Blind Lycan

By hells_princess999

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I was just a normal girl, despite not being human. Growing up my life was shitty, but still I was glad to be... More

chapter 1.
chapter 2.
chapter 3.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
chapter 7.
chapter 8.
chapter 9.
chapter 10.
chapter 11.
chapter 12.
chapter 13.
chapter 14.
chapter 15.
chapter 16.
chapter 17.
chapter 18.
chapter 19.
chapter 20.
chapter 21.
chapter 22.
chapter 23.
chapter 24.
chapter 25.
chapter 26.
chapter 27.
Not an update
chapter 28.
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76 - beginning of the end.
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Im so sorry
Update -

chapter 68

231 5 0
By hells_princess999

"Why haven't you changed back yet?"

He kept pacing rapidly.

"Maybe it's a genetic disorder"

His mumblings continued as he burnt a hole into the plush carpet. I sat calmly on the small sofa while angel and the other alphas openly stared at me.

Nobody spoke but angel, although no one could really understand him.

"What are your parents names?"

"Excuse me?" I narrowed my eyes at his abrupt unexpected demand.

"I need the names of everyone in your family, if I backtrack the bloodline I can find out why you've shifted into a form that you can't shift back from" he explained glancing over my new body with weariness.

He didn't like change, never has and never will.

"What if I don't want to shift back?" I asked stubbornly. He paused his steps and furrowed his eyebrows.

"I....suppose I can live with it" he grumbled clearly not liking the idea that much, but I know he'll accept me if I chose to remain this way.

"Believe it or not I do take your feelings and thoughts into consideration. I know you don't like change especially when it comes to me. I'm not so selfish as to spite you and stay like this" I sighed.

"If you like this form then make a decision based on what you want, I'll get used to it" he told me, moving to sit beside me.

His huge body almost crushing me. He realised this and quickly pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his hard muscular arms around me keeping me warm and tingly. He rests his chin on my shoulder as he glares ferociously at the alphas glancing at me.

"...i'm going to need those names" he told me softly, uncaring that the alphas had seen his soft side.

It almost made me smile knowing he didn't act all mighty and cold with me when around other powerful beings. Even if he is their king, almost anyway.

"If the moon thought this form was dangerous, she would have told me. I would have sensed the upcoming evil" I explained to him. He buried his face in my hair, breathing in my scent like it was fresh oxygen.

"Why do those strange symbols look burnt into your skin and yet they..hover?" One of the braver alphas asked leaning forwards in his seat.

They're all curious and didn't understand anything that they saw. 

"That's classified information" a man's voice snapped coldly.

Looking over to the man I suddenly found myself not on angels lap, but stood in the middle of a stone courtyard. Old pillars circled me, ancient symbols engraved into the worn stone.

" have returned to us after all this time" the voice floated through the air like silk. I spun around, feeling the soft silk fabric of a dress brush against my skin.

When the fuck did I put on a dress?

"When I play hide and seek, someone dies. You will be no different" I spoke, my voice echoed softly on the thin air around me.

A figure stepped out from behind the pillars. It was a man. I remembered him from the files.

Images flashed through my mind as I looked at him properly. Pictures of a past that I didn't know existed, wars and battles of blood shed with me leading. Every image held a sign of death, evil lurked within and that evil, was me.

I knew this man. He is a loyal and excellent soldier, one of my most trusted men. He is here to join me in war, the brutal blood bath that was almost here.

I remembered him, my past and my men, my brothers. I remembered my mission.

The vampires.

They were to be wiped out by orders of the moon, they're abominations to nature. For centuries my kind have been at war with the bloodsuckers, my last and most deadly mission had almost gotten me killed.

The king of vampires took a liking to me, he loved the thought of power and me being a female and the strongest thing alive only made me more of a target. He captured me.

He tried to beat me into submission, after every beating he would compell me to love him. It always wore off, but he didn't give up.

Eventually I couldn't resist his power, I thought my brothers were dead. I thought my men were gone. I fell weak.

My weakness was used against me. The king took a fierce warrior, the most ruthless leader the world had ever seen and turned her into nothing.

And now I rise.

My submissiveness got me killed. He thought I was dead until a while ago. My blood soaked into the nature of the forest as it claimed my body as it's own. I was reborn in the forest, as a newborn.

Two strangers found me and took me in, not releasing I was born of the moon and earth. Not releasing that they were in the presence of the most deadly killing machine the world had ever seen.

I know how to win this war.

My new forms isn't my new form at all. It's my true form, my war form. Giving life to the alpha wolf unleashed what had been locked away for over 6 centuries, I had the power over life and death.

"Saleem, it's been a while" I spoke to him. He narrowed his eyes slightly at me.

"I have been searching for you. I was told you were human, I had to see for myself" his voice held a question as he spoke.

"You have been told wrong, I will explain later. Angel is worried, I must go to him" I replied turning away.

The pillars faded into the room I was originally in, the alphas were stood away from the chairs. Angel was behind me, all their expressions were the same.

Weariness, confusion.

"What are you wearing?" I looked over to angel frowning at him.

Glancing down at myself I expected to see the dress. But instead all I saw was black.

It suited my birth title perfectly.

"Aphrodisia, come. We must prepare for war, sister" Saleem told me, holding out his arm politely. His deep violet eyes flickered to angel as he moved closer to me, rage swirled in saleems eyes at angels possessiveness.

"Explain" his growl rumbled through his chest, loud enough for the entire house to hear. Their was no denying him any answers, he had been kept in the dark long enough.

"To a mere mortal? You could never possibly understand, this is not your war" Saleem told him coldly. His soft demeanor melting into stone colder than ice.

"It doesn't matter who's war this is. I am fighting for the only woman I've ever loved, I am fighting with her. You cannot change that, no matter how powerful you may be" Angels lycan snarled out, his body shaking with rage.

Saleems eyes snapped to me, instantly looking for a sign to say that what he was saying is very true.

"Saleem, meet my mate..Steel"

"Mate!? Have you gone mad! We cannot take that ris-"

"It is my life Saleem. I don't care If you wish to disagree with me, but do it in your own time. We have many things to discuss brother" I replied, swiftly cutting him off.

He shut his mouth immediately and lowered his head slightly in respect.

"One slip and ill end it" he told me, glaring at angel darkly.

"He is a pureblood Saleem" I told him smoothly. Saleems eyes widened a fraction.

"That's impossible..The only bloodline to survive such power died 6 centuries ago" he rumbled out.

"No" I shook my head.

"He is the last decedent of Kalvin Bain, his father was put to an end 6 centuries ago but angel, he survived immortality" I explained to him.

"No wolf or vampire is strong enough to take out a pureblood Lycan" he scoffed.

"He wasn't the strongest of his kind, he was tainted by the darkness that all lycans are born with. He deserved the worst death, it's a pity we didn't have more time really" I shrugged.

"What happened after you left the battlefield?" Saleem asked, I knew this question would come up.

Sighing I take a seat, angel standing beside me stiffly. He had no idea what was going on, but knowing he'd only confuse himself more by asking he remained silent..For now.

"She called me, I followed her voice. The further into the forest I went the more light shone through, my blood loss was too much and I collapsed. My sacrifice was great and mother nature rewarded me. The moon healed my spirit, made it stronger than ever while on earth my blood soaked into the grounds. She took my body, and in replacement placed a small newborn there born of the nature and the moon. Two humans found me a few days after, they took me in" I told him.

Angel knelt down beside me, squeezing my leg slightly to sooth me as he took my hands in his huge warm ones.

"Did they treat you good sister?" He asked seeing the way my eyes cast to angels hands.

"As good as they treated their own" I told him. He would think that was a good thing because parents loved their children, but they hated theirs.

"You forget that I have spent centuries by your side, I know when you are disturbed" Saleem commented through gritted teeth, I could see the deep red flickering in his eyes. He knew it wasn't good.

"The man, he abused all three children. When the wife died he got worse, Lana had to pay the bills somehow. He tried to rape her but her brother stopped him. She returned from work one day to see the man raping her sister, she attacked him..killed him. She went to prison for 2 years, when she got out her brother was nowhere to be found and her sister had killed herself" angel told him after I remained silent.

I didn't like to think of my sister, I still to this day blamed myself. I have no idea where she is buried, for if I did then I would return her to this world.

"Your the most ruthless leader to ever walk this earth, the most respected superior to ever rule. You sacrificed your men, your pride and your mind to protect the humans! YOU DIED FOR THEM. And this is how they fucking repay you!" Saleem snapped, his eyes shone electric red with a gold band circling the pupils.

The alphas jumped away from him immediately, fearing for their lives.

"Do not worry. When this war is done I will bring back those who have wronged me, and they're going to pay the real price. No longer am I weak, no longer will I rest. We attack the enemy in three days time. For now I need you and angels men to locate the bodies of the fallen originals and bring them to me" I ordered him as I stood tall.

"It's great to have you back sister" he nodded, flashing me a smile before vanishing to angels pack.

Sensing that angel was about to ask a load of questions I opened my mouth.

"I will answer all of your questions, I promise. But I need to ask something of you" I told him softly, turning in his arms.

Looking up at him I leant my chin on his chest, my dazzling blue eyes looking up at him. He gazed down at me with love and adoration, it made my heart skip skip a beat.

"Ask away" he murmured to me, stroking back a strand of my new barely shoulder length black hair.

"The sections inside your mind, if I'm correct they hold the answer to this war. The people aren't of any use to me, but the information is" I explained to him slowly.

"How can you get the information out?" He asked surprising me. I looked at him with shock.

"If it helps keep you safe even the slightest fraction more, I'll do whatever it takes" he tells me honestly.

"My hands will be held either side of your head, I have to bury my fingers inside your skull to leave my mark in your head. I will then search for the information I need, but the procedure is extremely painful" I sighed, I dropped my hands from his head and stepped away.

Even though I'm stronger than ever, I still don't like the thought of harming him.

"I'll do it" he stated firmly. I spun around eyes wide.

"Are you sure?" I asked him, offering him the chance to back out.

"Always" he then proceeded to sit down on the small couch, I sat beside him facing him.

"Ok..deep breaths..whatever you do, do not shift into your lycan form. I need you to stay as still as possible" I told him harshly to get my point across.

"I'll die if I shift..won't I?" He asked sighing with annoyance.

"Yes" I confirmed.

"Alright, go ahead" he shrugged looking me dead in the eyes. 

I sat up slightly and moved closer, placing my fingers on his skull gently I began to press down. My thumbs on his temples, my fingers spread out in a slight dome shape around the sides of his head.

He remained perfectly calm, not showing any pain as my nails sharpened and entered his flesh. The sound of his skull being forced into made the other alphas leave the room.

It sounded like chalk being scraped across a black board.

I shut my eyes as my fingers dug deeper inside his skull, his blood dripping down my hands. Images began to appear but none were what I was looking for.

I rummaged through his memories, hearing him groan in agony as I did. The longer it took me the more painful it would get for him.

I saw images of his father. Locking him a cell to starve him. Tying him down with silver shackles and bathing him in wolf bane. I saw his father's men join in, laughing as angels child form screamed in agony. They beat him, leaving him black and blue with no unmarked skin left on show.

My fury was high and I didn't want to see anymore of his gruesome past, if I did I wouldn't be able to control my anger and I might accidently kill him.

Searching deeper into the memories I noticed that they got darker, which was was a good sign. It meant that I'm close. He locked his worst painful memories away, and I was about to unlock them.

He would be in a lot of pain when I'm done, mentally. So I would have to heal him, but only when he is ready.

Images of an underground building caught my attention. Once you got passed the security and travelled down the hundreds of steps, their are 7 doors.
All numbered.

What lies behind those doors however were unknown. Even though my mind was inside angels I could hear his roars of agony.

If I didn't find the information soon, he would die.

Opening the first door I looked around, but it was empty. Bare silver nitrate lined bars caging the concrete all around the room. Old blood was soaked and stained into the walls and bars, the room reeked of death.

Exiting the empty space I opened the next door, it too was empty. Almost an exact replica of the first room.

Growing angry I flung open the third door, then the fourth, and the fifth. Still nothing changed, everything was the same. Concrete walls and floor lined with thick silver bars with traces of silver nitrate in them.

The sixth room was the same, but more eerie. It held a vibe that told me I shouldn't be near here, like I shouldn't be near the last room.

Of course..His mind is build to protect this information, it shows it as being empty to mislead me.

Angels father knew that one day his torture would become the answer. Retrieving this information will kill angel.
Retreating from his mind slowly I carefully remove my fingers from his skull. Opening my eyes I looked into his silently, he had sweat dripping down his face, his hair clung to his forehead and his chest was moving up and down rapidly.

Opening the thick leather band around my wrist I quickly bit into my flesh, my blood no longer red but instead a white with traces of green through.

"Drink, it'll heal you" I told him softly, pressing my wrist to his mouth. He denied for a moment until I yanked his mouth open and forced my blood inside. The second the taste of it hit his taste buds he yanked me closer, his teeth elongating into my flesh as his eyes turned midnight blue rimmed with black.

Pleasure shot through my body straight to my core, I bit back a moan as he gulped down my blood. I knew this would happen, my blood is very..addictive. its worse than any drug ever made.

"Angel, that's enough" I breathed pulling my wrist away. His growl shook his chest, his hands snatching my wrist and holding it over his mouth.

"Your going to die if you take any more" I warned him, grabbing his hair and forcing his head back. But still he refused to let go, his lycan taking complete control over him.

His sharp teeth dug deeper into my flesh, biting into my actual bone. It didn't really hurt but I allowed the free feeling of power emerging to surface and take control.

"Free me" my voice ordered like silk, yet deadly. Instantly his teeth vanished from my skin, he moved away from me faster than I could blink. He was hunched over at the other side of the room, breathing heavily as his face paled.

He took one glance at me before paling more and throwing up the contents of his stomach. Most of blood coming back up also. His head had healed completely and he was no longer in pain. The amount of blood he took was too powerful for his dna, if he didn't force it back up then it would have just blown him up. Literally.

" never realised how powerful you really are until now" he breathed, pausing slightly to catch his breath as he slowly stood.

"I didn't remember my true birth right until Saleem showed his face" I told him softly.

Making my way over to him I handed him his eldctric toothbrush and a full tube of toothpaste. He frowned with confusion but I smiled and shrugged innocently.

"There's a lot you don't know about me" I informed him.

"I plan to change that" he stated before turning towards the bathroom and disappearing.

I was happy he understood that I could never return to my old self, he loved her. I just hope that he would realise I'm still her, everything is the same except my name, my title, and my appearance.

Looking over to the alphas I look down at them.

"Those of you that wish to survive this war call on your men, we're going to need every man we can get" I told them. The power in my voice didn't give them a choice.

They bowed their heads. Their eyes glazing over distracted as they gave orders to their packs.

Weak minds..Theyre not going to stand a second against the vampires.

"Did you get the information?" Angel asked a minute later stepping out of the bathroom with his toothbrush in hand.

"There's a lock on your mind, if I went any deeper you wouldn't have survived" I told him. Taking the handle of his toothbrush I place in flat on my palm before teleporting it to our room.

I flashed him a cheeky smile as he looked at my hand with bewilderness.

"You could have brought me back" he frowned. I shook my head.

"I'm not going to kill you for information. That's where your ancestors come in" I stated calmly.

How do I tell him I'm going to bring his father back to the life? Should I just come out with it?

"Do it. I can't wait to kill him all over again" the dark deep snarl of his lycan made me raise my eyebrow, his reaction did surprise me slightly.

I expected him to be angry at me for even thinking about bringing the monster back.

"Good. Now you need to get your men to find his body" I told him.

Turning towards the alphas I motioned for them to come over to me.

"You are weak. The vampires will pick you off like humans, your minds need to be protected against their power to compell. I will give you the strength you need, the speed, all the senses. I will place a block in my mind to stop them taking control, in return you will obey me until this war is over. Understood?" I eyed them sharply.

The alphas nodded and moved closer to me. They were willing to obey me if it meant keeping themselves and their packs alive.

"Will it hurt?" One spoke up.

"Only for a minute. I'm not intruding on your mind, I'm only placing a powerful block their to keep him out" I told the man, he seemed relieved.

"Alpha Jacob, you're up first" I beckoned him forwards, taking him and turning him so his back faced me. Putting him on his knees I pulled out a blade from my boot, turning his head to the side I make a small deep slash behind his ear. He flinched slightly.

Pressing my finger to the blade cutting open my flesh I rub my blood over the slash, it began to heal up. The only proof of my action being a tiny bump under his skin where my dna clotted together. I did the same behind his other ear before making him stand. Opening my hand up I teleported an empty glass.

Slicing into my wrist twice I squeezed the sides to draw more blood, it poured down into the glass creating a white milky substance with what looked like green paint mixed in. I took the quater full glass and handed it to him.

"Two small sips. Nothing more" I ordered him. He nodded and slowly took the glass, eyeing it with distaste. When the smell hit him he soon tipped the glass to his lips and took his amount.

"Alpha Leroy" I called out.

I repeated this process until the only alpha left was my mate. The rest of the alphas had gone to bed, they didn't feel very well.

The power in my blood was too strong for their own dna, once they wake up they'll feel the full effects. They'll feel stronger, smarter, faster, more energetic, and their senses will be off the charts.

"You are already strong enough without my blood. You may not feel it now, but when the time comes..your true nature will come forth" I reassured him. He nodded.

"I'm not interested in that. I want to make sure your ok, your more distant than normal" he told me with a concerned frown.

I sighed and turned to him.

"Now that I remember my true nature, it's like I've forgotten about the life I've been living. I don't care for the past events or people anymore, this war is all I have"

His eyes flashed with hurt that he never allowed anyone to see, not even me.

"Somehow you managed to break through. I thought I wouldn't love you, that I wouldn't want you anywhere near me" I told him.

"But it's the opposite. I love you more, I can see your true strength that no one not even yourself sees. I want to be near you, I want to claim you as mine and I want to stay with you forever" his arms circled my waist as I breathed the last word.

"Then stay" he voice was husky with tenderness, his chin resting on my head as he pulled me closer into his chest. My back against his torso.

"The vampires king is a very dark creature. If he finds out about you, he'll use you against me. This war has been brewing for hundreds of centuries, none of us can afford to have weakness. So before we attack, I need you to drink this" I pulled out a small vile of purple liquid. He took It from me with a confused frown.

"It'll bring out the traits of your lycan, your human emotions will be very little. So no matter what you see on the field, you don't act on it" I explained to him.

"So what i see, is something I'm not going to like" he growled but placed the vile in his pocket.

"Not in a million years. But you are my weakness, and he can't know that. If he does, then take your own life before he gets to you. Trust me when I say it's the best option" I sighed pulling away from him.

He bit his jaw tight together to stop his rage from spilling out, I didn't blame him for being so angry. If a woman thought she could take him and did to him what the king did to me I would rip her to shreds.

"I have to train the packs, and give them my blood. I'm going to need you to get the living originals and bring them here, if you will" I asked him.

This whole thing was stressful, it's a good I'm great at handling it.

Saleem is an original, my second actually. He is searching for the deceased originals.
Angels warriors are out searching for his father.

Angel is about to go searching for the living originals.

I have to train the packs and make it quick.

I also need to reunite with my brothers and bring the dead back to life.

It doesn't seem like much but when the packs have no training it makes it harder. They'll be easier to pick off than a human would be.

"Locations?" He pointed out raising his eyebrow.

"No need, I'll send you there myself" I informed him. Holding out a finger to him I reach into the back of my leather corset top, pulling out the cold deadly object. Handing it to him I sigh.

"Show him this before saying anything, he's very impatient. He'll know the reason I have brought him here so mind link me when your ready to come back" I told him.

He nodded. I held out my hand palm facing up, he placed his hand over mine. I flipped out hands over quickly. He vanished.

Time to get to work.


"How many more?" I asked the 6 woman that worked quickly with the needles.

"Uh..74 Alpha Aphrodisia" the one named Jane replied quietly, she offered me a smile. I could see their fear of me deep within their souls, they tried not to let it show but the demon in me could feel it.

I remained silent as they stabbed another load of needles in me, taking another batch of my blood. The second the needle left my skin it had already healed so it didn't matter how many they put in me.

All together there are 3829 pack members, excluding angels pack that holds nearly 2000 people alone.

The pack doctors didn't have enough needles for everyone so I teleported an entire shipment. I didn't have time to waste.

'We're ready' angels voice floated into my head.

'What took you so long?'

'He was out hunting, I had to wait for him' he told me.

Holding out my hand I turned it so my palm faced the ground. Flipping it over quickly I look up as two figures appear.

"God I've missed you" arms engulf me tightly, pulling me from the stool quickly. The burning hot body crushed me to him.

"Shadow, it's good to see you again" I smiled pushing him away slightly, holding him at arms length.

"you should have contacted me sooner, I had no idea you had awakened" he grinned widely, his sharp white teeth flashing dangerously.

"I only woke earlier today, we must prepare for war. Our enemy has grown stronger and thankfully, the moon has gifted me more power than than they know. We can win this war, we can put an end to the vampires once and for all" I told him softly, a gentle smile on my face.

"What ever your plan is, I'm in. Those blood sucking bastards deserve only the worst death" he sneered, even referring to the vampires as he did brought him disgust.

"And I intend to give them that" I smiled.

"Angel, are you ready to bring me Cole?" I asked letting go of shadow.

"I get the feeling he's going to be trouble" he replied grimly. I rolled my eyes but smiled anyway.

"ill take this one, can you get 8 rooms ready please?" I asked him flashing a smile.

My 6 brothers will be joining me and angel, every pack across the world will be here within the next 24 hours. We must prepare for war.

As for the extra 2 rooms, there's 2 people that deserve another chance at life. I was given the gift to choose who lives and who dies, it's my choice if I awaken them from the dead. Their deaths were meant to be, but now it's time for them to rise.

Once this war is over.

"Be careful" he told me sternly, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Cole may be extremely temperamental but he's also equally as loyal. Try and stay clear of him for the first 24 hours, he may try and kill you" I flashed him a huge smile before vanishing from in front of him.

My body feel warm for a second, cool wind blew against my skin. My feet hit the ground not even a second later, I stood from my crouch.

Everything was white. The earth, the trees, the plants and the small hut made from wood.

The fallen iced leaves crunched beneath my feet as I walked, the sound seeming to be louder to fill the silence.

"Cole" I spoke calmly, my voice fading in the cold air. My hot breath leaving a cloud of mist.

"I know you hate me right now, but you must come with me" I told him.
Cole has the ability to hide within the shadows of anything darker than white. He blends in with the darkness, becoming one with his nature to keep an eye on those he doesn't wish to see him.

"I have awaited the day you would return" his deep voice slithered through the trees like a whisper.

Cold smooth lips pressed against mine gently, almost a caress. My mind dulled into nothing, I felt my body freeze and refuse me to pull away. I could feel his demonic energy sucking me in, I fought against it. Every nerve in my body screamed at me to move, to break free. My heart was clenching and twisting with pain. It wasn't my own..


Fury ran through my veins. Fire met ice, melting it. The demonic presence in my mind settling down as I became extremely aware of my situation rather quickly.

Ripping myself away from him my hand wraps around his throat, suffocating him as I snarled barring my teeth at him.

In a flash the cold weather was gone and I stood in the large office type room.

Cole was slung away from me faster than I could blink, his body slamming into the wall. I wasn't too surprised when he went straight through it.

Booming ear piercing snarls thundered throughout the house, shaking the entire mansion to its very core. It was powerful and extremely possessive, it screamed dominance. It promised pain with its wrath.

The familiar sound of flesh beating flesh could be heard faintly in the sound of his rampage. Nobody moved, not even me.

Angel was lethal. An animal.

Myself and the other originals watched with shock as one of our fastest, was unable to defend himself against angels beating. I could smell his blood as it coated angels skin.

The reason for this shock was, angel shouldn't have the strength or speed to take on an original. He's the strongest lycan to ever exist but an original can take on 3 lycans at once and win. So watching our fastest get put down and kept there so easily came as a huge shock.

I expected angel to be angry after feeling Cole kiss me but shocking.

And strangely enough I want to drag him to our bedroom.

"Shouldn't someone stop him?" I looked over at Dominic wondering when he got back.

"Any takers?" I offered the men around me. Everyone stepped back immediately shaking their heads.

"Pussies" I scoffed rolling my eyes at their expressions.

"I'd rather be a pussy than face that animal" Dominic smirked glancing at me. I once again rolled my eyes.

Walking over to angel I rested my hand against his tense back rippling with muscle. He simply shrugged me off and punched Cole again and again.

"Angel" I called out to him.

He ignored me. His face a dark shade of red with rage, his eyes were pure white with black pupils. I didn't comment on them, I didn't want to draw attention to him. I'd never heard of a lycan having eyes that colour.

I grabbed his arm yanking him towards me but he removed me from him with one simple shake which surprised me.

"Let's have sex"

His eyes snapped to mine with a dark look. He looked shocked for a second and glanced down at Cole as if debating my offer.

"Now that I have your attention you should know that Cole is gay" I told him with a loud laugh.

He narrowed his eyes "he fucking touch you. You're mine!" he snapped, snarling possessively.

"He is part vampire part warlock, when he sees others of the same kind he is tempted to kiss them. Me being more powerful and flawlessly beautiful doesn't help but likes men, so don't go walking around in a towel" I smirked.

If Cole saw angels body it wouldn't end well, angel is mine and Cole would feel attracted to him. Which isn't okay.

He frowns at me and steps from over Cole, glaring down at him one last time. It made me chuckle at the same time as turning me on.

Not the right time for that.

"How did you find him so quickly?" I asked Dominic with a small curious frown.

"I'd heard rumours over the years" he replied shrugging slightly.

"Where is he?" I asked him.

"in the other room, I thought it would be better if he was alone when he woke" he cringed.

I nodded not hiding my smirk as I glanced at angel. Let's see if he could take on the shadow as well as he did Cole.

"Wait here" I ordered the room of alphas, originals and my mate.

Making sure the door remained locked behind me I walked over to his dead body. The stench of rotting flesh burnt my nostrils, his skin was clung to his bones. I could see straight through his transparent flesh, he had literally been rotting away underground.

Sighing quietly I decided to mind link angel.

'I'm going to be a while, you might as well go chill with our family' I told him softly.

' said our family' he responded immediately. His voice filled with admiration that made me smile.

'Everything I am, and everything I have, is yours'

I'd never had a moment like this with angel, all we ever did was argue or plan for war. It felt nice to have some kind of cheesy moment.

'..I didn't realise you were the corny type' he teased me, it made me smile without realising. I liked his playful side especially knowing I was the only one who ever saw it. It made me feel special.

'You are special' he told me. I didn't know what to say, I knew how to reply to a threat or a war but romance wasn't really in my vocabulary.

'I know how to win this war, we will win. So don't worry, I've got this one. It's on me' I told him quietly.

'It's my job to worry when it involves you, even now that I know how powerful you are. Whatever your plan is, I'm down. Your my ride or die lana' his words imprinted on my heart melting it.

For the first time in a long time I felt the need to to be normal. To sit in front of the TV and watch a film. Or go out to dinner without vampires chasing us. Or to do normal things that normal people do.

I want to dance with him. I want to sing with him. I want to cook with him.

In that moment I wanted this war over with. I wanted to spend my life with angel, my immortal life. I wanted to show him everything I see, everything I feel, everything I think and everything I am. I promised him no more secrets, but without showing him what he deserved to see I would still be breaking his trust.

'The second the king is dead, I promise to give you my most sacred secret' I whispered softly, my voice like velvet and filled with love. Live for him.

I could feel his happiness through our bond and it made me even more determined to end this war. Angel deserved to see the one thing no one had ever seen before.

I have lived for thousands and thousands of years. I gave him all my firsts, I gave him my heart and now I will give him the truth. I will give him my most sacred secret.

My past, my present, my future.

'I'll hold you to that'

I laughed to myself but otherwise didn't reply.

Looking down at the rotted corpse I blocked angel from my mind, leaning down I opened my mouth allowing my teeth to elongate into long razor sharp fangs.

Gently taking the fragile body I turned his head away from me to expose his neck.

"A ghost never dies brother" I whispered before sinking my teeth into his transparent dirty rotten skin. My teeth cut deep into his collar bone.

My venom seeped into his dried out bloodstream, his body unmoving. to quicken the process up I slashes his stomach open with my claws before drawing blood from my palm and allowing it to drip into his unbleeding cut.

Already I could feel my body weakening as his dead one slowly began to greedily take my venom and blood.

My eyes closed with tiredness as my soul began to weaken. I knew that bringing such a powerful being back to life is extremely dangerous but if the vampires managed to compell me then it would be much worse.

My head became fuzzy as more and more of my venom spread through his body, healing all his organs. I could feel him becoming stronger, my eyes refused to open as I grew weaker so I couldn't see him.

I felt his skin become thicker, his body began to grow beneath me. My legs shook under me, I held onto him for support so I wouldn't fall down. A buzzing sound filled my ears.

'Sister?' A whisper echoed into my head. I didn't have the strength in me to look up at him, all i could do was retract my teeth from his now healthy tan skin. I collapsed against him feeling myself become drained.

'What have you done?' He whispered with awe and worry.

I felt him lift me into his arms, holding me carefully against his chest as he stood swiftly. His body was cool against mine.

I felt him carrying me across the room, he shifted me in his arms as he opened the locked door.

"Holy shit" I heard Dominic comment with shock.

"The process is supposed to take 3 days" shadow spoke with confusion and anger. Angry that I had put myself in danger.

"Angel, she'll be alright. I wouldn't do that if I were you" Dominic spoke quickly. It confused me as I didn't hear him growling or snarling but I didn't have the strength to speak.

Everyone grew silent as angel approached, I could feel him nearing me. Everyone was worried that black would lash out when angel stepped too close but I knew he wouldn't. He's lethal just like angel, my best friend as well. But he now felt my emotions when strong enough and my love for angel was always strong.

'You have taken good care of her. She loves you as much as you do her, I am thankful this bond is pure. She deserves to be treated as you have been doing, have my blessing Bain'

Nobody but me and angel heard him, I was ecstatic that he had accepted him. I felt warm hard arms circle my body and I snuggled into him loving the sparks and tingles that shot through me.

"I never thought I'd see the day" dominic chuckled. I felt another presence enter the room, Saleem.

"Shadow, I know she told you to never use your magic on her but she looks like she's about to die" Saleem spoke coldly to shadow who sighed.

"When she gets angry your taking the blame" he sneered at Saleem.

I felt a cool light hand touch my head, some form of a damp warm cloth felt like it was pressed against my head but I knew it wasn't. It was his magic.

A few seconds later he clicked his fingers and removed his hand. The click of the fingers was just to finalise the process.

"She'll be feeling tired for the next 30 minutes or so, just don't let her fall to sleep" shadow told him sternly.

I almost smirked as I felt angels temper flare.

My head felt a lot better but he was right, I did feel a little tired. Less than moments ago, and I no longer felt weak.

Shadows warlock side is extremely powerful, if he wanted to cure cancer from everyone in the world he could with one simple flick of a wrist. But that would be cheating fate.

I opened my heavy eyes blinking a few times to focus properly. I looked at black, a giant smile spreading across my face.

I launched myself from angels arms and hugged black as tight as I possible could. He caught me with ease, spinning around in a circle as he squeezed me laughing deeply.

"I missed you!" I squealed loudly with a happy voice.

"I missed you more" he grinned looking down at me as he placed me on my feet. I pulled away slightly to look at him properly.

"It's been so long" I smiled gently, my throat closing up with tears of joy.

"After you died I changed, we all did. Without you we found no reason for us to keep living. We served the moon as we are her warriors, but our loyalty and sacrifice lies with you" he told me with with a tender loving voice.

Pride swelled within me and I beamed up at my best friend.

"It's great to have you back black" I told him honestly.

"I can only guess that your going to risk your life for the rest of us aswell" he sighed with anger. He knew that no matter what he said I would bring us all back to the living.

"This war will not need all of us, but I do. Now, shadow, Dominic go and find me our brothers" I told them rolling my eyes impatiently.

The clearing of a throat caught my attention and I looked over at angel. He seemed to be fighting with his lycan as he glared with hatred at Black's hands on me.

Stepping away from black I did the right thing and took angels hand, leaning my head on his shoulder. He grabbed my waist turning me into his chest holding me tightly.

'Calm down, he doesn't see me that way. None of them do' I reassured him.

'I know. That doesn't mean I like them touching you. I don't trust them' he growled back at me possessively. His hands squeezed my waist slightly.

'Then trust me'

'I do' he responded immediately.

"How long have the vampires been searching for you?" Black spoke up suddenly, I looked at him.

"A while, their king is having more and more men searching for me every day" I told him sighing.

"I say we go with the element of surprise and attack within the next few days" he said.

I thought it over and agreed with him.

"Alright, in 3 days we attack. I will alert the packs tonight, inform everyone of a meeting in the main hall. Those who don't attend will be killed" I said firmly.

I was ready for this war. More than ever. And now it's my job to get everyone else ready too.

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