Supernatural One Shots (Mostl...

By paigeinastory

54.1K 1.1K 99

All in the title everyone. XOXO Disclaimer: I do not own this character, Supernatural does but I take full ow... More

Hello Part One.
I Miss Her Too.
No More Hiding.
You Don't Love Me.
Black And White
PDA. Please Don't Anywhere.
Those Were The Days.
Look At The Time.
Hello Part Two.
How About No?
Be Mine; Jensen x reader
Sick and Tired
It Just Had To Be Them.
A Mother's Love Never Fades
Be Mine Part Two
True Love
What I Never Knew I Always Wanted
Big Brother.
Be Mine; Part Three
Back And Forth
I'm The Princess.
Round And Round.
Sick Sister
What Makes Us And Breaks Us.
Water Under The Bridge; Part Three
Risk It All.
Just What You Needed To See.
Dean Imagine Part 1.
Dean Imagine PART TWO.
Welcome To My World.
Dean Imagine.
Harder Than It Looks.
One Good Man; Jensen x reader
A Lot To Be Thankful for.
House Full Of Girls.
You Give Love A Bad Name. Demon!Dean x reader
Not Really Okay.
Out Like That
Baby's First Christmas Eve.
Back To December
Tale As Old As Time
Mommy Was Kissing Santa Clause!
He's My Demon. Demon!dean x demon!reader
Nobody Love. Rock star!Dean x reader AU
Dean drabble #1
A Walk To Remember. Young!dean x reader
Sink Or Swim
Family Is Family.
Mr. Fizzles Strikes Again.
Think Of Me. Dean Winchester AU
All I Ask.
Love Runs Out.
Spring Baby.
Picture Perfect.
On the First Day...
Rabbit Hole.
If You're Happy...
Dean Imagine
Harvest Moon Jensen Ackles x reader
His Name Was Jack. PART ONE.
The One With the Nap Partners
You Were My Only Sunshine
Imagine You get hurt on a hunt and Jack is afraid of healing you.
Bitter Sweet.
Get Over Here
Supernatural Imagine.
We've Met Before
Supernatural Imagine
Wedding of the Century; Dean x reader
Supernatural Imagine

Anything For The Princess.

526 12 0
By paigeinastory

Ever since, Charlotte started going to school, she has become prone to bringing home viruses and bugs. Unfortunately, the last one she caught she was at actually at the school. You found out when the school called Dean and the advised him to immediately..


"Mr. Winchester? Yes, this is the school secretary calling on behalf of your daughter, Mrs. Winchester. She is come down with some illness and she needs to be picked up right away." Dean rose up from his seat and asked if she was okay.

"She threw up in class and the teacher brought her straight to the nurse's office and we determined our decision from there. She is also running a fever." She said explained the whole situation. "I'm on way." Dean said running over to grab his jacket.

"Okay and Mr. Winchester?" She said clearing her throat. "Yes?" Dean asked breathlessly. "I would hurry." She said over the line and hung up. "Y/N!" Dean yelled from the hallway. You were in your daughter Catherine's nursery, with your other daughter, Cassie who was happily playing away.

"The school just called about Charlotte. She's sick." Dean said leaning the doorway. You were changing Catherine's diaper. Catherine was only five months old and Cassie was a little over a year old. "Oh no! Is she alright?" You exclaimed, concerned for sake of your baby girl.

"She doesn't sound good." Dean said leaning down and picking up Cassie who ran right up to her Daddy. And he boosted her on his hip. You finished up what you were doing and picked Catherine back up. "You gonna go get her?" You said chewing the inside of your mouth. You always did that when you were worried about something.

"Yeah, I am. I'll be back." Dean said pecking a kiss on your cheek and setting Cassie back down. You nodded your head and you both said you loved each other. You looked down at Cassie and asked her. "You gonna help me get the bunker ready, for sissy?"

She nodded her head and yes and you said good, because you were going to need it.

Dean rushed up to the school and got there in record timing without breaking the speed limit surprisingly. Dean jogged into the office and he saw his poor daughter Charlotte laying down into between two chairs. Dean knelt down in front of her and shook her a little bit.

"Charlotte? Lottie? It's Daddy, I'm here to take you home." Dean said in a quiet and low voice, causing her to stir in her sleep. "Daddy?" She groaned in a raspy voice and opening her little and tired eyes for a second and looked up at him.

Dean scooped Lottie up into his arms and mouthed a thank you to the lady behind the front desk. He took her to the car and got her smoothly with no accidents. Dean carried her into the bunker, and announced you were home. You were in the kitchen with the two girls and you shot up from your seat.

Charlotte was slumped in his Dean's arms, her little arms wrapped around her little tummy. "Honey? Lottie, it's Mommy what hurts? You said not being able to believe how pathetic she was looking.

"M-my tummy and m-my head." She pointed to them and returned her hands around her stomach. You felt her forehead which only confirmed she had a fever. "Do you feel like you're going to be sick again?" You asked her next. She nodded her head yes.

You and Dean brought her into the bathroom and you put her in front of the toilet and she threw up again. Dean held her hair back and you had to go leave and check on the girls. They were fine but you still felt obligated to check on them anyway.

When you returned to the bathroom she had finished being sick but Dean had her wrapped up in his arms and he was shushing her tears. You knelt down on the ground too and you wiped the remaining tears from her cheek. "Why don't we set you up in your bedroom with the TV and you and Daddy watch your favorite movie to feel better?" You suggested to her.

She only nodded her head yes but you were hoping for something more maybe like a little smile. She must not really feel good. Dean stood up with Charlotte in her arms and you flushed the toilet behind them and washed your hands.

Then you got a fever reducer together and a glass water for her to drink. When you got back you found Charlotte and Dean starting Tangled. "Here, sweetie take this. It will make you feel better." You said handing it to her. You and Dean both watched her and made sure she drank it all and got some water in her system.

You left them in peace and went to tend to the other kids. You came back after you got them both laid down for their daily afternoon nap. You walked in with Dean trying to convince Charlotte to go to sleep and get some rest. You sat down on the other side of her and asked her if could Daddy and Mommy do to get her to go to sleep.

"Sing me the light song." She stated simply. You and Dean looked to each other and on the count of three you began to sing softly.

"And at last I see the light. It's like a fog has lifted.

And at last I see the light and its like the the sky is new.

And where its warm, and real and bright and the world has somehow shifted

All at once, everything is different now that I see you."

Charlotte's eyes were closed but she fell asleep with a smile on her face. Your little girls was already feeling better. 

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