Angel [Victor Nikiforov]

By pale-blueheart

308K 8.1K 1.1K

Shirayuki Mizore, an ice skater from Japan that's widely known. But after a fall she decides to take a break... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}
{Chapter 29}
{Chapter 30}
{Chapter 31}
{Chapter 32}
{Chapter 32.5}
{Chapter 33}
{Chapter 34}
{Chapter 34.5}
{Chapter 35}
{Chapter 36}
{Chapter 37}
{Chapter 38}
{Chapter 39}
{Chapter 40}
{Thank you!}
{Christmas II}
{Christmas III}
{New Years}

{Chapter 4}

11.7K 288 60
By pale-blueheart


Around an hour or two later, I hear voices coming from up front. I slow my skating as I hear loud exclaims, most likely coming from Yuuko. I chuckle to myself at the thought.

I couple minutes later, Victor walks in. I head to where he's walking towards and stop at the barrier, "Good morning." I say, giving him a sweet smile. 

He has a surprised look in his eyes as he steps onto the ice, "How long have you been here?" I frown as I think to myself, "Maybe around an hour or two?" I answer, tilting my head to the side.

"Vau... You're up early." He says with a chuckle. I smile, "I need to keep up with skating, don't I." Victor chuckles and says something quickly under his breath. 


I curiously stare at him before a thought floats up in my head. My eyes brighten as I grin, "V-Victor! Will you still show me?" I exclaim. The silver haired Russian frowns with a confused expression.

I pout slightly at his reaction, "Don't tell me you've forgotten." He chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his neck, "I do tend to forget things easily."

I break into a smile and chuckle lightly, "Yesterday night; you said you could teach me how to do the quadruple flip." He's eyes brighten up, "Ah! Yes. I remember." He smiles.

I sigh in relief, "Do you think we could start now?" I ask curiously. Victor nods, "Of course! Just keep your eyes on me." He says with an easy smile as he heads for the middle of the rink.


"Wow! A quadruple flip." Yuuko exclaims as we watch Victor land after his jump. I hum as I watch in slight awe. Everyone's eyes follow the Russian as he skates around. Yuuko leans closer with a curious glint in her eyes.

"Are you really going to be able to do that?" She asks. "I really hope so..." I sigh and rest my head on my palms. I turn to look at her with a smile, "But I'm sure I'll be able to!"

Yuuko chuckles at my enthusiasm, "I believe in you!" She says with a kind smile.

We turn our attention back to the rink as Victor suddenly exclaims, "Little piggy can't enter the rink until he loses some of that at!"

Everyone looks over at Yuuri, whose face drops in disappointment. I chuckle as I send him a sorry smile.


I quickly look back to Victor; "Y-yes?" I stutter. I groan inwardly to myself, realising that I stuttered yet again. "You should practice." He answers, motioning for me to join him on the ice.

I quickly get my skate guards off and step onto the ice, skating over. "And Yuuri!" Victor calls out. I glance back to see the raven haired perked up.

"Start losing that weight, little piggy."

Yuuri turns bright red before turning walking out after everyone else. I look over at Victor after taking my gaze off of Yuuri, and find the Russian staring at me already.

I quickly avert my gaze, looking down at my skates with a faint blush on my cheeks. "You have an incredible talent, Mizore." He finally says. "T-thank you..." I mumble, my blush deepening.

Victor skates closer and tilts my head up to meet his gaze, "You also have beautiful gold eyes. I couldn't help but notice them."

My lips part as leans in. "You're too kind, Victor." I breathe as we stare at each other. For a second, I think he's going to lean down and kiss me.

Victor Nikiforov, the living legend of ice skating. Being here in Japan, in Hasetsu, here to be Yuuri's coach. My thoughts decide on thinking he'll kiss me.

As a sudden phone ringing blasts out, Victor and I jump away from each other in surprise. Victor laughs, "Sorry about that." He skates off towards it, leaving me frozen in place. 

 Thoughts run through my head in a rush as I make out what just happened. I slow look over to the male, watching as he talks into his phone not really paying much attention.

I take in a breath before starting to skate around. Too many thoughts running through my head makes my brain hurt.


Victor's voice snaps me out of my thoughts causing me to look over and stop skating, "Huh?" He smiles, "Let's start."


For the past few hours, the only thing that I've been doing is attempting to get the quadruple flip down. Victor's seriously a tough coach when it comes down to it.

"One more time!" Victor exclaims as I fall once again. I groan to myself as I get up, taking in a deep breath before trying again.

"Try putting more force in your push."

"Make sure to have your head up"

"And don't forget to keep your arms in place."

I nod to Victor's suggestions each time, making sure to follow them each time.

"I can't do it!" I finally exclaim in frustration and plop down onto the ice. "Ow!"I groan as the hard ice makes contact with my many bruises.

"Don't give up!" Victor encourages, skating closer to me. I close my eyes and let out a sigh, "I'll never be able to do the stupid flip..." I mumble. 

"You have enough rotations."

"What?" I groan. "You just need to stick the landing." Victor continues. I slowly look up at him with a curious expression, "I do?" 

Victor smiles and tilts his head sideways a bit, "Yes, so that means you shouldn't give up, not yet anyway." I smile softly, "I guess..."

I pause for a moment before looking up to him and speaking a sudden request, "Victor... I want you to be my coach."


Hi everyone! I hope you're having a good day/night and liked this chapter! Before anything else, I'd like to clarify that I'm no way familiar with ice skating, so sorry for any mistakes! Also, I hope there's minimal spelling mistakes, I've tried to fix them all!
Voting, commenting, and sharing is greatly appreciated and thank you so much for doing so!


Edited :: August 9, 2018.

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