Supernatural Imagine.

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  Imagine: Sister Jo holding you hostage, while her and Lucifer are trying to escape and she threatens to kill you if they don't her and Lucifer go. 

Everything happened so fast...Dean was flown across the room into the closet and Sam and Cas didn't have much time to react. In all that time, Sister Jo managed to slip out her angel blade and hold it just inches away from your throat.

Tears filled your eyes, you knew in your mind it was either your life or Sister Jo's and Lucifer. You knew that your life was not worth it, over Sister Jo and Lucifer. Sam, Dean, and Cas needed to stop them. So maybe this is how you were supposed to go out.

You weren't sure of anything anymore.

Sam and Cas stood back up, and with Sam's help Dean was back on his feet too. Then, they didn't have to look that much for you.

"LET HER GO BITCH!?" Dean barked. Sister Jo snickered at his reaction. "Oh let me guess the two of you? You're a thing? Aw that's cute. I'm really sorry if I'l be responsible for breaking it up. Unless..." She shrugged.

"Unless what?" Sam clenched his jaw.

"You let Lucifer and I go and I'll let her go. She's all yours." Sister Jo smirked. The tears were rolling down your face. You wanted to brave for Dean, but it just wasn't happening.

"How do you we know you're not just lying and we let you go and you're not going to hurt her?" Dean questioned. You pressed your lips together, forming a thin line.

"You are ones of little faith." Sister Jo sneered at them. She lowered the blade from across your throat, but she didn't loosen her grip on you.

They all sigh and tell Sister Jo to be gone. Sister Jo ran out of that motel room and pushed you into them. Dean caught you and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You thought you would never be held in arms ever again.

"Are you okay?" Dean whispered into your ear.

"I am now." You mumbled against his chest.

The End! 

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