Mental |Harry Styles|

By mayorofkilantis

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Mental |Harry Styles|
Chapter One; Home Made Food: Takeout
Chapter Two; House of Sluts
Chapter Three; Hard Pass Buddy
Chapter Four; Music: Screaming
Chapter Five; Chubby Cheeks
Chapter Six; Kissing the Walls
Chapter Seven; The Wedding (Part One)
Chapter Eight; The Wedding (Part Two)
Chapter Nine; Slap Across The Face
Chapter Ten; Broken Glass
Chapter Eleven; Frozen Douche Balls
Chapter Twelve; There are Artist and There are Harry's
Chapter Thirteen; Bloody Knuckles and Cheek Kisses
Chapter Fourteen; Sunsets and Zayn the Body Guard
Chapter Fifteen; The Monster Inside
Chapter Sixteen; Piano Keys
Chapter Seventeen; Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover
Chapter Eighteen; Empty Answers
Chapter Nineteen; No Cure for Whipped
Chapter twenty; And the Winner is...
Chapter Twenty-One; Homecoming
Chapter Twenty-Two; Interrogation is a Bitch
Chapter Twenty-Three; Fetish of Harry's CD's
Chapter Twenty-Four; An Old Friend
Chapter Twenty-Five; Tell Me What I Want to Hear
Chapter Twenty-Seven; Graduation Time
Chapter Twenty-Eight; Hall of Fame
Chapter Twenty-Nine; Want It All Back
Chapter Thirty; Slash-Slinging Slasher
Chapter Thirty-One; Peanut Butter, Perrie Time.
Chapter Thirty-Two; The Toys-R-Us Cashier
Chapter Thirty-Three; Spark Plug
Chapter Thirty-Four; An Ass Hole with a Gun
Chapter Thirty-Five; Out of Shape
Chapter Thirty-Six; Shave a Gorilla
Chapter Thirty-Seven; Pants Around The Ankles
Chapter Thirty-Eight; Always Want What You Can't Have
Chapter Thirty-Nine; Painting on the Walls
Chapter Forty; Ready or Not, Here I Come
Chapter Fourty-Two; Dreams and Flashbacks
Chapter Forty-Two; Distant
Chapter Forty-Three; Death Calls
Chapter Forty-Four; A New Chapter
Chapter Forty-Five; Time Zones
Chapter Forty-Six; Your Live Life is DOA
Chapter Forty-Seven; Zoning Out
Chapter Forty-Eight; The Birds and the Bees
Chapter Forty-Nine; The Truth Unravels
Chapter Fifty; Oh Where Oh Where is Perrie?
Chapter Fifty-two; The Mystery of the Tan Files
Chapter Fifty-Two; Ruined Date

Chapter Twenty-Six; Honey, You Knocked Out a Doctor

2.9K 80 3
By mayorofkilantis

-Miranda's POV-

And here I was again at Mayfield High. Where the High stands for high, for the people who get high 24/7 right after school. Where at least 20% of the girls are pregnant, 78% of the people here have lost their virginity as a sophomore, and all the guys are looking for the next girl to jump in their pants, either wanted or not.

I was not one of those 20% or 78% of the people here at my school. I was pretty clean, never did drugs, never really did drink (til I met Harry of course.) overall I was a pretty well rounded student. As soon as I walked through the front door people were rushing up to me asking about everything back in London. I had forgotten they had showed the news here, back home since I'm not originally from London. I didn't want to be pestered with questions so I just gave them the basic facts and went on my way to 1st period Honors English.

When I got into the class everyone stopped and starred at me, and then went back to gossiping before the bell rang. I took my seat in the front row, so I could actually pay attention and see what  had missed over the last month. When the bell rang, everyone ran over to their seats on the other side of the class room. The teacher Mr.Gordon walked in shutting the door behind him.

"Good morning class...." He started off to say, before his eye got caught on me. "Nice to see you Miranda. We were all worried when we found out what had happened." 

"Um, nice to see you to Mr.Gordon, and uh thanks." I didn't know how to respond to these questions and all these sincere apologetic faces. We started off by everyone handing in an essay that I had clearly missed over the absent of the last month. 

I kind of just sat at my desk awkwardly handing the papers to his desk in the front of the room. "Here you go Mr.Gordon."

"Thank you."

"What was the assignment so I can make it up and hopefully get it to you by-"

"Stop right there. You missed a month and went through so much considering we only have two weeks left. I'm gonna let all your work slide. But you may want to review some of the stuff for your finals."

"Thank you Mr.Gordon."

He nodded and I sat back at my seat. Starring at the empty white board behind him waiting for the bell to ring to go to my next and favorite class. Art. Most of the day went by pretty fast thankfully. Most of my teachers let me slide fro my work since I've missed so much of it. Walking down the hallways though felt a bit weird though. It felt like it was unfamiliar like I was in a new school of some sorts.

When lunch finally came I grabbed my lunch from my locker and met Stella at the doors like I had told her I would. She smiled and I followed in behind her into the cafeteria. The seats were almost gone except for a few where I sit with Stella, usually her current boyfriend of the week and some of  my other close friends Jackie, Rachael, and Brooke. They had all asked what had happened to me and like before I had just given them the basic information, excluding everything with Harry.

Harry. His name rang through my head like a broken record. I wonder where he is at this minute, what he's doing, who's he with. These questions all unanswered, because I'm not there.


Why didn't he just tell me I need to leave, why couldn't he had dropped me off himself. Now I sound like one of those overprotective, crazy, lunatic girlfriends you see on T.V. But that didn't stop me from wondering why.

I didn't like him, or at least I don't think I did. So why am I worrying so much. "Miranda?" Jackie started to shake my hand to get my attention back to the group conversation.


"You alright?"

"Um no." I said truthfully "Actually I'm not feeling well, I think I might go home." and I wasn't lying either my stomach was starting to hurt and everything looked blurry. My head felt dizzy. I stood up grabbing my lunch and then throwing it in the trash. I started to walk to the door when I started to walk funny, like a drunk person trying to walk on a straight line.

Last thing I remember was Stella calling my name after me before everything went black.

*After the black out*

I woke up with a searing pain in my head. It was pounding like some sort of drum, repeating the same process. My eyes opened and I saw I was in an unfamiliar room. Their were tubes running up and down my body, an IV running through my arm. I was confused about everything, except where I was. Of course I was in a hospital, but why was I here in the first place.

A few minutes later of looking around the room, the door opened and along came who I believe is my doctor. She was wearing a white pharmacy coat, along with a stethoscope around her neck. Her hair was a light brown, and she had deep blue eyes. She looked to be 5'8' maybe 5'9' her hair came down to her shoulders and she had these black buckle up shoes on. "Hi Miranda. I'm Dr.Garcia You feeling okay?"

"Um yeah, my head hurts a bit though."

"That's normal." She handed me what it looked like to Advil in a little paper cup. I swallowed both of them down and then she handed me some water that was next to my bed.

"Why am I here?"

"You're having emotional stress, and that seems to be the reason you fainted at lunch today."

Fainting? Great add another thing to my list for people to talk about.


"Yes, can you tell me what's been on your mind?" 

"Um no."

"You're mother has told me you've been through a lot over the last month. Anything you want to talk about?"

"Wait my mother is here?" My heart started to race, as I could hear it beeping on the monitor left to my bed. This is exactly what I needed, my mother standing out in the waiting room worried sick about me even more then she was when I was missing. "Yeah-"

"Can I see her?"

"How about you tell me what's going on first."

"No thank you, I'd like to see my mother." I was starting to get antsy, this so called 'Doctor' was getting on my last nerves right after I just blacked-out and she won't even let me see my mother. 

She shook her head no. "We need to find out what triggered this emotional stress."

"Nothing caused it. Damn it-" My temper was starting to get the best of me, I just wanted her to leave me alone. I wanted to go home, I wanted to go home and never leave the house again. That's when the rage within me unleashed. 

I started to take the IV out of my arm and all the tubes out of my body. I pushed the covers off of me and threw them on the ground. She tried to stop me by holding me down but I was much stronger then she was. I wanted her to stop touching me, and let me be. But no, that's when I stood up and got into my stance that Harry had showed me when he was vaguely teaching me how to fight. She had come after me once more and that's when I took a swing at her, hitting her square in the jaw. She fell to the ground immediately and that's when the nurses came in and held me down, while another helped Dr.Garcia up.

"Let me go!" I yelled but it was like no one was listening to me. As everything else mattered except the well being of me. 

"Mother!" I cried, but she didn't come. Instead a nurse had stuck a needle in my neck and everything turned black again.

*Later... Again*

I woke up with a kink in my neck. I was in the same hospital room as before but this time their was a security guard standing at my door. I looked around once more and a new Doctor had walked in, this time it was a male around the age of 50 or so, with a little bit of a beard. His hair was black with a little bit of grey showing.

"Hello Miranda, I'm Doctor Anderson."

"Where's the other doctor?" I asked bringing my hand up to my neck where I felt the pain from the needle.

"She's recovering from the broken nose you gave her." I bit my bottom lip trying to keep the laughter within me. I know it was no laughing matter but the thought of me actually punching some one was quite hysterical. I noticed her kept his distance sitting at the opposite of the room, with his clip board. Some pages were folded over the top, as he had the pen in his mouth scratching his head.

"Can you tell me what happened before you blacked out... the first time."

"I wasn't feeling well, my hands were sweaty, light headed, and then everything went black."

"Your friends said you weren't really paying attention. You looked like you were over thinking something. What was that?"

"I can't-"

"You can't or you won't." Can't you dumb ass, don't you think I would've told you if I wanted to.

"Can I see my mother, please?" He nodded. At least this doctor wasn't pushing my buttons and refusing a simple request I had to see my mother. I've never liked hospitals or doctors for that fact. They kind of creeped me out, well besides my father.

A moment later my mother walked through the door with a smile. "Hi sweetie." She came over to the side of my bed and kissed my forehead.

"Mom I want to leave." I told her.

"We can, in a few minutes."

"Your doctor has prescribed you see someone about-"

"Like a therapist? No way, I'm not some insane person."

"Honey, you knocked out a doctor."

"She had it coming for her." I retorted.

"Is something bothering you?"

"No I just want to go home okay?"

"Alright, I'll ask your doctor."

She left leaving me in the room alone, except for the body guard at my door. What were they thinking trying to send me to a therapist. I didn't need one I was completely fine.

Or at least I hope I am.


A|N: (This is for my Quotev readers) THANK YOU FOR 285 HEARTS! I mean I woke up this morning thinking I would only have five new hearts, but I had like 20-30 new hearts <3 like I was beyond excited. Thank you again.

So how was everyone's Christmas? You guys get what you asked for? I asked for a camera and I got it. So now I'm hopefully gonna start making Youtube videos. Would you guys watch them if I did? I'll send you to my channel once I get my first video up!

Question of the Chapter: What did you think of this chapter? Was it alright? Do you think Miranda had a good reason to knock out the doctor in the first place? And would you watch my videos?

Please if you will;


Thank you!

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