause cancer, if anything it can help it dumbass but she had already walked into her class. I rolled my eyes and headed into mine. She was completely overreacting, it's my body I'll smoke weed if I want to. I plopped down in my seat waiting for the stupid bell to ring.

It finally did and Mrs. Cole began talking but I wasn't listening because I was too focused on the fact that Harry wasn't in class. I may have not have known his name but I always knew he  was in class considering I copied most of his work. So him ditching didn't make any sense. Where could he be?


Instead of waiting by my car, I walked over to Harry's locker after school and waited patiently. Harry scrambled over and was shocked to see me.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hi." He replied softly. I moved over so he could access his locked and waited.

"So why weren't you in English today?"

He stopped putting his books in his locker and looked at me, "Well um, I wasn't really feeling it so I ditched." He shrugged and continued to put his books away.

"But you've never ditched before, why would you start now?" I furrowed my brows.

"I don't know, I thought I'd try something new."

"Well next time you ditch, let me know so we can ditch together." I smiled as he shut his locker and we began to walk down the steps. We arrived at my car and hopped in driving to my house.

All I could think about was that Harry was apparently gay. Maybe it not true and it's just a rumor. I mean Harry didn't tell me so how can I really trust that it's true? He didn't seem or act gay, so maybe he's not.

Without realizing it, we got to my house and got out of my car heading inside. "Mary I'm home." I shouted. Mary came out of the other room to greet me, smiling when she noticed Harry.

"Welcome home Louis, Harry it's lovely to see you again." She smiled. "Two teas?"

"Sounds lovely." I smiled and we headed up stairs. I plopped down on the bed and Harry sat down gingerly. We sat in silence for a minute till I got the courage to ask him. "Hey, so I heard something and I don't trust rumors so I wanted to ask you before assuming."

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "O-okay."

"One of my friends told me that you are um gay. Is—is that true?"

"Yeah, it is." He nodded, tears pooling in his eyes. "I already know what your going to say, that you don't want some fag in your house so I'll go home and do the project myself, don't worry about it." He grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder going to the door but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.

"Harry your ridiculous." I snorted. "I don't give a shit if you prefer guys over girls."

"Wait so your not going to tell me I'm a sinner going to hell?" He furrowed his brows.

"I'm pretty sure if either of us is going to hell its me." I rolled my eyes. "So sit your ass down so we can work on this project."

"Okay." He smiled softly. "Thank you."

"For what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"For not hating me because of my sexuality."

"No problem." I shrugged.

We worked on the project for a while when I heard someone shout from down stairs, "Oi Tommo!" I immediately recognized Niall's thick Irish accent.

"Up stairs!" I shouted back as Harry looked at me with fearful eyes. The three boys bursted through the door with their arms full of food. "You guys need to stop raiding my pantry." I sighed.

"But you have the best food." Zayn whined and threw the bags of crisps and the sodas he brought down on my desk. Niall and Liam did the same thing, then finding somewhere to sit. Liam took the bean bag chair, Zayn took the desk chair and Niall took a spot on the bed next to Harry making him very uncomfortable.

"So it's Harry right?" Niall asked.

"Um yeah." Harry said in a small voice.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Niall, that's Liam and that's Zayn." Niall smiled. "Zayn toss me a bag of crisps." Zayn rolled his eyes but threw the bag none the less.

"Nice to meet you too." Harry said quietly and I felt bad since he was so uncomfortable.

"Doesn't seem like it." Zayn snorted.

"H-how do you mean?" Harry furrowed his brows.

"Well you look like your ready to piss your pants, mate." Zayn chuckled.

"Yeah, Harry chill. We're not going to hurt you we're just here to have fun." Liam shrugged.

"Here I got this." Zayn said pulling out five blunts and a lighter.

"You just casually have five joints on you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Hey you never know." Zayn passed a blunt to everyone and lit them up. He went to light Harry's but Harry shook his head and handed the blunt back to him.

"I-I don't smoke." He stuttered.

"Well that explains why you're so nervous. Weed takes the edge off." Niall took a long drag and blew out the smoke.

Harry scrunched up his nose. "Sorry not for me."

"Here take a drag of mine and if you like it then you can take the blunt back, if you don't you don't have to smoke." I handed him my joint and he took a drag, coughing immediately.

"Yeah not for me." He coughed again handing it back.

"It's not for everyone." I shrugged taking a drag and my phone went off.

From El: I know you probably just got home so chances are the guys are there. You better not be smoking.

To El: Eleanor it's my body I smoke because it relaxes me. You can't control what I do.

From El: fine until you stop smoking I'm not talking to you.

"Who you texting?" Niall smirked.

"Eleanor." I huffed.

"Oh is she still mad from earlier?" Liam asked while blowing out smoke.

"Yeah, she's now informed me she's not talking to me till I quit smoking." I rolled my eyes.

"We keep telling you to break up with her." Zayn shrugged.

"I'm not breaking up with her."

"Harry what do you think? Do you think he should break up with her?" Zayn asked and I gave him a look telling him to stop since Harry was already uncomfortable enough.

"Um well I personally don't like her, but I don't really have a say in what you do." He mumbled looking down at his lap.

"Why don't you like her?" Liam asked.

"She um is mean to me, though I didn't do anything to her." Harry shrugged.

"See she's not only annoying as hell, but she's a homophobic bitch too." Zayn exclaimed. Harry stiffened at his words.

"You know what, can I have that joint back?" Harry asked. Zayn smirked and handed him the joint. He lit it for him and harry took a drag, coughing once again.

"It takes a little bit of time to get used to it. Try to take less in." Niall advised. Harry nodded, trying it again taking in less smoke this time. He still coughed but not as much. "See better."

"Yeah thanks." Harry smiled.


A couple hours later we were all high and Harry seemed much more comfortable. "So Harry, have you ever thought of getting tattoos?" Zayn asked.

"I do have some actually." Harry grinned pulling up his sleeve exposing his arm that was littered with tattoos. The boys rushed over to get a closer look at them observing them in awe. "My dad is a tattoo artist so I let him do them."

"What's this one for?" Niall asked pointing to a tattoo on his wrist that said I can't change.

"I got that after I realized I was gay. I had denied that I was for a long time but when I came to terms with it and came out people were telling me I was a sinner and wrong so I got the tattoo to say that this is who I am and I can't change it." Harry explained.

"Woah that's deep man." Zayn said and began giggling right after. It didn't take long for the rest of us to join him, laughing about absolutely nothing.

"So wait have you ever, done anything with a guy?" Niall smirked.

"Yeah once, we went to go visit some family in London and they were just yelling at me for being gay so I left and went to a bar. I met a guy there and we hooked up." Harry shrugged.

"Oh so slutty Styles." Liam nudged his shoulder.

"Shut up." Harry chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"So wait you've never had a boyfriend?" Zayn asked.

He scoffed. "It's kind of hard to have a boyfriend when you live in a town where everyone is a homophobe."

"Hey, we're not homophobic." Niall argued.

"Well you guys are the select few that aren't." He shrugged.

"It's getting late, won't your mum be worried?" I asked Harry.

"Nah, my mum doesn't give two shits about me. She hasn't since I came out." He shrugged.

"You can stay over if you want to." I offered.

"Yeah sounds great." He smiled.

"Oi, what about us?" Liam pouted.

I rolled my eyes. "Even if I told you that you couldn't stay you'd stay anyways."

"True." Liam shrugged.

"Alright then lets go to sleep then." I yawned and I laid in my bed with niall on one side of me and Harry on the other. Liam and Zayn shared the couch in the corner of the room and we all fell asleep.


A/n: new chapter yay! Also the whole Danielle cheating on Louis drama is pissing me off. But not because I don't like drama, no because people are actually trending respect Danielle Cambell, in which they are defending Danielle.

It's ridiculous because if the positions were switched we know damn well that people would be hating on Louis. Anyway I love you all xoxo

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