Supernatural Imagine

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Warning: VERY ANGSTY and spoilers from 14x07. 

Imagine: You didn't lose your grace unlike your twin brother Jack, who was not as fortunate. And now that he's dying, you aren't handling it very well. 

You couldn't hold the tears back any longer.

You've had to be strong for Jack, yourself, and the boys for so long, that you shattered into a million pieces.

At first, you tried to suppress your sobs, but the more you thought about it, the harder and louder you continued to cry.

You didn't care if you were heard or not.

Your other half was dying, half way to death's door. He's literally clinging to life. Not for himself, but for your the sake of his f a m i l y.

Which consisted of, you, Dean, Sam, and Cas.

You and Jack adored your three dads, and they absolutely cherished you. You each had your own relationship with them. Despite all the bad you've had to witness, you do have some pretty great memories.

Once, Dean made a 'under the kitchen sink sundae'. It was huge and it had all the fixings on it. "Come on, you can't tell me neither one of you don't want to give it a try!?" Said Dean, holding up two spoons. You and Jack couldn't resist, and between the three of you barely made a dent in it. That's when Sam and Cas walked in, and you begged them to join. Cas politely declined, but Sam grabbed a spoon. That was a fun night. It was also the same night that you and Jack your first brain freezes.

"Slow down!" Sam laughed, as a smile crept on Cas's face and Dean chuckled at the two of you, asking why your head hurt so badly. 

You almost wished you could live in those moments forever. 

You didn't even hear your bedroom door open over your sobs. It was Dean, who just stood in the doorway for a moment, taking in what was before him. You were sitting on the floor on the left side of your bed, tears flowing and streaming down your cheeks. Dean let out a shaky sigh, and walked over to you and plants himself beside you. 

You buried your hands in your face, as Dean wrapped an arm around you, and began to shush your tears. 

"I know, sweetheart. I know." He whispered against your hair, in attempt to soothe you. 

For some reason, you still cried hearing that. It comforted you, sure, but you couldn't control them. It was like a faucet that's been turned on and now it won't stop. 

"Why can't it me?" You mumbled to yourself. 

Dean knew what you said, and he cut his eyes sharply at you and asked you to repeat what you said. 

"Why can't it be me, Dean? I should be the one...not Jack. Jack's the stronger one out of us, and no one even knew I existed 'till we were born. Not even my own mom. She probably mistaken all of my kicks for Jacks anyways..." You vented, not even able to meet Dean's eyes. 

"You're wrong, you know that? Y/N, you're here for a reason, okay? Don't ever doubt that. In regards to brother, you know it sucks but this all might be happening for a reason. It's life. Trust me, we're all dealing this with you." Dean pulled you into him, and neither one of you said another word. 

Supernatural One Shots (Mostly Dean)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon