Driving Myself Insane (Origin...

By ilikemychoices

308K 5.8K 539

"Every girl has three guys in her life: The one she loves, the one she hates, and the one she can't live with... More

.:Driving Myself Insane:.
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Two
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Three
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Four
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Five
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Six
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Seven
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Eight
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Nine
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Ten
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Eleven [Colby's POV]
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twelve
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Thirteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Fourteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Fifteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Sixteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Seventeen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Eighteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Nineteen
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty One
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Two
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Three
,:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Four
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Five
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Six
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Seven
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Eight
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Thirty
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Thirty One
.:Driving Myself Insane:. Epilogue

.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Nine

7.8K 158 13
By ilikemychoices

Stupid prom. Why did it even have to exist? Well, the question really should have been, why did I have a bunch of friends and family that insisted I go? If I'd been friends with only guys, then I wouldn't have to go to some stupid dance at school. Probably. Since I was officially single, and getting over Riley more and more everyday - even though sometimes I missed him, for unknown reasons - I just decided to go with Courtney and Tina, who didn't have any real dates either. It was better going than friends than admitting you have no date at all, I guess. Of course, I could have easily gotten one, because Colby or Jackson would have been willing, but I'd just dumped Riley last week. Plus, since I cheated on his twice with two different guys less than 12 hours apart, I didn't want to be any more slutty than I already considered myself to be.

Anyway, after I forced myself into the blue dress that Courtney, Alina, and Tina had bought me before that night we snuck into Colby's tree to watch him like a bunch of stalkers, which was also the night he admitted he loved me, I went downstairs, where Alina and Tina were already waiting.

"You look beautiful," my dad told me. "Thank God you don't have a date. You'd probably have to remember our talk."

Tina, who'd recovered slightly from her break up over the past week, grinned at me, "Ha. Dad gave you the talk?"

I plopped down on the couch, having to be more careful than I'd have to be if I were wearing jeans, and groaned. "Sadly." When Alina stuck her tongue out at me, I swatted her arm lightly. We all heard a weird shutter camera noise coming from somewhere, but when we looked at Dad, his hands were empty. Four or five months ago, I would have thought that Colby was taking pictures from the window like some creep, but now I knew he wouldn't do that. Hopefully.

"Mom?" Tina asked. To make sure she hadn't gone crazy, I followed her confused stare and, yup, my mommy was there, a camera in her hand and a smile on her face.

Seeing my parents in the same room was weird. They hadn't been near each other in months, possibly years. Justin wasn't there either, which made me almost think of back when they were together, before my life became extremely confusing. Their divorce wasn't the result of my confusion, of course. That, I have to blame Colby for.

Mom nodded. "Uh-huh. Got your prom picture, but I won't make you pose. Candid - or, unposed, whatever - shots are better. Especially since, when your children see this in the future, they'll know that you were once a weirdo." Once? I'm pretty sure my abnormality wasn't ever going to go away, but I didn't tell her that. She smirked, "What? You thought I'd miss your last prom? Er, well, not Tina's." Of course. Tina wouldn't have even been going if not for us, since she was two grades lower than Alina and I, but we'd told her that it wouldn't be fun without her. Which, sadly, was probably a little true. 

I smirked at Tina, "Muahaha, Alina and I are superior seniors. Bow down to us, sophomore."

Tina rose her eyebrow. "I'd rather not."

Mom narrowed her eyes a little, probably wondering where she went wrong, but just asked. "When are you planning on leaving?" 

Alina stretched a little, before remembering that she had to try being a little careful in that dress. "Blake needs to pick me up." Then, she went into girly mode or something, because she squeaked. "I'm going to prom with Blake Tozier. Who knew my dreams would ever come true?" She paused then asked, "Isn't it weird I'm dating your boyfriend's brother?"

I scowled at her. "You're just lucky Courtney would kill me to death if I got a wrinkle on this dress. Or else I'd be on you like - like, um...Like something goes on something. I don't know. Ugh, that sounded weird, didn't it? Anyway, Colby isn't my firetrucking boyfriend!" 

"Kill you to death?" Dad asked, raising his eyebrow at me.

I nodded, "Uh-huh. Don't ask. You'd think by now, you'd learn not to question me."

The doorbell rang, so I was getting up to open it, but Mom just shook her head and went to the front door herself. Good. I wanted more time to rest before I had to stand all day. Thank God Courtney agreed to let me wear just converse. High heels would have killed me. Speaking of my best friend, I heard her say, "Hey, Mrs. Blakeslee! Ugh. Sorry. I mean...Whatever. Hi." I almost expected Mom to say something about not being a Blakeslee anymore, but I guess she didn't have to since Court corrected herself. Sort of.

Mom lead her to the living room. Courtney looked freaking awesome in that white dress. Way better than I did, in my opinion. She smiled at us. "Ready to go?"

Alina asked, frowning. "But, where's Blake?"

"Oh God." She sighed. "He kept changing his mind about his hair, I guess. That's what Colby told me. He said that Blake couldn't decide whether to have it messy, have his usual hair, or put it up. My cousin's such a girl sometimes." Courtney rolled her eyes, smiling. "He should be here soon."

I tilted my head to the side a little, "What about Colby?" I scowled. "Is he going with anybody?" 

"Oh, he's driving there with Conan. He didn't say he was going with anyone." Courtney paused, like she was checking to see if she remembered right, then nodded. "I'm pretty sure he isn't going with anyone. He's loners like us! It's actually shocking. He'll probably be there before us, actually. Come on. The limo driver guys waiting."

Tina stared at her. "You got a limo?!"

"Er, well, Colby and Conan kinda rented it for me. I have no idea why. Thank God they didn't have Jake be the driver. He'd probably kill us."

Alina asked, "Where is Jake, anyway?"

"He drove there alone. I thought he'd want to go with Colby and Conan, but no. I'll never figure out what happens in my stupid twin brothers head." She smirked. "Come on! Alina, we'll see you there."

 Tina and I stood up, waved to Alina, then hugged and said bye to our parents. Still, it was weird to see them in the same house. Hopefully, one day, it'd be normal to see them in the same house again. I mean, when I grew up and got married to Colby, they had to come over together for - Did I say marry Colby? Pfft. I meant the cheese. Um, yeah...I plan on marrying cheese.

God, I'm dumb.

Anyway, in the limo, it was silent for the first few minutes, right until Courtney pretty much blew up with excitement. "Omigod. It's senior prom. I feel so old. Like Katherine's 'lucky shoes!'"

My lucky shoes were these really beat up converse high tops - not the ones I was wearing right now - that had a huge gaping hole in the left shoe. I scoffed. "Hey. They're wise. They've been through so much with me. They're - they're experienced!" 

"Dude, they have a huge hole in them. I would have thrown them out by now." Tina smirked.

I did that weird snap thingy that people do on movies. "Well then." Then, we all started cracking up. We just laughed and listened to Courtney go on and on about how we'd never have another senior prom - except for Tina and Conan. I expected her to break down crying, but thankfully, she didn't. If she did, she'd probably cry harder if her mascara ran or something. She was so freaking girly when it came to things like this, while I just had random girly moments. I think.

One of the many things I hate about dances: they seem way overcrowded. Not, like, where you can't walk anywhere, but it was just way too many people for me. Usually, I didn't like being in crowded places, because there was more people to question my weirdness. I noticed Skyler over by the snack table, looking our way.

Yeah. Regret cheating on my baby sister, I thought. You deserve pain, too. 

I glanced at Tina and Courtney, "Hey, I'm gonna go talk to - um, somebody."

Tina frowned, "Hm? Oh, okay. Where's Conan." I smirked. I'd laugh my ass off if she started having those stupid horny thoughts about him, like my voices about Colby. Or, maybe I wouldn't, because it put you through a lot of confusion. And it was annoying. Couldn't forget that part. I'd probably feel bad for her, actually.

While Tina was looking around, Courtney asked quietly. "Skyler?"

I nodded. "Yup. He has to stay away from her." Ugh, I felt like some protective sister, like the kind that made me want to throw up all the time. I patted Courtney's arm before heading toward Skyler, pushing past people. 

Skyler tensed. "Katherine. Hi?"

I glanced toward Tina then trained my eyes back on Sky, "Look, you probably know this, but stay away from her. She's acting okay, but she'd probably still broken inside. And I don't need you around her to make her worse." I sighed. "I just wanted to make sure you knew."

"I know, Kat. I was an idiot. I just - I don't know. I'd make up some excuse, like my parents wanted me to go out with Vanessa, but that would be a lie. The truth is I'm just an idiot. I'm sorry. For putting her through pain." He seemed to mean it. "I won't go near her, until she's over me."

I shook my head. "She'll probably never get over you entirely. You, like, scarred her."

"Alright. I understand. Colby told me the same thing, kind of. He told me that if he put your sister through any more pain, he'd beat the living crap out of me. He's a good guy, you know." Skyler said, almost innocently. Ugh, why was it so hard to stay pissed off at this guy? "His sister is behind you, BTW." He said before turning around and walking away. I'd planned on yelling at him, but it was obvious there was a part of him that still cared for my sister, so I wasn't able to. 

I turned toward Ashley, "Hey, Ash!"

She smiled. "Hey, Katherine. Colby's looking for you." She glanced around the gym, "But I have no idea where he is now."

I nodded slowly, "I'll find that dork later. I didn't know you were coming here. I mean, Courtney didn't say you were."

"Oh, yeah, I decided at, like, the last minute to come with Conan and Colby. Since everyone else is going." She shrugged. Ashley was a junior. I guess Colby's parents really like to make babies - ew - because they made them all a year apart. I guess after four, they realized it was enough. I mean, Blake had graduated last year, Colby was a senior, Ashley was a junior, and Conan was a sophomore. My parents, though, had Tina two years after me. Then I guess they decided that two was enough, until they agreed to let my cousin move in with us.

I nodded again. "Alright."

"Wow, Katherine. I never knew that you had the ability to make a conversation awkward."

I shrugged, smirking. "Well, I'm a special lady." I noticed Jackson standing all lonely and stuff somewhere behind Ashley, so I said. "Um, hey, I'm gonna go talk to Jackson. See you later, kay?" When she nodded, I forced myself to walk up to Jackson. Part of me didn't want to, because everything seemed to happen at dances. Fights, kisses, crap like that. 

I grinned. "Hey, loner."

"Yeah, I did come here as a loner, didn't I?" He glanced over at the spot where people were dancing. "Wanna dance?" 

I figured it wouldn't kill me, so I allowed him to lead me to the dancefloor. "So, why don't you have a date?" I asked, even though I probably knew the answer.

"I did want to ask you," he admitted, "But I know there's only one guy you'd say yes to, whether you love me or not." Yeah. He was probably the only one that I'd admitted my feelings to. But, why? Because I knew that they didn't make a difference. I loved Colby too much. And I didn't tell Riley because he'd probably hold it against me for the rest of my existance. 

I whispered. "I'm sorry."

He shook his head. "Don't be. It's alright. I get it. You don't choose who you love. If you did, you'd probably still hate Colby." He was probably right. If I did ever have the chance to choose back then, I would have most likely disliked Colby for the rest of my life. But, now, I couldn't imagine hating him, as cheesy as it sounds. "But, hey. I'll get over you. You're not that amazing."

I scoffed. "Oh. Well then." 

"I mean, if you were Megan Fox, it would be different." Jackson said, grinning. 

"I'm better than her. Have you seen her thumbs? Weird. Mine are normal!" I smirked.

We argued about Megan Fox's hands for the rest of the song. When the song finished, we parted and I went back to get a drink or something. I didn't really know what I was doing.

I was actually happy that I did that, because I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me, "Oh, what? I don't get a dance?"

I turned on my heel, which I couldn't have done with high heels, to face Colby and smirked. "Well, if you ask that way, then no. No, you don't."

I watched Colby roll his eyes, straighten up, then bow, holding his hand out to me, "Katherine Blakeslee, may I have this dance?" He asked in some weird accent.

A smirk still on my face, I shrugged. "Well, wouldn't you dance to a full song, not just start in the middle of one?" Colby didn't say anything, so I took his hand, giggling a little. "I would love to." I said in an accent, matching his. He raised my hand to his lips, kissing it gently.

He straightened up, "Okie dokie. We shall dance now." Wow. Way to ruin a moment. Ugh, he looked way too hot in those jeans, white button-up, and tuxedo jacket/blazer type of thing. Why couldn't this boy be ugly? It was so unfair! I was average - okay, maybe below average - looking, while he had the looks of a freakin god. 

 He lead me to the dance floor in the middle of a stupid slow song and started dancing all awkwardly with me. “You know,” he said, “I was gonna get you flowers, being the awesome guy I am and all, but they were out of flowers. Stupid Wal*Mart.”

I snorted, “Why didn’t you get me plastic ones?”

“All plastic won’t work. It has to be eleven real and one plastic.” When he noticed the look on confusion on my face, he explained, “It means that I’ll love you until the last rose dies.” Plastic roses don’t die. I get it now. My birthday. He’d gotten me eleven real roses and one fake one. He’d, in a way, tried telling me his feelings - well, all of them - back then, but I’d been too stupid to realize.

I could have said something sarcastic, or admitted my feelings, but I only said, “Oh.” Ashley was right. I was being all awkward today, wasn’t I? I sighed at the same time the song ended, but I didn’t want to pull away from Colby. He didn’t say anything, so I didn’t step back. Instead, we continued dancing, even when Perfect by Hedley came on. 

After a few moments of silence, Colby whispered. “You look amazing, you know that right?” I rested my head on his chance, mostly so he couldn’t see me blush.

“Well, you’re so going to hold this against me, but I guess you don’t look that bad yourself.” I smirked. Okay, so, I have to admit, with my arms being around his neck and his arms around my waist, I was a little tempted to kiss the guy. Alright, maybe a little more than a little. 

When I looked up at him, Colby was smirking. "You're right. I'm going to hold that against you." He looked up, "You know, this is kinda a wierd song to dance to."

"Oh, so you want to stop dancing?" I smirked at him.

He shrugged, which felt weird with my arms around his neck. "Depends."

Raising my eyebrow at him, I asked. "What do you mean by that?"

 "Well, I'd be totally fine with not dancing with you if we were making out instead." He flashed his signature cocky grin at me. "Or more-than-making out." He smirked.

Oh, God, please-

Cutting off the voice, I shrugged. "Who knows? You might get lucky." Realizing what I said, I shook my head. "I don't mean that kind of 'get lucky' but - ugh. I don't know." 

Colby only smirked, pulling me closer. I rested my head against his chest again, frowning. I wanted to tell him that I loved him so badly. But, I couldn't with all these people. Maybe that was why I wanted the place to be less crowded so badly. Before the song even finished, Colby pulled away, leaving me to frown even more.

"Come to the roof with me." He said.

I studied him before sighing. "Fine. But, remember, I didn't really mean you were 'getting lucky.' So, try anything, and I'll slap your face off." Er, probably not, because that stupid voice would probably take over completely, but I didn't want him to try. But I kinda did. If that made any sense. I just wasn't ready.

Colby took my hand, leading me through the crowds of teenagers. I waved as I passed Alina and Blake, who looked so cute together, then at Tina and Courtney. They were all smirking, which kinda creeped me out.


Once we were on the roof of the high school, I asked. "Are we even allowed to be up here?"

"I have no idea." Colby laughed. "But, if anyone catches us, I'll just offer them money or something. Perks of being rich." He laid down, putting his arms behind his head.

I scoffed. "I'm not going to lay down, I hope you know that. Court would murder me if I got this dress dirty." 

"Right." He mumbled, standing back up. He laid his jacket out on the edge of the roof and sat down, next to it, so that his legs were dangling off the edge or something. I sighed, sitting on the jacket next to him.

"If you push me," I warned. "I'll kill you. Even though I'd already be dead. I'd, like, come back to kill you." 

Colby smirked. "I wouldn't do that. Even you should know that by now." But I could tell that the possibilty of any of us falling off freaked him out, because he stood back up and sat down again, but this time on one of those vent things - okay, I have no idea what they actually are. I sighed, getting up, picking up the jacket, then laying it back down next to him before sitting next to him. "There," he said. "Now, we have no chance of falling off anymore, since we're not close to the edge."

"Why'd you bring me up here?" I asked, glancing at him.

He shrugged. "I wanted to be alone with you." He looked at me, wiggling his eyebrows before I slapped him on the arm, laughing lightly. He looked down at his hands, "You know, being rich does suck sometimes." I had no idea where he was going with this. I didn't speak, so he continued. "After all those years of getting whatever you wanted, there comes this thing that money can't buy. Like -" He stopped himself, scowling at his hands. "How money can't get you to love me."

I stared at him, even though he didn't look up at me. Inside, I was trying to decide whether or not I should tell him, or wait. But, how long would I wait? Right now would have been good, since we were alone and everything. But then again, was I ready for another relationship. Before I even decided officially in my head, I whispered. "You don't even need money to do that." He raised his head, his eyes meeting mine. I swallowed. "I already love you."

"Really?" He asked, disbelief in his voice.

"Yeah, weirdo." I said before leaning in, pressing my lips to his.


A/N: Bam. And it was all a dream~ Kidding. Or was I? Dun dun dunnnnn.

Too much Mountain Dew.

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