My ten over protective big br...


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Milly's parents died when she was 9 years old. She now lives with her ten older brothers. This is Milly's st... More

Character list
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

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I looked around the classroom and realised I knew most of the people in our form room. Ruby was also looking around when she started lightly squealing.

"What is it Rubs? is one of my brothers in our class?" 1 asked, confused. 1 haven't heard Ruby squeal many times before, and when she does it's probably because of someone else.

"Am, he's in our class! the new kid, Aiden, is in our class!" Ruby squealed. Ruby has always called Me Am when she was excited, like right now. I looked around, trying to find who she was talking about, but I couldn't really recognise him as I don't know what he looks like.

"I don't really know which one your talking about Ruby. There are 3 boys in this class I don't really recognise." I told her truthfully.

"He's the really tall one with brown hair and green eyes. Ohh, and tanned skin." Ruby told me, looking flushed. I looked around again and recognised "Aiden" as the kid I bumped into while looking for Ruby. So he was joining our class. He looks about 16, now that I think about it.

"That's nice Ruby, why don't you go up to him and start a conversation?" I suggested, smiling. I can already tell that there's a chance this guy could make Ruby smile faster than me working on my own, and it's an option I'm all for if it makes Ruby happy.

"Really? are you sure? I don't want to leave you here alone. I'll try and be quick, that way you won't be alone for too long." Ruby told me, nervously.

"Just go talk to him Ruby. I'll be fine!" I replied with a smile and just like that Ruby skipped over to Aiden.

I turned around, only to see Joe walking into the class. "Hi Joe! How great is this, we have form together! Can we swap squedules?" I ask Joe while hugging him. Joe taps his face like he's thinking about it but then pulls out his squedule so we can compare classes. I turn around quickly to see Ruby and Aiden still talking. Ruby is smiling and laughing which makes me really happy to see. I turn back around and compare squedules with my brother.

Joe's POV:

My brothers are gonna be so jealous when they find out I've got form with Milly. Every year, right on the first day, there's such tension between my brother's and I, us all wanting to have at least one class with Milly.

I'm legit so happy right now that I feel like doing a happy dance but that would totally be destroying my manhood so, ditching that idea. Why so happy you may ask? Well, maybe I'm happy because not only do I have form, History, Maths and gym with Milly, I also get to brag to the rest of my brothers about the fact that I get to spend more personal time with Milly than them.

I'm gonna tell them all at Lunch, except Mike, he's probably still a bit instable after this morning and him finding out I have most of the day with Milly might just make him kill someone. Mike's always been the most territorial when it comes to Milly.

Ever since we were little, If Milly ever got hurt or upset, it would affect Mike the most. If she was hurt he was kind and patient with her but absolutely bat sh*t crazy towards whoever hurt her. If she was upset he would try and make her feel better, and made whatever made her upset feel like hell.

I sit down next to Milly and Ruby joins us. I see that she's coming back from talking to the new kid and I'm not going to lie, I'm jealous. I've liked Ruby since we were 13 but she just hasn't realised. Seeing her talking to other guys makes me jealous, just as I feel angry when guys try and talk to Milly.

Milly's POV:

Ruby came back and sat down next to me, emotionless. I ask Ruby how their conversation went and her reply shocks me.

"Oh it was great! Especially the part when he asked me if I was Ruby, the girl that Snow white with long hair was looking for. And the part when he went on about how she's really beautiful but has many brothers." Ruby told me, huffing. I was really confused, and besides me I felt Joe stiffen.

"What do you mean? The only person who went looking for you, that I know of, is me?" I told her, confusion lacing my voice.

"You really don't get it do you Amelia. The kid is new and he's already into you." She told me with a sad voice, and then looked to the board, waiting for Ms Peterson to come in.

Joe's POV:


First this guy makes Ruby upset AND he's showing interest in MY little sister. My protective mode was in full swing when I decide to text the other boys and let them know.

(Sam=S, Joe=J, Marco=M, Lucas=L,Dan=D,Mike=Mi) sorry if it's confusing!

J- guys, I've got news. Code SW (snow white AKA Milly)

Mi- What's happened? Is SW fine? Has someone hurt or upset her?

J- No. Worse.

L- what's worse than SW being hurt or upset Joe?

J- The new boy likes her. FULL ON LIKES HER. He asked Ruby about her, that's how much he likes SW.

Mi-Oh HELL NO. Not while I'm still here. which room are you in Joe?

M- Calm down Mike. We'll talk more about this at lunch, right now we need to focus to get an education.

D- Well we better talk about this at lunch otherwise I'll "talk" about it with the new kid.

Mi- I'm with Dan.

J- well bye guys, talk later.

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