The Girl Who Believed (A Hobb...

By Mohiggins15

33.2K 1.1K 458

Neither of us uttered a word for the longest time. I step towards him with my eyes never leaving his "Do you... More

Blunt the Knives
An Adventure Awaits
The Tale
Triple Trolls and Trouble
The Gift
Stone Cold
Eagle's Wings
End of the Beginning
Part 2: Desolation of Smaug
Barrel Roll
The House
Until Tomorrow
Substitute Sendoff
Dale at Daybreak
Part 3: Battle of the Five Armies
The Red Jewel
Halls of Erebor
Return to Dale
The Betrayer
The Traitor
The Battle
The Fearless
One Last Time
Head Off the Snake
The Final Fight
The Wish
The Girl Who Believed

The Book and the Beginning

3K 57 11
By Mohiggins15

*Molly's POV*

My feet rest comfortably propped up on the couch in my room. With my blanket over my legs, I sigh opening the content of the book. "The Hobbit: There and Back again" I say allowed to myself. Taking a deep breath I plunge into the book. Every word I read the more engulfed I become. In some funny way, I feel as if I have met the mythical creatures in the book before. Well, at least not face to face. Bilbo Baggins, a humble little Hobbit, Gandalf a wise and powerful wizard, and thirteen Dwarves. There is Dwalin, Balin, Gloin, Oin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur. But the 13th Dwarf who was the King and the fiercest warrior is Thorin Oakenshield. Described with long black hair and blue eyes as dark as ocean waters. However, as soon as I had gotten halfway through the hero's journey my eyes grew heavy and soon I found sleep.

Have you ever had a dream? One so wonderful you wished to never wake? And then the moment you get to the good part you jolt from your slumber never to return? How about a nightmare? One so terrible you can't even escape from your own mind?

I have. 

It's all wrapped into one. A dream of a dream. A nightmare of life. And a journey too wonderfully tragic to forget. 


I wake with no covers and the light outside still dark. I yawn stretching ignoring the fact my book had completely disappeared. I stand and run my hands through my messy curly brown hair. Opening the door to leave my room I gasp when I look ahead. My house was no longer there. Instead was a round door with a gold doorknob in front of me. 

 " trippy." I mumble knowing this has to be a dream. Stepping up to the door I see the markings carved into the wood. The carvings of a large tree, dragon, and mountain suddenly appear in glowing blue light. Blinking my eyes it then fades back into the dark green color. I slowly open the door to see only darkness. Stepping inside I started making my way in unsure of what this would accomplish. I feel my foot trip up and I fall only to land on grass. I freeze up and then quickly get to my feet. I walk forward to see myself surrounded by trees and grass. When I turn back two invisible doors close. The hidden magic compartment doors shut me out of my room until the doors disappear altogether.

"NO!" I exclaim only for them to disappear. 

I groan and turn wandering around. I see how odd and different everything is and even the flowers before me bloom within an instant. 

I rub my eyes and shake my head looking around "This is a dream...or a dream of a dream."

My eyes were set on a small hill with a round wooden door and handle. The exact same door. 

"I'm asleep...I am going to wake up in my room and I am never EVER going to sleep again." 

I mumble feeling the anxiety rise inside my chest.  I wander over and give the circular door a light tap. In moments I hear mumbling and then the door opens. My eyes widen as I see a little man half my height standing there. His feet are large and covered with hair and his ears with a slight point. It seems as if in some odd way I knew him without even meeting him until now. He seems just as surprised at me as I was him. With a forced smile, he quickly wraps his evening robe around him and nods "Evening, Bilbo Baggins at your service."


I sit in the small chair. By small I mean it would only be meant for a small toddler child. Mr. Baggins had brought out many cakes and cookies as well as some tea and stoked up the fire. "Thank you." I say taking my second round of tea from him. 

He nods and stands rocking his arms back and forth. Neither of us knows what to say. As far as I could I had answered all his questions. I'm a human. I live far from here, and I have no idea how to get home. 

"So you're lost then?" he asks. 

I shake my head laughing nervously "No, I'm dreaming. This isn't real. And soon I'm gonna wake up and forget this ever happened."  

He looks puzzled at me and pulls up a chair sitting down "I'm sorry for this most... unfortunate situation, but I do not believe this is a dream." 

Looking down at the teacup I could feel it in my hands. It was materialistic and I didn't feel like I was in a dream or asleep at all. "Mr. Baggins I think I'm going crazy....but you have to believe me when I tell you. I-I was asleep and then I woke up here, or there, or somewhere in between and- the door! Yes, there was a door, and-and-and...!" 

I ramble and begin fumbling over my words and panicking. This has to be a dream, right? This couldn't be real, could it? I feel the tears forming in my eyes and the overwhelming lightheadedness. The Hobbit gently rests a hand on my arm. He then shakes his head and waves his hand "P-please miss, don't faint. I can't handle this-I..." Slowly I sit back down and look at the puzzled Hobbit. 

He sighs and smiles warmly "No need in you leaving. Seems as if you've had a quite confusing and...eventful evening" 

I blink a few times and slowly nod at him. He gives a sort of funny smile "Stay as long as you like. Besides, I could use some help around here. After a good night's rest, we can see if we can't get you home, eh?" 

I smile trying to hide the terror I feel  "Thank you, Mr. Baggins!" 

He waves his hand and scoots back "Alright, alright! No need to get in an excited fuss." 

I settle back in my seat and the both of us converse of this land and all the magic-filled within it. As the night sank in and both of us were yawning between each word and phrase we decided to call it a night. I lay on the small padded resting couch. The feather-filled pillow rests softly under my head and I close my eyes drifting to sleep. As I sleep I knew I would awake and be back in my room, but the next morning as I awoke I was met by a pair of old blue eyes and a long grey beard.

*Trailer is at the top. Not my finest work but I might be recreating it soon.*

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