Driving Myself Insane (Origin...

By ilikemychoices

308K 5.8K 539

"Every girl has three guys in her life: The one she loves, the one she hates, and the one she can't live with... More

.:Driving Myself Insane:.
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Two
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Three
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Four
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Five
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Six
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Seven
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Eight
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Nine
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Ten
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Eleven [Colby's POV]
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twelve
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Thirteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Fourteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Fifteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Sixteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Seventeen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Eighteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Nineteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty One
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Two
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Three
,:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Four
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Five
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Six
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Seven
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Eight
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Nine
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Thirty One
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Epilogue

.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Thirty

7.4K 145 12
By ilikemychoices

Okay, I have no idea how long that kiss lasted. But, it was, like, the best kiss ever. There's no way to even describe it. Colby was surprisingly the first to pull away for air. He stared at me for what seemed like forever before asking:

"What just happened?"

I smirked. "I kissed you, idiot."

He shook his head. "No, not that. You - you said you loved me? Me? As in Colby Tozier?" I laughed, before it was kinda like my reaction after he told me that he loved me. I leaned in and kissed him quickly again, but that caused him to freak out even more. He stood up and began pacing back in forth in front of me. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. You love me. What does that mean?"

I shrugged. "I'm pretty sure love is a feeling you get. Kinda annoying, too."

He shook his head. "No! Like, what are we now?"

"Human?" I smirked, yawning. "But, I'm pretty sure that we've always been humans. Unless you're an alien. Which would make sense, because no normal person is that hot."

Colby stared at me again before deciding. "I'm dreaming. Yep. This is just some dream that'll leave me hurting in the morning, because it isn't real." He rubbed the sides of his head. "Why aren't I waking up."

Laughing in amusement, I stood up, pulling his hands away from his face. "Hey, you're not dreaming. This is real." I kissed him for a few seconds before pulling away. "See? Didn't that feel real?"

"I could just be kissing my hand or pillow, and feel it in my dream." He nodded. I slapped his arm, so he said. "And now, I fell off the bed, or just hit my arm on something."

I scoffed, "What? If I admit I love you, it has to be a dream?"

"You hate me-"

I groaned, slapping my forehead. "Idiot! I love you. Really. No matter how stupid you are." 

After several moments of silence, Colby sighed. "This isn't a dream. It's real."

I crossed my arms, rolling my eyes. "Oh, really? I had no idea." I said sarcastically. "You know, you're really stup-" I was cut off when he kissed me. I rose my eyebrow, but kissed him back until I felt dizzy. Admittedly, I probably would have kissed him longer if it had not been for some voice saying:

"Oh. My. Feathering. God." 

Colby and I jumped away from each other to face Jake, who had his jaw dropped. Obviously, he had no idea how to fix a tie, because it was all lopsided and stuff. He closed his mouth, which stretched into a huge grin. He seemed to remember what he came up here for, because he wiped the grin and shook his head. "A teacher told me to get you off the roof." He smirked. "I bet that'll be disappointing, but you can make out in the gym, too, you know?" 

My face was totally red, but I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Fine. Stupid teacher." I grabbed Colby's wrist and returned to the gym. I let Colby go talk to Jake while I found Courtney. She rose her eyebrow at me before smirking.

"Your lipstick's smeared." She told me. Ugh. This was exactly why I never wore lipstick. I hated make up. It was so pointless. 

I opened my mouth to say something then shut it. She wiped the smeared part off with her thumb and wiped her hand on her arm. Then, with a smile almost as huge as Jake's, she asked. "So, are you two going out now? I mean, obviously, you made out."

I scoffed. "Pfft. Made out? You're crazy. Where did you - what - no. Psh. Yeah right." I snorted. Ugh, I had to be a bad liar at that moment? It didn't matter, because within seconds, I totally broke down. "Okay. I told him I loved him. Then we kissed, like, four times. But, we didn't really make plans for a date, because your brother interrupted us."

From behind, Jackson asked. "What?" How many people were going to sneak up behind me today? I mean, seriously.

I turned around, "Well, um...I told him." 

For a moment, his expression was impossible to read, but he then grinned as if he was happy for me. But, the smile faltered, so I figured it was fake. "That's great, Kat! You two'll have a great life together!" Um, why was he talking like Colby and I were getting married? I was only freaking eighteen. And, unlike Bella, I'm not getting married at a young age. I serious need to cut it out with Twilight references. 

I heard a familiar voice yell, "You!" It was coming somewhere from the right of me, so obviously I glanced over there. Alina was coming at me, with Ashley and Tina following close behind. Alina grabbed my ear and pulled me away from Jackson, who just rose his eyebrow before mumbling something like, "Girls. So weird," then walking away. 

Alina squealed with a huge grin, "You - you were kissing him! God, don't you love school dances?" I guessed she knew I was gonna ask how the hell we knew, because she started talking again. "Jake came up and told Blake, then Blake told me, then I came to you! Because I need to know details. How long was the kiss? How many kisses were there? Did clothes start coming off-" 

"Um, I don't know. Like, four. And no. Freak." I answered, shaking my head. I didn't ask her all this stuff about Blake and her, did I? No. 

Tina's grin began to fade as she looked over my shoulder. Alina seemed to notice whatever she was staring at, too, because she began to scowl. I rose my eyebrow. There must have been someone behind me. Of course. The next person who comes up from behind, I'm going to slap. Well, probably. 

I turned around, frowning when I saw Skyler. Didn't I tell him to stay the hell away from Tina? He said he would! But I began to notice that he was breathing hard, his lip was bleeding, and beads of sweat were coming down his forehead. 

If I hadn't noticed this fact, I would have told him to get the hell away from my little sister before I kill him, but instead I asked. "What's wrong?!" 

He doubled over, coughing, with his hands set on his knees. After he got control of himself, he looked back up at me, avoiding Tina's eyes. "R - Riley. He's outside." 

Ashley asked. "What?! Why?" I guess she still hated his guts over what he did to her. Couldn't blame her. If a guy beat the crap out of me, I'd want him dead. 

I groaned. Seriously? "I'll go take care of him." I said before walking past Skyler, ignoring the fact that he was now telling me to stay away from him. Riley wouldn't hurt me, right? Since I didn't really have an answer for that, I found Jackson and told him that I wanted his help to get Riley away from here. Considering Skyler looked kind of beat up, I didn't think that my ex had exactly came here to drink some punch and dance. 

I found Jake, Conan, Colby and Blake still talking to each other. I didn't want any of them, including Jackson, to get hurt, but if it was five against one, no one aside from Riley would get hurt, right? I told Jackson to tell them about it while I went outside to find Riley. As soon as I was outside the school, I looked around, scowling. Part of me hoped that Riley had just gone home, so no one had to get hurt. 

I didn't see him anywhere, so I turned around to head back inside the school and tell the others that he'd left, when I heard someone say from the right of me. "So, you came, huh? You should be happy, what I did to him. He cheated on Alina, right?" There was a pause before Riley corrected himself. "I mean Tina. Yeah. The sister." 

I turned to him, a scowl on my face. "What do you want, Riley?"

He looked almost scary at night, in the shadows. I watched as he took a drink from a bottle and threw it on the ground. He stepped closer and before I could distance myself from him again, he grabbed my shoulders. "You look hot." He said, a smirk on his face. "Colby told you what I had been planning to do to you a week ago, huh?" I could smell the alcohol in his breath. It was enough to make me want to puke. 

The main doors to the school opened, followed by Colby's voice. "Hey. Let go of her."

Riley turned his brown eyes to Colby. "All I want is her V-card. That's all. Then you can have her."

I scoffed, trying to push him away, but even as a drunk, Riley was stronger. "Ew! Let me the hell go." 

Blake grabbed Riley by the arm. "Hey. Leave her alone before we call the cops." 

Riley stumbled back, falling back on his ass. He seemed to be reaching for something but I didn't know what it was. "Aw, Kat. Very smart. You got your own bodyguards. Your boyfriend, his two brothers, his cousin, and your other boyfriend." He wiped his mouth. "More people for me to beat up." He smirked when he grabbed what he'd been searching for - the Vodka bottle. He managed to pull himself up to his feet, stumbling a little to the side. "See, what your problem is. . .I don't care whether I live or die. If I go to jail, who cares? No one." 

Jackson began to charge at Riley, but Conan grabbed his arm, his eyes still on Riley, and shook his head. He whispered something, but I couldn't hear it. 

"No one cares about me. My parents? They think I'm a good-for-nothing mistake. I guess I am. You, Katherine? Well, you sent your hounds out to get rid of me, so I'm guessing you don't care either." Riley coughed before looking at the bottle in his hand. "So, when you don't have anyone who cares about you, you stop caring, too. About other people, your life, anything. So that means, as soon as one of you come at me, I'll fight you back until I die. Hopefully someone else would, too." I almost thought he'd leave me alone for a second, but that was a stupid assumption. He hit the bottom of the glass bottle against a sign, breaking it in half, so he could use it as a weapon. He grabbed me from behind, putting me in front so that the others wouldn't come after him as fast or something.

I struggled to escape from his grasp, but I couldn't. Since when was Riley so strong?

Both Jackson and Colby came forward, both of them glaring at Riley. Jackson clenched his fists, growling. "Let her go." When Jackson tried to take another step closer, Riley held the broken bottle up to my neck.

Colby said in this weird, emotionless tone that even scared me. "You do that, and I swear to God, I'll torture you to death. I'm not even kidding."

Jake spoke up. "Um, guys? Wouldn't calling the police be a better option?" They seemed to ignore what I thought was a pretty good idea. Colby took another step forward, quickly grabbing the arm that held the bottle. Riley let go of me, so I stumbled into Jake's arms, since he seemed to be the only one who didn't feel like fighting here.

Riley freed his arm from Colby's grasp before slashing the bottle across Colby's chest. I screamed in horror as I watched the blood start to show from his shirt. I tried to lunge forward to hurt Riley somehow, but Jake held me back. Jackson punched Riley in the jaw, causing the drunk to fall over again. But this time, he rose to his feet faster. Colby seemed to be in serious pain, but he knocked Riley over again, pinning him to the ground. He began to punch Riley repeatedly, until Riley was bleeding both his nose and mouth. Somehow, Riley had gotten a hold of the bottle again, so he cut Colby deeply again before anyone could stop him.

I screamed again, trying to get at him, but like last time, Jake held me back, shaking his head. He nodded pointedly toward the doors. I glanced over, seeing Alina pacing back and forth through the window, her cellphone held up to her face. Tina, Courtney and Ashley kept trying to come outside to help, but Skyler held them back. I guess so they couldn't get hurt, since Riley didn't exactly follow the 'No Hitting Girls' rule. 

Colby groaned in pain, getting off of Riley, laying on the floor and clutching his side, which was already bleeding like crazy. Blake took over, and grabbed Riley by the front of his shirt and pulled him up. He punched Riley in the stomach, causing Riley to groan then laugh like a crazy person.

Conan rushed to Colby's side, letting Jackson and Blake take care of Riley. Riley managed to get a good punch in Blake's jaw, causing the older Tozier to stumble back a little. I heard the front doors open, followed by Alina screaming Blake's name, but I heard Skyler faintly say something like, "Alina, Riley could hurt you. Stay back."

All of a sudden, the medics and police were there, followed by a bunch of teachers, who told the police they had no idea what had been going on. A policeman handcuffed Riley and forced him into the cop car, where he started asking him some questions. Colby, on the other hand, got pulled into the ambulance car.

One of the police came up to the rest of us, who were all standing silently, except for maybe the few of us who were crying - Okay, I admit, I was one of those people - and told us that we would be asked a few questions at the hospital while we waited for Colby.

Since I couldn't help it, I asked. "Is he going to be okay? The one who got cut?" Well, he didn't know Colby's name, so I kind of had to refer to Colby as 'the one who got cut.'

The cop opened then closed his mouth, pausing for what seemed like forever. He sighed sadly. "I don't know. I'm sorry." 

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