Bad Boy Games

By MeMyselfAndI123

77.1K 2.3K 341

I gritted my teeth as his hands ran up the blonde bimbo's thighs and when he leaned forward to suck on her ne... More

Bad Boy Games
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 13

1.6K 43 5
By MeMyselfAndI123


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3 Enjoy!


                We played for a while until Michael grew tired. I carried him to the car and he fell asleep while I was buckling him in. I found a blanket and laid his head on it for a pillow so he doesn’t hurt his neck. Slipping into the driver’s seat, I drove out of the parking lot. I stopped at McDonald’s on the way home and bought lunch for all three of us. Pulling up in the driveway in front of our house, I cut the engine.

                 I got out and unbuckled Michael, picking him up and locking the doors. His head is resting on my shoulder with his face pressed into my neck. I saw someone out of the corner of my eye and looked over, seeing Jacob on his porch. His crystal blue eyes are trained on me, watching me carry Michael to the house. I looked back at him for a second and then tore my gaze away from his, opening the door and stepping inside.

                I dropped the bag of fast food and the keys onto the counter, continuing up the stairs to Michael’s room. I changed him into a pair of pajamas and tucked him in, kissing his forehead and tiptoeing out of the dark room quietly. I checked my phone and saw that it’s 2 o’clock. Grabbing a book out of my room and thumping back down the stairs, I swiped a pack of fries and went out onto the porch.

                Flopping down on the padded porch swing, I sat sideways and propped my feet up on the other side. I opened the book and rested it on my knees. I just got into it when I heard footsteps and looked up. I honestly thought it was going to be Jacob so I was surprised when I saw Carter climbing the porch steps.

                Smiling, I let my feet fall off the swing and jumped up. Rushing over to him, I threw myself at his tall frame and he caught me easily in a hug.

                “Carter!” I squealed. “You came to visit the sickly!” He chuckled and I grinned against his shoulder. He’s wearing a regular pair of blue jeans, a light blue button up shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and white Vans.

                “Yeah, you better not get me sick,” he joked. I slapped his head teasingly. “Winter was going to come too but her Mom asked her to help with something around the house. I don’t remember what.” I nodded and stepped out of his arms, plopping back down onto the porch swing. He sat beside me and tried to steal my fries but I jumped up and ran across the porch.

                “Get away! These are my fries, you asshole!” I yelled when he chased me. Stuffing some in my mouth, I jumped over the railing and sprinted across the yard. “STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER!” I screamed. Running like a maniac, I raced down the sidewalk and into the street with him following me the whole time. I did a sharp U-turn and skirted around his reaching hands, running as fast as I can back toward my house.

                I got into the yard and made the mistake of looking back. I tripped over my own feet and went tumbling to the ground, the air flying out of my lungs. Carter leaned over me a second later, grinning in amusement.

                “Dammit,” I groaned, rolling over and trying to get away. He caught me and wrapped his hands around my waist, turning me over onto my back and tickling me mercilessly. “NO! S-t… stop it! C-c-carter stop! Please?!” I gasped out between giggles, my lungs aching from laughing so hard.

                “Do you give up?” he asked calmly, still tickling me.

                “Y-yes! I give up!” He finally stopped his torture and smiled triumphantly. I started hiccupping which made him laugh loudly at me. “F-“ hiccup. “uck you Carter. You’re an ass-“ Another hiccup. “hole.” He ignored my insult, holding his stomach as he laughed. I don’t even see how he finds it funny. I slapped his head again and stood up, throwing the empty fry container down at him and smirking. “There’s your damn fries.”

                I heard his complaints as I walked back up to the porch and sat on the swing again. He came over a few minutes later and lifted my legs, sitting down and placing them across his lap. I didn’t look up from the book.

                “That wasn’t nice, you know.” I grinned and shrugged. He chuckled, flicking my knee. I held up my middle finger, still not looking at him. Resting my head back on the cushion, I flipped the book shut and tucked it between my hip and the swing. Letting my eyes slip closed as the sun shined on my face, I felt the gentle breeze blow a piece of hair into my face. I left it there.

                I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes I was in my room tucked into the bed. Something heavy is wrapped around my waist and warm air blew across my face as someone breathed in my ear. Swiveling my head around, I saw Carter and smiled softly. We’ve had sleepovers many times before with Winter and all of us sleep either in the same bed or on a big makeshift one on the floor. Carter likes to cuddle so Winter and I are normally used as his personal teddy bears. We don’t mind, though. Besides, I like to cuddle too.

                Unwrapping his arm gently, I rolled onto my stomach on a cool part of the mattress and groaned as I stretched. What time is it now? I glanced at my alarm. Huh, now it’s six thirty. Well, looks like I probably won’t be going to sleep until later tonight. Damn. Tomorrow is Monday. I hate Sunday afternoons and nights because you know that you have to go back to school and/or work the next day.

                Reaching my leg over, I nudged Carter’s leg with my foot. He grumbled and stirred a little bit.

                “Carter,” I mumbled, nudging him again. He rolled away and tried to push my foot away. He’s really stubborn when you’re trying to wake him up and he wants to keep sleeping. Hell, I am too but I always get up eventually. Well, most of the time.

                “Five more minutes,” he mumbled into the pillow.

                “No, Carter. Five minutes to you when you’re sleeping is an hour. It’s already six thirty.” He groaned and pulled the blanket over his head. I sighed and crawled over to him. “Caaaaarterrrrrr!” I sang in a high-pitched, girly voice. He groaned again. “Wakey wakey, sunshine!” I shook his shoulder.

                “Lylaaaa, go away,” he whined. I giggled.

                “Nope! You need to get your ass out of my bed and go home or I’m gonna pour cold water on your face.” He froze.

                “You wouldn’t.”

                “Oh, I would. And I will if you don’t get up in the next five seconds. Ooooone… Twooooo… Th-“

                “Alright, alright- I’m up!” he shot up quickly. I grinned and he glared at me. The first time I ever threatened him with that he thought I wouldn’t do it. He learned differently. I dumped a whole glass of ice cold water on his face so now ever since then he always jumps out of bed if I threaten him with it. It’s really entertaining.

                “Good boy. C’mon.” I got to my feet and walked toward the door, opening it and waiting for him to drag himself across the room to stand in front of me.

                “You’re really mean, Lyla. I’m still tired.” He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my shoulder. I patted his back and shoved him off of me into the hall, closing the door and dragging him down the stairs.

                “Yeah well you need to go home. Your Mom is probably wondering where you are.” I picked up his shoes from in front of the door and shoved them in his hands. He pouted but put them on anyway. He knows I’m right. After a few more minutes of banter, he said bye to Mom and I gave him a hug, walking out to his car with him.

                “Meanie.” He stuck his tongue out at me and I grinned.

                “Yep. Bye Carter! Love you!” I gave him another hug and he climbed into the car, shutting the door and waving at me through the window. I waved back and watched him drive away. On my way back inside I grabbed my book from the swing.

                “I thought you were going out with that other asshole?” I whirled around, clutching my chest as my heart beat furiously and saw Jacob leaning against the railing. How did I not hear him come up here?

                “What the hell? Where did you come from? Were you watching me?” I asked him angrily. He didn’t answer, just crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow, waiting for my answer. I hissed and cussed under my breath. “I’m not ‘going out’ with anyone right now. Preston isn’t an asshole, you are, and we aren’t together. Carter and I don’t like each other like that. He and Winter are my best friends.” He stared at me for a few seconds and scoffed.

                “You really can’t see it?” I furrowed my eyebrows, confused and still angry at him for watching me.

                “See what?” He shook his head and I narrowed my eyes at him. “You can’t just say something like that and then leave it.” He didn’t say anything and I glared, turning toward the door. “Whatever. If you’re not going to tell me, I’m not going to stand out here and waste my time waiting for you to decide when you’re going to pull the stick out of your ass and mind your own business.”

                “Someone’s PMSing,” I heard him mumble right before I slammed the door. My hand clenched into a fist and I debated on whether I should go back out there and punch him right in that annoyingly handsome face of his.

                I finally decided not to. It would just cause a lot of extra crap that I don’t need and I would probably break my hand. I just had a good day and then hung out with Carter. We were laughing and smiling, so obviously Jacob would butt in and ruin my good mood.

                I stomped up the stairs and went into my room. Thank god Mom didn’t see me or I would have had to either tell her the truth or come up with some kind of lie. I really hate lying to her but there’s just some things that I don’t want her to worry about. She already has a lot on her plate as it is. I don’t want to add more onto it just because of some arrogant bad boy who thinks the world revolves around him.

                I didn’t even bother going into the bathroom, throwing on a pair of short shorts and a black spaghetti strap tank top. What? It’s really hot in here so I’d be sweating all night if I wore sweats and a t-shirt. I’m too lazy and pissed right now to turn on the air-conditioner so I threw open my window to let the cool night air and the sound of the crickets chirping wash into the room.

                Sliding my phone out of the back of my jeans pocket, I curled up on the bed and unlocked it to check my messages. I have a missed call and new text from Landon. My stomach tightened and I swallowed hard. Opening the text, my eyes scanned it slowly.

                Landon: I know that me just suddenly calling hasn’t been the most pleasant thing, but can you please call me? I don’t expect you to just forgive me because I know that that’s impossible by this point and I understand that it’s completely my fault. I’m just trying to ask for another chance, if you’ll give me one. Love you Bear. <3

                I felt myself tearing up when he used my old nickname. He used to say that I’m like a grizzly bear in the morning so he started calling me Bear. Biting my lip as I held back the tears, I stared at the screen while my eyes stung with unshed tears for a few minutes. I checked the time. It’s already nine o’clock. Will he still be up?

                With shaky fingers, I dialed his number and put the phone to my ear, staring up at the ceiling through my eyes which are blurry from tears.

                “Hello?” he answered on the fourth ring. His voice is husky and quiet so I think he was asleep.

                “Uh, hey. This is Lyla. Sorry if I woke you up. I can call back tomorrow…” I trailed off.

                “Lyla?!” he asked, now wide awake. I heard some rustling as he shifted the phone to hear me better.

                “Yeah… Listen, Landon. I’m sorry I didn’t call you sooner but I really just didn’t and still don’t know what to say or do. I’m not going to sit here and rant and say all of the things that I’m thinking because you’ve already said all of it and from what I’ve heard, it sounds like you regret it.”

                “Yes I do. Every day.”

                “I never stopped loving you, Landon. None of us did. Mom has been going through a lot since you and Dad left. She’s told me that she doesn’t want to go to sleep sometimes because she’s afraid that she’ll wake up and we won’t be here anymore. I hate seeing her under so much pressure. Dad really hurt her and she’s still healing from the heartbreak caused her.”

                “I know Lyla, and I’m really, really sorry. I wish I could take back what I did and come back like nothing happened but I can’t do that and I take full responsibility for it. I hate Dad for what he did to you guys and to Mom but I can’t fix that either. All I can do is try to make it up to you three and hope that you’ll trust me and let me be part of your lives again.”

                “…He called the other day.”


                “Dad. He called Mom. I heard her talking in her room a few days ago. I asked her who it was and she said that it was Dad. It really tore her up and she started crying. Then I was with Ja-…” I almost said Jacob but caught myself. “a friend at this diner a few days later. I saw him outside but when I went outside to see if it was really him, he was already gone.” It was silent for a minute and I thought that Landon had hung up but I heard him breathing on the other end, taking all of this in.

                “Do you think that he might be… trying to get Mom back?” I bit my lip and furrowed my eyebrows.

                “I don’t know. That’s extremely possible, knowing him. It sounds like something he would do.” There was another silence but I broke it this time. “Landon. If you’ll start calling or at least keep in touch with us, I’m willing to give you a second chance. I don’t want to lose my brother. You have no idea how much I’ve missed my bubba the whole time you were gone.”

                “I’m sorry, Lyla. I missed you too. All of you. I’ll keep in touch and try to call as much as possible. Do you think Mom will want to talk to me?” He sounded unsure and his voice trembled. I wanted so badly in that moment to give him a hug.

                “Of course. She’s missed you just as much as I have, if not more. I know that if I told her that you wanted to talk to her, she would be more than willing to snatch up the phone and call you right that second.” He took a shaky breath.

                “Alright. I’m gonna go, okay? I have to go to work tomorrow so I’m going to get as much sleep as possible. I’ll call you tomorrow. What time do you get out of school?”

                “We get out at 2:30. I get home at around 2:50.”

                “Okay. I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you, Bear.” I smiled a little.

                “Love you too, Landon.” The line went dead and I tossed my phone a little ways away, staring at the ceiling. He really does regret not talking to us and hopefully it’ll lift a weight off of Mom’s shoulders when they talk. I closed my eyes and went to sleep with a little smile on my face, feeling lighter than I have in a long time. Looks like I can fall asleep early tonight after all.


Landon’s POV

                When I got off the phone with Lyla I was smiling. I’m so glad that she’s giving me another chance. I thought that I would lose my family because of the stupid decisions I made. I promised myself and Lyla that I’ll keep in touch with them, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I refuse to lose basically the only family that I have left.

                Placing my cell phone on the nightstand, I rested my head on the soft feather pillow and fell asleep almost instantly.


Love? Hate? Cookie? Turtle? Monkey? Unicorn? Pleeeease tell me what you thought of the chapter! :) I feel like no one is reading this book. D: And how can I dedicate chapters if they're aren't any comments?!?! :(

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