He's My Demon. Demon!dean x demon!reader

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It wasn't going to be easy but you couldn't forget that if it had to anything to do with the Winchesters it wasn't going to be easy. Your mission was to retrieve Dean from the bunker, without any altercations. It was supposed to be an in and out job. But as you said earlier you were going to run into a few hurdles.

Your name was Y/N, you were Dean's girlfriend. And if things went according to plan, you were going to convince him to work with Crowley and you would be the Princess of Hell.

But of course, if one thing lead to another, you might be pronounced the Queen of Hell, if you and Dean were to have a baby. That would be quite something. Dean saved your life from pathetic hunters who frankly had no business trapping a demon, and you joined the two of them on the road, drifting through different towns.

You were a well known crossroads demons, as a matter of fact of one Crowley's favorites. You were always a show stopper, bringing in the most souls then everyone else. You had your head on a plate from demons, humans and everyone who sought revenge from you, but you weren't going to let that stop you.

You had a reputation to uphold, and you weren't going to allow anything to get in the way of that. And you were also going to get your boyfriend back. No matter the costs. Crowley wished you would bring some back up but you insisted you would handle fine on your own.

Crowley rolled his eyes and trusted you. He just wanted his companion back. You were going to have sneak into the bunker and without killing the other Winchester, and the angel Castiel in order to rescue Dean. And you were already way ahead of all of the traps you were likely to run into.

Crowley gave you the entire floor plan of the bunker, where to go, and where you would find Dean. This was going to be a lot more easier than you thought it was going to be. You were set to execute your mission today. It had to be today. Because by tomorrow if Crowley did his math correctly Sam has already gone ahead and started the curing process with human blood, and by tomorrow it would be too late. You would lose your Dean forever.

You pulled around to the bunker and parked a distance so Sam and Cas wouldn't suspect anything different. Then you approached the front door and picked at the lock with a bobby pin and when you heard the door click, signaling you were able to infiltrate. Then you crept down the stairs with your demon knife, which can break demon traps and cut rope with holy water drenched on it.

You pulled it out but not for the eye to see, if a threat popped you could scratch them but not enough to kill them. You were not going tot take any lives on this particular mission. It was not your job to cause a blood bath at the bunker. Your job was to walk out with not a scratch on Dean.

When you heard movement within the hall way, it sounded like footsteps not from one to two men. You immediately his underneath the stair case that descended down from the front entrance. Castiel and Sam bypassed you, invested in a deep conversation about Dean.

"He will get better, Sam. You know these things take time." Cas said trying reassure his companion. You rolled your eyes at the angel Castiel's words. That was nonsense. If the only checked their corners because they didn't know about the threat was right under their noses.

You traveled down the hall way and found the door that you would ultimately take you to the dungeon. You could literally sense Dean, he was not far off and you were so glad. You were glad you were going to share the same bed tonight. If all goes well. You don't want to get too ahead of yourself.

You pried the door opened slightly and worked your way slowly opening it all the way. When the door was completely opened all the way, you saw Dean with his head down tied up in the chair. "I hope I'm not too late." You muttered to yourself, jogging up to Dean. Before you could do that you had to break the demon trap, which you were happy to do so with your knife.

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