
By drunko2l

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Bad days are inevitable and sometimes they make you want to jump off a bridge. At times they happen because w... More

One: Bad Day
Two: The Punch
Four: The Party
Five: Girls, Fights, and Cops
Six: The Explanation
Seven: Where it all Started
Eight: The Pit
Nine: Important Call
Ten: The New Gang Members
Eleven: Big Deal
Twelve: The Kiss
Thirteen: Second Party
Fourteen: The Trade
Fifteen: Realizing
Sixteen: The Decision
Seventeen: Funeral
Eighteen: The Encounter
Nineteen: The Continous Battle
Twenty: Dreams
Twenty One: The War Zone
Twenty Two: Where it all seems to stop.
Twenty Three: The New Life in Progress
Twenty Four: Empty
Thank You

Three: Afterwards

20.2K 543 145
By drunko2l

"Ready?" he lifted his fist up, and I was honestly waiting for it to happen.


I shut my eyes closed and put my weak arms up in defense, which would not work for shit but hey, worth a try.

A few seconds passed and nothing came, instead a roar of laughter was coming from Kian. I opened my eyes and he was sitting on a desk a few feet away from me.

"YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE" he said breathless. "oh my god! You actually thought I was gonna hit you?" I blushed in embarrassment.

"yeah" I whispered.

"Oh so she speaks?" I stayed quiet. "I don't hit girls." he said. I nodded, and started walking back to my desk. He stopped me by putting his foot in my path. "Am I in your way?" he asked.


"Do you want me to move?"


"do you know any other words besides 'Yeah'?" I stood quiet, yet again. I didn't dare look up, so my gaze stayed on the tiled floor. "What's your name?"

"move" I said.

"Nice to meet you, Move. I'm Kian"

"No. I mean get out of my way" I spoke up.

"oh she does know more words."

"Yeah, here's a few more; get out of my fucking way before things get ugly" I snapped. I'm not ever this mean, but this kid is annoying as fuck and clearly knows how to set my buttons off. Plus, this is my first ever interference with him and he's being a complete cock.

Kian chuckled at himself before removing his foot from the desk. "You know, if you hadn't spoken; I would've never thought a girl like you would be that mean...let alone say bad words." he teased.

What the hell does he mean 'a girl like you' I'm like any other girls aren't I?

no, you're a nerd remember.

"A girl like you, as in the innocent kind. The one who only cares about grades and being happy. Y'know. The girl version of a guy I would beat the shit out of" he added, as if he read my mind. I sat down in the desk and looked everywhere but him.

Today is not the day you ignorant dickhead.

Kian got off the desk and walked up to the teachers'. He hopped on it and grabbed one of those, anger management balls you use to control your temper. He started squeezing it, but continued talking. He was so calm, so-I don't know how to explain his tone-it's like this wasn't new for him. Like he did this for a living.

"A girl that probably has never been to a party" wrong. Stephanie took me to one before. "Or had a drink of alcohol." wrong again. Matt let me try a beer once. "A girl who's never really showed the real, crazy, rebel side of her because she's afraid people might judge her" Ding ding ding, we've got a winner.

Was he testing me? Was he bullying me or just trying to piss me off? I'm getting a vibe from both. I didn't let him get to me though, that's just what he wanted. A reaction. Well, he sure as hell isn't gonna get it from me.

"You're not responding." he said after a moment of silence. "Is it because I'm right?" he said looking straight at me. But I refused to stare back. "It is, isn't it?" he pushed it.

"Shut. up."

"Why don't you make me?" oh he's challenging me.

"Why don't you leave me alone? I haven't done anything to you"

"Yes. You did actually." he said walking back to where I first found him. In the corner. Holy frick I really wish a dark hole would just appear and swallow him whole in the next two point five seconds.

I slightly turned to face him, "Oh yeah? What is it that I've done? What could I possibly have done to make you tease me? The fact that this is the first time I've ever had ANY contact with you? Huh? tell me. What did I-"

"Mia Poppers." Mr. Aragon spoke up, interrupting me. I shut my eyes and turned to face forward

Why. me.

"Don't you know about the no talking rule?"

"I'm sorr-"

"Mia, if you talk back again, I will send a report to the principals office. Do you understand?" fucking nuts okay. Yep, when I said nothing could possibly go any worse? I SPOKE TO FUCKING SOON.

I nodded and set my head on the desk. Oh how I wish I could slam my head into a brick wall, but I might get in trouble...again

This isn't even my fault. It's Kian's. he's the one who bugged the fuck out of me. He's the one who practically harassed me, he almost punched me for gods sake!

no, he doesn't hit girls.

Oh that's right, but still. He's a bully and an annoying arrogant jerk who knows really well how to get under my skin by sitting with me in a silent room for twenty minutes.

Oh god, I hate Kian Lawley.


I got out of detention with out a ride to the principal's office, and luckily with out getting yelled at again. Kian kept throwing shit at me though. Every time Mr. Aragon would turn his back or wasn't looking, that jerk would use it as an excuse to bug me. Waiting for a reaction. But I didn't give to him.

I was walking down the steps of the school, ready to walk home and eat my favorite dinner that Matt is probably finishing up by now with my mom. Yes, I really enjoy having my best friend be best friends with my mom. My mom loves Matt, she thinks he's the greatest influence on me.

If only she knew what a rebel he was though. Oh man.

I smiled at the thought of my mom seeing Matt drunk when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around only to face dick head number one and only, Kian Lawley. "Hey, Mia" he said cockily.

"Go away"

"ouch, a little harsh."

"I mean it Kian." I turned around and started taking the walk back home. It was pretty cold today. It's like, the coldest night of fall when it's saying goodbye and hello to winter for colder nights. I hugged my hoodie closer to me and continued walking.

"C'mon. That was funny! Back there when you were getting yelled at! Hilarious shit man." He tried to keep up with me, but I didn't stop.

"-anyways. I didn't get to answer your question."

"I don't care-now can you stop following me?"

"Wow Mia. Have you forgotten we live a street away from each other? Guess I found a new walking buddy aye?"

I groaned at his comment because knowing him, I'm not getting rid of him any time sooner.

"So your question" oh my god shut up. "Wanna know what you did to me?"

"not really"

"you didn't say 'bless you Kian' like I asked you too. Have your parents not taught you any manners?"

"I don't need to show manners to people who don't show respect for me." I retorted.

"Okay fair enough, but tell me this." he then walked passed me and stood in my way, causing me to stop and face him. "Do I make you nervous, Mia?" he whispered.

"n-no" I stuttered. I couldn't help myself, he was standing so close to me.

"are you sure?"

"yeah. I-I don't get intimidated by you. A little scared but-but not a lot"

"oh yeah? If that's true, why are you stuttering?" he was right. I am stuttering. Why? because this kid beats me at height, he's least six inches taller than me. His face just has killer written all over it. Plus the vibe he sends isn't very welcoming.

"b-because you're a dick head who doesn't know how to treat people right and a b-bully"

"or maybe it's because you secretly like me." I snorted at the comment as I walked passed him and continued walking.

"me? like you? HA HA that's the funniest thing you've said all day." I said all that with out stuttering because when his cockiness shows, I get annoyed. Not scared Mia anymore. I saw that we were passing the street that's a block away from my house and smiled. Finally. Kian was walking backwards, so he was facing me and I was just hoping he'd trip so his ego can be shut down.

"Well Mia Poppers, I must say. You're fun to tease, because you take everything so serious."

"I don't. You're just an annoying asshole."

"there we go again with the name calling! What if I give you a nick name? Hmm" he scratched his chin. "I got it! I'll call you Kitten"


"no. smart. because Kitten's are usually helpless. They don't know how to stand up for themselves, they're innocent and don't know how to be rebellious. Just like you"

I'm gonna punch you.

"Fuck off Lawley" I snarled at him. I saw my street coming up and walked a little faster. One more minute and I will never have to talk to this loser again. "I'm glad you enjoyed this chat now go back to your life and I'll go back to mine where we act like we've never talked-let alone seen each other. So I can go back to never seeing you in the hallways. Deal? ok bye" I commented right before I turned the corner and left him walking by myself.

"Hey wait, Kitten!" Kian yelled out to me, which I ignored. "Mia!" I turned around one last time.

"what?!" I yelled back.

"Trust me babe, you're gonna be seeing a whole lot of me from now on"

"in your dreams"


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