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Disclaimer: Does contain a little "subtext" if you watch spn you know what I mean. 

He closed the door shut and leaned back against it as if it wouldn't stay shut without the weight of his body. He felt like he had half the world chasing after him. An exaggeration, yes, but when you started adding up people like...

You, at one time.

Not that long ago, you and Dean were screwing around. It was destined to happen eventually. The feelings between you remained mutual, longer than anyone thought they would last. They were plenty of people you could name, you just knew without them having to say a word of rallying behind Dean and You hooking up.

A lot of work went in one day as a hunter beside the legendary Winchesters. You had to stay strong, and you wouldn't let anyone see behind your mask of being a tough girl. That's how your Daddy raised you would to be. As did John Winchester with his two boys, and look how they turned out.

It was the three of you against the world. Outlaws of a normal life, or as Dean called it the apple pie life. You were aware you could achieve or appeal to that lifestyle. You also had to accept you were never going to bring a child of your own to this world. Not into this life. Once a hunter, always a hunter.

There was no escaping it. Once that door shut, you were stuck until you were executed or allowing everything to get to you. That makes you weak. Or at least that was what your father told you when he was still alive. He died in a blaze of glory. Your first hunt alongside the Winchesters. You had just convinced your Dad that Sam and Dean were professionals.

And in the moments leading up to his death and his final words, he told you he was wrong and that he should have listened to you more. He told you that he loved you and he took in one last breath and died with satisfaction in his heart and peace at mind. You wouldn't have wanted it any other way, but to this day you still wish he was here.

As much as you hated your Father for majority of your life, he was still your Father and luckily in the last years he was still breathing, you reestablished a healthy relationship. And for awhile you had to piece your life back together and you avoided Sam and Dean.

But once you moved on from your father's death. You called them up and came to terms and everything branched from there. You grew especially close to the eldest son, the golden boy, Dean Winchester. In a way reminded you of your half-brother who has also since passed away, but those feelings progressed.

Dean's feelings grew with yours and then everything was happening all at once. The kissing. His lips were attracted to yours like a magnet, and when your lips touched, they connected. Your bodies moved like clockwork. He pinned you against the wall left to the door. One hand was racing through his hair and the other draped against his neck. You ripped each other's clothes faster before anything could say anything.

Dean held you up against the wall, no longer resisting his burning temptations that haunted his mind. Your legs wrapped around his hips like so. He couldn't decide if he wanted to kiss your lips or your neck. He was all over you. He simply couldn't help himself enough to you.

There was no slowing down in sight. Dean was going to all the way. It was the only way. "You'e like a ravenous animal, Dean. We can take things slower if you want to?" You were blissfully enjoying every minute of this. But you always saw Dean as being cautious and gentle. "I can be anything you want to be, sweetheart." He growled against your neck right before his lips attacked your body again.

"Then how would you like to move over to the deb right there." You managed to say before moaning. "Whatever you want, it's yours." Dean gulped looking up at you with starry eyes. He swung his arms underneath your knees and carried you to the bed. He laid you down on the bed and climbed on top of you. Dean stared down at you with dilated eyes. Which meant he was in love with you.

Supernatural One Shots (Mostly Dean)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя