His Name Was Jack. PART ONE.

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A/N: Jack Kline x Winchester!reader 

"Hey Y/N, it's your brother, Dean. I'm letting you know that we're on our way home. See you soon. Love you." You read his text over before sending back in response. "Can't wait to see you and Sam! Tell Cas, Mom, and, Crowley I said hello! Love you, hugs all around!" Dean felt his phone buzz in his pocket and when he saw your message he clenched his jaw. Nor Sam or Dean had the heart to tell you that Cas, Mom, Crowley were dead. Not yet anyway. They were bringing back someone with the bunker. It was Lucifer's son, Jack. That was not in the plan either.

"How much longer do you think Dean? Dean? Dean!" Sam didn't usually have to repeat himself more than once, but Dean seemed to be lost in thought. "Oh not that much longer. I just uh heard from Y/N." Dean sighed. When Sam heard your name he could suddenly relate to the pit feeling at the bottom his stomach. "Who's Y/N?" Jack asked excitedly, overhearing from the back seat.

"None of your damn..." Dean started off with, before Sam abruptly cut him off. "Y/N is our younger sister." Sam said, giving Dean a dirty look. Dean shook Sam off. As you could see, Dean was not a big fan of Jack. "Oh I can't wait to meet her then. Y/N sounds like a nice name." Jack smiled contently. Dean rolled his eyes. This was the last thing he wanted to hear. A guy thinking of you. But Jack just wasn't a sleazy sophomore, he was the son of the fallen archangel Lucifer.

It couldn't have been twenty minutes when Dean pulled the impala into the garage of the bunker. You could hear the roar of the engine from the kitchen. You were getting a little something, something ready for the boys to eat. You both grabbed a beer for the both of them. You were just so grateful they were coming home in one piece. When Dean came through, you ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

"I missed you so much, big brother! Here, I made you a sandwich and got you a beer." You grinned wildly, not sure what to do with yourself with your brothers home. "Thanks, Y/N. I really apperciate it. There is something I think I should tell ya before Sam comes in with the bags..." Dean said, licking his lips. "I'm sure whatever it is can be said after you sit down..." But before you could even finish your sentence, in walked Sam and Jack.

"Sammy! Uh Sam and Dean who's this?" Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion upon seeing Jack for the first time. "Y/N, this is Jack. Jack this is Y/N." Sam said, introducing you two. "I-It's nice to meet you, Jack. " You said, offering him a smile and small wave. Jack couldn't find the words. He found you to be the most beautiful creature he ever laid his eyes upon.

"H-Hi." He managed to stifle out. You giggled at his attempt to say hello. Dean, was again rolling eyes in annoyance. 'Hey, Y/N, I need to have a quick talk with you." Dean tugged at your sleeve, snatching your attention. "Oh yeah sure, Dean." You nodded your head, following Dean into the hallway. "Dean if this is the birds and the bees talk, don't worry I know where babies come from." You reassured him sarcastically, hoping to make him crack a smile.

"You're funny but this more on a serious note. I don't how I should say this but.." Dean was trying to think of the words, this was going to be a lot harder to break to you than he thought. "What is it? You're kinda of scaring me, Dean." You admitted, with a small sigh. "Mom's gone, and Cas and Crowley are dead." Dean blurted out. "How? What? You're kidding. You're not kidding. O-oh my gosh." Your gasp, as your eyes filled with tears. "If you'll uh excuse me Dean I would like to be alone now." You announced, turning on your heel and jogged down the hallway.

"Y/N!" Dean called after you, but you didn't listen to him, you only began to walk faster.

You couldn't believe this. Just when you started calling Mary mom, and you two had something going. She's gone. Just like that. All over again. And Cas, Crowley you didn't even want to stomach. Like you said, you needed to be alone. You were taking this a lot worse than Dean thought you would. Dean slowly re-entered the kitchen where Sam and Jack sat at the table.

"Is Y/N okay?" Jack looked up at Dean, blinking a couple of times, a hint of concern and compassion in his voice. Sam looked at him sympathetically and Dean was kind of taken off guard. "She will be." Dean replied dryly. Then, Sam made a face at Dean. "Well that's good. Sam was telling me he was going to show me my room!" Jack grinned. "Great. You guys do that then." Dean smirked, opening his first but not his last beer for the night.

Sam squinted his eyes at Dean and just stared at him for a second. "Why don't we leave Dean alone, and I'll show you around the bunker?" Sam suggested to Jack, motioning him to stand to his feet. Jack did that and there was not another word said between the three of them. Dean just leaned against the counter top, chugging down his beer like it was nothing, feeling bad for hurting you. He couldn't imagine what were you going through. Just like how him and Sam were dealing with.

"So this is my room, and right over there, two doors down is Dean's room." Sam pointed out, after he did a tour of the library. "Now, I'll show you where your room is..." Sam was cut off by Jack's burst of curiosity. "Where is Y/N's room?" Jack wondered aloud. "This is Y/N's room actually. But let's not bother her right now, okay?" Sam said, knowing too well not to barge in a girl when she's upset. Give her time and she'll come to you hopefully. Or at least that's what Sam read in a guide to raising teen book.

"Oh okay!" Jack shrugged, happy as he could be. Which Sam was thankful for.

Sam brought Jack to his room and told him he could settle in. Sam also added that he would check in on him in a little while. Jack smiled and said that was alright.

A little while passed and Jack sat on his bed with his knee bumping up and down. He had this idea, but he didn't know whether it was a good one or not. Well, like Sam said to him, you'll never know unless you try so he decided to follow through.

Jack got up and sneaked out of his room and traveled to your room. He softly knocked on the door. "Whoever it is go away!" You roared loudly. "Okay but I think you should know it's me Jack. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You didn't come back in and I was...oh yeah worried! I was worried about you, Y/N." Jack said, scratching the back of his head. Upon hearing all of this, you got up and stood at the door and listened intently to everything Jack said to you.

You quickly unlocked your door and opened it wide. "Did you really mean that?" You raised an eyebrow. "Of course, Y/N. Lying is wrong." Jack bit down his lip a little. "I appreciate the concern. Would you like to uh...come in?" You said gesturing your room with your head. "Only if it's okay with you." Jack insisted. "It's more than okay with me, Jack." You said, leaning your head a little with a small smile.

Jack sat down on your bed and you followed suit and sat beside him. "You have a very pretty room, Y/N." Jack said, admiring the room by looking all around. "Thank you, Jack. You're very sweet." You said with a single nod. Jack smiled at you, ear to ear. "Do you wanna be friends, Y/N?" Jack bit down on his lower lip. "I would really like that, Jack." You smiled back at him, just as big.

Something good always comes out of the bad. You just have to remember that.

The End! 

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