You Didn't Ask (Reader x Nea...

By Uunouncium

24.3K 1.1K 137

How on earth can Billionaire Nea D. Campbell (older human form) and an odd jobs having teen named (F/n) (L/n)... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
Movin On

chapter 33

307 19 9
By Uunouncium

later on that day....

reader pov

i wont deny im happy. really happy. i was able to get a good job a few days ago on a movie set so the pay is pretty good and my work will be on display for the whole world. if that wasn't enough, the main character is probably the most sexiest man ive ever seen in my life. the guy oozes more confidence than i do which is really something cause in my mind, im the truest shit. the absolute most awesome. no doubt about it. him.....he is something else. he is nice. probably the only person on the set who hasn't yelled at me about taking to long or something. it also doesnt help that the window is always open to his dressing room and he is always changing when i walk by. i wont deny that i be looking. i try not to look like a creep but....well he fine as fuck so i cant help it. this job is great cause it pays good, not a whole ton of hours, AND the eye candy is easy to look at.

sometimes, i think he does it on purpose. i just so happen to be walking by, holding some type of equipment or the like, and his door is cracked just a little. i would always get a peak of him with his shirt off or something. or he would be against a desk typing on his phone and eating a sandwich, shirtless with his jeans loosely riding on his hips. i try not to look for long cause well it would be weird if i were spotted looking. just openly ogling a very straight man. its just....well how can i resist the opportunity? i peaked in the door, spotting him across the room leaning against the desk on his phone. he wasn't wearing a shirt for some reason but im not complaining. the definition on his chest is fucking perfect. the room was a bit nippy so his nipples are hard. his jeans were loose. looks like he was in the middle of changing. he was wearing just the jeans with some flattering white undies and socks. he was really into his phone which is good cause im totally staring. just looking at the guy is turning me on. the stern expression, muscular chest, low riding jeans that reveal the elastic of his white undies. the straight fit of the jeans. shit. i wonder what he would look like without those je--he looked right at me and my heart stopped. i quickly looked away and acted like i was still moving. "hey!!" he called after me right before i was able to turn the corner. i looked back, trying to act normal. he was looking out the door to his dressing room. "are you the lighting and sound guy?" he asked, his voice smooth as silk. i nodded reluctantly. "well i need to chat with you about the last scene. you got a minute?" he asked, or more so demanded. its true i didnt have a prior engagement. i made my way to his room.

"so...about the last scene we shot earlier. the mic was hanging right above my head. i know it wasn't your fault since you weren't holding the mic, i just want to let whoever had did it know: keep it out of the shot. if the editors cant cut it out, we will have to reshoot the scene, alright?" it was really difficult to pay attention to what he was saying because he still hadn't put on a shirt and again, the room was still nippy so his nipples are hard. i nodded. "oh and this room is really cold. would you mind taking a look at the A/C? i know it sounds redundant cause im not wearing a shirt right now but i should be able to be comfy in my room, right?" he scratched his head nervously. "yeah, i can do that for ya," that's not the only thing i could do for him but he is straight and i have to respect it. i already had my tools with me because i just came back from fixing the lighting on the set so i can do it right now. "where is the thermostat?" i asked, taking out the pliers from my belt. he pointed to the far wall. i walked over and started working.

he said nothing while i worked. didnt even look at me either. just buried his face in his phone while i worked. i guess that's to be expected since he is straight. i finished working and put the lid back on the thermostat. i turned it to 75 and heard the heat click on. "that should do it, Mr....shit. im sorry, i never got your name," he held out a hand. i took it. "just call me ian. glad i could help, mr mikk," i said. "just call me tyki," he grinned. i nodded and turned to walk away but he still held to my hand. "you should be a little more subtle about looking. i can see you coming from a mile away," he said. my face felt hot. "shit! im sorry, tyki. its kinda hard to resist when the door is always cracked open. ill make sure to tell janitorial to fix that door for you. again, im sorry. it will never happen again," i took in a deep breath, having said all of that too quickly. he busted out laughing. "its fine. im flattered. interesting to know that im ogled by women AND men everywhere," he chuckled. there was a moment of silence and he still hadn't let go of my hand. "well if you will excuse me, tyki, i gotta get back to work," i muttered reluctantly. his skin was glistening. looks like i turned up the heat to much. he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a marker. he popped the lid with his pearly whites and scribbled on my hand. "figured you wouldn't mind a signature," he grinned, putting the marker away. he was right but i didnt know how to ask in this situation. my face felt hot as i backpedaled out the door. he just went back to typing on his phone as if i was never there. i quickly got out of sight before letting the feelings overflow. he smelled so fucking good, looked so fucking good, sounded so fucking good. shit. im gay as shit arent i? i feel like a fucking school girl fawning over a crush. i looked at the signature on my hand.

254 555 5252 text me

my eyes widened. i read it a few times to make sure i wasn't seeing things. that was really a number that he wrote on my hand. i was giddy the rest of the work day. im gonna test this number later on tonight.

later on that day....

nea pov

i was sitting in my office when i got a text. since i dont do a whole lot of work and just come here cause i be lonely at home while the baby is in day care and rhode is at work, i put my feet up on the desk in my suit and pulled out my phone.

tyki: i did it

i raised a brow. tyki never talks to me. i honestly didnt know how he got my number but whatever. im not doing anything right now so i dont have a reason not to talk to him.

me: did what?

tyki: i took your advice and did it. i gave him my number

ooohhhh! the guy he was telling me about on my birthday. now i know where we are in this conversation.

me: what did he say?

tyki: im trying not to be weird but....wrote it on his hand. im waiting for him to text me

me: how did you get the opportunity?

tyki: caught him ogling me through my accidentally (winking emoji) cracked open door. we chatted about some unimportant things and he fixed my A/C, which gave me the opportunity to check him out and oh boy is he sexy up close. i made it seem like i was on my phone the whole time

me: what would happen if he did text you?

it was a few minutes before he texted back.

tyki: that's a good question. i dont really know how this would work

me: figure out a place to mess around at. like a hotel/motel.

tyki: that sounds fine and all but how do i do it without drawing attention?

me: you get the room cause he probably wouldn't be able to afford it. slip him the room key and tell him where it is via text while you both are at work. it wont look weird if you guys have casual conversation at work, right? then come up with a time to meet up

tyki: ....ill probably have to wear a disguise

me: if only to make sure this is on the low. make sure you let him know that you arent looking for more than sex right now. you dont want to get to close to a fan and end up with a stalker

tyki: he texted me!

me: ttyl. tell me what happens. i have a meeting to go to

tyki: ttyl

i sighed. even dl people are getting more play than i am. i....i seriously have been considering lowering my standards. i shook my head vehemently. i deserve to be treated like a human and a man. not just some old guy who has loads of money. i deserve love too. i just have to be patient. love will come to me eventually. i hope.

reader pov

me: im guessing this number wasn't an accident

tyki: cant say im open about it. i went with the subtle approach

i was so giddy when he text me back. i was trying to contain my excitement. edgar was asleep in our dorm room and hates it if i wake him up. its understandable which is why i respect it. he is insanely quiet and apologizes excessively if he thinks he woke me up. he is considerate of me so i can be considerate of him. i put my phone on silent. i dont know if he will feel like calling me and i dont want the ringtone to wake him up.

me: you are gay?

tyki: yeah. still in the closet though so this is on the low

shit. i dont care. just getting to talk to him is good for me.

me: cool. i dont mind keeping this a secret. so, what do you want out of this?

tyki: you like me; i like you. we should do something about it

i dont know how to feel about this. i didnt expect him to be so forward about it.

me: im a top

tyki: u hung?

me: *dick pic*

i can be forward too. i grinned.

tyki: shit. that's fucking huge. ill have to get extra lube

ten minutes had passed before he messaged back. i was freaking out thinking i was too forward but im good now.

me: i know how to work it (winking emoji)

tyki: lol ill be the judge of that. you better not disappoint

me: when and where. i swear ill make you fall in love

i dont mean to toot my own horny but i do happen to be quite skilled in the bedroom. i dont mind proving myself though.

tyki: ill give you the room key tomorrow at work. make sure no one sees it

me: got it

i was grinning manically. didnt think i would even get the chance. ill be able to get warmed up with the guy at the gym and finish with tyki at a hotel or what eves.

the next morning....

"done already?" said kazaana as i put the bar down. "yeah, kaz. i have an appointment in a few minutes and i wanna be ready," i sat up off the bench. "appointment?" he raised a brow. i grinned. "appointment in the bathroom at seven," i shrugged. i noticed a guy with medium brow hair and a youthful face stealing glances at me while i wasn't looking. he was cute but....well i try not to get my hopes up about it. i dont want to take every extended glance as an invitation and end up being violently rejected. ive seen it happen and its not pretty. he chuckled. "yeah, so unfortunately, i wont be able to ogle you while you shower. i know you are devastated," i got up and wiped my face with the towel i brought. "guess ill see you later?" he grunted. "it probably wont be that long. im just getting some head. i might even be able to catch the last part of your shower so dont get comfortable yet," i elbowed him playfully before heading into the locker room.

i stripped to a towel and grabbed my shower stuff so i can get right in the shower when he is finished. i wrapped the towel around my waist tightly. i got a text while i was getting my shower stuff ready.

unknown: you coming?

i looked at the clock, 6:58 am.

me: omw

i put my phone up and headed into the bathroom. i walked into the handicapped stall and took a seat on the toilet with the lid down. i waited. there was a knock on the stall door. "come in," i said. door opened to reveal the guy who was staring at me earlier. he grinned while i was surprised. "i figured it was you," he said, closing the door behind him. he wore just a towel like me, showing that he was thinner than me but still lean and buff. he got right to his knees. "tsk...didnt expect it to be you," i said as he tugged at my towel, loosening it. he put me right into his mouth, shamelessly sucking and bobbing while looking me right in the eye. he was surprisingly passionate and looked really good with my dick in his mouth. he gagged, stuffing it as far down his throat as he could. he wasn't moving fast enough so i grabbed his head and started fucking his face. he gripped my thighs as i moved in and out of his warm and moist mouth, watching the drool soak into my bush and little tears forming in his eyes. i pulled him off to give him a break. he was gasping for air. a dark blush came over his cheeks and he put me right back in, bobbing faster and more aggressively than before. apparently he is into this alot more than i though. i felt that knot formed in my stomach, telling me that im close. he pulled me out and dragged the tip over his lips as i came right on his pretty face. he licked it all up, his sick grin never leaving his face. i couldn't help but notice his tent forming in his towel. "is blowjobs all you do?" i asked. he kept stroking me, making sure every drop is out. "shit, if you willing, i could use an anal massage," he said. i stood up, pulling him up with me. i put his face to the wall, pulling his towel off, revealing that tight ass that i would admire in the shower with him. i didnt bring anything with me so this is a risk. he put a leg up on the toilet. "im clean just...." he gripped my waist and pulled me inside him, forcing every inch inside. he nestled his cheeks against me, quivering against me. he started stroking himself. i started thrusting, taking full advantage of the warm tightness and subtle moisture from his sweating until i wasn't able to hold back any more.

his tight ass milked two more loads from me before it was getting late. i had to be at the book store in an hour and im in dire need of a shower. i pulled out, watching him leak profusely. he was panting deeply, his hole working my seed out of him. i pulled on my towel quickly. he did the same. "same time same place next time?" he asked, tightening his towel around his waist. "we might as well make this a thing. great way to relax after a good work out," i picked up my pail of shower stuff and walked out. he grabbed my hand before i could leave. "whats your name?" he asked. "ian, you?" i asked. "rikei," i nodded and we headed to the shower.

i made it just in time to catch the last of kazaana's shower. his face twisted as soon as i stood next to him. "just had sex so this shower is imperative. i have work in an hour," i started washing, earning a confused look from him.


i dont know if this is obvious but i want you to have had some kind of a relationship with all of nea's family so they will all be shocked when you and him finally get together


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