My Bad Ass White Boy

By asimplechick

811K 28.7K 9.2K

J: I was the new girl C: She was the new girl J: I got kicked out of many private schools C: I stood under th... More

Not an update :)


14.2K 559 82
By asimplechick



"Jaylah, Jaylah, Jaylah." I heard the crowd chant my name as I was having a twerk off with Kendall. Half the party were cheering her on and others were cheering for me.

"Fuck man, I'm tired." She said. Leaving me victorious. "Imma get another drink." She wobbled off into the kitchen. She already had like five drinks already. I mean, I'm buzzed too but not as bad as her. I felt arms wrap around my body. I turned to the person and a cute dude behind me.

"Hello, Ms. Twerk Champion, I'm Devon." He was a light skin with perfect teeth. I returned the smile.

"I'm Jaylah, but most of the party knew that." I said. He laughed and bit his lip.

"Are you new here?" He pulled me off to the side where a couch was. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

"Yes." For the past twenty minutes, we stayed in the same position in the couch, sitting there flirting the whole time.

"Where's your friend?" He spoke up.

"No clue. I need to look for her. Come with?" I held my hand out. He nodded and followed me throughout the party searching for Kendall. After about nine minutes of looking throughout the house, we found her making out with a random dude in the kitchen. I shook my head and laughed at her. I got another cup of jungle juice and sat next to Devon.

"It's gonna be a long four years with this girl." I said.

"I can tell y'all are going to be really great friends." I laughed. "I'm sorry I've never asked you this but what's your major?"

"I'm a communications major. I always thought about being a radio DJ for some reason. I think I will just be a natural throwing shade at people, like Charlemange. I don't know. I'm rambling."

"No no, it's cool. I think it's kind of cool how you put your natural ability into a career." He smiled.

"What about your major?" I took a sip from my drink.

"Well since my main passion is football and basketball, I'm a health science major, studying sports med if my professional career didn't workout." He shrugged.

"How long have you been playing football?" I asked while taking another sip from my cup.

"Since I was six. My dad was my little league coach and still is my coach. He might not be in college with me, but hey, every now and again, I hear his voice in my head yelling at me for fucking up a play." I laughed.

"Same but with my sister." I shrug.

"Is she who you look up to?"

"At times. The other times, she's just a hot mess." He laughed. We kept laughing at each other when some stranger bumped into me, making me spill my drink into Devon's lap. "Devon, I'm so sorry." I grabbed a napkin. I tried to wipe the beer off his lap.

"It's ok. Accidents happen." He leaned in closer. "Unless you're purposely trying to touch my dick." I didn't realize that I was poking at his crotch. I stopped what I was doing and put my hands up in surrender.

"Holy shit. I'm so about that." He laughed.

"I should spill a drink on your chest so I can get an opportunity to wipe them down." He bit his lip and winked at me.

"Maybe you will... One day." I winked and tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back down on his lap.

"That's day is today." He said before kissing me. Kissing someone that isn't Christian is very weird. I at this moment, I didn't care. I'm single. I felt his hands travel down my ass.

"I guess the tables turned?" I heard Kendall's raspy voice call out. I gave her the finger as continued to kiss Devon. "Aye get it Jay." I pulled away from Devon and gave Kendall a "leave me the fuck alone" look. She was holding a bottle of henny. She gonna be fucked up in the morning.

"Let's go upstairs for no interruptions." He whispered in my ear. I grabbed a cup of beer and followed Devon upstairs. As soon as he shut the door, it was on and popping.


The next morning I woke up to some dude's dick in my back. See this is why I don't like going to parties. I know I was going to drink, and I'm a light weight. After like three cups of jungle juice, I'm always shitfaced drunk. I tried unwrapping myself from his grasp, but he pulled me closer to his body.

"Dude let go." I said smacking his arm. I heard him mumble in his sleep. Shit homeboy is kinda cute. Drunk Jaylah has great taste. I saw his eyes open.

"Good morning beautiful." He said with his deep voice.

"Good morning to you." I smiled. I sat up in the bed which revealed my bare chest.

"I had a great time last night. Had you screaming my name." This one has a big ego.

"I wish I could say the same. I barely remember half my night." I said. He laughed. I had an headache from the sunlight.

"Well if you forgot, I'm Devon." He laughed giving me his million dollar smile. "I can give a play by play on what happened." He smirked.

"Another time." I laughed then I remembered it was tomorrow. "Shit what time is it?" I started class today. I looked around for my phone.

"It's 10:45." Shit. Class starts in 45 minutes.

"Shit I knew I shouldn't have came to this party. Thanks." I grabbed my clothes and got dressed.

"I put my number in your phone when ever you want to meet up again." I went through my phone and I had multiple notifications from "❌" aka Christian.

From :
Jaylah sorry for hanging up on you last night

From :
Come on talk to me, Jaylah ...😩

From :
Ik you're probably pissed at me but call me when you can. Love you ❤️

I scrolled through my contacts to see "Devon 🍆💦" I rolled my eyes and laughed.

Your dick couldn't be that good?" I said biting my lip.

"Good enough to make you cry in pleasure last night." He said. "Made you come like five times." He got up and pulled his Calvin Klein boxers up.

"I'm an emotional drunk, you can't prove I cried because of your dick." I said pulling my shorts up.

"I knocked that ass out last night. I will happy to do it again." He said walked towards me and gave a peck on my lips.

"We'll see." I said. I walked out of the room to find Kendall. I walked through room from room from room until I found her passed out on this guy's lap.

"Kendall." I shook her. "Get up."

She shuffled. "Mom I don't wanna go to school." She groaned.

"Girl, wake the fuck up. I'm about to late for my class and I have to get you back to the dorm so you can sleep your hangover away." She finally arisen from the dead. We hauled ass back to our dorm where I took my shower and threw a tee shirt, some shorts, and my converse on. "Damn 11:30." I was going to be late now for creative writing. I ran to the English building and walked into the class.

"Fifteen minutes late Miss. Washington." My professor said.

"How did you-" he cut me off.

"I handed picked you take my class. I'm the reason why you have a full ride. I saw the potential in your grades. Don't let late to my class become a habit or I would be left no choice but flunk you." This nigga is no joke.

"Yes sir." I said.

"Take your seat. I've already started teaching." I sat next to this girl with long blonde hair.

"Hey is it cool if I copy your notes real quick?" I asked her.

"Yea." I took a picture and started copying.

"Some party last night?" She asked.

"Oh were you" I asked.

"Skylar, and yea. I was cheering for you in that twerk off." She said and laughed. After class, I noticed I was behind on my notes. "Hey Jaylah, wanna go out for lunch so you can finishing copying notes." Skylar asked.

"Yea sure Sky." I said. We walked to this pizza shop. "Pizza is on me since I'm stealing your notes." After I ordered a large pepperoni pizza and drinks for both of us, we started getting to know each other.

"So where are you from?" She asked. "Judging by your southern accent I'm guessing from down south." I chuckled. I sound a little country.

"I'm from Houston. How about you?"

"Oakland. It was either here or University of Maryland and this school is cheaper because of the instate. Plus my whole entire family can watch my games."

"Oh what do you play?" I was intrigued.

"Basketball and soccer." She said. "What about you?"

"Nothing really. I used to dance before I kept getting in trouble with schools and shit. Now I'm here, I trying get a fresh start." I shrugged.

"Damn girl, you don't look like a trouble maker."

"Looks can be deceiving. In my whole life, I've been expelled from damn near 17 private schools."

"Damn girl." She laughed.

"Yea I know. People kept fucking with me so they caught the paws." I shrugged.

"Feel you. I used to get bullied for the way my hair looked, or how I dressed, or the way my teethed looked. I just couldn't afford to get the best clothes, or my hair done, or braces because all 7 of my siblings came first."

"Shit 7? How did you put up with all of that?"

"I love every one of them with all of my heart. I grew a close bond with everyone of their annoying asses. I didn't mind them because everyday in my house is a party with them. Plus if it get's too much, I would just go to my friends house and smoke a dime." I laughed. "I mean my parents found better jobs to support us. I finally gotten nice clothes, invisaline, and shit I even colored my hair for the hell of it."

"You look good too." I complemented.


"Shit, my class starts in 15 minutes, I will catch you later Jay." I nodded. She gave me her number. "Thanks for lunch by the way."

"Thanks for the notes." She waved and left. I know what I was missing all these years was friends who understood me.

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