Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider...

By Paranilla

14.9K 360 71

(Edited Chapter 16. Anything after that is not edited yet) Kara Amor is chasing down her lost love when she... More

-Chapter 2
-Chapter 3
-Chapter 4
-Chapter 5
-Chapter 6
-Chapter 7
-Chapter 8
-Chapter 9
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12
-Chapter 13
-Chapter 14
-Chapter 15
-Chapter 16
-Chapter 17
-Chapter 18
-Chapter 19
-Chapter 20
-Chapter 21
-Chapter 22
-Chapter 23
-Chapter 24
-Chapter 25
-Chapter 26
-Chapter 27
-Chapter 28
-Chapter 29
-Chapter 30
-Chapter 31
-Chapter 32
-Chapter 33
-Chapter 34
-Chapter 35
-Chapter 36
-Chapter 37
-Chapter 38
-Chapter 39
-Chapter 40
-Chapter 41
-Chapter 42
-Chapter 43
-Chapter 44
-Chapter 45
-Chapter 46
-Chapter 47
-Chapter 48
-Chapter 49
-Chapter 50
-Chapter 51
Chapter 52
-Chapter 53
-Chapter 54
-Chapter 55
-Chapter 56
-Chapter 57
-Chapter 58
-Chapter 59
-Chapter 60
-Chapter 61
-Chapter 62
-Chapter 63
-Chapter 64
-Chapter 65
-Chapter 66
-Chapter 67
-Chapter 68
-Chapter 69
-Chapter 70
-Chapter 71
-Chapter 72
-Chapter 73
-Chapter 74
-Chapter 75
-Chapter 76
-Chapter 77
-Chapter 78
-Chapter 79
-Chapter 80

-Chapter 1

1.3K 16 0
By Paranilla

**Note: I am rewriting this and just posting it under this one. I originally had them separated, but found that stupid to have done. If anything seems weird, it is because of the rewriting of certain parts. Sorry** 

-Chapter 1: Welcome to Seito University Hospital!

I open my eyes and stare at the plain white ceiling above me. Where in the world am I? Ouch! Wait, why am I in so much pain and not on the street?

"I see you're awake now," a voice says and I look over. "I see that you have managed to find me. Did you have to follow me here?" The person talking to me right now is my ex-boyfriend, Hiiro Kagami.

"Why am I here?" I ask, sitting up a bit. Ouch, that hurts! "What's going on? Did I collapse or something?"

Hiiro looks away, same old expression on his face as when I last saw him back in the United States of America. "You were hit by a car last night and you were rushed here after someone called for help. Of course, it was some Good Samaritan who has obviously decided to stay anonymous. You're lucky the car wasn't speeding or else it could have been worse. You're just banged up."

"I was seriously hit by a car? Really?"

"Do I need to go over it again?" He's annoyed. Very annoyed.

"No, I don't need to hear it again." Seriously, a car? How did that even happen?

"You only have a few cut from hitting the ground and you also have some bruising. You should be well enough to your normal activities. You should be thankful I didn't have to cut you open."

"I know, I know."

"You should watch out where you are going or else you will make my life difficult here." I can't tell if he is being caring or he is just teasing me about the fact I just got myself hit by a car.

"I'll be careful from now on. I promise not to end up in the hospital again like this."

"Your things are over there. They were brought in when you came here," Hiiro tells me.

"When do I get to be released?" I'm not going to stay here all day. I just can't.

"Whenever I think you're ready to be released." Is he trying to torture me right now by keeping me here? What in the world is wrong with him? "I just want to make sure nothing is wrong with you because anything could happen. We can't tell if bleeding will happen later or not." BS!

"Hiiro, you need to let me go early! I work here now!"

"I know you do. The director told me that you were going to start here," he says, looking at me coldly. "You'll be able to work once I know if you're in the clear. Right now you just need to keep your butt in bed and deal with it."


"I'll be back soon. I want to talk to the director about something." Hiiro turns away and exits the room slowly. Great...now I'm stuck in this boring room alone!

Hiiro Kagami is the most handsome doctor in the universe. I'm not even joking. Everyone wanted to have him back in the States because of how good he is at his job.


I look out the door and notice a cute guy holding his foot. Did he just hit it against something? And I thought I was clumsy for getting hit by a car.

"Are you okay?" I ask and the guy looks over, staring me straight in the face. Gosh, he's cute. But not as cute as Hiiro.

He nods and his dark hair bounces a bit. "Yeah, I'm fine!" He smiles cutely. "This actually happens a lot."

"Hehe!" I giggle. "Do you work here?"

"Yeah, I'm an Intern," he answers. "Why are you here? You seem alright."

"I was hit by a car last night," I answer. "Thank you for checking on me. I should be getting released as soon as they are sure that I'm not going to have internal bleeding." I'll be released once Hiiro decides to let me out of the tower.

"I'm Emu Hojo," the cute boy says, holding out his hand.

I take his hand and shake it a bit. "I'm Kara Amor."

"I saw Hiiro leave the room. I don't mean to get into your business but it sounded like you two have met before," Emu says, looking down. "Do you know him?"

"You heard us talking?"

"Yeah, I just said that."

"He's an old friend. I admired him a lot back when he was working in the United States so I followed him here. I'm going to start working here soon."

"Really? You work here?"

"Yeah, the director hired me."

"I see. Well, I'm glad you are going to start working here. We need all the help we can get around here. Especially me. All the nurses tend to get upset at me for missing some of my shifts," Emu tells me and I laugh. This boy is dorky and it is so cute! Can I adopt him somehow?

"So, Emu, what about your job right now? Shouldn't you be going to work?"

"Huh? Oh, right! I should get going before the nurses yell at me again." Emu moves away from me and looks back, staring me in the eyes. "You should take care."

He rushes out of the room as soon as Hiiro steps back in, staring down at his clipboard. He looks up at me, his eyes connecting with mine. He sighs heavily, shaking his head.

"You are so lucky, Kara." He sounds ticked off.

"Hiiro, do you want me to go back to the States?"

"No, I wouldn't make you go all the way back once you got here. Even though you're already causing me trouble." He is so cruel.

I roll my eyes as I cross my arms over my chest. "Hiiro, you're horrible to me! I was almost Mrs. Kagami!" I exclaim, staring at him harshly.

He sits down on the bed, placing his butt next to my right leg. "I know you were." That's right! I was engaged to Hiiro Kagami back in the United States of America. His father hired me because he wants me to get back with Hiiro so we can all be one big happy family.

"How can you be so cold to me when we almost married each other? I know I called it off but that doesn't give you the right to treat me so horribly!"

"Kara, we were engaged months ago."

"That doesn't make it okay."

"I know."

"You know why we broke up, right?"

He looks away, nodding his head. "I remember that day perfectly." We broke up due to him deciding to work so much. I barely could see him and I felt like it was only me in the relationship. Like I was the only one who was trying.

"Did you ever love me?" I ask him in a serious tone of voice.

"Kara, you will stay the night still as planned. My dad even agreed to let you stay the night here because he doesn't want you to end up in trouble later because of not keeping you here. My father will check on you in the morning to see if you can be released and start work."

"You didn't answer my question."

"I think you already know my answer." What is that supposed to mean?


"What?" He sounds super annoyed.

"Take care."

He gets off the bed and I look away, not staring at the man who destroyed my heart. When I had to break up with him, he didn't show an ounce of emotion. I even tossed my ring he gave me right at his stupid little face. Such a jerk!

"Don't get hit by a car again, okay? I don't want to have to perform surgery on you." Still a huge jerk! Why did I even date him?

He leaves the room, leaving me with the machines in the room. I sigh heavily, shaking my head. How can this all go so wrong? Well, I shouldn't think about it anymore. I should get some rest.


"Kara, it is great to see you!" Mr. Kagami exclaims, wrapping his arms around me. I think he is going to choke me to death with a grip like that!

"Mr. Kagami, you're suffocating me!" He loosens his grip and I hug him back. "Sorry, I'm not your daughter-in-law yet. Hiiro doesn't seem to want to be by my side right now and I can't blame him. I did break his heart. At least, I think I broke his heart."

"Don't worry about it, okay? He is just playing hard to get." He releases me and smiles as I drop my arms back to my side.

I smile back. "Can I still call you father?"

"Yeah, you can do that. I adore you, Kara."

"Okay, father," I say. "Can I please work today? I know you're not supposed to let me do much after getting into such an accident but I'm really fine. Everything has checked out and is absolutely in good shape! I want to start working here now."

"Yeah, I'll go and get you ready to get discharged. Also, you need a uniform here. Did you get what I sent you?" he asks me and I nod my head. "Good."

"Dad, here is the paperwork for Kara's release." I look at Hiiro. Dang, he looks so serious! Does he hate his dad or something? It is so tense between them.

Mr. Kagami takes the papers from Hiiro. "Why did you want me to keep her overnight, Hiiro? Were you concerned about Kara's wellbeing?" I think he is trying to torture me, Mr. Kagami.

"To make sure she didn't have internal bleeding," Hiiro says, answering the question simply. He looks at me for a moment and looks back at his father.

"I see. Well, she is free to get ready for work now. I took care of the guardianship of her since she is like a daughter to me." Is he trying to pair me back with Hiiro?

"Welcome to Seito University Hospital, Kara." He doesn't sound very welcoming like his father. His dad loves me already! Probably because I almost married his son and he blames Hiiro for the breakup.

"Uh...thanks?" I look down at my feet. I'm so pitiful. I'm still all gaga over him!

"Dad, I'm going to go now. I have things to do."

"Okay, I'll see you later," father says and I look up, as Hiiro steps out of the room.

"I think he is still upset with me," I state.

"He'll find a way to move on and get over it. Kara, you two understand each other the most out of everyone in this Hospital. He's just upset that he lost you."

"One can hope." As much as I'm angry at Hiiro for ruining our relationship, I still love him. And I still very much want to be with him.

"Kara, wait for him."

"Father..." I look down. Do I have to agree to wait for him? Because how long is it going to take to win my ex back? "Alright, I will."

"Good! How about you get ready for work now? If you need to shower, there is one in this room. That is why Hiiro put you here. I informed him that I would have you work as soon as possible here and he seemed to be upset with me for not sharing. He didn't like seeing you come in. He was spooked by your presence in the ER. You looked worse when you came in. You weren't regaining consciousness."

"I banged myself up pretty good, huh? Well, the car did."

"Well, I'm going to go." He grins. "Take care, daughter." He turns and leaves the room, leaving me alone.

"Kara, are we alone now?"


My blonde, pixie looking friend pops out of nowhere, nearly giving me a heart attack. "Finally!" Miyuki smiles, spinning around and stretching.

"You can blame my ex for how long this took. He decided to keep me overnight here," I tell her, rolling my eyes. "He was acting like I was seriously injured. Did you see the accident?"

"No, I didn't see it but I did hear it. It sounded horrible. But also like something stopped it from hitting you fully," she says, trying to explain what had happened last night. I can't even remember much about it.

"I see."

"If I wasn't stuck in a game all night, I would have saw what happened." She glares at me with her beautiful, huge eyes.

"Miyuki, don't be like this! It is to protect you, okay? You won't tell me what you're hiding from so this is all I can do for you."

"I would tell you but it wouldn't be good."

"I understand."

"Anyways, I heard your stupid ex! He sounds like a total jerk!" Miyuki shouts, crossing her arms. "What did you even see in him?"

I laugh. "He can be like that at first but I promise he is a total sweetheart. Well, somewhat. He is just distant and cold. Every lady wanted him back in America."

"I still don't understand why anyone would want to date him. He is super emotionally unavailable and total jerk."

"I don't get how I fall for him."

"Kara, let us just focus on how I'm going to get by here. I don't want to be stuck in my game all day long!"

"Well, if you can become a nurse it'll be great. You're a game character so you can just hack into files and download some, right?" That is right, she's a game character from this one game I played back in the USA. Some Japanese company made it.

"Yeah, I can do that. Anyways, where are you going to stay?"

"Mr. Kagami has arranged for me to live in a beautiful apartment. He'll be paying the rent for a bit but then it goes to me. So we both need to get jobs and start working had to make it here. Then I'll win Hiiro back and live happily ever after."

"Move on already! He's too crappy for you." Thanks for the encouragement, friend.

"Well, I'm going to get ready. You better hide, Miyuki."

She nods. "Alright."

A/n: I have most of this written out and currently the chapters are in the sixties. So, it is a long, long story. Mature subjects are in this story and things aren't what they seem with our MC, Kara Amor. 

The first thirty chapters will be kind of slow so I can develop things between the characters so I'm warning you about that now before you guys are like "What the heck is up with all these chapters?" Think of it as setting up Kara's backstory because that is what it is. Also, her relationships with the characters. 

I feel like Kara is going to be one of those MCs that aren't too enjoyable but I wanted her that way for a reason and you will see that reason later. I don't want to give out too much about her. Just pay attention to the small details. I have been working on this since Ex-Aid started basically. So, I'm finishing up with it now so I expect it to have at least eighty chapters or so. We'll see.

Anyways, I'll post a few chapters a day since it is mostly done. Thanks for reading and I'll have one more Ex-Aid fanfic to post after this (Wishful Dreams will get an update soon by the way). Thanks! 

****Just another little note, this was actually my first Kamen Rider fanfic to be written so it's probably not the best but I'm going to try to get better as time goes on****

-Chapter 1: Welcome to Seito University Hospital!

I open my eyes and stare at the plain white ceiling above me. Where in the world am I? Ouch! Wait, why am I in so much pain and not on the street? I thought I was on one, but I could be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time I was wrong about something.

"I see you're awake now," a voice says and I look over, my eyes landing on a familiar face with handsome visuals. His hair looks brown and his eyes still as cold and dark as before.


"I see that you have managed to find me. Did you have to follow me here?" The person talking to me right now is my ex-boyfriend, Hiiro Kagami. How did I ever get him to date me? No clue honestly.

"Why am I here?" I ask, sitting up a bit as pain shoots through me. Ouch, that hurts! "What's going on? Did I collapse or something?"

Hiiro looks away, same old expression on his face as when I last saw him back in the United States of America. "You were hit by a car last night and you were rushed here after someone called for help. Of course, it was some Good Samaritan who has obviously decided to stay anonymous. You're lucky the car wasn't speeding or else it could have been worse. You're just banged up from it."

"I got hit by a car? Are you kidding me right now?" How can a car hit me? I'm not hard to miss.

"Do I need to go over it again?" He's annoyed. Very, very annoyed.

"No, I don't need to hear it again." Seriously, a car? How did that even happen?

"You only have a few cut from hitting the ground and you also have some bruising. You should be well enough to your normal activities. You should be thankful I didn't have to cut you open." He is acting like it is a good thing that those are my injuries. Shouldn't he be wanting me not to be injured?

"I know, I know." I'm not stupid and I know what I'm doing. I'm pretty dang smart in my opinion.

"You should watch out where you are going or else you will make my life difficult here." I can't tell if he is being caring or he is just teasing me about the fact I just got myself hit by a car somehow.

It isn't like I intentionally went near the road and got hit. I didn't have a sign that said 'Please run me over and I'll hand you a thousand dollars' in my hands or around my neck. I was just minding my own business and I got hit. It happens and he should understand that.

"I'll be careful from now on. I promise not to end up in the hospital again like this." I don't want to be near him ever again if he's going to be this way towards me.

"Your things are over there. They were brought in when you came here," Hiiro informs me, letting me know about where my things are now. Good thing he did, since I don't want them on the street. My underwear isn't cheap.

"When do I get to be released?" I'm not going to stay here all day. I just can't sit here in this room with him popping in non-stop.

"Whenever I think you're ready to be released." Is he trying to torture me right now by keeping me here? What in the world is wrong with him? "I just want to make sure nothing is wrong with you because anything could happen. We can't tell if bleeding will happen later or not." BS!

"Hiiro, you need to let me go early! I work here now!"

"I know you do. The director told me that you were going to start here," he says, looking at me coldly. "You'll be able to work once I know if you're in the clear. Right now you just need to keep your butt in bed and deal with it."


"I'll be back soon. I want to talk to the Director about something." Hiiro turns away and exits the room slowly.

Great...now I'm stuck in this boring room alone! Why did he have to go? I was kidding about hating him being in here!

Hiiro Kagami is the most handsome doctor in the universe. I'm not even joking. Everyone wanted to have him back in the States because of how good he is at his job. I'm lucky to have gotten my hands him before anyone else did there. I still don't know how I managed to do so or do I?


I look out the door and notice a cute guy holding his foot. Did he just hit it against something? And I thought I was clumsy for getting hit by a car somehow. Or is that called being unlucky?

"Are you okay?" I ask and the guy looks over, staring me straight in the face. He's cute, but not as cute as Hiiro.

He nods and his dark hair bounces a bit. "Yeah, I'm fine!" He smiles cutely. "This actually happens a lot." He has such an adorable face for a person who works at a hospital.

"Hehe!" I giggle. "Do you work here?"

"Yeah, I'm an Intern," he answers. "Why are you here? You seem alright."

"I was hit by a car last night," I answer. "Thank you for checking on me. I should be getting released as soon as they are sure that I'm not going to have internal bleeding." I'll be released once Hiiro decides to let me out of the tower.

"I'm Emu Hojo," the cute boy says, holding out his hand.

I take his hand and shake it a bit. "I'm Kara Amor."

"I saw Hiiro leave the room. I don't mean to get into your business but it sounded like you two have met before," Emu says, looking down. "Do you know him?"

"You heard us talking?"

"Yeah, I just said that." He nods.

"He's an old friend. I admired him a lot back when he was working in the United States so I followed him here. I'm going to start working here soon." I had to come here and find him again. I just had to.

"Really? You work here?" Emu stares at me in surprise. "I didn't expect that to come from your mouth."

"Yeah, the Director hired me." I'm going to be working with Hiiro and he will see how good of a nurse I am from now on.

"I see. Well, I'm glad you are going to start working here. We need all the help we can get around here. Especially me. All the nurses tend to get upset at me for missing some of my shifts," Emu tells me and I laugh. This boy is dorky and it is so cute! Can I adopt him somehow?

"So, Emu, what about your job right now? Shouldn't you be going to work?" I wonder why he is wasting time here in my room.

"Huh? Oh, right! I should get going before the nurses yell at me again." Emu moves away from me and looks back, staring me in the eyes. "You should take care of yourself and not get hurt by a car again!" Oh, I'll try my best.

"Okay, I'll try to not get hit next time."

He rushes out of the room as soon as Hiiro steps back in, staring down at his clipboard. He looks up at me, his eyes connecting with mine. He sighs heavily, shaking his head, and he steps into the room a bit.

"You are so lucky, Kara." He sounds ticked off and amazed at the same time. "How did you not get seriously hurt by that car?" I want to know that too. How did I not get killed by a random car coming down the street?

"Hiiro, do you want me to go back to the States?"

"No, I wouldn't make you go all the way back once you got here. Even though you're already causing me trouble." He is so cruel.

It isn't like I didn't know he was like this before. He's always been like this. Even when we were dating, he was pretty dang rude. Why did he date me and not stay single? There must be a reason for it.

I roll my eyes as I cross my arms over my chest. "Hiiro, you're horrible to me! I was almost Mrs. Kagami!" I exclaim, staring at him harshly. It is the truth that I almost married him.

He sits down on the bed, placing his butt next to my right leg. "I know you were."

That's right! I was engaged to Hiiro Kagami back in the United States of America. His father hired me because he wants me to get back with Hiiro so we can all be one big happy family. Apparently, it was a huge thing for his father. His dad was happy he was with me for some reason. I guess it is because Hiiro isn't good with women.

"How can you be so cold to me when we almost married each other? I know I called it off but that doesn't give you the right to treat me so horribly!"

"Kara, we were engaged months ago," he states, pointing out the obvious. He is acting like it was so long ago.

"That doesn't make it okay." It isn't okay to treat me how he is.

"I know."

"You know why we broke up, right?"

He looks away, nodding his head. "I remember that day perfectly."

We broke up due to him deciding to work so much. I barely could see him and I felt like it was only me in the relationship. Like I was the only one who was trying. I also doubt it was just that though. I'm sure he had someone else in his heart.

"Did you ever love me?" I ask him in a serious tone of voice.

"Kara, you will stay the night still as planned. My dad even agreed to let you stay the night here because he doesn't want you to end up in trouble later because of not keeping you here. My father will check on you in the morning to see if you can be released and start work." And he's dodging the question.

"You didn't answer my question."

"I think you already know my answer." What is that supposed to mean?


"What?" He sounds super annoyed.

"Take care."

He gets off the bed and I look away, not staring at the man who destroyed my heart. When I had to break up with him, he didn't show an ounce of emotion. I even tossed my ring he gave me right at his stupid little face. Such a jerk!

"Don't get hit by a car again, okay? I don't want to have to perform surgery on you." Still a huge jerk! Why did I even date him?

He leaves the room, leaving me with the machines in the room. I sigh heavily, shaking my head. How can this all go so wrong? Well, I shouldn't think about it anymore. I should get some rest.


"Kara, it is great to see you!" Mr. Kagami exclaims, wrapping his arms around me. I think he is going to choke me to death with a grip like that!

"Mr. Kagami, you're suffocating me!" He loosens his grip and I hug him back. "Sorry, I'm not your daughter-in-law yet. Hiiro doesn't seem to want to be by my side right now and I can't blame him. I did break his heart. At least, I think I broke his heart."

"Don't worry about it, okay? He is just playing hard to get." He releases me and smiles as I drop my arms back to my side.

I smile back. "Can I still call you father?" I want someone to be close to here like they're my own family. He's the perfect person for that.

"Yeah, you can do that. I adore you, Kara." He nods.

"Okay, father," I say. "Can I please work today? I know you're not supposed to let me do much after getting into such an accident but I'm really fine. Everything has checked out and is absolutely in good shape! I want to start working here now."

"Yeah, I'll go and get you ready to get discharged. Also, you need a uniform here. Did you get what I sent you?" he asks me and I nod my head. "Good. You've always been a good girl."

"Dad, here is the paperwork for Kara's release." I look at Hiiro. Dang, he looks so serious! Does he hate his dad or something? It is so tense between them.

Mr. Kagami takes the papers from Hiiro. "Why did you want me to keep her overnight, Hiiro? Were you concerned about Kara's wellbeing?" I think he is trying to torture me, Mr. Kagami.

"To make sure she didn't have internal bleeding," Hiiro says, answering the question simply. He looks at me for a moment and looks back at his father. It seems like he is doubting my condition.

"I see. Well, she is free to get ready for work now. I took care of the guardianship of her since she is like a daughter to me." Is he trying to pair me back with Hiiro?

"Welcome to Seito University Hospital, Kara." He doesn't sound very welcoming like his father. His dad loves me already! Probably because I almost married his son and he blames Hiiro for the breakup.

"Uh...thanks?" I look down at my feet. I'm so pitiful. How can I sit here and want to be with him with his attitude towards me?

"Dad, I'm going to go now. I have things to do," Hiiro announces. "You should keep her company."

"Okay, I'll see you later," father says and I look up, as Hiiro steps out of the room.

"I think he is still upset with me," I state.

"He'll find a way to move on and get over it. Kara, you two understand each other the most out of everyone in this Hospital. He's just upset that he lost you."

"One can hope." As much as I'm angry at Hiiro for ruining our relationship, I still love him. And I still very much want to be with him.

"Kara, wait for him."

"Father..." I look down. Do I have to agree to wait for him? Because how long is it going to take to win my ex back? "Alright, I will."

"Good! How about you get ready for work now? If you need to shower, there is one in this room. That is why Hiiro put you here. I informed him that I would have you work as soon as possible here and he seemed to be upset with me for not sharing. He didn't like seeing you come in. He was spooked by your presence in the ER. You looked worse when you came in. You weren't conscious at all and didn't seem to be in the right state." Is he saying Hiiro thought I was going to die? I guess they asked Hiiro to pop down to see if he'll be doing a surgery on me.

"I banged myself up pretty good, huh? Well, the car did." I am glad I'm not dead. I don't deserve to be dead.

"You did. Well, I'm going to go." He grins. "Take care, daughter." He turns and leaves the room, leaving me alone.

"Kara, are we alone now?" A voice asks me and I turn a bit.

"Yes." I nod. "We are alone now and no one will see you."

My blonde, pixie looking friend pops out of nowhere, nearly giving me a heart attack. "Finally!" Miyuki smiles, spinning around and stretching out her arms happily.

"You can blame my ex for how long this took. He decided to keep me overnight here," I tell her, rolling my eyes. "He was acting like I was seriously injured. Did you see the accident?"

"No, I didn't see it but I did hear it. It sounded horrible. But it also sounded like something stopped it from hitting you fully," she says, trying to explain what had happened last night. I can't even remember much about it. "I can't really explain it since I didn't see it myself." She was inside her game safe and sound.

"I see." I guess it was a pole that made it not fully hit me. Oh well, not my problem!

"If I wasn't stuck in a game all night, I would have saw what happened." She glares at me with her beautiful, huge eyes. Her eyes remind me of the ocean sometimes, but she does change her appearance here and there.

"Miyuki, don't be like this! It is to protect you, okay? You won't tell me what you're hiding from so this is all I can do for you." She has a story inside her that she won't let me hear. I will just have to wait for it to be told.

"I would tell you, but it wouldn't be a good thing to do right now." She smiles.

"I understand."

Her smile drops. "Anyways, I heard your stupid ex! He sounds like a total jerk!" Miyuki shouts, crossing her arms. "What did you even see in him? Why would anyone date a man like that? And you know what? He sounds unappealing and annoying! You should consider not dating him ever again."

I laugh. "He can be like that at first but I promise he is a total sweetheart. Well, somewhat. He is just distant and cold. Every lady wanted him back in America." And I want to get back with him so I can have him again. He's my first love.

"I still don't understand why anyone would want to date him. He is super emotionally unavailable and total jerk. It is a no from me." She shakes her head and pouts. "I hate him."

"I don't get how I fell for him." I never understood it.

"Kara, let us just focus on how I'm going to get by here. I don't want to be stuck in my game all day long!" She uncrosses her arms and points towards the bag with her game in it. "It is so boring in there!"

"Well, if you can become a nurse it'll be great. You're a game character so you can just hack into files and download some, right?"

That is right! She's a game character from this one game I played back in the USA. Some Japanese company made it and I never really cared that much for it. I just let her use it as her home now.

"Yeah, I can do that. Anyways, where are you going to stay?" she asks me curiously.

"Mr. Kagami has arranged for me to live in a beautiful apartment. He'll be paying the rent for a bit, but then it goes to me once I settle in fully. So, Miyuki, we both need to get jobs and start working had to make it here. Then I'll win Hiiro back and live happily ever after." My plan is excellent and everyone should be jealous of my amazing planning skills.

"Move on already! He's too crappy for you." Thanks for the encouragement, friend.

"Well, I'm going to get ready. You better hide, Miyuki."

She nods. "Alright."

A/n: (8/6/2020) This is the updated version of my Kamen Rider AOE story (my first kamen rider fanfic posted. I think I wrote one before this (about Kamen Rider Amazons, which is the newer version of the old one that was years ago. I just decided against posting it) or slightly after it.

I am changing a few things in here as I go on as I have regrets about certain parts and I was still new to Kamen Rider when I wrote this (I had only watched Ghost before it and had no idea about all the other Kamen Riders). You can read the original if you want to, but I highly recommend sticking to this version.

For those new to this story, Kara Amor is going to piss you off. A lot. She's meant to be that way. I won't spoil anything relating to her, but there is a lot more to her than you know. I will give out a spoiler that this persona she has (the bubbly, hyperactive one) isn't all there is to her. She...she is really, really a piece of special work (whether that is a good or bad thing is up to you).

This is also slightly AU (but it will follow the show. Just the events in it with the main character make it that way. If you're looking for a more faithful version, I recommend Wishful Dreams (even though that is pretty alt universe to me)). Thanks for reading and I hope you look forward to more of my stories, whether they're original ones or Kamen Rider ones.


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