Demon in me!

Bởi BabyDollxox

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On her eighteenth birthday Clara's mother was raped by a demon but not just any demon the prince of the under... Xem Thêm

Demon in me!
See my life is perfectly normal!
A Beautiful Nightmare
I think I drank to much!
The problems just keep on rolling!
The arms of the angel.
I did not see that coming!
The calm before the storm!
Caught between a hunter and a hard place!
Got to be cruel to be kind!
My almost lover.
A sight that cant be unseen.
The blood that stains my hands.
The story of my protector.
Could my luck be changing?
When Destiny unfolds
Some well deserved closure.
Our last goodbye
A new beginning
Home sweet home!
Authors Note!
The course of love never did run smooth
Taking one for the team.
From the ashes hell comes a man in love.
A friendly face with a guilty mind.
A turn for the worst
And so the journey begins.
A drink and we're off

The first kiss

3.7K 64 7
Bởi BabyDollxox



I hope you enjoy the chapter! It’s a long one, packed with parties and action and drama! Let me know what you think! Feedback is always welcome (so are votes and fans – Just saying O.O)


“CLARAA” Cassy voice rang out as she dove on the bed waking me up “HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!” ugh noooo I was really enjoying my sleep, there was no hot guys, no dreams good or bad just really peaceful sleep.

“Whyyy” I moaned out at Cas

“em cause it’s the day you were born eighteen years ago” Cass replied

“ugh don’t be a smart ass, I mean why did you have to wake me sooo early” I buried my head under the pillow.

“Early, Cee its one o’ clock” Robs voice came from the doorway

“yes Rob is right, and have I got a day planned for you come on”

After dragging me out of bed making me get ready, Cas took me to a little spa where me and her got the works message’s, facials and our hair done, I’m not normally into things like this, normally I’m kinda awkward around this sort of thing, but it is nice to be pampered. Rob stayed at the house to in Cassy’s words “sort some stuff out” so I’m assuming Rob’s on decoration duty.

I had to sit around all day listening to Cassy talk about the few people she could get to show up, I could have guessed that Calvin would be there, there was also a few people from my law and art classes and a few of my friends off the football team. I kind of like being me I have always had the ability to make friends with almost anyone; I have been told I’m likeable but I just like not being in one click.

After our hair and makeup was done Cas told me she had another surprise for me. We arrived at Cas’s sister’s shop, she has always had a passion for fashion, she owns her own clothing store and produces her own clothes but first and foremost she’s a stylist. I have done quite a bit of modelling for her which got me some modelling jobs from other people. I have a pretty good sense but Claudia is my go to girl and today apparently she’s my stylist again.

We walked into the shop to be greeted by Claudia and her assistant Mike, he’s gay and he makes me laugh so much, I love how gay guys are always so happy.

“Happy Birthday Clara” Claudia said as she walked up and pulled me into a hug

“thanks Claudia, hey Mikey” I yelled down the shop to him because I can hear him moving things, the lights sudenly went down. Mike came hopping around the corner holding a little plate with a cupcake on it with one little candle he was singing

“Happy birthday dear Cee, happy birthday sexy Cee, this cupcake looks yummy, please share it with me!” to the tune of happy birthday, I laughed his happiness is so contagious. He raised the cupcake to my face so I could blow the candle out.

“you can have it Mike, it will go straight to my ass” I laughed and Claudia stepped in

“No way, Clara you’re eating this cupcake it’s your favourite vanilla and chocolate, plus it’s your birthday let loose, and Mikes already had two” she glanced over at him, we all laughed at how guilty he looked

“but they are just so good” he whined

“Alright Clara let’s get you styled and ready to party” Claudia lead me to the dressing room while Mike followed and Cas disappeared to the store

“I can’t wait to see the finished result Cee” Cas called before the store door closed.

After trying on a royal blue dress that was missing that something special, the purple dress that just didn’t stand out, and the white dress that looked to innocent and plain. It wasn’t until we found the dress that was just too perfect.

As I gazed into the mirror, my already long slim legs elongated by the amazing black heals. The soft red fabric hugged my curves perfectly. It’s the outfit from last night. My long blonde hair fell in curls just above my waist,

“here I think this simple necklace will tie the whole thing together” she places a little golden cross on a long chain that fell just below my boobs, I’m not religious but I do like the way the cross necklaces look and it did look good with the dress.

Cassy came bursting from the back of the shop screaming down the phone

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?”  I could hear some muffled voice come from the phone

“OH YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME ROB!” A little more mumbling


“OH YOU ARE SOOO DEAD FOR THIS!” she noticed that the three of us were staring at her and she held up a finger to stop us from saying anything, she lowered her voice

“okay listen Rob we will pick you up on our way through but you are so gunna pay for this!” Cas snapped her phone shut

“okay well Rob has destroyed all my hard work, so instead of a party at your house we’re going to take you out” she continued

“what did rob do,” I asked

“I don’t even know how he managed it, but no one is showing up now but everyone sends their best wishes so let’s go pick Rob up we can make him pay for dinner then we’ll go to the in box or something, how’s that sound?”

“em okay sounds great, where are we going to eat?”

“the most expensive place we can find” Cassy did her fake evil laugh and tapped her fingers off each other.

“sounds good,” I turned to Claudia and gave her a hug “thank you so much for dressing me up I love it,”

“and the dress is yours to keep, shoes and necklace too” this is so nice, normally when she would style me for events or parties I would dry clean the stuff and give it back to her

“what, really? That’s so generous” Claudia’s designs and products were not cheap

“yes it’s a present from me and Mikey, just a thank you for all the promotion you have done for me over the years and all the customers you brought in and most importantly as a happy birthday”

“aww thank you guys this is way too much, but these shoes are too hot to pass up, but thank you guys” I walked over and hugged Mikey as well

“oh girl, I wish I was straight just so I could have a piece of that ass!” Mikey playfully hit my butt and we all giggled

“okay now Clara we gotta go, we have to pick old shit head up at your place” Cas hugged her sister and Mikey and we left.

I sat and listened to Cas rant on about how men are hopeless and how it was such a shame that none of our classmate would get to see how hot we looked, but to be perfectly honest it didn’t bother me that much, in fact I’m kinda relieved no party means no chance of my dream actually happening.

I was getting dark as we drove home; the sky was pink and orange as the sun is setting. We began pulling into my drive way, all the lights were off in the house except for the front room where I can see the TV flashing and Rob standing in front of it. I stood leaning up against the car as Cas made her way to the door opening it and looking back at me

“come on inside we can decide where to eat and I can kick Rob’s ass!” I walked up to the door I could use a good sit down after such a relaxing day I just wanted to flop on the couch and continue being relaxed.

Passing through the door Cas shut it behind me then she hopped in front of me walking quickly to the living room fists clenched, ha I think she is really going to hit Rob.

Speeding up to catch up with Cas,

 the lights flicked on stunning my eyes a little,

 a chorus of

“SURPRISE!!!!” rang out from all directions, I looked genuinely shocked, how did I not see this coming, everyone had a red plastic cup raised in the air, everyone was smiling at me,

“To Clara, a friend to everyone, an amazing artist, future lawyer, and an amazing person I am proud to call my best friend!” Rob shouted. Everyone raised their cup and a chorus of happy birthdays rang out.

I laughed and threw my head back.

I walked over to where Rob and Cas were standing throwing my arms around them

“thank you, everyone, I’m so happy to see all of you, now LETS GET WASTED!!!!” I shouted as the surge of addreniline hit my system, the crowd of familiar faces roared and cheered before returning to their different conversations.

 The music began playing; Rob grabbed my hands and began swaying beckoning me to dance, laughing

“I am way to sober for this!! But thank you guys” I turned so Cassy could hear me as well

“Drinks are in the kitchen let’s go get some” Cas said leading the way to the kitchen while Rob stayed where he was pulling our friend Janet in to dance with him.

Grabbing a beer for me and Cas from the cooler sitting on the table I handed them to Cas who grabbed the bottle opener off the counter.

With a pop she handed me mine then continued to open hers, clinking the bottles together

“well Clara did you really think that I could only manage to round up like eight people then let them cancel on me, come on girl!” she laughed

“wow I can’t believe I fell for that, I love it thank you Cas!” pulling her into a hug she must have seen a guy with abs because she followed our hug with

“well Clara duty calls, go get some man candy okay?”

“I’ll try, now go play and try not to break anything” smiling at her egger face

“hey it’s not a party till something gets broke!” she laughed as she danced her way over to Rick the football player Cas had a thing for.

Now with my two best friends pawned off on other people I guess I have no choice but to mingle.

Making my way through the crowd saying thank you to all the people that stopped their conversations to say great party or happy birthday.

I felt two hands on my waist pull me into them, could this be the guy from my dream! Turning around excited to see that gorgeous dirty blonde hair my face dropped as I saw it’s just Calvin,

“you look disappointed, where you expecting someone else?” his voice sounded sad to see I was disappointed

“yea kinda, sorry but em thanks for coming” I smiled at his very good looking face,

“so em you wanna dance?” he asked timidly

“oh well I just have to go take care of something first so you wanna dance with Lucy there until I get back?” I grabbed a hold of Lucy’s hand as she was walking past us “hey Lucy want to dance with Calvin?”

“oh em yea sure” she sounded excited I knew she had a huge crush on Calvin, he looked a bit confused as she dragged him off to the living room where everyone else was dancing.

Good! Crisis averted,

 I like Calvin enough as a person but I don’t want to lead him on I don’t like him that much.

I looked around for someone I can talk to or someone to dance with (Tall dark and sexy preferably). Staring into the crowed already dancing, someone’s hands covered my eyes, his hands are big and I would know them anywhere because he has done this to me every time he has saw me since we were twelve.

Spinning round I toss my arms around Mark’s neck.

“Oh my god, your here?” I yelled out so happy, Mark is Robs cousin and he used to live next door and he used to be my best friend in the whole entire world, it was actually him who introduced me to Rob and Cas,

“Do you really think that I would miss your eighteenth birthday?” he wrapped his big arms around my waist and picked me up,

“ha, so how is the army? I have missed you so much since you went away!” he joined the army about a year and a half ago so he was never around but it has always been his dream so I’m happy for him.

He didn’t respond he just looked around then leaned in close so his mouth was at my ear

“Let’s go outside and catch up, it’s too loud in here!” he grabbed the hand that didn’t have a beer in it and began pulling me through the crowed.

As we reached the back door I turned to look at the party behind me and stood right there in the middle of the room was him,

perfectly fitted jeans,

black leather jacket

and perfect dirty blonde hair.

He stood with his back to me, I pulled my hand out of Mark’s to stop and look at him. A group of girls walked past obscuring my view of him; by the time they passed he had vanished.

I stood staring at the exact spot where he had been not twenty seconds ago,

“is something wrong?” I heard Mark’s low voice rise above the noise of the party, turning back to face him, I smiled

“no, I just thought I saw somebody I know there” he raised an eyebrow at me

“someone special?” he began smirking at me, I leaned in and pushed him out the remainder of the kitchen. It had gotten dark so fast, I continued to push Mark down the garden passing couples kissing and embracing.

Reaching the bottom of the garden I walked towards the bench at the bottom but mark caught my arm

“let’s go sit up there!” he pointed up to our tree-house in the huge tree that was in between my house and his

“em Mark? seriously I’m in heals and a mini dress there is no way in hell I….”

“Chicken!” he cut me off then started clucking like a chicken. Oh I just know I’m going to regret this, I pulled off the shoes and tossed them up on to the platform of the tree house, the grass is so cold under my bare feet.

Making my way to the wonky wooden ladders we had constructed as kids.

“Ah that’s my girl!!” Mark patted me on the butt as I made my way up. When I had reached the platform I picked up my shoes.

Marks head bobbed up over the platform, I leaned up on the railing tilting my head up so I can see the beautiful night sky.

“I forgot how great the view is up here” I said

“yea, I miss stuff like this, it’s not too often you get to climb up into your old tree house with your best friend and gaze at the stars” his arms rested next to mine and he looked up to

“so how is it?” I asked

“I love it, it’s a great experience and it’s nice to serve your country, ya know?”

“I’m sure it’s great, you stopped writing to me for a while I was worried something was up” I giggled

“I’m sorry things got crazy hectic, I kept meaning to write, but I’m here now to make up for the neglect, I have something for you” he reached into his pocket and pulled out some keys

“aw a car really? You shouldn’t have!” I playfully reached for the keys; I know it’s not what he has for me I just like messing with him

“em no, I wouldn’t let you drive my car two years ago and there is still no hope Cee”

“I am a far better driver now!” I laughed

“well to be honest you could only improve from where you were, you were horrible!” he laughed at me

“well I blame my shitty teacher!” I playfully poked him in the side,

“my teaching was not shit, that was just my student!” he gently pushed me “well I left your present in my car so I will run out and get it later”

“oh what is it?”

“a surprise”

“what kind of surprise?” I asked eagerly

“the surprising kind! Now stop I’m not telling you, I want to see your face when you see it!”

“aw okay,” I paused “can I just get a hint?”

“Cee no, your two smart for a hint you’ll guess!” he smiled at me

“aw just cause you called me smart okay”

“so how is school going?” he asked me changing the subject

“it’s going great, Mrs Dylan always asks about you, she wishes you her best!” he nodded

“I always was her favourite student” he said with so much pride in his voice

“that’s only because she didn’t know me while you were there!” I nudged him laughing

“she still would have picked me!” he protested

“nu uh” I muttered like a child, we both burst out laughing

“so Cee you got a boyfriend?” wow major topic change there

“nah, all the good ones are taken or gay” I smiled

“so which is my cousin?” he laughed at himself

“aww Rob dose okay for himself, but he’s like a brother to me haha!”

“I’m sure”

“so what about you, have you met anybody?” I asked quietly, I used to have a crush on Mark but we are just better as best friends, we kissed once and it was major awkward, from then on I have never had a problem with any of his girlfriends.

“well that’s actually what I want to talk to you about,” his head stayed down

“what?” I asked nervously, he looks worried

“well it’s not really something we can discuss in a tree house, its important” he looked over at me

“so do you want to go inside and talk about it?”

“no, how about tomorrow? We can go to the dinner and talk about it over a hangover special!” he laughed which kinda defused the tension

“okay then” why do people keep doing this to me, they say they have something important to tell me about but then they put it off!

 It’s annoying!! But I know Mark if it was that serious he would just tell me.

Me and Mark sat up in the tree house for the next hour catching up, we heard the occasional crash or cheer from the house. I’m glad to see everyone is having a good time, and I’m really glad to see that there’s no weirdo with red eyes hanging around.

 Although Mark and I were alone up here I can’t seem to shake the feeling that someone is watching me, I guess the power of suggestion is getting to me.

Mark pulled out his phone and looked at the time,

“Hey Cee, I’m sorry but I can’t stay any longer there is somewhere I have to be, it’s important” He stood up holding out his hand to help me up.

“aw do you have to? We haven’t even begun to get drunk!” I laughed

“as much as I would love to, I have to go, it’s I’m…”

“it’s important yea yea I got that!” I joked “okay I guess if you have to its okay”

“thank you” we made our way out of the tree house and back into the hectic party, we snaked our way through the house in-between all the drunk people laughing and dancing.

Closing the front door behind me leaving the party inside, I watched as Mark made his way to his car.

“I will see you tomorrow Cee and I think your present can wait as well!” he shouted to me

“aww you are so mean! First you leave and then you take my present as well!”

“that’s just life Cee,” he laughed

“you big Meany!!” we laughed together, his hand rested on the car so I ran towards him; he caught me in his arms holding me in a big hug.

“I really have missed you Cee” he whispered

“I have missed you to, but I’m so happy you came tonight” I squeezed him once then let go of him.

I stood back allowing Mark to swing open the door and jump into the car. Standing there waving as he pulled out he honked the horn once, I watched as the tail lights disappeared into the dark.

It sucks that he has to go but I’m sure it’s important.


I jumped from the noise; it came from inside the house. Fear took over my entire body because the crash was the one from my dream.

Turning on my heals I sprinted back inside.

I stood in the door way staring down a guy on the floor with a chair lying next to him. Everyone was silent, just staring at him, I gasped, and everyone turned round to look at me. I must have looked extremely shocked but Rob walked up beside me laughing, everyone else started laughing as well.

The boy on the floor sat up and joined in the laughter.

 What the hell is going on?

“aw Clara you missed it, we bet Bill a hundred bucks that he couldn’t jump that chair, and I guess we were right, haha!” Rob shouted that last part at Bill who was being pulled to his feet by two other guys

“oh well I had to try didn’t I?” being patted on the back bill took off to the kitchen. A wave of relief came over me, thank god.

 Maybe I’m just being paranoid about this whole dream thing. The crowd returned to their conversations again

“you need another drink!” Rob said to me pulling me out of my dais

“damn right I do!” I shouted happily back

“good so do I lets go get wasted” haha now let’s party

“Lead the way my dear fellow!” I joked

“right this way ma lady!!” Rob darted off down the hall and I began following him, as I passed the opening to the living room I couldn’t help but look in and to my surprise, there was Cas sitting on some guys lap, I can’t see his face past her but it’s the same as my dream.

Come on Clara your just imagining this!! I looked around and from what I can see no creepy man so we are good.

 Walking on to the kitchen I found Rob chatting up some girl, again, until he shouted out

“Clara, come on we’re doing shots!!” they began setting out lines of shots and filling them with different alcohols. About ten of us stood around the kitchen with a line of ten shots each

“Everybody ready?” a girl’s voice yelled out

“LETS DO THIS” I yelled throwing my fist in the air! This started a round of cheering

“THIS ONES FOR THE BIRTHDAY GIRL!” Rob shouted from next to me then someone hit play and the shot song came on!

Well ten shot’s, three beers and a few Jagger bomb’s later I reached my limit, I’m a pretty heavy weight so I know when to stop.

I walked into the kitchen grabbed an empty glass and filled it with water. After countless glasses of water I looked up at the clock, it’s just after two thirty in the morning.  People had started to leave, I watched as people carried their fallen friends out. Waving and grunting as people walked past me.

Finally the last of the guests were gone, even Cas and Rob have vanished.

Well the party went rather well if you ask me, everyone had a good time and no ghoulies or ghostie or long legged beasties! Unfortunately that meant no Mr hottie either.

I took a look around; ugh I am going to have to clean all this up tomorrow, great.

I better get to bed it’s almost three in the morning. Throwing my glass into the sink I started to make my way to the door.

The second I reached the hall I could feel someone watching me; the faint sound of breathing stopped me in my tracks.

Turning to face my nightmare, he stood there six foot tall, the smell of dirt and blood emulating from him not more than five meters away from me. Wait this isn’t the man from my dream, his hair is short and grey, his eyes filled with excitement, his face psychotic.

We stood lock in a trans with each other; my feet feel like they are glued to the floor, my mouth feels dry, my heart rate begins to pick up as the sense of appending doom sets in.

“my, my don’t we look all grown up” his voice broke the silence, his voice low and gruff it’s not pleasant

“who the fuck are you!” I shouted across the kitchen, raising my fists

“now, now my pretty, we would want you hurting yourself now would we?” a smile broke across his face “now be a good little girl and come with me” he held out his grubby little hand, he took a step towards me. Not waiting I turned and sprinted down the hall.

Before I had taken three strides my body was being thrown to the floor. His hands pressed my head against the floor while he sat on my back with one leg either side of me.

His fingers sank in to my hair, his grip tightened and he pulled my head up by my hair, a tear rolled down my face

“now do you see what running gets you?” he growled at me

“what do you want” I whimpered

“it’s not what I want my dear it’s what my boss wants and that would be you!”

“well tell your boss he can go fuck himself!” jerking my body up hitting my back between his legs, he let out a grunt and his grip loosened on my hair. Using all my strength I roll round tossing him off my back. Clambering to my feet I made for the front door only to be pulled back. Using so much force to throw me back into the wall it cracked

“YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT!” he yelled and I collapsed on the ground, he walked over and knelt beside me as I tried to support my agonising body on my right arm.

His grubby hands held my face bringing his close to mine, a smell that was so dirty and disgusting that made me want to throw up came from him.

“now let’s just do this the easy way shall we” he grinned at me

“fuck you” I spat in his face, causing his grin to fade. His right hand lifted from my face, his left followed. Using his left hand he whipped the spit off his face then proceeding to swing his right hand across my face.

“AAAHHHHHH!!!” I screamed out, it felt like he had just swung a knife across my face. I looked up at him while I held the point on my face.

There’s blood on his hand.

Fuck did he just cut me. looking at my own hand confirmed that he had!

“you bastard!” I yelled as I clambered to my feet, supporting my weight on the table behind me. He slowly began taking steps towards me; my hands roamed the table looking for anything I could use as a weapon.

Landing on a ceramic dish just in time to swing it round clipping the side of his head!

“Ahhh!” he held his head, taking my opportunity I ran back towards the kitchen as he now blocked my path to the front door.

A pain sired from my ankle as I felt something wrap around it.

A force pulled it causind  me to fall face down on the ground again.

Rolling over to see this creep walking towards me rubbing the lump on his head, I glanced down at my ankle.

There’s nothing round it, confused I jumped back up, darting round the counter, franticly pulling open a drawer.

I could feel him get closer to me,

I grabbed the biggest knife I could just in time, he growled as he leaped at me.

Spinning round I planted the knife deep into his right shoulder.

“gaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh” he fell back on to the counter.

Placing my back on the adjacent counter I used all my strength to kick him in the gut. He instantly feel to the ground.

Realising that I would be trapped if I went out the back I took this as my chance to make a break for the front door.

Quickly I stumbled down the hall. My hand had barely made contact with the handle when I felt a pain so intense in my back I couldn’t even manage a scream. His force held me up against the cold wooden door as he drew the knife out of my back.

His lips lowered to my ear, I can feel his breath on my neck

“alright now you have made me angry, I’m going to kill you, my boss doesn’t really give a fuck how I get you to him!” slamming my head against the door I fell to the ground.

His boots were all I could see, too much pain to move the feeling of hopelessness and fear swept over my body.

Why is this happening to me?

A tear dripped from my eye burning as it fell across my cheek. The man hadn’t moved, he must be thinking about how to kill me.

Shit what do I do!!

The sound of shuffling made me close my eyes tightly bracing myself for whatever he was going to do next.


It sounded like a knife had just been thrown!

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH, who the fuck!” the man screamed out opening my eyes to see his boots had moved away allowing me to see down the hall.

To my disbelief there he is

“Get the fuck away from her you asshole!” he yelled out holding a knife in his hand

“That was an idiotic thing to do boy!” the man yelled as he did he dropped a bloody knife in front of my frozen face.

I lay there and watched as he made his way down the hall towards the guy

“you know your know match for me kid!” the man said stopping a few paces away from him, the guy’s head fell, his hand moved into the pocket of his black leather jacket, I can’t see what he I pulling out.

His head lifted again with a smile on his face

“Oh really?!” he said his voice sounding so perfect.

Not waiting for a response he flicked his arm towards the man. Before the man had time to react something smashed against his body causing him to burst into flames!

The noise he made me close my eyes again,


He must have just fallen to the ground but I refuse to open my eyes. The man’s screaming filled the room, then silence.

I can still feel the blood flowing from my back, losing the strength to stay awake; I can feel my consciousness slipping away from me.

His screeching soon stopped 


Four footsteps later I could feel the warmth of his hands whip across my face

“I won’t lose you Clara” managing to open my eyes a crack to see his beautiful face and his eyes gazing down at me with such love and sadness in them.

Too weak to keep them open I could feel his hands slid under me, picking me up.

Sliding out of my consciousness.

Reawakening as I felt him lay me down on the bed. He stood back looking at me like he did in my dream.

He knelt down at the foot of the bed, grabbing my ankle he pulled off my shoe, flicking the other one off as well; this was identical to the way he did it in my dream.

I watched as he reached into his pocket again pulling out a vile with blue liquid in it.

“I’m so sorry Clara” his voice sounded like he was about to cry. My body feels limp and lifeless, I can’t move.

He moves on to the bed, undoing the cork on the vile, he slides his arm under me pulling me up so he could support me.

Bringing the vile up to his lips he poured the blue liquid into his mouth.

My eyes open wide as he leans in to me, pressing his lips down on mine, I could feel him allow the liquid to pass into my mouth, unable to stop it, it followed down my throat.

A burning sensation gripped my throat. His lips remained pressed to mine, his arms stayed wrapped around me. as my body began to burn I writhed in pain.

The fire seemed to grip every inch of my body, but all I could focus on was his soft lips melting into mine.

My spine feels tight, like there’s pressure on it! It hurts!

As this thought crossed my mind, his lips pulled away from mine,


“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” I screamed out in pain for the first time, falling back against the bed the last thing my eyes beheld was his face, his perfect face.

Darkness covered my eyes as I slipped into an unconscious state.


Well there you go, I hope you like the new chapter, keep reading to find out what Mr. Hottie gave to Clara and to see if she survives the attack! Also if she survives what does Mark have to tell her, oh and what happened to Rob and Cas!


Remember to: Vote, Comment and Fan if you want more Demon in me!

 Thank you for reading :D 

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