Love Runs Out.

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Dean and You weren't on the same page. Hell, you weren't even speaking to each other. You were still so mad at him. Dean didn't understand what he did was stupid, he saved your life for Chuck's sake. He wasn't just going to let you die. You were okay with dying. You wouldn't be hunting if you didn't accept in your heart that may you die whenever you step out the door.

And I feel alright, and we'll feel alright

Cause we'll work it out, yeah we'll work it out.

Dean was reckless,he wouldn't be the first to admit it. But you weren't exactly perfect yourself. You thought you could make this work though. You could hunt and work just as before and still be together. Now, that you are looking at with a different point of view. You realized you may have made the biggest mistake of your life. If you and Dean were to break up, you could never be the same.

You could never work together like you did before then. You loved Dean with all your heart, but you weren't a mind reader. You didn't know what was going through that man's mind 24/7. And Dean never wanted to let anyone know there was something wrong. You made it completely obvious on the other side of the aisle.

Sam tried to confront his older brother about the two of you, but it was no use. No one could crack him. You on the other hand, you looked like you were going to break into a million pieces. Sam told Bobby there was no use trying to sense into Dean. He wouldn't listen, and if he was smart. He would give you some space, but Sam knew Dean.

Sam predicted that Dean would go too far and they would wake and nowhere to be found. And the only one to blame would be Dean. What didn't help was the end of the world was nearing, and Dean and Sam were supposed to say yes to team death match. Sam was Lucifer's vessel and Dean was Michael's. The archangel Michael.

So you also had that to worry about. But no pressure right? You didn't sleep at night. How could you though? You didn't have Dean and the fate of the world rested on your shoulders and you were putting too much pressure on yourself. That's what made you and Dean perfect for each other. You were two peas in a pod. But that could also make your relationship toxic.

Nothing lasts forever, just like your old Uncle Bobby would say. At one time and you and Dean use to fantasize over things magically working out for you, and raising a family and still hunting or even quitting hunting as a whole. You were finally getting your first real dose of reality in your relationship with Dean. Things weren't always rainbows and unicorns.

Usually, you always felt everyone was against you and you never had anyone on your side. Because you were a girl and apparently you think too much with your emotions. For some odd reason, you felt like Cas was perched on your shoulder, and he sided with you. You thought highly of Castiel, but you never expected this.

It was just you, Dean, Sam Bobby, and Cas every once and while. You might want to add you were getting a severe case of cabin fever. And when Dean tried to talk to you, it would usually end with Sam and Bobby separating each other. Bobby grunted something that he's had enough and he needed some air.

You couldn't agree more with him. but Uncle Bobby put you on house rest. Which to you felt more like house arrest, being stuck in the same place as Dean. You were sitting up at the two-seated table propped up against the wall in the kitchen. You were waiting up for Bobby to come back. When Dean stumbles into the kitchen for another drink.

You could feel Dean's cold stare sending chills up your spine all the way up to your neck. You slammed your book against the table, and stepped in front of Dean before he could open the fridge. "Get out of my way, Y/N." He seethed at you. You squared your jaw and shook your head no. Dean was clearly drunk, and lately as become into a angry drunk. Dean grabbed you by one of your pressure points and moved you that way.

You held your arm, already feeling the bruise form within your arm. " Y'know I still care about you, Dean. I can't stand around and watch you abuse yourself like that." You stammered, your voice sounded little shaky. "That sounds like fear in your voice. Are you afraid of me? Do you think I might hurt you?" He pounced at you and you flinched, which was a natural response.

Tears were streaming down your face now. "I see how it is now, Y/N." Dean nodded, knowing he was right. "Dean, I..I know what you did was because out of your love for me, but I was just trying to look out for you here too." You sobbed, not being able to control yourself. Dean's face soften a little, but then he had to go one and say this to you.

"Well, you know if we were ever in that same situation again. I won't interject myself, because I know you are perfectly capable of handling yourself." Dean clenched his fists. Just when you thought you were actually getting somewhere you just plummeted another twenty feet. "Dean, can we get along longer than five minutes?" You growled, returning to your seat.

"That depends. When are you going to accept that I was the right one in the situation." He shrugged nonchalantly. You ears turned pink. He was unbelievable. "You want me to say I am sorry? After the way you have been treating I think you should take a look in the mirror." You huffed, sliding your chair back against the table.

"Oh and now you are walking away because you're done talking to me. You never got out of the teenage phase, my friend." He snarled, gulping down his drink. You stopped on your way out of the door. "You think you can talk like that to me, Dean and think you can get out away with it? You want us to work out? Well, I'm done! We're over! I don't even know why I fell in love with you in the first place." You spit in his face.

Dean broke his smolder. "Don't you think you're over exaggerating, Y/N?" He tried to rationalize to you. You shook your head no. "You'll regret this. Just remember it was you who left me!" Dean trying to fight off the tears himself. "Okay, Dean." You said, not being able to make eye contact with him. Then, you resumed walking out of the kitchen. Dean prevented that by grabbing you by your forearms.

"Dean! Let go of me! What are you doing!?" You shrieked loudly trying to resist. "I'm trying to shake some sense into you! Do you realize what you are doing!" Dean's shook you a little. "I am perfectly aware." You answered in the calmest voice you could manage. You never thought of Dean wanting to you hurt you.

You were silently praying to Cas, in hopes he would swoop in and take you out of there. In which he did listen and come in at the nick of time. "Dean! What are you doing!?" He boomed, making himself known. Dean released you automatically and tried to explain himself. "I heard everything I needed to know in Y/N's prayers." Cas said moving pass Dean.

"So what? You two are a thing now and know you can come out because we broke up." He blurted out loud, after Cas gave a look over you, to make sure you were alright. Cas looked disgusted, no offense to you of course. "You're demented, Dean. And drunk. Cas, can you get me out of here?" You looked up at him with tired eyes.

Cas nodded his head yes, and before Dean could say one more word. You were gone. Just like that. This was all his fault. He ran you out of his heart and showed you no love. If he loved you so much, he wouldn't of said all those things. There was no point and trying to sweep up the mess he made. The damage was done, and the love has finally run out.

The End!! 

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