Steve Rogers » Imagines & Pre...

By sadbakuhoe

23.1K 562 295

A collection of oneshots and imagines of everyone's favorite Star Spangled Man!! ~ I do NOT own any characte... More

Special Delivery
Meeting Y/N Stark
Sexy Selfie Tag
Escape » Bucky Barnes PART 1
Who Lived As A Capsicle Under The Sea?
Steve » Periods.
Steve » Fluffy Sea Lion
Steve » Father's Day
I'm sorry.
Fire » Steve Rogers
Steve » Voices
get to know me.
Goodbye » Steve
BREAKUP PT 1 » Steve
A Winter Storm -- Captain America FF Information
:: 1 :: planning out ::
:: 2 :: departing for the future ::
:: 3 :: Peggy Carter ::
:: 5 :: Why Me? ::
:: 6 :: Procedure Time! ::
:: 7 :: Tinkerbell Boots ::
dr. strange
update? lmao

:: 4 :: Uh... Hi ::

202 6 0
By sadbakuhoe

It's now been three weeks. Peggy and I are the like sisters now, and we've done everything together. Colonel Phillips told us that soon men would be coming here, possibly tomorrow. I'm a little scared to see all of these men so big compared to me that I won't have the big military experience.

In the mean time, I think that it's safe to say that I am incredibly improved. I can do so many things that I had never thought I'd be able to do. I never thought that I'd even get in the military, or that I could slip past Steve and Bucky. Speaking of the two, I haven't spoken to either of them in so long. I chose not to. I have gotten letters from the both of them, but I had them returned. I didn't want to feel pain, so I resorted to sending them back. In hind sight, it wasn't the smartest idea. What do they think of me when they get a returned letter?

Oh well, I guess they can get over it. No matter how much it hurts me to say it or do it.

Peggy and I stood outside our bunker, making small talk as we waited for Colonel Phillips to give us further instruction. My long curly brown hair was in waves trailing down to my mid back. I had my lips a soft pink, not as daring as a red like Peggy would do. I had minimal makeup and flattened out my skirt. Peggy and I had identical outfits on, with the same heels. I had a name tag saying SMITH whereas hers said CARTER. We saw the Colonel wall over to us.

"Ladies we'll be heading to the field to see our new recruits. Follow me," he said. Peggy and I got in the transport car and drove to the field. Once we got there, the transport vehicles with the new recruits arrived. We got out and fixed our outfits, and stood there. Once the men unloaded into a beeline, we headed over there.

"Gentlemen, I'm Agent Smith and this is Agent Carter," I said introducing us.

"We supervise all operations of this division," Peggy said scanning all of their faces.

"What's with the accent, Queen Victoria? Thought I signing up for the U.S. Army," a man said. I looked over for the voice and the face that belonged with it.

"What's your name soldier," I questioned looking at him. He smirked replying, "Gilmore Hodge."

"Put your right foot forward Hodge," I said smirking.

"Are we dancing? Because I know I have a few moves I know you'll like-" I cut him off but suddenly by punching him square in the face. He so deserved that. I smirked at Peggy and wiped the blood off my knuckles.

"You don't win wars with niceness, Doctor." I heard the Colonel say behind me. I heard the all to familiar sound a grenade. "GRENADE!" Colonel Phillips yelled. I turned around and he threw it, and I looked back to see....


"Get back, get back!" He commanded. He threw himself on top of the explosive, trying to save us if it were to explode.. which it didn't. By now Steve would've been blown to bits.

"It's a dummy grenade," I said sighing with relief. Steve looked up at me, just now noticing me like I just noticed him.

"Annabella?" I looked down and back at the Colonel who was now behind me along with Dr. Erskine.

"He's still skinny."



I don't have school today so that explains all of my updating. I'm happy I got all of this in. I don't know how much I'll update today, but I have plenty of time today. Lol.

I guess this is all for the author's note lol (:

Hugs and Snowflakes,


(PS- don't forget to spread the work about this story!! Vote please!!)

ew crINGE
- rae

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