My ten over protective big br...


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Milly's parents died when she was 9 years old. She now lives with her ten older brothers. This is Milly's st... More

Character list
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 8

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After I finished all my homework that I got, I went to go find the others too see if they wanted to watch a movie. I first heard the window creeking and to be honest it was a smidge creepy. I the went to Blake and Xav's room and the door opened itself, I was pretty scared now. First the window now the door. I was looking in Blake and Xav's bed room when someone put there hand down onto my shoulder and whispered in me ear, "Boo!" I screamed like crazy and behind me three voices started to laugh. I turned around to see Dan, Luca and Blake all laughing together. A tear went down my cheek as I was so scared it kind of hurt my heart.

they all immediately stopped laughing when they saw my tear and looked at me with guilty expressions and started apologising like crazy.

"God Milly were sorry, please don't cry." Luca and Dan kept chanting. while Blake was hugging me and whispering the F word and the word sorry over and over again. I wiped my tears away and tried to smile.

"It's o-ok guys. Y-You just really s-s-cared me! y-your p-prank worked!" I tell them, still a bit shaken from the events that just happened.

"Oh god. Were going to have to tell Mike, Xavier and Jace now. We are so dead." Dan started and Luca finished. I tried to convince them I was fine but it didn't really work.

"So, why are you up here anyways Milly?" Blake asks me, curiously. "Oh, Well, I was going to watch a movie and was wondering if you guys wanted to watch with me?" I answer. They all nod their heads, signaling that they do want to watch a movie with me and I start jumping up and down with excitement!

"Yay! Which movie do you guys want to watch?" I ask them, hoping they don't want to watch a horror movie.

They all scream Insidious at the same time. I say ok because I have no idea what Insidious is.

We went down the stairs to go to the cinema room and I stopped at the kitchen on the way.

"Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?" I ask my brothers. Luca and Dan ask for popcorn and coke and Blake asks me for pretzels and sprite. I got our snacks and made my way to the cinema room.

On the way there I saw Mike. Mike stopped walking and texting and looked at me.

"Milly what in hell are you doing with so much food? you know you can't eat all that?" Mike asked me as if I'm insane. "It's not all for me silly. only one of the popcorns are. The rest is for Dan, Luca and Blake. Were watching a movie! it's called Insidious!" I tell him starting of with a lecture and ending excited.

Mike looks furious by the end of my little speech. "You're going to watch Insidious? Milly that's a Horror film? The boys chose the film didn't they?" I nod, scared at the thought of watching a horror film and Mike carries on, "They are so going to get it. Wait one second, XAVIER! MARCO! GET DOWN STAIRS OUT SIDE THE CR RIGHT NOW!" Mike screamed.

Huh, I didn't know Xav was here?

They both come hurdling down the stairs. They both look pretty scared if I'm honest. Xav might be older than Mike but when Mike's angry he's like Hulk, except he doesn't go green. "Did we do something? If this is about the fight at school I swear to GOD I didn't know Milly would get in the middle of it." Marco starts rambling.

"No it's not about that, although your going to have a lengthy talk with Jace about it when he comes home. This is about the fact that our brothers, excluding Ben and obviously Jace, tried to trick Milly into watching a horror film!" Mike tells them, which gets them angry as well.

"Which one?" Xav asks Mike. "Insidious" Mike replies. Xav starts growling and storms towards the cinema with Mike and Marc on his trail. I just followed them in as I was headed to watch a movie there anyways. I was determained to watch a horror film now and try and get over how scary they are.

When I get there I see Xav jumping on his twin (Blake), Marco screaming at Dan and Mike running after Luca, trying to choke him.

"GUYS? stop!" I scream. They don't stop so I do the only reasonable thing I can think of. I call Taylor (Luca and Dan's best friend) and Tom (Blake's best friend) ,as they're the strongest guys I know, to see if they can help.

(Phone call between Milly, Taylor and Thomas)

Mi- Hey guys, are you two busy?

Ta- Nope, why?

Th-No, do you need something Milly?

Mi- Can you guys come over, quick?

Th- sure, on my way now. I'll get Taylor.

Ta-Is something wrong Milly?

Mi- Luca, Dan and Blake tried to trick me into watching a horror movie and Mike, Xav and Marco found out. Right now Mike is trying to choke Luca, Xav is on top of Blake and Marco is punching Dan.

Th- were on our way now milly, just try not to get hurt kay?

Mi- Kay. I'll go to the door, thanks guys.

(Phone call ended)

I get to the front door just in time to see the guys getting out of their car. I run down to them, hug them quickly and take each of their hands and try and pull them to the Cinema room.

"Are they in the cinema room Milly?" Tom asks me. I nod and he picks me up and puts me on his back and runs to the Cinema room, with Taylor closely behind us. We enter the room to find Luca red in the face, Blake bleeding and Dan with a bruised face.

I jump off Tom's back and he and Taylor ran to help my brothers. The thing is, this isn't the first time I've had to call them to break up a fight between my brothers, It's a good thing they both live on the same road as us and are neighbours.

Tom is pulling Mike of Luca and taking him out of the room while Taylor is trying to pry Xav off of Blake. I decide to jump onto Marco's back to try and make him stop fighting with Dan. Once Im on his back he stops fighting Dan and I hug him, trying to make him calm down. After a few minutes of Marco trying to cool down, I jump of his back and he sits down.

"Thanks Milly. Sorry Dan." Marco says. I'm helping Dan sit down when I hear screaming. I turn around and see Xav punching Taylor. Taylor, while big for his age, is still 3 years younger than Xav who has done wrestling since he was ten. I run over to Taylor and Xav, Blake managed to get away, and get inbetween the two of them. I jump onto Xav, making him stumble a bit before regaining his balance.

"Milly move." Xav says. "No Xavy. you need to calm down. Remember this all started because they tried to get me to watch a movie. You fought against your twin because of a movie Xav." I tell him. I see the realisation of what he had done sink in. Like Mike, Xav had anger issues, which is why he did wrestling. He starts crying into me and sinks to the ground. I hug him and he pully me into his lap so he was forming a cocoon around me.

We sit like this for a while and I just let him cry. I just whisper soothing words to him while he tries to calm down. Once he's back in control of his emotions, he let's go of me and I kiss his cheek softly before hopping of to help Tom.

I see Tom and Taylor pulling Mike off of Luca and hauling him off to the pool. If theres one thing we all know, when Mike's really angry, you need to literally cool him down. I run over to Luca and see him lying on the round, trying to catch his breath. My guess is that Mike stopped the air flow for about 30 seconds as it took him about five minutes to sit up. I help Luca sit up than run to the kitchen.

I grab seven loads of ice and rn back to the cinema room to see the guys huddled together. I walk over to them and hand them each a pack of ice. They all take one and cool down. I go back to the kitchen and grab eight bottles of water and give seven of them to the guys in the cinema room and then head outside with the last water bottle. I see Mike lying in the pool and walk to the side and shake his arm. He gets up and walks over to me. I hand him a water bottle and he downs it in a matter of seconds. He smiles at me and I smile back. Suddenly, the sun is blocked from in front of me and I see two shadows.

I am then picked up and thrown into the pool. I try to rise back up but can't as my clothes are dragging me down. An arm suddenly pulls me back up and I breath in air. I feel my jumper and showes being taken off of me and feel myself being carried.

I hear voices saying things to me, but can't make sense out of any of it. I try to stay awake, but give into the darkness after a while.

Hey guys! Happy New Year! Well, it is New Year for me as I live in AUS but still! I just wanted to say I hope you guys had a great 2015 and have an even better 2016!! I also wanted to thank you guys as I noticed that this book has reached over 1K reads! I'm surprised as I thought at most 20 people would read this books so thanks my lil' Pinenuts! Again, sorry if I made any spelling mistakes and sorry for ending the chapter with a cliffhanger!

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