The Last Dance

By musicrider

1K 92 3

Being invisible to everyone not being around many people. That the life of Summer. She was quiet and smart an... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
author note

chapter 14

26 3 0
By musicrider

Since the call Aaron's friends have join them. They were quiet most of the time since they never been anywhere without Aaron.

"So you guys never gone anywhere without Aaron around. Why?"

"Well we grew up together ever since we were baby's our mom's are best friends, and our dad's like the same things so they're like brothers in a way." Brandon said as Melissa seem to get what they were saying.

"And since our parents like having parties together we became like brothers but with different mothers."

"Well this sound a lot like Mayra and you two." Sebastian said as Summer laughed a bit as Kevin did too.

"True never thought it like that." Kevin said as he thought back at the pranks they've done to many kids that picked on him.

"I still don't get why would he wants Mayra though." Kevin said as he try to solve the puzzle.

"Wait for real you don't know?" Kenya asked as Melissa seem surprised about it.

"Kevin he's try to get her to go to prom with him." Summer said as drank her water.

"What?!" He screamed as he was surprised to find someone who actually liked her.

"Yeah he surprised us too when he mentions her.  It start a few weeks ago when we went to a party. When he saw how she-" Ronald said as he felt someone kick him.

"When she what?" Summer asked curious to know now.

"When she was able to parkour away from the cops." Melissa said as she felt bad for lying to her friend.

"Really ... wait what was she doing at a party?" Summer said.

"Well one of her clients was there and she went to get the money. In the end the cops found out a lot of under age drinkers. So they thought we were some of those kids." Melissa said as Kenya agreed.

"Oh well I wish I could have seen her do parkour."

"Not really there were so many drunks there." Brandon said as he saw how Melissa and Kenya seem to act werid about that party they destroy.

"So uh Summer do you want hang out after school." Kenya said.

"I can't Kevin, Sebastian, and I have to make the dance for the song we choose." Summer said.

"Hey we have like almost two months and so far I'm guessing half the class haven't even started the dance." Kevin said as he ate his chips.

"Yeah your right but still if we want a excellent grade and all. We need to practice the dance or we'll mess it up." She said nervously.

"Summer out all of us your one of the best dancers I've seen. Even in freshman year you were the best." Kevin said as he remembered his first year. The bell rang and they all head to class or skip again.

'Maybe I'm too paranoid because it's the finale grade, and I always have to have the best score. Ever since I was a kid I would always do my best, but I don't remember much. Maybe once Mayra comes back I can ask her about my past.' She reach the office and saw Sebastian studying.

"Hey Summer I need to ask you something and it's really important." He said as he blush while she sat across the table they always sat.

"Um sure what is." She asked shyly.

"Well we been friends since I've moved here. Every time we all hang out is fun and amazing. Well what I'm trying to say is will you go to prom with me?"

"Sebastian I-"

"It's okay you don't have to answer now. If you want I just want you to think about it." She nodded as they both read their books well at least they try to.

'Sebastian just ask me but I don't know how to answer? If Mayra were in this situation what would she do?' She thought to herself.

'Mayra I could really use your help right about now.'


"So this is where been hiding all this time." Aaron said as he got out of his car.

"Wow didn't think you go for a car like that." Mayra said as she looked towards a club.

"Well I'm not a huge fan of cars but this one was the best one I like out off all the cars." He said as he walk next toward to her.

"You sure that guy is there?"

"Positive there's no other place he goes to other than here."

"What a waste of time. There's more to life than partying." She said as she began to walk towards her car.

"You know two heads are better than one." Aaron said as he walk towards her car.

"Are you suggesting that we work together on this?" She asked questionly.

"Yes I am. Think about he'll think your weak and defenseless."

"Which I'm not"

"I said he'll think that way you can lure him out to the alley. Then I'll zap him with this teaser and drag him in the back of the car with his hands tied." Aaron said as he explian to her.

"Fine but I swear if you take any pictures of me. I'll make sure to get you back far worse." She said as she went to her car.

"Follow me I have to change and we only have four hours untill they arrive here to pick up this guy." She said as he went back to his black mustang GT.

'Sorry darling but not taking a picture of you won't be easy for me.' He thought. As they drove back to the motel. It had a garage to park both cars inside.

"Come on I have something for you anyway. Also if your going to be a pervert I will call the police on you and they won't hesitate to arrest you." She said as she open the door.

"Don't worry I won't the bag you took where is it."

"You want the money don't you."

"Uh yeah that's why I track it there. Where's the bag."

"How about this we split the reward fifty-fifty."

"Fine just give it here or else."

"Don't worry I already gave the bag back and told them that you found it. I was just a messager who knew how to contact the detective that work on the case." She said as she place the bag now full of money.

"I see you think way to far for a normal girl." He said as he saw Benjamin Franklin on the hundred dollar bills.

"Then what fun will it be if I can't win. All info brokers must be ready for anything. That also means in life as well." She said as she began to walk to the bathroom.

"Okay I got to change so give me ten minutes." She close the door on him where she change colthes.

Once Mayra open the door Aaron was struck about she can transform. He felt his heart beat go fast and he could almost feel it out of his chest.


"Nothing it's just you look amazing.. not that you didn't before but it's just amazing how much a person can change." He said as he blushed hard.

"Um thanks I guess. Let's go well take your car that way we'll blend in."

'Definitely the best night of my life.' Aaron thought as he look in the mirror and left the garage open again and he drove his car out. He open the door for her as she got in he closed it for her.

"Wow a gentlemen I didn't know you were one." She said as he drove.

"Guess it's takes time for someone to know one. Plus I have always been one I just don't show it around to many. I only have eyes for you." He said as he grab her hand.

'Maybe he's not as bad as he's but I'll keep that to myself.' Mayra thought as they drove into the night to finish her job she started.

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