Aligned | Finn Hudson

By lex_hudson

174K 3.1K 1.2K

°•°•°•Book 2 of 'Opposites' series•°•°•° °•°•°•Completed•°•°•° Camila has her life figured out, well, at leas... More

The New Girl
Check Up
The Football Team
It's Brittany Bitch
Why Him?
Seeking Amy
The Text
The Trial: Part 1
The Trial: Part 2
Taking Over....Again
Can't Handle You
Her Shoes
Good Enough
Next Destination
Shiny and New
Glossy Eyes
Be Strong
Sectionals Part 1
Sectionals Part 2
Sectionals Part 3
Racoon And His Trash
Turning Back Time
A Miracle
Merry Christmas
**Author's Note/Announcement**
New Year's Day
Regionals Part 1
Regionals Part 2
One Last Thing
A Year Later
Rebel Games
A Hurt Heart
Bath Bombs and Lovely Candles
Bursting Bubbles
Competition Day Part 1
Competition Day Part 2
Great Fighters
One Year ♡

Stop, Just Love

2.1K 44 17
By lex_hudson

Thank god the Glamour Ball was replacing prom this year, because I don't think I could afford another dress considering I have no job until the summer.

I walked down the steps and felt so happy when my heart bursted seeing Finn's facial expression. He always knew how to make me feel beautiful just from the look in his eyes. "I.....I just...." He struggled for words as I got to the last step. "Just....?" I asked smiling hard. "I just cant, ever, get enough of you Camila." He managed to finish his sentence. He bent down and gave me a kiss before we went to the camera set up and took pictures for Julie. I then took my heels off and put my sweatpants under my dress and a jacket on before rushing out to the car and leaving to the ballroom downtown.

I hummed to a song on the radio and tapped my fingers on the steering wheel. I leaned over it to look around for the ball room. "Regionals are literally a week from now." Finn brought up as he scrolled through his phone. "Yeah, I know. I'm just wondering why, out of all places, it's being held in Montana." I finally found the ballroom and turned into the parking lot. "No, what you should be wondering is if we're gonna win." He looked at me from his phone. I turned the car off and looked at him. "What do you mean?" I questioned taking the sweatpants and jacket off. "I mean, think about it, the Warblers are competing against us this time since they made it. Aren't you the slightest bit worried?" He asked. "All I'm worried about is if that first place trophy has any room in our trophy case at school." I smiled before getting out.

"I feel like I'm too broke to even belong here." Finn's eyes widened as we walked in to the loud and beautiful ballroom. "A thousand dollars in donations can be stretched very far when it comes to decorations." I looked around and was satisfied with everything. We found a very large table where all the Glee kids were sitting and placed our stuff down. "Camila, can I asked you a question?" Rachel yelled over the music. "Yeah, what's up?" I yelled back. "I know you can walk in heels, so why are you slightly wobbling?" She looked at my knees that twitched every once in a while. Thank god the lights were tinted, otherwise she'd be able to see how bright red I was turning. "I just got railed by Finn almost thirty minutes ago, no big deal." I thought to myself. "Uh.... just cold. Yeah.." My voice faded as I looked at Finn and he was trying to contain himself from laughing so hard.

When it was finally time to announce Prom King and Queen, everyone's nerves shot through the roof, even mine. Every sophomore and junior was nominated (seniors and freshman had their own dance to be nominated at), so all that was left was for people to cast their votes to one person. The possibilities were endless and the made my jaw clench. "Alright everyone! It's time to nominate this year's Prom King and Queen!" I announced in the mic, everyone then following up with a uproar of applause. "Once the girl and boy have been selected and crowned, they will share a slow dance to a performance by me and Finn Hudson." I smiled. I began to think about what if we both got nominated. It made me almost chuckle thinking we would be slow dancing and trying to sing into microphones at the same time.

"Okay, here we go!" I smiled. Kurt came on stage with a red velvet pillow holding the girl's crown and flowers and Amelia came on stage with another red velvet pillow that had the boy's crown and kings wand. "This year's Glamour Ball King is...." I opened the envelope and got so happy reading his name. "Finn Hudson!" Everyone screamed and got excited as he came on stage, smiling and all. Amelia crowned him and he held his staff, then standing on the side of the stage and waiting for his Queen to join him, aka, me. "And this year's Glamour Ball Queen is..." I couldn't wait to see my name written in gold on the paper as I opened it, planning out where I'd hang the paper in my room to remind myself I once was a Queen in my mind.

But, it wasnt. The room stayed silent as I read the name over and over in my mind, trying to make out if it was a typo or not. Everyone eagerly stared me down as I looked at Finn, and I could tell he knew something was wrong. I turned back to the enormous crowd and caught my lost breath.

"Summer Sabella." I choked.

It stayed dead silent as you could hear her freaking out in the back. She picked up the bottom of her beautiful gown and ran on stage. "Oh my god, I can't believe this!" She clenched her face like she was crying, but no tears were coming out. Kurt held the pillow and didn't once move. "Fine, I'll just crown myself. A Queen can be independent," She snickered placing the crown on her head. "You rigged it. That's unfair." Kurt growled. "What's wrong with that? Nowhere did it say in the registration rules I couldnt." She shrugged whispering. Amelia dropped the pillow and started towards her with an angry look and a clenched fist, but Puck and Mecedes grabbed her and pulled her back. "Alrighty Finn, let's go get that dance on." She went to link arms with him, but he immediately pulled back with a disgusted look.

"I'm not dancing with you." Finn sourly said. "IT SHOULD'VE BEEN CAMILA!" Someone yelled from the crowd and everyone began to boo and yell things about me being Queen instead. Still, I couldn't move from my spot. "She won, and it doesn't say anything about not rigging it. They have to dance." Figgins butted in. When Summer was heading off the stage to go to the middle with Finn, him still disgusted, something inside me clicked. I ripped the crown from her head and started snapping it into random pieces, "What the hell are you doing?!" Her voice cracked in disbelief. "If you want to be unfair to me and everyone else, I'll be unfair to you." I scoffed, then throwing pieces into the crowd. Finn knew exactly what I was doing and handed me his to break and throw. "Everyone gets to be a King and Queen tonight!" I shouted, the crowd shouting in approval. "You're only doing this because you didn't win." Summer glared at me strongly. "I'm doing this because you made the whole thing is unfair." I snapped. "You can't do that!" She yelled.

"What's wrong with that? Nowhere did it say in the registration rules I couldnt." I pouted my lip mocking her. She became furious and stormed off stage. She ended up tripping over the train of her dress and face-planting. Finn came over and kissed my cheek. "That was really kind of you to do." Finn smiled. I smiled back at him and grabbed our microphones and everyone began to slowdance with their Kings and Queens.

Camila: I'll never stop trying to make you love me, oh. Even if we're stuck in a rut. Doesn't matter how long we've been together. I'll be right there, right there, right there, ohhh, we're never giving up. I won't stop.

Finn admired my long and loud notes. I turned and smiled at him before continuing together.

Both: Stop, just wait. We've travelled this old road before, and always come around. Stop, don't think, just love. Ain't nothing gonna bring us down.

Finn: I'll never stop trying to let you love me, hmm. Even if we're stuck in a rut, no. Through all this mess we've been together, i'll be right there, right there. I won't stop. 

Both: Stop, just wait. We've travelled this old road before, and always come around. Stop, don't think, just love. Ain't nothing gonna bring us down.

Me and Finn took our mics off the stands and stood close to each other, me looking deep into his eyes and him looking deep into mine.

Camila: We can yell how we want to, that won't change a thing.

Finn: We can pay someone to listen, and fix it temporarily.

Camila: Or, we can stand up, and fight for the life we built.

Finn: Love will always save us, love will always win.

We belted out the next part and it felt amazing.

Both: Stay, just wait. We've travelled this old road before, and always come around. Stop, don't think, just love. Ain't nothing gonna bring us down. Stop, just wait. We've travelled this old road before, and always come around. Stop, don't think, just love. Ain't nothing gonna bring us down. Stop.


Me and Finn had our own slow dance together during another slow song on the same balcony we danced on last year. "Just think, a year ago, I made the best decision of my life." Finn said. I lifted my head from his chest and felt myself blush. "Imagine if you never did." I wondered out loud. "Actually, I had been thinking about kissing you for a little while anyways." He shrugged, making me chuckle a little. He kissed the same cheek while I was looking down from the balcony and I grinned closing my eyes. "Even if it never had happened, I'd still be thinking about you everyday."

"And that's why I fall in love with you more and more each day." He moved my chin to him and kissed me, just like last year.

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