Sick Sister

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You woke up that morning and something didn't feel right. You felt off for some reason. You proceeded to get up at your usual time which was pretty early considering you still has to go to school. Sam and Dean already had you beat to the kitchen and Dean and Sam both greeted you with a good morning and you replied with just morning.

"Oh no! Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed? You know what that means? You have to get back in bed and start your morning all over." Dean said with a light chuckle and he earned a smile from Sam. Dean used to say that to Sam when he was just a kid.

Going back to bed does sound nice. You said to yourself in your thoughts. "I'm fine, I am just a little tired." You said yawning slightly. "You didn't sleep good, sis?" Sam asked you looking up from his laptop for the first time. "No, its just oh I don't know I think my allergies are bothering me." You said sniffling a little before grabbing a paper towel and blowing your nose with it.

Dean felt your forehead and couldn't feel that you had a fever. "You can still got to school but if you feel worse call us and we'll get you out there, okay?" Dean said grabbing your chin and making you look at him straight in the eye. "Okay, Dean." You said smiling as he still held on to your chin.

"Okay." He said releasing your and giving you a quick hug. "Go get ready and I'll make you something for the road." Dean said ushering you out. "Nothing too big I am not that hungry!" You called out in a loud voice as you entered the hallway. "You got it, kiddo!" Dean said making a little face.

"Did she seem off to you? Like a little punky?" Dean said making you sure you were back into your room. "She looked extremely white too, Dean." Sam said completely agreeing with Dean. "We'll found out I guess." Dean said shaking his head a little bit and taking a sip of his coffee.

You, Sam and Dean were never ones to get sick but when you did it was always bad and with your luck most of the time whatever passed through you three you always seemed to get it the worst. Dean got you school fine and dandy and promptly on time.

You just went to school in a over sized sweat shirt and sweat pants and did your hair up in a messy bun. It was Monday and even though it was late March it still felt cold outside like Winter. You told Dean you loved him and you go out and Dean watched you get inside before he pulled out.

He only hoped you weren't getting sick but it was a good possibility. Dean got back home to the bunker and him and Sam piddled around the bunker here and there when at 11:00 a.m. the school office called Dean.

"Mr. Winchester? Yes this Mrs. Mills, the school secretary and we wanted to tell you that your daughter, Mrs. Winchester has a slight fever and she is sick. One of our students brought her to the nurse's office and our decision was determined from there." She said into the phone basically saying that Dean needed to come scoop you up.

"I'm on my way now, thank you for the call." Dean said sad that he was right for once. "We'll see soon, Mr. Winchester." Mrs. Mills said. "See you soon, bye." Dean said into his cellphone with a sigh. "Good bye." With that you both hung up and Dean needed to go get ready.

"What was that all about?" Sam asked confused by the whole phone conversation. "That was the school calling about Y/N. She's sick." Dean said as he slipped his jacket over his shoulders.

"What do you want me to do?" Sam asked standing up from the table in the library. "Get her bed ready. I can't think of anything at this point until I see her and I'll probably make a run for some antibiotics." Dean said picking up the keys to his baby.

"I hope she is okay." Sam said looking down. "She's going to be okay." Dean said picking up the key and walking out of the door. "I'll be back." Dean called out right before he was about to step out.

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