Phat A$$ [Barnes & Noble Addi...

By BeautifullSoUL

159K 8.2K 980

She knows she has some things to work on, but damn don't judge. Overweight and Unsatisfied, seventeen year ol... More

Authors Comments
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Sixteeen

5.3K 266 15
By BeautifullSoUL

Tiffany skipped classes Monday and Tuesday. Her cramps were hell this time of the month. She had stayed curled up in the bed for two days in a row now.

By Wednesday her cramps had lessened, but she decided to stay in until her late class that was at 345 class. Tiffany clicked the heating pad up another notch as her phone vibrated. Tiffany knew it was Brandon without having to look. He had been texting her more lately. Brandon was grown,very sweet, and he had a goofy sense of humor.

Tiffany was starting to wonder why he was still single until it dawned on her they he may have been keeping that spot open for her. She felt a little guilty spending time with him sometimes. In a way she felt as if she was leading him on, but she knew she wasn't trying to.

He had come to her dorm room Wednesday afternoon before his 1230 class. He was just seeing how she was doing, and in the midst of him making her laugh and his fingers and hands rubbing her tummy. Brandon kissed her, and Tiffany returned it.

Brandon's lips played with and taunted her own. Mowry immediately left her mind. Mowry's kisses made Tiffany's heart beat rapid. They filled her with lust. His kisses were deep and intimate, but Brandon's kisses were sweet, caring, and passionate.

Tiffany had to admit that Brandon was treating her real good. Tiffany liked what she was seeing from him., but it didn't' seem to hold a candle to Mowry.

Tiffany was sitting in the grass one day studying when up walked Nico and Lonney. Tiffany shielded her eyes from the sun to see them holding something, but the sun was so bright she couldn't make out what it was. "This is from Mowry" Nico's deep throaty voice finally spoke as he handed Tiffany a rose attached to a colored piece of paper. Lonney smiled lightly.

Tiffany smiled. This was something new that Mowry hadn't done. Both Nico and Lonney said their goodbye's before walking off as Tiffany unfolded the rose colored note. It smelled exactly like Mowry. Mowry's faint scent had Tiffany's head slightly spinning.


I know a note ain't the same as you hearing my voice, but times is difficult right now. I'm sorry about how I was acting. When I heard you were hanging out with that nigga Brandon I lost my head. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me? If you not ready to. I mean I understand, I'll just keep sending shit your way anyway, and if you do then I'll be I'm one happy man.

I see you still hanging around that Brandon dude though. I guess I'm not doing my job well enoug. You looking at other nigga's, but I want your focus on me.I'm sorry for Brandon but he just gone have to be hurting cause from the day one he wasn't around. I was here, not him. Where he come from? I'm not about to let that happen.

So you gone either drop him on purpose or he gone go by force.


Tiffany sat stunned did he really write this? Where was this different person coming from. This new Mowry had Tiffany feigning for his touch. Tiffany sniffed the note inhaling Mowry's smell. Tiffany sighed enjoying his soft cologne.

Tiffany got up after a moment grabbing her books to go to her 12:00pm class. As Tiffany entered the science building, somebody ran directly into her. Her text books shot out of her hands onto the ground.

Tiffany bent down to pick up some of her things as somebody started handing them to her."This isn't mine."Tiffany spoke looking up finally as the person passed her a cute chocolate looking teddy better all dressed up in purple and gold. Tiffany looked up, her eyes meeting Mowry's warm chocolate brown ones. He looked at it. "Shit that's funny, cause right here, it says he's yours" Mowry turned the bear to her view.

Tiffany felt her heart bursting it had Mowry's name on his little chocolate belly. "Aww" Tiffany cooed taking it in her hands. She smiled when she realized Mowry was dressed the exact same way the bear was. He looked real sexy in his full Omega gear. The purple went well against his dark complexion. It made Tiffany sweat a little bit.

She was still needing to get use to how much he had changed physically.

Tiffany looked up into Mowry's eyes. Tiffany's eyes shut automatically when she saw Mowry lowered his head face to hers, but Mowry's lips lightly brushed her ear. "Lemme go before I lay that ass down right here." Tiffany's eyes popped open. He was already walking off and out the science doors. Tiffany blushed two shades of deep red as she stood frozen.

Tiffany was carrying Mowry bear around with her all that day. Mowry had successfully removed Brandon from her mind for a good five hours until Brandon walked over wrapping his arms around her. She had been sitting in the cafeteria eating some cheese covered fries.

Brandon's lips traced her cheek before his lips softly pressed against hers.

Tiffany sat surprised for a minute kissing back just a bit. This was brand new she had never had two dudes trying to get her attention. Tiffany was about to kick her feet back and enjoy it. She couldn't think of a girl who wouldn't just let it continue for a minute.

Brandon pulled away after a moment. Brandon was eying the bear before he set it back on the table. He didn't say anything as he bit her neck gently making Tiffany smile. "Boy quit. "Brandon smiled kissing her cheek. "I need to get back to class." Brandon told her. Tiffany nodded eating another one of fries.

"Bye Brandon."

Brandon looked at the teddy bear again. "The nigga I'm dealing with is Mowry? The one they just crowned some weeks back?" Tiffany didn't say nothing eating her food. She just shrugged as a response. Brandon just nodded.Tiffany smiled, but still said nothing. Brandon left with one more kiss to her cheek.

Tiffany decided she was gonna let this ride out.

Brandon was the type to open his mouth and tell her out right how he felt. It was sweet to hear him express himself, but Mowry was doing a damn good job of not having to say nothing, because his effort was speaking to many volumes. Tiffany was to happy he had figured out why his heart was doing him the way it did him when they were around each other.

Tiffany finished off her fries before throwing them away and walking to her English class.


"Tiffany your nasty."

Xiao laughed watching Tiffany hump little Mowry bear playfully.

Although Jade had been her best friend, Xiao felt more like a true friend to her. While Tiffany could tell Jade anything, She could actually be herself around Xiao without thinking about it. Jade had not even called her since the first week of September. It was September twevelth now. Tiffany ignored Xiao letting out a frustrated groan.

"Why ain't it September thirtieth?"

Xiao laughed flipping through the channels on TV while she sat on Tiffany's bed. Tiffany started bouncing on Mowry bear thinking about how she was gone have to take that kind of abuse from him, hopefully one of these days. Xiao hit Tiffany with a pillow. "Calm your horny self down." Tiffany smiled putting Mowry bear to the side of her bed.

"Can you help me find a dress for Saturday? The frat bro's are suppose to be taking us some where nice to eat. " Xiao looked at Tiffany. "So you decided to ditch Brandon? Or is it just that you wanna see Mowry." Xiao teased. Tiffany blushed. "No." She lied.

"The frat is in connection with FAFSA, and they give you about a thousand dollars toward your education just for showing up for this. I need that, I'm broke, I'm trying make my own jewelry." Xiao rolled her eyes after a minute "Girl whatever.You just wanna see Mowry." Tiffany laughed. "Well I do, but I want the money too." Tiffany said seriously fingering Mowry bears soft fur.

"You wanna go back to the same store?" Tiffany nodded watching TV with Xiao.


Tiffany sported a cute red dress that enticed her curves.. Her hair was was pint up on-top of her head with little ringlet curls hanging from either side of her head.

She had never been to the frat house before, so she wanted to look nice. Tiffany pulled up against the curb. OMEGA PHI PSI sat in golden letters in the grass. Tiffany's red bottom heels lightly clicked against the ground as she walked up the small stair case just before she knocked on the purple colored door.

Mowry answered the door wearing a purple bow tie. His white shirt was casually unbuttoned showing off his chest. Tiffany smiled trying to seem un-bothered by his shirt being opened.Tiffany saw his lips immediately part in shock as he took in her own outfit. He too held his composure as he licked his lips, shut his mouth, and moved away from the door with a smile in Tiffany's direction.

Even here he was still under pledge rules.

" Your early. I like that." Lonney spoke coming from the kitchen Tiffany guessed as he handed her a wine glass It was just filled with water though. Tiffany thought that was real classy of them. The house looked nice, very homely. Most of the house was both purple and gold, it probably would of looked tacky as hell anywhere else, but it looked really nice in here.

Tiffany took a seat on the small couch, Nico, Jaysun, Micheal and most of the other frat boys were sitting around on the couch that spiraled around. It was big enough to fit about 10 people.

Mowry came over handing Tiffany a white envelope with her name written on the front. Tiffany opened it disappointed that it wasn't another note from Mowry, but she was happy to see it was a check from FAFSA . She slipped it into her small red clutch.

Tiffany sipped her water quietly. She was the only girl here right now.

The frat house was exactly an hour away from the campus, and Tiffany didn't wanna be late getting lost. So although she was suppose to be here at 6pm. She had gotten there at 5:20

"Tell us more about yourself. What are your goals?" Jaysun asked Tiffany curiously. They all looked at her. Mowry sat down too, giving her an intimidating stare that made her swallow some more of her water again. "I want to own my own business. I want to design and make my own jewelry" Nico nodded. "That's unique. I have never heard of that before."

"You looked beautiful." Mowry spoke up finally. Tiffany blushed as Nico clinked his glass with Mowry's in agreement, "You are a sexy women. You know that?" Jaysun said as he took a drink from his glass. Tiffany cleared her throat finding her voice. "Thank you." She squeaked out making them chuckle.

"Relax. We won't hurt you beautiful" Mowry said. They all agreed again. Tiffany wanted Mowry to hurt her though, in the most vile way, but she just nodded innocently trying not to be so tense as they waited for the others to show up.

Nico took Tiffany's glass after a minute. When he returned it was filled with red wine. " I need you to loosen up baby." Tiffany blushed. They were all so good looking and sweet to her. It made her nervous. They seemed easy to talk to, but even the comfort of them being open with her didn't make her less nervous. She had never had so many dudes sitting around her before.

After a little while some of the girls started showing up. They all looked gorgeous. They were all sitting down waiting on the limo. Everybody was talking amongst themselves. Tiffany stay quiet and drank some of her wine . Tiffany crossed her legs which made Mowry lose his whole conversation they were having.

The frat boys laughed at his broken conversation.

The limo finally pulled up, and they all climbed in. Tiffany hadn't even meant to sit beside Mowry but it seemed like Nico had did that purposefully when he said go ahead in first. Tiffany's legs rubbed up against Mowry's as she shifted to get comfortable.

The dim lights in the limo came on and the dark shade over the windows rose allowing everybody to see that the sun was going down making the sky turn violet. Tiffany jumped out her seat feeling a small pinch on her ass.

'You okay?" Jaysun asked concerned. Tiffany nodded and waited for everybody to focus on something else before she looked over at Mowry. She knew he had done it, but he just raised his eyebrows up at her like he hadn't done a damn thing. Tiffany crossed her legs, watching the sun go down into the clouds.

Wherever they were going was obviously a ways away from the campus. Tiffany thought this as they got on the highway. "I want you ladies to relax.We have a little bit of a drive ahead of us." Micheal spoke stretching his legs out. Tiffany leaned against the window watching as they passed the beach. They were at least twenty mintues away from the school now.

Tiffany gasped quietly feeling Mowry's knuckle press up against her from beneath her dress. She looked over at Mowry. Nobody seemed to hear her gasp and Mowry was playing on his cellphone like he didn't have his hand underneath her right now.

Mowry looked finally looked over at Tiffany before he leaned his head back closing his eyes as his shoulders relaxed, and he leaned against the seat. Was he gonna move his hand or? Tiffany tried to scoot thinking maybe she was taking up to much room, but he kept his hand right where it was, tucked under her.

Fifteen minutes had passed, and Mowry still hadn't move his hand. He still hadn't bothered to do anything with it. Nobody seem to notice Mowry had his had his hand slipped beneath her.

Tiffany started wondering if she had made the step team after a while. Tifffany suddenly felt the gentle flick of Mowry's finger tip against her soft pearl. Tiffany jolted which made Nico look over before looking away again to talk to one of the girls.

Tiffany flushed with embarrassment. Mowry's fingers pulled Tiffany's panties to the side slowly before she felt his finger tip's press against her clit. This was about to be some interesting shit. Tiffany pressed her hot cheek against the cool window as Mowry fingers flicked rapidly against her now swelling pearl.

Tiffany trembled in her seat letting out a quiet sigh. Mowry looked over at her after a moment. Tiffany pressed her lips together trying to even out her breathing. She was fighting to pull oxygen into her lungs, as Mowry played with her, pleased her. Mowry smiled her way before closing his eyes again, working his finger's in small circles. Tiffany put her head against the seat trying to keep still. Her hips slyly grinding his finger tips with out her consent.

Tiffany felt herself growing wet as Mowry slipped two off his fingers deep into her now wet core before pumping them in and out, out and in, slowly. Tiffany watched Mowry lift his knee up after a second. Tiffany noticed his erection pushing up in his slacks.

Tiffany whimpered quietly as Mowry finger fucked her at a slow pace that was gradually increasing. Mowry suddenly turned his head in her direction, Tiffany looked at him as her teeth found their way into her bottom lip. why the hell was he doin this now, out of all places? Mowry's eyelids were heavy with lust.

Tiffany's toes curled up as Mowry slipped a third finger in. Mowry licked his lips his eyes locked on her as he inflicted her now very wet core. Tiffany could barely look him in the eyes anymore. Tiffany arched against the seat as Mowry started to pound his fingers into her wet pool roughly making the limo slightly rock.

Lonney didn't seem to even notice what Mowry was doing, and if he did he didn't seem to pay attention to it. He was to into his conversation with the girl he was sitting next to. Everyone seem concentrated on something else.

Mowry slowed his pace. Tiffany noticed when Nico frowned his brow obviously wondering why the limo had slightly rocked. Tiffany whimpered quietly. Mowry smiled at her increasing his pace inside her once again. You could hear the light suck of her core pulling at Mowry fingers. Tiffany shivered feeling his thumb touch her very swollen surface, Mowry flicked her pearl.

Tiffany moan Mowry's name in a way that only he could hear it. Tiffany rocked against his fingers trying her best to not to become to noticeable to everybody. Mowry flicked, and flicker her swollen pearl. Tiffany's wet pool started to contract against Mowry fingers. Mowry smiled feeling her climax peak. Mowry pulled his fingers from inside her using his middle finger to rub her rapidly.

Tiffany felt like she was going to explode. Mowry lips moved silently.

Cum for me baby

Tiffany whimpered his name quietly. Mowry whispered. Yes. Tiffany trembled as her climax had reached its peak, she was so close.

Neither Tiffany nor Mowry noticed that the limo had stopped, and had even park in the restaurant parking lot til Lonney taped Mowry's shoulder which made Mowry look over at him. Mowry noticed everybody climbing out.

Mowry looked at Tiffany, but there was shit he could do about it right now. He pulled his hand free from beneath her. Tiffany swallowed hard. Damn Lonney right when she was about to fucking cum. Tiffany pulled in a frustrated breath as she scooted from the limo.

Tiffany still was in her sexual high through out dinner. She barely focused and neither could Mowry as they looked at each every so often. Dinner ended and Tiffany sat in the limo frustrated as she didn't even get to sit by Mowry again as some girl named Ashley sat beside him the entire ride back.

The limo driver had begun dropping each girl off at the right dorm building. When Tiffany got to her building she said goodnight to everybody. Mowry was looking at her like he didn't want her to leave, but he just said goodnight

Tiffany let out a sigh of frustration after she had peeled her clothes off her and got into bed. She was up for another two hour's before she finally drifted off too sleep

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