You Didn't Ask (Reader x Nea...

By Uunouncium

24.3K 1.1K 137

How on earth can Billionaire Nea D. Campbell (older human form) and an odd jobs having teen named (F/n) (L/n)... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
Movin On

chapter 42

322 16 1
By Uunouncium

three weeks later.....

reader pov

"i cant come, ian. i gotta work to pay the bills. i need every hour i can get," said chalker as he got changed. he had just gotten off work and would be free for the rest of the day. "call of sick, chalker. we need you there. its just for the weekend. just friday, Saturday, and sunday. back in work on monday. we cant lose you cause you working all the damn time," i argued. he was being difficult. "tsk...even if i did have the time to go, why would i go when im literally gonna be the only one there who is single? you got the rich guy, kaz has his new one, even edgar has a girlfriend! id be all alone in the damn room waiting for you guys to get done gettin intimate with ya lovers. i already am depressed enough, ian. i dont wanna become suicidal," he retorted. "the reason you dont have a girlfriend is cause you are working all the fucking time. you dont even need a girlfriend right now. you just need to get your dick wet. its not like we would spend he whole time just going to the park. there are some night clubs as well as a few parties, not to mention the pool party friday night so there will be plenty of time to get laid. you just have to go. i wont let you be lonely for a second. its gonna be the four of us. for this occasion, the lovers will come second. i dont want us drifting apart cause of shit like this. we both know that this is how it starts. one guy cant make it cause of work, then another, then the last one and before we know it, we are all back at square one. you are coming on this trip whether you want to or not," i said. "just....just give it up, ian. if we arent meant to be, we arent meant to be. we had a good run. we--" i walked over and gripped his shirt. i slapped him right across the face, earning a shocked expression. "listen to yourself, chalker. are you really ok with us not being friends no more? are you REALLY ok with going back to how things were? would you really be ok if i never came over ever again? much less simply inviting myself inside while you are in the shower? ARE YOU OK WITH BEING ALONE AGAIN!!" i slapped him a few more times. he busted out laughing, gripping my hand. "i fucking hate you, ian. i really hate you for making sense," he chuckled. i nodded before backing away, wiping the dust off of him. "im glad you understand. pack your shit and meet us at my boyfriend's house. he already got the rental and the hotel rooms so we are heading out this afternoon," i said. "yeah," he muttered, grabbing a suitcase.

later on that afternoon.....

"i dont know if this is a good idea," grunted nea. we moved about in the room getting him some clothes together for the trip. SOMEONE decided to wait till the last minute. "you are right. this is probably a terrible idea but im not gonna let my friends disappear for good. ive lost one set of friends cause of some shit. im not gonna loose them," i stuffed some of his jeans in the suitcase. "but what does that have to do with me? i dont need to go to this," he muttered as i zipped up his suitcase. "a few reasons: you are my boyfriend so you need to be there when im drunk and horny so i wont cheat, i need an excuse to get away from the guys sometimes so we could bond at the park, and....well you are the one paying for this. you should enjoy it too," i said. "yeah but--" "what are you gonna be doing while im gone, huh? sitting in the room masturbating or acting like you really need to go to the office?" i raised a brow. he looked away with a dark blush. "exactly so you are coming with. period," i picked up his suitcase. he sighed.

we headed out to the front yard to meet everyone. chalker was already here, carrying a duffle bag up the front sidewalk. kazaana just pulled up with his new girlfriend in the passenger seat. still have yet to meet her some im excited. they got out the car. they waved and i waved back. chalker got up to the door. "shit, you weren't lying when you said he was loaded," he said as he looked over nea's estate. "oh you have no idea but what happened to your suitcase?" i asked. "duffle bag works better. three pairs of jeans, some stuff to sleep in, undies and tees, and some hygiene products all fit in this bag," he put it on the ground. kazaana started walking up, dragging two suitcases with him. walking next to him was a woman who i wish i would have talked to before i went gay. i really want her to bare me children. she was that gorgeous. "dont be staring at my girlfriend like that, ian. you gonna get her hopes up," kazaana joked. "tsk....where have YOU been all my life?" i said, taking her hand in mines and kissing the knuckle. she chuckled. "im emilia galmgar and its a pleasure to finally meet you," she said, a light blush coming on her cheeks. i looked at kazaana. he was scratching his neck nervously. "how on earth did YOU end up with someone as beautiful as this? i swear i feel a twitch downstairs, kaz," i raised a brow. "i know right! im still shocked how it happened too," he said. i noticed edgar's car pulling up behind kazaana's. he got out and pulled a suitcase from the back before making his way up the sidewalk. he was all by himself. i let her hand go and looked at him. "so now the great edgar martin graces us with his presence? and where is the miracle girlfriend?" i raised my hands in a 'wtf' gesture. "she had to stay home with the baby so im riding solo this weekend," he shrugged. we were all together except...damn it. "hold on a minute. someone is being shy," i turned and walked back inside.

of course he was sitting in the living room watching tv. "what are you doing? we gotta go so we can check in on time," i said, circling the sofa to stand in front of him. "i...i dont wanna go," he muttered. "i dont care. you are coming and we are gonna spend time together in a place that isn't your house so come on. you have to meet my friends," i held out a hand. he sighed before taking it. i pulled him up and pecked his lips. "you will be just fine. if anything, they will treat you nice cause you paid for all of this," i grinned. he just mumbled to himself as i pulled him out the house, turning off the lights and flipping off the tv.

they all looked at him for a long while. his grip on my hand tightened. "friends and lovers of friends, this is my boyfriend, nea. this is house and he is the sponsor of our festivities," i explained. "hes....hes so old! how old is he? like 60?" said chalker. "well he is probably the best looking 60 year old ive ever seen. my dad is 60 and he dont look near as good," said edgar. "you guys should be nicer to him. he is really nice for letting us do this so we should show some respect," argued emilia. i sighed. i looked at nea. he....he didnt look very comfortable. "well we may as well get it all out right now so it wont come up again. nea is a billionaire. he owns about 15 different companies that are all multi billions. always had money, always will have money. nea is 20 years older than i am. he isn't my sugar daddy nor am i dating him for his money. apparently i just have a thing for older guys. i dont know. for obvious reasons, he isn't very comfortable about this and ill be damned if you make it any worse by being dickheads so this will be the last time this subject will ever come up again, ok?" i felt like a dad scolding children but they need this. "well damn, ian! you didnt have to yell at us like that," grunted emilia. "well when you start judging people for how old they are i cant stand not to be a little heated. now...i dont want things to be awkward between us because of this. i just want to get it out the way so we can move on with our outing," i said. i looked over at nea. just staring at my head with a dark blush. "well things are awkward now, ian. thank you for making this weird. everyone...." announced emilia. we all looked at her. "...nea is old enough to be all of our dads. that wont change no matter how often we try to look over it. now enough about how old ian's boyfriend is. lets get this party started!" she chimed. everyone busted out laughing. "im sorry man. its just something that sticks out. it was a reflex. nothing malicious about it, ok?" said chalker to nea. he nodded. i let out a deep breath. "now to the truck so we can head out," i pulled the keys out my pocket and clicked it, making the hummer beep. mood was lightened up instantly as soon as they saw the car. we all piled inside.

it didnt take long to get to the hotel. it was nice. nea really out did himself. "i thought it would be more women," whispered emilia as we walked to inside. "chalker doesnt have a girlfriend, edgar's has a baby to take care of, and im very much gay. dont expect a lot of girl talk but we can still have fun," i said. she shrugged. we didnt expect edgar not to have his girlfriend so we got a room for each couple and chalker. since edgar and chalker are solo, they can share a room. not so much to save money but so neither of them would be lonely. nea handed them their key cars. he took ours with a solemn expression. i had to fight him tooth and nail not to put us in the executive suite. we have a regular room just like the others. we all headed to our respective rooms to get settled. it had a single king sized bed with a regular sized bathroom and everything. completely normal. "awe dont be like that, nea. just because this doesnt have a whirlpool bath dont mean its not a good room," i said as we put up our stuff. we are gonna be here for three days so we put the stuff in the drawers. "its...its not the room," he grunted, sitting on the bed. i sat next to him. "come on, tell me whats wrong," i said, taking his hand in mines and squeezing it. "ive never had a reason to go out the house cause it has everything i need in it. hardly anyone to talk to or anything like that. its....its new and i cant say im really comfortable with all of this," he said. "well you will never get comfortable with it if you dont get out. i did a whole lot of searching so that this whole trip will be full of stuff to do. we have three parties tonight, the park all day tomorrow, more parties. we are gonna be out of this room more often than not. the main reason i made sure we got a cheap room is so that you wouldn't feel tempted to spend the entire time in the room. with this bland room, you will actually want to go out and enjoy all the activities instead of trying to be antisocial. this is for us and for you. this room will only have three purposes...." he looked at me,"....sleep, shower, and...." i grinned, rubbing his leg. a dark blush came over his cheeks. "ok?" i said. he sighed. "yeah," he muttered.

"so whats on the agenda today?" asked kazaana. we all met up in the lobby of the hotel. me and nea on one sofa. chalker and edgar in the chairs. kazaana and emilia on the other sofa. "we are gonna start off this trip with a few parties. if we are lucky, we can get chalker laid tonight," everyone looked at chalker. he blushed. everyone busted out laughing. even nea. felt good to see him laughing about something again. "main goal of this trip is to spend as much time together as possible. breakfast, lunch, and dinner all at the same table. we getting drunk together. everyone is going to the park. we gonna ride rides together, both as a group and with our partners. unfortunate for our lovers, focus of this trip is the guys. me, chalker, kazaana and edgar. save the lovey dovey time for in the rooms. we came together, we go home together. no man is left behind," i said.

"i swear you try way to hard to make us work," said edgar as we all headed out the car. it was the four of us walking side by side with emilia and nea lagging behind. turns out they have a real bond. emilia sparked a conversation and nea wouldn't shut up about it. back and forth with lots of spontaneous laughter the whole time we walked to the place of the party. "well if i didnt, you guys wouldn't talk to each other ever again cause we are all antisocial," i shrugged. they seemed to think it over. "yeah, i could see it. if you weren't here, ian, id never in a million years talked to those guys," said chalker. "well fuck you too. i cant say id associate with none of you motherfuckers if it weren't for ian," grunted edgar. "oh shut up. we all know that you are the one who wants this to work out more than any of us," i retorted. his face went bright red. "well kaz is always Johnny on the spot whenever we get together," he muttered. "hey, i like you guys. i mean...who just talks to random strangers and demands that they be friends with em?" kazaana chuckled nervously. everyone pointed at me. then everyone busted out laughing. "hey, it worked, didnt it? we all didnt have any friends and now we have each other. ill be damned if i let us all grow apart. we are gonna go get shitfaced and forget what we did last night," i chimed. everyone cheered.

nea pov

i didnt think she would be so....relatable. i honestly thought id spend the whole trip lost in the crowd. "so how long have you and ian been talking?" she asked as we walked behind the group of guys. "oh about four or so months now. cant say it was a fairy tale how we got together," i said, my face felt hot. she chuckled. "oh i know that look. you and him had sex the first time you guys met, didnt ya? i wont judge. i and kaz did the same thing," she said. "well im sure you didnt go 12 years without it," i admitted. "oh you poor, poor man. im glad you found someone who likes you like that. i can tell that its more than earning his keep too, huh?" she elbowed me playfully. my face felt hot. "yeah, he is more than enthusiastic about being with me. it makes me feel good, ya know. its difficult to admit but....well compared to the rest of you, im old. ive honestly never had the opportunity to enjoy things like this so its all pretty new to me. cant say i was a social butterfly when i was you guys' age," i said. "well its a good thing you hooked up with ian. he seems like more than a social butterfly. ive talked with kaz about how the group came to be and he was more than happy to tell me about it. you've got a good man right there," she said. "oh trust me i know. he's made it clear on many occasions that my money doesnt mean a thing to him. still hard to believe that he doesnt think anything of my money though. like there is something he is hiding from--" she elbowed me. i looked at her. "dont think like that. all you will do is start treating him differently and it will drive him away. especially if his feelings for you are genuine. if he is really with you for the money, it will show in time. just enjoy being with him, nea. now....enough about him cause they are clearly not talking about us. ive always wondered about gay guys so i have a few questions. i wanna get em out the way so we can be friends like normal," she said. "fire away," i shrugged. may as well get them out the way.


lenalee pov

uugghh i hate being single. i really do. i actually have to work to put money in my own pocket. "are you ready? its time to go!" said Miranda. i sighed. "yeah i got my stuff packed already. help me put it in the car," she nodded and started helping me with the bags. my parents were more than happy to watch their baby while we took a little trip. just for the weekend. kanda and lavi just pulled up behind krory's car. looks like they are ready too. "ok, lets head out people," i said as i got in the car with Miranda. we took off for the hotel.

it was a nice hotel. i had to ask my parents to pitch in so we could all go. we headed up to the rooms. i got my things ready and got settled in the room all by myself. it fucking sucks being alone. if only things would have worked out with kazaana. i shook my head to rid myself of the thoughts. new day. im over him. im fine. we are heading to a party tonight so i put on some comfy yet slightly revealing clothes. im ready to pull me a boy toy. at least for the trip. i finished up and headed out, meeting up with everyone in the lobby. "are we really gonna do this?" grunted kanda. he was holding hands with lavi. he wore all black while lavi wore black and white. including the new shoes that kanda bought for him. he was soooooo excited. "of course we are.  want everyone to see these shoes!" chimed lavi. kanda just shrugged. "where is the party?" i asked Miranda. "down the street. we can walk," she started out the door, dragging krory with her. we just followed her out.


this story is pretty complicated. alot more than i thought it would be. dont worry people, a very confused reever will show up during this trip too.


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