The Girl Who Believed (A Hobb...

By Mohiggins15

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Neither of us uttered a word for the longest time. I step towards him with my eyes never leaving his "Do you... More

The Book and the Beginning
Blunt the Knives
An Adventure Awaits
The Tale
Triple Trolls and Trouble
The Gift
Eagle's Wings
End of the Beginning
Part 2: Desolation of Smaug
Barrel Roll
The House
Until Tomorrow
Substitute Sendoff
Dale at Daybreak
Part 3: Battle of the Five Armies
The Red Jewel
Halls of Erebor
Return to Dale
The Betrayer
The Traitor
The Battle
The Fearless
One Last Time
Head Off the Snake
The Final Fight
The Wish
The Girl Who Believed

Stone Cold

939 33 8
By Mohiggins15

*Molly's POV*

We had left Rivendell with no Gandalf. As our journey had continued we were exhausted walking up the rocky mountain terrain. I look up at the sky now turning grey and slowly but surely it starts to rain. I can feel the stone path beneath my feet becoming more and more slippery. The rain now gushing down on all of us so much so that the hood over my head can't keep the rain out. 

"Hold on!" Thorin shouts to us over his shoulder. I walk just behind Thorin's group behind Bofur. Kili is behind me and Fili two dwarves ahead. As we walk the rocks give away under Bilbo's feet and he slips. I gasp as Kili and Dwalin catch him by his shirt pulling him back up. 

I nod to the Hobbit "Are you okay Bilbo?"

He nervously chuckles "Y-yes, quite alright."

 "We must find shelter!" Thorin shouts but his voice being drowned out by the storm.

Dwalin's voice booms out over the thunder and he pushes Bilbo against the wall "Watch out!" 

A large boulder comes hurling just above us shattering as it collides with the mountainside. I can feel the vibration of the impact through my feet and I lay flat against the wall holding to Bofur and Kili. I snatch the young prince holding him against the mountain. 

Balin shakes his head in disbelief "This is no thunderstorm; it's a thunder battle! Look!"

My eyes widen as a large stone giant stands upright before me. Magnificent and impossible as it is the terror overrides any enjoyment I could have by this rare and wondrous sighting. The giant takes hold of a larger chunk of rock whilst standing and hurls it to another awakened giant. Bofur steps out on the ledge, eyes wide, and full of wonder "Well bless me, the legends are true. Giants; Stone Giants!"

Thorin motions him back "Take cover you fool!" 

My once secure place against the stone wall rumbles and I can see down the line the rest of the company can feel it.

 "What's happening?" I ask Dwalin who takes hold of Bilbo and Kili "Hold tight lass! Seems were going for a ride."

 Our mountain shifts and it's alive. Were on the leg of another giant. Fili reaches out "Kili! Grab my hand! Ki..." 

Soon our rocks split and Kili,Bofur, Bilbo, me and the dwarves behind us are separated from the other half of our group. "Molly!" Thorin shouts as he watches me ascend onto the leg of a stone giant. 

The only thing I can do is meet his fearful gaze with my own and hold onto Bofur's arm. As the two giants fight and shift back and forth a third appears behind our giant with a bolder. It swings a rock as hard as it can knocking our giants head off. Soon we go sailing forward and Thorin and the others watch helplessly. 

"Hold on Molly!" Kili says gripping my hand. I look at him in fear and he looks back with his face just the same. Any moment I feel as if this will be some terrible and strange dream I'll awake from, but now, in this moment, I know that this dream-like state I feel is the creeping spirit of death. 

I look and see were sailing down towards the rocky mountain to be crushed. There is nowhere to run or anyone to call to for help. Just before we get to it Kili pulls me close and Bofur holds my arm as we hit. We all get tossed onto the ledge in the small space left. The rocks begin to crumple as well as the rock beneath me. As the rock pulls back I being to fall. I grip onto the mountain ledge and feel the rock beneath me completely disappear. From above I hear Balin "We're all right! We're alive!" 

Before I call out I hear Bofur "Where's Molly? Where's the girl?" looking up to see Ori "There!" 

"Ori please, help me!" 

Dwalin peers over  "Get her!"

 As the dwarves lean over I see Dwalin holding Dori's legs. I reach up to grab his hand but the rain water makes our hands slick. Our hands slip apart and I scream as I fall a little ways farther down but grab a branch sticking out of the mountainside. 

"Hold on Molly!" Bilbo shouts.

"B-bilbo..." I stutter as my arms grow weaker. A mix of hot tears and freezing rain streak my face as I try and will myself to hold on a little longer. The dwarves look at me with despair. The branch breaks halfway and I scream again as my legs dangle. 

"We have to get her!" Fili shouts. I look back up and see Thorin grab onto the side of the ledge and climb down to my level using two dwarves as a line. 

"Grab on!" he commands outstretching his arm. I reach out with my hand outstretched to his. Our fingertips only inches apart. 

For an instant my eyes shift down to the dark abyss below. Fear stricken I pull back holding onto the branch. 

"No, just look at me." Thorin coaxes in a calming voice but my eyes still stare into the abyss "Molly! Look at me!" he bellows and my eyes shift back up to his. 

He nods reassuringly "I've got you." 

I nod and slowly reach out once more to his extended hand. Right before I can grab his hand I hear the crack. I feel nothing but the air beneath me and the weight of the world as the branch gives way.  


His eyes widen and I feel myself fall into the air. I scream reaching my hand up and feel Thorin's hands grab mine in the nick of time. Thorin's hand grips my arm tightly as mine does his. I reach my other hand up and cling to him as he lifts me. 

"Hold onto me." he mutters breathlessly in my ear as my arms wrap around his torso. The dwarves work together and lift us up back onto the rock in the matter of seconds. 

The Dwarves cheer but the only thing I can feel is the terror of almost falling to my death. 

Dwalin sighs"I thought we'd lost ye lass." 

The Dwarves however go quiet as I'm pulled completely up and see my shaking and fear-stricken face. Fili, Bilbo, Kili, and Oin rush over as I sit on the rock shaking. 

"It's alright Molly." Fili soothes rubbing my back as he holds onto me.

 "We didn't lose you..." Bilbo says. 

Thorin stands in aggravation "She's been lost ever since she left home. You both have! She should never have come here or to this world. She has no place amongst us.... Dwalin!" 

Kili shoots Thorin a glare and glances back to me. He turns  following Dwalin and Thorin into the cave following the others. As I shake and hear his words I close my eyes as silent tears of fear and hurt go down my cheek. And in my head his cold words replay over and over again. I deserve every bit of it. Had Thorin not obtained the strength he did we would both be laying at the bottom of this rocky valley, dead. 

The cave nearby was completely dry and for the most part spacious.  As the dwarves search through it I follow inside behind Bilbo and Fili. I glance over to see Balin talking to Thorin "We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us. That was the plan." 

Thorin shrugs "Plans change. Bofur, take the first watch."  

Through my soaking wet hair I watch Balin look back at me and shakes his head "He didn't mean what he said lass." 

I wring out the water from my wet hair "Yes, he did."

 After drying off and stepping away to change my clothes I hear Thorin "Bofur, keep first watch."

I turn away as Thorin turns to me so I wouldn't see his despising gaze. I can feel his eyes on me. It's a feeling that covers my back and covers up over my shoulders like a cloak. Shrugging uncomfortably I grab up my dry clothes heading to the back of the cave. Out of sight from the others I quickly remove my wet clothes. The last thing I want to happen is one of the fourteen men I travel with to see me naked let alone the pudgy body and tan lines. 

 I throw out all my blankets and so do the others and we nestle down for sleep. As I lay there I replay Thorin's words in my head. 

"She should never have come here or to this world. She has no place amongst us." 

I sigh and know that he isn't wrong and I have no idea what I'm doing. I need to try and get home. Not be here on a journey. No matter how badly I want to help all I'm doing is ruining everything. Opening my eyes I look around to see every dwarf asleep. I see Fili in the corner snoring and drooling. I smile sadly knowing I wouldn't get a goodbye. Not to any of them. I pack my things and grab my weapons and begin to leave. 

"Care for a travel partner?" Bilbo asks. 

I look behind me seeing the Hobbit packed and looking just as defeated as me "I could use the company." 

He smiles and begins to follow me out.  I look at every dwarf saying a goodbye to them in my head. I whisper saying that I hoped Fili and Kili's wives would have any easier time with them when the young dwarves married. Just as we get to the exit someone pipes up "Where do you think you're going?" 

I close my eyes and sigh looking at Bofur. Bilbo looks at me then to our dwarf friend "Back to Rivendell." 

He stands from his spot and walks to us "No, no, you can't turn back now, you're both part of the Company. You're one of us." 

I laugh "I'm not though, am I? Thorin said I should never have come, and he was right. I'm not a mighty warrior, wizard, or even a human girl from this world. And that's the thing, I'm not from this world!  I don't know what I was thinking. I should never have made us run through the door. And I am sorry for that Bilbo."

 The Hobbit shakes his head "No, don't be. I was glad to make it this far and to be able to visit Rivendell. And to meet new friends." 

 I smile to him giving his hand a light squeeze. I look back at Bofur who shows obvious rejection of the situation "You can't go." 

I nod "Yes, I can. I have to go back, and I know....I know I'm a burden to you all. To Thorin. He doesn't want me here Bofur. He doesn't need me." 

As I say these words I'm unaware of Thorin who lay awake listening to us.

 I frown and feel myself begin to become overwhelmed "My home isn't here. It's not anywhere near here or on this earth. My home's....I don't even know. Could be worlds, galaxies, or a thousand magic steps away. And my family isn't waiting for me in the Blue Mountains or the Shire. Their not here and they could be gone forever...! And I'll never see them again!"

 Bofur looks sad and nods "I know what you mean. When we lost my home. It felt as if there was no hope. Even at the beginning of this journey none of us really had hope. But...along the way that changed." 

"What do you mean?" I ask softly.

 Bofur smirks "Well, just a little believing from a human girl." 

I smile and sniffle as he smiles sadly to the both of us "I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do."

 I hug Bofur and he hugs Bilbo and I. Just as we are about to leave Balin awakens and stands approaching me.

"Balin...! What are you-"

He smirks holding up his hand silencing me "You know, I couldn't help but overhear your and Lord Elrond's conversation." I look over at Balin and his smile "And he was right, but also wrong." 

I furrow my eyebrows "About what?" 

"Those were Misty Mountain flowers." 

I listen intently and remember seeing some different flowers in the garden. 

"They are the most special flower, but sometimes one will bloom a little late, but those are my favorite because I know they will be the most beautiful." 

Understanding his meaning I hug Balin tightly and he pats my back "I sure am glad I lived long enough to meet you."

 I give him one last squeeze before I pull back and Balin nods shaking Bilbo's hand "The both of you." 

 "Wait, what's that?" Bofur asks.

I look down in horror as I see my bow and Bilbo's sword glowing a bright blue. A growing rumble fills the cave and the spilling of sand beneath our feet. 

"It's a trap." I breathe.

"Up! Everyone up!" Thorin shouts. Before the dwarves can get to their feet the floor gives way and we all start falling down a rocky sliding tunnel. I scream as I keep falling farther and farther down into the dark. I roll on my head and get crushed on by Bombur. Falling through an open hole into a dimly lit cavern. Falling in after a few of the dwarves I land with a thud in a wooden cage. As I fell into it with a squeal one of the sharp wooden bars cuts through my cloak slicing my shoulder. I wince in pain as I land and then Thorin, Bombur, and Dori on top of me. Catching my breath I open my eyes being face to face with Thorin. His eyes lock with mine and our faces only inches apart.

"You were leaving." he grumbles.

I narrow my eyes "You told me to."

"Is this really the time to discuss this?" Dwalin snaps. The cage door yanks open catching all our attention. Little monstrous creatures jump in the cage grabbing us all. I yell, kick, and shove as I'm lifted up and being carried away along with the other dwarves ahead of me. Thorin who is the next to be held captive tries fighting them off as well to no prevail. I look behind to see Bilbo fighting a goblin and it lunges at him with full force. To my horror I watch them both fall of the ledge into a dark crevice. Watching my friend fall into the crevice I can't help but to scream "Bilbo!" 

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