Baby's First Christmas Eve.

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To you and Dean Christmas this year was extra special. This was the first Christmas with your baby girl, Charlotte. Charlotte recently turned six months old a few days before Christmas. They wanted this be the best for their daughter, even though she wouldn't remember a thing, you want to be able to give your good memories unlike either of your childhood's.

Charlotte was your little princess. Dean intended on giving his baby girl everything her little heart desired, but he also wanted to get you what you something you wanted, because before Charlotte you were his main girl. Dean loved his girls, but when it comes to getting things for them he was hopeless. 

Your plan for this Christmas was Jody had invited you to come up on Christmas day for dinner. Dean knew that she just wanted to hold and see Charlotte. Not that seeing you was just as important. But on Christmas Eve, a holiday you don't usually celebrate in the first place, you decided you would make a little dinner before your heavy travel day.

Dean was going to take the opportunity to go shopping, and he offered to take Charlotte with him and he forced Sam to come with him. You gave him a list of things for the grocery store, and Dean tried to pry something or anything for you for Christmas, but you persisted that the person who was more important on getting a gift for was Charlotte.

He proceeded to ask you if you got him a present and you didn't meet his eyes. Dean clenched his jaw and shook his head and walked out of the room. He had no idea what to get you, but damn he was going to try. "Are you sure you want to take Charlotte out? You have to keep her bundled up and don't let her take the hood of her jacket and..." You could have kept going on and on about but Dean pressed his lips against your forehead.

"Y/N, Charlotte will be fine. Relax. Watch a movie, read a book, do whatever you couldn't before Charlotte." Dean said, insisting on you taking some time for yourself before they get back. You promised you would and told him you loved them. "Dean why do you need my help so bad?" Sam said climbing into the impala as Dean strapped Charlotte into your safety seat.

"I need to get Y/N a Christmas present and your good with this stuff." Dean said securing Charlotte, and getting in the driver's side. "What's that supposed to mean, Dean?" Sam said furrowing his eyebrows suddenly very confused. "You know you're good with girls and their needs." Dean said shrugging his shoulder, he only assumed he knew this.

"So you're saying I'm girly?" Sam asked to clarify, his nostrils flaring. "You have a strong female ethos." Dean said turning the key in the ignition. Sam decided he should just drop the subject before it escalates into something bigger. "What does Y/N like?" Sam asked as they pulled into the store.  She...I don't know." Dean said shaking his head.

"Dean I think you do know. I think you don't like to let on but you know Y/N better than anyone else." Sam said trying to give his older brother some credit. Dean looked back at Charlotte from his rear view mirror and asked if she was ready to go shop for Mommy. She smiled at the sound of Mommy's name being mentioned.

"Are you daddy's girl? You have to be Daddy's girl." Dean said having a conversation with six month old. Her whole face lit up and Dean took that as a yes. Dean decided to take that moment and send it to Y/N in a text and wrote she just told me she's daddy's girl.

He slipped his phone back into his pocket and then got moving. They needed to move quickly, some of the stores would be closing. Sam and Dean entered the store it appeared to be total chaos. "You chose the best day to go Christmas shopping.." Sam said turning to his brother.

"We'll manage. Right, baby girl?" Dean said balancing Charlotte on his hip. Dean got a cart and their hunt for a gift was in a full motion. Dean wanted it to be a thoughtful and loving gift but what could you possibly want is what is troubling Dean. Dean held up a few things and even Charlotte made a face at Dean saying, "really Dad? You think Mom would want that?" 

"Help me out guys! Come on!" Dean asked desperately. "Dean I don't know more than you, I probably know less." Sam said being honest. Dean sighed, Christmas was tomorrow and he still was walking in circles in his mind not being able to decide what to get you. Then  something sparkly caught his eye. It was a charm bracelet. He could you get a charm bracelet, with a charm for Christmas and one to commemorate the fact of your baby girl being born that same year.  

He could add to the charms on birthday and Christmas. It was literally the perfect gift. "Sam what about that?" Dean asked pointing with his finger against the clear glass. "I think Y/N would like that a lot." Sam said nodding his head with approval. Dean asked Charlotte the same thing and she smiled hard enough to make her eyes to crinkle up.

Dean made the purchase and then they ran into the grocery store and got everything you needed according to the list. Dean got the three of them right after that, and had to sneak your present to wrap it up and hide within the rest of the presents under the tree. Later that night after a lovely dinner you provided, and Sam retired to his quarters. You and Dean resided in the living room with a drink, your Christmas tree giving the room a nice glow.

You were watching something on T.V. and Dean couldn't wait any longer to give you your present. Dean got up from where he was snuggling with you and when you asked what he was doing, he explained. "Y/N, I know we were really anti me getting you a present but I couldn't resist. Here you go baby. Merry Christmas." Dean said handing you a small wrapped box.

"You know it's still Christmas Eve right?" You said looking at the present and Dean eyes. "Technically for another three minutes but just open the present!" Dean said begging a little. "Okay, okay." You said ripping the paper carefully. When it revealed a sleek box, and you were even more surprised when you opened the box and saw a charm bracelet.

"Dean! This is beautiful! You didn't have to get this for me." You exclaimed graciously. "You like it?" Dean asked biting the lower part of his lip. "Yes, Dean!" You said taking it out to get a closer look. "This is so nice." You gasped, finally noticing the charm with the baby girl on it. "I guess since you let me open my present I guess I should allow you to open the one I got for you," You said knowing it would be only fair.

You got up and kissed Dean and handed Dean his present. Dean shook the box and then ripped his open. and it was a mug that said Best Dad Ever. "I love this, Y/N thank you." Dean said smiling down at it. "Merry Christmas, Dean." You said giving him another kiss. "Merry Christmas, Y/N." Dean said cupping your cheek with his hand and kissing your firmly on the lips.

The End! 

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