The Lost Potter

By read_write_thrive

394K 9.2K 2.8K

(Sorry about the working title, brainstorming left me empty handed) Sybil never finished the prophecy. While... More

The Complication
The First Year.
Ready For School?
The Encounter
Diagon Alley
The Hogwarts Express
The First Night at Hogwarts
The First Day
Wide Awake Part 1
Wide Awake Part 2
Wide Awake Part 3
Bruises and Scars
A New Schedule
Happy Holidays
Home Sweet Home
The New Home
Training AND Bonding!
Continuing the Plan
Breaking the News
Unfinished Business
Come On!
A Visit from the Candyman
Back Into Civilisation
Home Sweet Home
Animal Friends
The Girl in the Low Shack
The Tell-All
The First Attack
The Second Visit to Hogwarts
Hello, again. Again.
New and Old Friends
When Plans Fall Through
Walking The Dog
Merry Christmas Potters Part 1
Merry Christmas Potters Part Two
Somewhow Even Worse
No Clue
So Complicated
The Big Reveal
Enter Snivellus
We're going to be in so much trouble
The Rat be a Rat
The Reveal
The Old Foes
Is This the End?
Author's Note/ SEQUEL

Hello, Again.

5.5K 142 7
By read_write_thrive

PS: this part has been edited on 12/30/16 to be more cohesive with the books. If you've already read this, nothing much changes and shouldn't be necessary for later parts. Anyhow, read on!

August 5, 1993.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Sirius asked Olivia for the millionth time. They had left Grimmauld Place to find the Dursley's home, with Harry presumably in it. They had left after the sun had set, and while they'd only been walking for two hours, Sirius still felt unsure about it all.

"I've told you, I've been to their house before. Besides, Harry and I have this weird magic thing where we don't like to be separated so we always manage to find each other." Olivia brushed passed the weird magic, as it no longer felt as weird as it did the years ago. Sirius had heard her, of course, but hadn't a clue of what she meant and also brushed passed it.

The summer wasn't unusually hot, but it felt as if it was to the two ex-prisoners. Not only were they used to the bitter cold of their prison cells, but they had also dressed in clothes to "disguise themselves".

Olivia had just let her hair go free, which was uncomfortable in the heat but was something no one would expect her to do. She wore old glasses Sirius had left over from James, which felt odd after the Malfoys had fixed her eyes at a young age so she didn't need to wear them. Add to that an old flannel pyjama shirt, the same shoes from the shop, and pants that fit Regulus back in his Hogwarts days, and there was Olivia's "disguise". It probably wouldn't convince anyone, and was too hot for the August weather, but it made her and Sirius more comfortable to be out.

Sirius felt most out of place in his getup. He was wearing a shirt he'd usually wear under dress shirts as an outer shirt, which exposed some unfortunate tattoos he'd gotten when they used to let Azkaban prisoners have social hour (Fudge had put an end to this practice, thankfully). He wore his old beat-up leather jacket with it, with his most casual pants and shoes. He also pulled his hair back, something he hadn't done since Hogwarts, and wore sunglasses to help hide his face.

It took all night to reach Little Whinging, and when they did they switched into their animagus forms with Olivia leading the way to the house. When she saw what was going on, however, she stopped dead in her tracks.

She couldn't see Harry, but she saw a middle-aged woman expanding. And she wasn't just on the bigger side- she was blowing up like a balloon! People she assumed were the Dursleys stood under her, and appeared to try and get the lady down, who was also floating as she expanded.

What is it? Sirius asked from below Olivia, looking at the sight in morbid fascination.

I'm not sure, but Harry has to be around here somewhere. Olivia flew off once again, about to enter the house, when her twin burst out the door with his belongings in tow.

There he is! Sirius, follow me! Olivia commanded as she flew after Harry. He stopped briefly at the home, waving his wand around at someone in the door, before booking it down the streets. Once the boy started to slow down, Olivia cautioned Sirius to stop.

Sirius screeched to a halt, hoping the alley he'd stopped in would prevent Harry from seeing him. There he is.

Olivia, however, wasn't floored at how much Harry looked like James. She saw that Harry had grown, of course, but that wasn't her purpose at the moment. Right now, if they followed Harry, they could get to Ron. And with Ron was bound to be Scabbers.

As Olivia waited for Harry to move, she circled overheard subconsciously. Harry, below her, started to feel on edge. He'd noticed the crow circling him, a weird sight on its own, but now he felt someone watching him. He stood and looked around, his eyes settling on the alleyway Sirius was camped in. Sirius stood still to try and blend into the shadows, which was already too late. Harry uttered a Lumos charm before the earth shook under him, causing him to stumble and fall over his trunk.

The three watched as a triple decker purple bus seemed to appear at the pavement, the attendant ushering Harry on what was called the Knight Bus.

We can't lose him now! Sirius persisted as Harry boarded. Olivia flew in through the open door and perched herself next to Hedwig's mysteriously empty cage, hoping Harry wouldn't notice her until she could transform.

Before Olivia could respond to Sirius, the bus rocketed off. She was flung into the bars of Hedwig's cage, but the boy sitting on the other side didn't seem to notice. After some short conversation where Harry lied about who he was (Olivia found this odd but of course said nothing), he told the driver that he wanted to go to Diagon Alley, and Olivia stretched her telepathic magic to try and reach the now far behind Sirius. Diagon! Was all that he heard.

Olivia found a more comfortable perch and was ready to transform back when she saw the posters on the wall. Wanted and missing posters- for Sirius and her.

The wanted posters showed a crazed Sirius holding his prison ID and yelling at the reader. They read "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS WIZARD?" At the top, and underneath the photo they warned, "Approach with extreme caution! *DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE MAGIC AGAINST THIS MAN* Any information leading to the arrest of this man and the recovery of his hostage shall be duly rewarded. Notify immediately by owl to the Ministry of Magic."

Hostage? Olivia questioned, looking over at the other poster to find her own prison ID photo staring at her. Only instead of screaming like a maniac, Olivia had been crying through the photo.

"HAVE YOU SEEN THIS WITCH?" The poster also started, "If she is spotted, REPORT IMMEDIATELY! Any information leading to the recovery of this girl will be duly rewarded. Notify immediately by owl to the Ministry of Magic."

They think he kidnapped me?!? Olivia was thrown. Before she could do anything further, the bus stopped suddenly and she flew into the windshield, sliding down the glass in pain.

"Who let the bird in?" The Assistant griped, shooing her out the door after Harry had stepped off. Olivia watched with careful eyes as Harry walked right into the minister of magic himself- the man who accused Sirius of kidnapping her- Cornelius Fudge.

"There you are, Harry," Said the Minister, giving Harry quite the shock. The assistant on the Knight bus was shocked to see the minister and to learn who Harry really was, shouting it for the world to hear. Fudge shooed the assistant off and forced Harry into the Leaky Cauldron. Olivia, who couldn't follow them, watched from outside the window. Harry's trunk was carried in, and Fudge led Harry away with a harsh grip to some private room. Olivia circled all the windows until she found them.

By the time she had perched herself in the flower box, she knew she had missed the bulk of the conversation. She couldn't hear anything, but she could see Fudge looking extremely awkward and scuttling out of the room. He came back with another man, where they continued a brief conversation, shook hands, and left the room once again.

Olivia, growing very tired of this window nonsense, circled the building again. She found the room quickly this time, spotting Hedwig's bright white plumage. Harry was just settling himself into bed, and Olivia was about to pass out on the windowsill when she heard the voice she'd missed for two years ring out.

Goodnight Olivia, wherever you are.


Okay this is where the writing gets tough. I love writing fanfics because of the characters, but I suck at lining up events with the plot. Thank god for the Harry Potter Wiki.

Anyway, please leave feedback and I hope you enjoyed!

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