Half Breed's Nightmare. (COMP...

By Mnmsam

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Audrey Mitchell is half werewolf half human. She has been moving town to town with her father for the past ei... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 13 Kohen's pov.
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 13

229 8 1
By Mnmsam

Now just remember, I was in a crowd full of werewolves and not humans.

Five day almost finished, more than one someone's about to be dead, a group full of people who just had their eardrums erased, and me. Wanting nothing more than to just go home.

Why couldn't it be that easy?

************************** LONG CHAPTER!!!

Why couldn't it be that easy? Easy to leave the school like I had planned, too high up the scale wolves starting a crowd because they're "popular'. And around my baby at that.

"Now that everyone can hear me, go away or I'll run you over. Kohen, Enzo, off the car before I kill you." I jump off the edge of the car and walk around to the driver's side.

Jumping in I start the car quickly. There were still people in my way, so I do what I was gonna do. I slowly, because I mean I really don't want to run over anyone, back out of the parking space. People actually moved away realizing I wasn't joking around.

One problem seemed to emerge. Kohen was pushing the car fowards. Little did he know how much time and effort I put into this car. It had some tricks that not even my dad knew about. I pressed down on the brakes, looking to make sure there wasn't anyone in front of me I flipped a switch. The front hidrolics made the car go up and going forward over the concrete thing fast. Before anyone could understand what was going on, I was already out of the parking lot making my way to my house.

My father was home, which was a first especially saying that this was his about 4th day at this pack. But who was I to complain?

As soon as I walk through the door from the garage I was pounced on. Not literally, but my father was standing in front of me in a heart beat, and even though I saw it coming I still jumped a little at the fact that he was suddenly there.

"Hey can you order that pizza that we had two days ago?" He asked.

Why did he have to ask? I was the only one who knew the number. Sighing, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed the number to the pizza place.

"Joe's pizza how may I help you?" It was the same guy from the last time.

"Do you remember me? I was the girl that ordered-"

"Yes I remember you. Do you want the same as last time? Two large pizza's with everything we have on it and 2 two liters one Dr.Peper, and one Mwt. Dew?"

I nodded before remembering I was on the phone, "Yeah."

"Alright be there in thirty." After that he hung up on me. He probably thinks me something strange. I put my phone back into my pocket and walked into the living room.

Pizza came and father paid for it. Then about six hours later, after watching a couple episodes of something on Netflix we decided to head off to bed. I took some sleeping pills hoping, no begging for some sleep.

After staring at my celing. Then wall. Then phone, and back to ceiling, for about 2 hours I finally felt it. Drozyness. Then I was just out.

When I woke up it was light outside. Then I remembered that today was only Wednesday, and Wednesday=School Day.

Jumping up so fast, you would think me a full blooded werewolf, I did what I needed to do. Brush my teeth, throw my hair in a bun, change clothes. The whole thing.

I was actually feeling good today. Not because I just felt that it was going to be a good day, but because I actually slept-in. The word seemed foreign to me. I haven't "slept-in" for a good few years now.

And yes I said years. I looked up at the clock, one of the few things I try not to do when I'm in a rush, and see that it's 7:25am. School starts at 7:30am.

Well crap. I grabbed my phone, keys, backpack and jetted out the door into the garage. I jumped into my baby and broke at least 3 traffic laws to get to school within three minutes, get to my locker and get all the things I need in one. Just as I was sliding into the chair the bell rang.

Sure I probably looked like a mess. Who was I kidding, I am a mess. But then again, I'm late. But on the plus side, I had a great nights sleep, and no nightmares.

School went by pretty quickly with no sign of one Mr. Kohen. I don't know whether that upset me or relieved me, but there was a feeling in my stomach, the one where something was just not right.

Lunch was spent laughing at stupid puns made by none other than Thorne aka Enzo.

Then I was home, watching Vampire Diaries. (I switched from Supernatural, per Kinsleys request.) And so when I was done watching those I would go back to Supernatural. When that was over I would fully get into The Walking Dead. Season 7 is supposed to be awesome.

After a while I went to sleep.

***** 3 weeks later*****

Time seemed to fly, hours turned to days, days turned to weeks. Next thing I know I've been here in this little bubble of carefree high school normality for over three weeks.

I've been in the town of Palatka for three and a half weeks now, plenty of sleepless nights sure, but no nightmares that have woken me in the middle of the night and shaken me to the core.

Kohen and I have been getting closer. In his favor not mine, I would rather distance myself from my mate and not get attached, but somehow he's managed to get under my skin just the right way.

Right now I was in a sticky situation; it was Kohen's fault but I'm the one in blame. Happens.

"Try me, Alpha." I say sarcastically. I don't know if he will or won't but his eyes turned black, so maybe he will. Which made me kinda afraid, but I held my cool, giving him my best smirk.

But he could see right through that.

"Why did you go and say something like that?" His friend and beta Enzo asked. I have come to call him Enzo, even though he hates it oh so very much.

That makes it all the more fun.

"Why not?" I say shrugging my shoulders never taking my eyes off Kohen. I knew if I looked away for even a millisecond he would be inches away in no time.

"Your funeral." He says with his hands up in surrender backing away slowly. I knew what he was doing. He was running away while he still could, before things got out of control.

Only thing is, as soon as he left, I knew he would get me.

So I bet everyone is wondering what has happened to get my into this situation.

Everyone knows that when you say these words you know something bad went down. Well so you see what had happened was...

Yes it was something bad. And it was all my fault.

3 hours ago. Kohen's motorcycle ⤴

I was running from him. And by him I mean Kohen. Why? Because I just messed with his motorcycle.

Now why would I mess with someone else's vehicle when I knew all too well if someone even came near my car I would sock em. Well that is simple.

Kohen went near my car with his bike. Someone hit the bike.
It fell on my car.
Que flames coming out of my ears and a boy now with a black eye.

Why was I messing with Kohen bike though you may ask. Well he was the one who parked so damn close to my car.

The one thing I've told him over and over not to do. And this is what happens when he doesn't listen to me.

Now don't get me wrong. I know what I did was bad, but there's a dent the size of a baseball in my door now. Sure I can easily get it out, but that's not the point. There shouldn't be a baseball size dent in my baby. There shouldn't be anything close enough to my baby for it to even touch it.

Someone learned that the hard way. That someone was Enzo. Don't forget the time Kohen leaned up against my car. Apparently I twisted his ankle. It lasted all of an hour. Probably less.

Enzo on the other hand received a black eye everyday for a week. Guess what he did. No seriously guess.

He not only leaned up against it, but he also had his shoe on my door frame, his bike tire against my tires and the handle of his bike was against my car next to him.

Okay sure, it's not actually that bad, and honestly I probably overreacted. No I did overreact. Maybe one black eye for leaning his bike against my baby and a scolding and tongue lashing too. But I mean come on. That car is sacred to me. I put a lot of time effort and money into that old hunk of junk that I didn't even think could run. And now look at this bad boy, he's perfect!😍

Not really the point at the moment honestly. I'm actually being chased by a wolf.
At the moment I was sneaking down the hall, going alcove to alcove between the lockers, down to the corridor on the opposite end of the campus. Hopefully Kohen is still over on the other side, but Enzo and Kinsley can only stall so much.

I had one more alcove till I could run up the stairs and hide in the air vent thing. The one that sucks air in and has the grate that you can pull out. Yeah that thing.

I looked one way, then the other. The coast was clear, as I look behind me one more time I knew something was going to go wrong. I wasn't fast enough. Then I hit the brick wall.

No like I actually hit the brick wall. I groaned a little at the stinging coming from my nose. I just stood there at the wall for a few seconds trying to get my barrings in check then I heard someone walking my way. No one was running, but it was like I could tell who's foot steps were getting closer to me.

The door on the other end opened and three sets of footsteps ran through the open door only to stop short as soon as they saw what was going on. I turn slowly to the footsteps coming, head held high, even though we all know it wouldn't end well. The confidence I had was a facade. And he could tell.

"Audrey what did you do?"

"What did you do to my bike?"
"I put a little life into it. Didn't you like the sparkle?" I ask in a sickly sweet voice, going for the innocent act. Maybe it'll work.

"Audrey I know you messed with my bike!" He was getting pissed. I knew that, so why did I want to continue messing with fire? Because it was so much fun riling him up.

"And what makes you think I'm the one that did it?" No longer playing the sickly sweet innocent but the defensive innocent, I was good at that one. "What makes you think I would mess with your bike like that?" I put a cocky smile on my face, I wasn't getting away with this so I might as well fess up and laugh while doing so.

His white Analog Harley Davidson Street 750 motorcycle with neon green rims, was now pink. It was like I threw it through a car wash, only instead of soap and water it was car paint. It was like it was fully dipped in pink paint and someone threw sparkles all over the wet paint. *cue evil face*

"Okay yes I messed with your bike." I confess. It wasn't that hard to confess but for some reason I actually felt guilty, but relieved.

I could barely hear him say the words, but he just wasn't quiet enough to mask those words. "Oh you're gonna get it."

And here we are back to where we started.
"Try me, Alpha." I say sarcastically. I don't know if he will or won't but his eyes turned black, so maybe he will. Which made me kinda afraid, but I held my cool, giving him my best smirk. But he could see right through that.

"Why did you go and say something like that?" Enzo asked.

"Why not?" I say shrugging my shoulders never taking my eyes off Kohen. I knew if I looked away for even a millisecond he would be inches away in no time.

"Your funeral." He says with his hands up in surrender backing away slowly. I knew what he was doing. He was running away while he still could, before things got out of control. I could hear Kinsleys footsteps disappear just as quickly.

As soon as the doors clicked close I was pressed up against the solid wall of the alcove, my breath gone at the sudden impact. He didn't push me up against the wall with much force and his hand was behind my head so I didn't bang my head against the wall. (Unlike what I did minutes before).

At that moment I knew.... I Fucked up.

His eyes where heated with anger and something else. I could quite put my finger on it. Then he did something I really wasn't expencting.

He kissed me. I've been avoiding any physical contact such as this so that I don't get attached. But it was like all my efforts to fight against this want didn't even exist. There was no hesitation from my side. I was surprised at first, obviously thinking I was gonna get it, but really what would he do?

My hands were on his chest going up until they made their way up around his neck. My fingers played with the hair that was just long enough for me to grab at. This was going to be a full blown make out session if I didn't do something. Soon. But the thing was, I never wanted this to stop.

When I couldn't breathe anymore I pulled away, but instead of stopping there I kissed him. It didn't go any further than making out, which I was relieved about.

That's how my day ended. Three and a half weeks down, a pink motorcycle and a dent in my baby. One make out session that really shouldn't have happened, but I'm so glad it did. And when I passed out I felt really good, I felt like nothing bad could touch me. I really hoped that would be the case.


There you go extra long chapter for you guys, I really hope you liked it!!!

They finally kissed!!! I didn't even think of them kissing until just a few hours ago.

Have a great day/night. Mnmsam!

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