Stealing The Bad Boy's Heart

By SkylerNSavannah

418K 13.3K 2.7K

Aubrey Anne Parkinson. Rich, relatively nerdy, sarcastic but with a sweet side. Valentino Reece Cahill. Extre... More

Hey guys !!!
Your Cast
Chapter 1- Scream Like a Banshee
Chapter 4 - I Will Go All Jackie Chan on Your Behind!!!
Chapter 5 - Frankly My Dear I Don't Give a Damn.
Chapter 6 - Sparkly Pink With Strawberry Shortcake Stickers
Chapter 7 - Sarcasm Comes Out of my Mouth like Stupid Comes From Yours
Chapter 8 - She Dresses like a Victoria's Secret Model on Duty!
Chapter 9 - Now is the Time to Reveal Your Inner Superhero.
Chapter 10 - Chrissy the Prissy Missy
Chapter 11- The Bullshit Blurting Blonde
Chapter 12- Aubrey Is a Big Fat Chimp
Chapter 13- The Dumbest Person of the Year
Chapter 14- Hades Has A Die Serious Grudge Against Me
Chapter 15- This Guy Gives Me a Migraine
Chapter 16- You Look Like You Just Witnessed a Murder First Hand
Chapter 17 - The Back is Sorta Itchy
Chapter 18 - I am as Bad at Dancing as Beyonce is at Not Being Awesome
Chapter 19-Man, I Beat Sherlock Homes by a Mile
Author's note
Chapter 20- Wouldnt Want You to Become a Popsicle
Chapter 21- This is Not an Experience of Into the Wild
Chapter 22 - The One With the Masseuse Misc
Chapter 23 - Understanding Him is as Difficult as not Liking Lush life
Chapter 24 - Mr. Cranky Pants Needs to Take a Happy Pill
Chapter 25 - The One When Kiara Lost her Chill
Chapter 26- Holy Macaroni, with extra cheese
Chapter 27 - The Duck Just Got Roasted
Chapter 28 - Match the Candy and Drool Over the Virtual Sugar
Chapter 29- Yellow is Soo Your Colour
Chapter 31- Fresh as a Fruit Week
Chapter 32 - Chris: The Good Looking and Annoying Poking Machine
Chapter 33 - Can You do the Physical Part?
Chapter 34- You Son of a Baboon!
Chapter 35- Pokemon Time?
Chapter 36- Chewbacca say whaaa?
Chapter 37- People Were Out Finding Dory?
Chapter 38- The Broccoli Brinch
Chapter 39- T.R.A.P
Chapter-40 - Smurfs and Snoughs
Chapter 41- The Winter Wonderland
Chapter 42- Moves Like Jagger
The Fiction Awards 2017
Chapter 43- Blind Baboons and Sappy Sleepovers
Chapter 44 - A Golden Star Proves One's Awesomess
Chapter 45- Who Runs The World? Girls.
Chapter 46- I Hope Miss Trunchbull From Matilda Throws You Away!
Chapter 47 - Birthday Beats
Chapter 48-Your Fly is Open
Chapter 49- Drunk Dory and Wimpy Val
Chapter 50 - Battle Finals
Chapter 51- Wannabe Zac Efron
Chapter 52- You Wanna Play Dirty ?
Chapter 53- Juju On the Beat
Chapter 54- Princess Bianca's Royal Tea Party
Q and A
Chapter 55 - What's a Girl Gotta do to Get Some Mac n Cheese?
Chapter 56 - Graduation
A Eulogy for My Father
A Letter to My Friends

Chapter 30 - Monday Morning Blues

6K 200 47
By SkylerNSavannah

"Stars are dull when they are compared to you and I." - Light the Sky, Grace Vanderwaal

Chapter 30 - Monday Morning Blues

I woke to nothing. No birds chirping, no Austin screaming and no Mary singing. For a moment I couldn't even remember where I was. But then it all came back to me.

The game, me going home with Val, the car breaking down, us getting wet in the rain, the gas station, arrving at the hotel, and Val comforting me. Wow, a lot happened in these span of 12 hours.
These hours seemed more like the part of a movie than real life.

I slowly turned around to find the bed beside me occupied by Val. My breath hitched as I realised that there was very little space between us, so much so that I could see the lightest dust of freckles splattered on his cheeks. He looks like an angel in his sleep, contrary to what he is really.

You can't say that after what he did for you last night, Aubrey.

On that note, even I wondered how he had been so sweet, understanding and comforting last night. Maybe he was possessed. Yea! That's the only possible explanation.

I focused my gaze on Val again. He was breathing deeply, his mouth slightly open. He looks so indescribably good right now. The normally rash and closed look on his face was gone and in its place was a serene, innocent and almost defenceless look which I wasn't used to seeing on him. I would've stared at him a little longer, had I not gotten the sweet call of Mother Nature.

Leaving him, I went to the bathroom and freshened up. I also took my shower and dressed in the clothes I had worn yesterday which had dried over the night. I came out to find Val looking out of the window.

"Hey. Good morning." I said, walking over to a chair and spreading my towel to dry.

"'Morning." He replied. "I called my chauffeur last night from the receptionist. He'll be here anytime soon. I'll drop you off at your place." He said, walking into the bathroom.

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to comb it while I waited. After about 10 minutes he came out, dressed in his clothes from yesterday. Not even a minute after he came out, a knock was heard at the door.

I went over and opened it to find a man in his late forties with kind blue eyes, dressed in a smart chauffeur's outfit, looking at me.

He smiled at me and said,"Is Master Cahill in here?"

From behind me, Val said,"Aah Mark, you are finally here. Thanks for coming to get us."

The guy grinned and said,"No problem Master Cahill. It is my job."

"How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Reece." Val said appearing behind me.

The man just smiled, his eyes lighting up,"Do you have anything for me to carry ? If not, we should make a move, I promised the lady at the reception that I'd be down in 2 minutes."

"No we are good to go." He said, picking up his phone and the bag of clothes. I went over and picked up the jacket and my phone.

Val walked out of the door and I looked back one last time to check if we were forgetting something.
What are you expecting to have LEFT over here when you got practically NOTHING with you ?
Oh right!
I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. We entered the reception, where the lady gave us the same icy smile as last night and said,"Thank you for you stay." Val smiled back sarcastically at her and exited the hotel, me following him.

Outside the hotel stood a sleek, beautiful, matte black Jaguar XJ, looking totally out of place.
Even though I was used to seeing these cars around me all day long, such cars still brought a sense of excitement to me.
I don't remember a thing about the journey because as soon as I stepped foot in the car, I fell asleep, just after telling my address to him. Well yeah, it was expected, I got only 4 hours of sleep.
"Get up, we've reached your house...." I heard a voice in the distance, and I finger prodding me.

"Five minutes more please..." I mumbled. Tightening my arms around Bliss, who if you are wondering is my soft toy, though I don't know since when Bliss got muscles.

"I don't have time for your senseless dramas nerd..." Well, there's only one person who calls me that.

My eyes flew open, to see Val looking down at me, frowning. Suddenly, I realized that Bliss...was actually Val. Well, Val's arm.

I immediately backed away and said,"Uh...Um..sorry, yeah. I...Uh..Will go now." I said, gathering my stuff, and my dignity.

As I was going to get out of the car, I looked back at Val, who was looking blankly at me and said,"Thank you for the ride, and uh...helping me yesterday." I said, shooting him a grateful look.

He continued to look blankly at me and said,"Its fine. It would be appreciated if you either forget about all the things that happened yesterday or dont tell anyone about them. I mean, everything." He said, stressing on 'everything'.


He wanted me to forget what happened in the rain too.

Why? My brain asked stubbornly.

Instead I replied,"Oh okay." I couldn't help feeling a teenie tiny bit of disappointment. I wonder why?

Casting him one last look, I exited the car and went to the driver's door. I tapped the window, which he rolled down and said,"Thanks for the ride, Mark. Sorry we called you so early in the morning."
He smiled and said,"That's all right Miss."

I smiled back and waved a bye to him and started walking towards my house. As I was walking, I heard the car speed away.

I took out the spare keys from my purse and opened the door to the mansion.


I kicked my shoes off and jumped on my bed. I am sooo tired.

I didn't meet either dad, or the boys, which meant Kiara had done a perfect job of convincing them that I was at her place. Austin and Alex must've gone for a run. Mary had a day off today.

I mentally made a note to call Kiara later in the day to thank you for saving my butt.

I put my phone on charge, and went for a relaxing bubble bath. The scars on my arms are already fading away, which I am glad of. I don't want a reminder of that horrible guy every now and then.

I put on my sweats and decided to sleep for a while.

When I woke up, it was already 11. I opened my phone to find a couple of messages from Nate and Kiara.

KiaraBoo💗- Hey chica! How about we meet up today for some lunch and shopping at the mall? You owe me an explaination for covering up for you!

Nate- Hey Rey! It's been a long time since we talked. How have you been?

I quickly replied to both of them, telling Kiara that I'd meet her in the next hour at a cafe close by, and promising Nate that I'd call him tomorrow to catch up.

After this, I went over to my closet pick out my outfit for the mall. I chose a red and black three fourth sleeved gingham dress that reaches my knees, so that Austin and Alex wouldn't mind too much. I paired it with my black sandals, studded earrings and a black bracelet. I decided to put my hair up in a messy bun.

After this, I spritzed my perfume, grabbed my purse and phone off the charger, and went down. I went to the kitchen and ate a small breakfast of some fruits.
I texted dad, who had a business lunch and both the boys about my whereabouts so that they wouldn't worry.

Even though I am sure we are going to eat, I'm still very hungry, so why not ?

Since the cafe where Kiara and me were to meet was close by, I decided to walk there . I went over to a small cafe named "The Roasted Bean"and entered it. It was mine and Kiara's meeting point. The calming smell of coffee hit me, and I walked over to a booth in the corne, and took a seat. As I was rummaging in my purse for my phone, a waitress came over.

She asked, smiling,"Hello! I am Emilia and welcome to The Roasted Bean! What can I get you today?"

Kiara had just texted me that she would be here in 15 minutes. Might as well have a coffee.

"Yes please. I would like to have a Flat White coffee." I said, looking at the menu.

"All right, it would here in 5 minutes." She said, leaving.

As I was finishing the delicious coffee, Kiara came in. I waved at her and got up to give her a hug. Kiara was dressed beautifully. She wore a very cute ruffled dress which was cream coloured and had lace detailing. She had paired it with a light brown short jacket and brown flip flops which had tiny bows on them. Her hair was open, falling in waves, past her waist. Her accessories were minimal, namely a large cream bangle on one of her hands and a tiger printed clutch to match her outfit. She looked gorgeous as always.

"Hey Rey! Ready to shop? You can tell me everything later." She said waving her hand.

"Okay let me just pay the bill ." I said, taking out some money and leaving a generous tip for the amazing coffee and good service.

****************3 hours later******************

"Ugh, are we done yet?" I groaned miserably.

"No! I havent found the perfect pair shoes to wear to the party next week!" Kiara said, looking through racks and racks of pumps, and heels and wedges and whatnot.

"This is the last shop. You either get one here, or don't get any. This is the 15th shop we've looked For your perfect heels in." I said, walking to the sneakers and high tops section. Why do people even wear heels ? I for a fact hate them.

As I was looking through them, Kiara came over squealing,"I have found them! I have found them!"

"Fantastic! Let's go now! I am starving!" I said, exasperated.

After paying for her shoes, we headed over to the nearest restaurant and ordered lunch.

"Ok so tell me everything." Kiara said.

And I did. I told her everything, except for the rain moment. I don't even know why. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

".....and then I went into my house. That's it." I finished summarising in 25 minutes.

"Ok. First of all, Woah! Thats a lot to happen to someone in 24 hours. Second of all OMFG! You and Reece slept together!" She screamed.

The entire restaraunt turned around and looked at us.

"Uh...I mean, you and Reecey must have had an amazing sleepover! Watched any chick flicks?" She added loudly.

Everyone got back to their buisnesses.

Then she leaned closer to me and whisper yelled,"Oh my god you slept on the same bed as Reece Cahill. How did you two NOT have sex?"

I rolled my eyes at her behaviour.

"Also, I love how you kicked the SOB at the gas station's ass! You go, girl." She high fived me.

"What do you think about Val's behaviour last night? At the hotel? And today while dropping me off?" I questioned.

"I dont know, really. Reece Cahill has always been one of the most mysterious people I have ever seen. I can't figure him out."

"I guess. Anyway..." And we dropped the topic, and continued chatting about regular stuff.

After sometime, we bid our good byes and left for our homes.

That night, I first sat and finished any due assignments, after which I had an amazing dinner with my family and decided to call it an early night.


Ugh. Monday mornings. Even though I love going to school, I hate Monday mornings. Who doesnt?

I got up, freshened up, showered and got ready for school.

Then, I headed down for breakfast to the kitchen where I found Mary making waffles. I greeted her and grabbed two. I drenched one with maple syrup and the other with Nutella and whipped cream. I don't know how I could survive Monday mornings without Mary's delicious breakfast.

I then left for school with Austin, with whom I talked about my "sleepover at Kiara's". I hate lying to them, but what must be done, must be done. As soon as we entered the school building I saw that a huge crowd was gathered around the central notice board.

"Oh my god its up!"

"Yes its on August 1!"

"I cant wait for it!!"

I saw Taurielle in the crowd and pulled her out and asked,"What is this? What is everyone so excited about?"

"The poster for the Battle of Bands is up!"

Talent show?

I pushed through the crowd and stood in front of the notice board.


Hey people ! We are really Sorry for the delay in update, we've been keeping very busy.... Also, we are soooooo close to 5K and are really excited 😍.

Hi @32tyga ! We dedicate this chapter to you because you have been an amaaaazing reader for us. Your votes, your comments and everything you have done for us...we cant explain how thankful we are. You are so funny and sweet (as we can see from your comments) and we love you! Thank you for everything!

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