Big Brother.

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It was the same nightmare that has haunted since you were a kid and you haven't had that one in years. It had to go back to when you were still just a kid.

You hated nightmares. You knew they weren't real and it was all just a dream they can be scary if they become so intense. The nightmare you were struggling with would leave you up all night and you wouldn't be able to stop thinking about.

Its been awhile since the nightmare started and you were starting to tell it was taking a toll on you. It was getting harder to stay up during the say and get through school and come home and attempt homework without shutting your eyes for a moment's rest.

Well, you came home from school and you started studying for your big test on your bed which wasn't a good idea from the beginning and unfortunately you fell asleep. Only to suffer from another nightmare. You woke up with a start and tears brimming your eyes.

You let out a soft sob and luckily Dean was walking through the hallway and was right by door when it happened. Dean opened your door and saw you in your state. He immediately rushed to your side and began comforting you.

"Hey! Y/N! What's wrong?" Dean pushed your text book and all of your school supplies off of your bed so he could sit down next to you. He pulled you into his embrace which enhance you to cry even harder. Dean just petted your hair and shushed your tears.

Once he felt you were calmed down enough he asked you again what was bothering you. "You know I can tell when something is bothering you." Dean said looking you straight in the eyes. "I have been having nightmares." You mumbled sniffling a little bit.

"What did you say Y/n? And you should know that whatever it is I'm here for you." Dean said rubbing your right shoulder. "For the past week or so I've been having nightmares..." You say louder this time.

"Do you wanna tell me who of what?" Dean asked surprised he got this far with you. "About mom. I-i mean Mary your mom." You say quickly regretting opening your mouth. "Mary can be your mom too Y/N but I all wonder is why?" Dean said because you had never met Mary before.

"I've had this nightmare since I was a little kid but it just started happening well ever since the Darkness, Amara was released. " You say wondering if that has a connection.

"Well figure it out sis. I will always protect you. You got that?" Dean pulled you into another hug and the two of you sat there in a some what peaceful silence.

The End!

A/N: Sorry this is so short!!  

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