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 Dean had invited you over to the bunker to have a night in together just the two of you...alone. Dean sent Sam into his bedroom and basically put Sam on lock down in his own bedroom.

Dean wanted this night with you to go as perfect as possible because he wanted to make a good first impression on you because this was considered your first date.

You showed at the prompt time and Dean greeted outside and once inside like the gentleman he secretly is, he took your jacket from you. You walked down the stairs of the bunker together and you entered the library area.

You of course were just oohing and gabbing over at how many books were in the library. Dean was on his way to the kitchen and you were asking him questions about what type of books you have and other things that didn't make that much of sense to Dean.

You entered the kitchen not long after Dean but he quickly rushed you out because he wanted everything to be a surprised. "Okay, okay you are very serious about this." You say as he was pushing you out of the kitchen.

"I can't help it if I am a hopeless romantic." He said pridefully. You rolled your eyes because this was Dean Winchester you knew. "And he's back." You declare turning around and facing Dean.

"Who's back?" Dean asked confused. "You Dean you know the very prideful extremely and trying to be charming at the same time?" You say summing him in three words.

"I can show you a different side of me if you go down that hall and go in the third door on the left and I could meet you in there in a minute or so." Dean says using his fingers to motion the directions.

You were quick to catch on that comment Dean made. "Oh no mister you'll have to wait your turn when we get married for that." You say backing up with your hands up. "Okay sure." Dean says shrugging his shoulder and backing his way into the kitchen.

"You can't fool me, Dean." You say making the signal of I have my eyes on you at Dean. "Where?" Dean replies quickly. You didn't say anything to that because you didn't know what to say to that and you were blushing on top of it.

"Oh I made you blush?" Dean says placing a hand on his chest. You square your eyes at him and cock an eyebrow. "You're treading on a thin line, Winchester you better watch what you say next." You say crossing your arms over your chest.

"Don't worry I am being careful about what I say." Dean says spinning the pot full of boiling water and noodles. "Oh really I couldn't notice?" You say making a face. Now Dean was giving you the same look you just gave him a little while ago.

Soon, Dean and you were sitting across from each other, candles adorning a table in the library and you two were having spaghetti and meat balls for dinner. "This is so lovely Dean thank you so much for dinner." You say reaching for Dean's hand to hold.

Dean grasped your hand and gave it a slight squeeze and told you it was nothing. You started dinner and everything was delicious. You really enjoying dinner with Dean, you two were telling stories and going on and making each other laugh.

You made Dean laugh so hard that he started to clap his knee at the way he was laughing so hard. Well, when Dean's sleeve from his flannel made contact and caught fire.

"Technically it wasn't on fire." Dean says to you as you trying to tell your story. "Oh but it was." You say clarifying the cold and hard truth.

"Just go on with the story, Mommy!" Your daughter of six years old exclaimed.

"Okay." You say returning back to your story.

"Oh my gosh, Dean!" You immediately stood up and quickly grabbed the drink made for you threw it on Dean's shirt.

The fire went out after that and Dean took off his flannel shirt. Of course he had a shirt on underneath but Dean went on to say that was his favorite shirt. You two laughed it off and thought of the whole thing as something you won't forget for a long time.

"So that's it? That's the story?" Your daughter asked almost disappointed.

"Yeah sweetie that's was our first official date." You tell your daughter.

"I have one more question." Your daughter asks with her big eyes which made it hard to tell her no.

"What's that, honey?" You ask knitting your eyebrows together.

"Where do babies come from?" Your daughter asks innocently.

"That a question you can ask Daddy. Take away Dean." You got up and placed a quick kiss on your daughter's forehead and told her you loved her and you were out of there faster than the speed of lightening.

"Daddy?" Your daughter diverted her eyes over to Dean.


The End!

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