I Needed to, I Had to


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You know those K-Drama things about the average woman with the sexy rich man? Well, let's talk about... Еще

Come Back To Korea
I'm Leaving! [M]
Slutty Secretary
Bitter and Sweet time~
The Contract
Fight for you
Morning Argument
Let It out [M]
A Good Talk
Kim Minseok aka Xiumin (Part 1)
Kim Minseok aka Xiumin (Part 2)
As if I never have left [M]
Let's Talk
Baby~ [M]
Meeting at the Market
Scary Kim-ssi
Party part 1
Party part 2
Submissive or not? [M]
I'm Out!
Above The CEO
Hit on Her
Fun Fair
Soju confessions
treating some wounds [M]
Can I tell you a secret?
This "empty" Day
Little Sister [M]
What's wrong?
Anger Vs Guilt
I'm his father after all [M]
Spoiled Brat
A Glance On The Past
The File
A Step Back
A Really Bad Day
Why couldn't it be me?
Bloody Misunderstanding
Two weeks in Hell
Too Late
Criminal Case? [M]
Heaven In Hell
Needing Help
My Own Son
Father and Son Moments
"Kim JongIn's Son"
A chance to get her back
Kevin's Past [M&T]
Betrayal [T]
Sarang [T&M]
Shower Talk [M]
Back At The Office
"511" (Part 1)
"511" (Part 2) [M]
Zero Compromise [M&T]
You're safe
Happy Birthday
His Cry Baby
Slow Recovery Part 1
Slow Recovery Part 2
The Mistress
Insecure [M]
The Prisoner's wish
Murderous Craving [M&T]
Confrontation [T]
The Sister (Part 1) [T]
The Sister (Part 2)
Lyndia's Dilemma
First Day [M]
Get Out
Mommy bird
A Sign
Mr. Straing
Maria & Diego
Panic Attack [M&T]
The Same Sister
Don't Apologize

Trauma [T&M]

382 12 1

N/A: This Chapter is a Flashback on THE day when everything really went wrong between Tiana and Kevin in the Author's POV. I put the [T&M] For Triggered and Mature. It wasn't that easy to write this chapter... So I didn't make it as hard and horrible as I was planning to make it. I hope you'll...enjoy? Don't know if it's the word for this chapter. Anyway, good reading y'all!

PS: I Didn't underlined the conversations because they're all in English.

              She was as always, when she felt lonely, talking to this old photo of her and JongIn, her first and last love. Jason was peacefully watching TV in the living room so she was worrying a lot. All she could think about what how it would be if he was there with her. Maybe Jason would have been more free. She knew that since that night, each time Kevin and her would be in the same room there was some tension and that Jason could feel it so he took some distance to Kevin.

                This day something she never expected happened. As she was looking at the ring JongIn has gave her, she heard the door being slammed open. She got up and quickly ran to the living room to find a scared Jason and a drunk Kevin, hands full of beer. Jason quickly ran to her. She looked at Kevin trying to figure out what she could do. She couldn't think about another solution but to talk to him. She crouch down to Jason level, took his hand and put the ring in the chain she still had in her hand.

"Go in your room Jason and don't go out until I told you to do so, Ok? If you're scared hold on this ring, it's something from your father. It will protect you." Jason looked at his mother without moving.

               Tiana didn't even have the time to insist on him going away than Kevin pulled on her wrist and crashed her against the wall. His face a few inches from hers. The smell of beer and weed coming from him was making Tiana nauseous but it didn't bothered Kevin.

"Why does it have to be that Jerk, Hu?!" Like the first time he was drunk, he squeezed her wrist so tight that it was hurting her.

"Kevin...It hurts!" He squeezed even harder and she started to whimper.

               Jason feeling his mom in danger ran toward the drunk man and started punching his legs. Kevin was not stable at all because of all the alcohol he had in the blood. He almost slipped and when he managed to stay still he turned around letting go of Tiana's wrist. He raised his hand who came down on Jason's cheek so violently that Jason was projected 2 meters away. He started crying hard and this is when Tiana lost it. She pushed Kevin away from Jason, to her room while yelling at Jason to get up and go in his room. She managed to trapped Kevin in her room so he wouldn't do anything to Jason. She slapped him really hard.

"Don't you ever raise your hand on my son! Did you hear me?


-That's none of your business!"

                  He walked to her desk and started looking for something in the drawers. He fished out a photo of Tiana and JongIn back in the day when they were just dating. He looked at it with a disgusted face and fished a lighter out of his pocket, bewildering her. He put the photo above the little flame coming out of it and was about to put the photo on fire but Tiana had time to take it in his hands

"Are you crazy?

-Yes, now give me back this photo!

-Fuck you, it's not yours!" He charged her and took the photo in her hand by force but she was struggling and took it back. He was so annoyed that he grasped her wrist and almost broke it making her release the photo.

"I'm sick of you crying over such a Jerk!

-If you're not happy you can leave! The door is wide open!

-Oh really? But who will be a male figure to Jason, Hu? You think having a mother is enough? You're working a lot, you're not even here everyday!"

                 Kevin knew what to say to push on her touchy spot. Jason was always a hard subject, JongIn too but the fact that she shouldn't be enough for Jason and that she needed a dad to raise her son was a even more touchy subject. Her ego was hurt but not only, her heart was broken every time she would hear people talk about her being a bad mother. Hearing someone close to her saying so was even worst and tears started to flow on her face.

"Get out of my house!"

                Kevin stared at her but never move. Tiana took a book on the desk and threw it at him. It hit his chest but he stand still even if he shifted a bit not being stable because of the alcohol. She kept on throwing things at him, shouting at him to get out. She even tried to push him but he took her wrists and held them. She struggled to make him let go. She was so angered and hurt that all the filters between her mind and her mouth were broken.

"You're not going to let me go? Do you think you're so good? You think you can replace JongIn? You have no place in my heart!"

                 This simple sentence woke him. He crashed her in the wall more violently than before.

"It's only because you let that Jerk taking all the place! I would make you more happy than he ever will!" 

                He was shaking her furiously, making her back hitting the hard wall. Suddenly the sound of a broken bone could be heard and the scary scream Tiana pushed out didn't make Kevin stopped. She looked all around the room and fortunately, or not so much, she saw a little glass bottle on her desk next to her. She painfully used her wound arm to grasp on the bottle and hit Kevin's head with it. It made him dizzy enough for Tiana to be free from him. She tried to run to the living room to call for help but Kevin pulled on her legs and she fell on the floor. He hovered her and with a bloody broken nose she tried to crawl to her nightstands drawer. Kevin pulled her by her hair so she would get up and threw her on the bed. She let out a loud scream as the pain in her arm and shoulder was even worst. She felt like her arm was going to fall on the floor. She touched her back and realized she was actually bleeding. The pain from her shoulder was so intense that she hadn't realized her whole back was wounded and some glass pieces had lodge in it.

                Kevin slowly crawl on the bed and trapped Tiana's hand above her head. She started yelling at him furiously and tried to move but couldn't because of her shoulder. They locked eyes and Tiana started being even more scared. Kevin had a dark look full of lust and madness. It was sure that he had taken more than just some alcohol, he was under another drug maybe more than one and Tiana was now sure that the man in front of her was far from the man she had welcomed in her house months ago. He held her hands still with one hand and with the other he let his fingers delicately slip along her cheek, jaw, neck and when his fingers reached her cleavage she started whimpering. He drew circles just above her cleavage as she was pleading him to stop.

"Kevin, please stop.

-I will help you forget him.


-I sometimes hear you giving yourself some pleasure even if it's really not often. I can do it for you. I'm tired of hearing you screaming his name. I want to hear you scream mine and see the pleasure on your face."

                 Tiana started kicking in the air and Kevin was struggling at holding her so he unbuckled his belt and tied her hand with it. The leather was hurting her wrist but Kevin didn't care at all. He then tied the belt to the head of the bed. Tiana was helplessly trapped, her hand tied and tears started dropping from her face. Kevin whipped them and then leaned down to kiss her but she turned her head and started screaming. He slapped her so hard that her lips started bleeding and it shut her for a second. She was shocked. The adorable and kind Kevin who was always there for her like she was there for him had slapped her and was going to rape her.

                Tiana was crying out loud and Kevin cupped her face so he could kiss her. He put his lips on her and tried to force his way in her mouth. She was shutting her mouth hard but he squeezed her right breast hard making her whimper with pain and he took this chance to penetrate in her mouth. He kept on squeezing her breast and soon her clothes were too much between his hand and her skin. He let go of her mouth and she coughed, choking on her tears and his tongue. He looked at the little blue tank top she was wearing and, without hesitation, ripped it off her. He took the edge on her shorts and pulled on it, leaving her only in her undergarments. He looked at her with a glint that Tiana didn't like at all.

"You're so perfect, so beautiful. You're all mine and I'm yours.


-shush~ wait. I have an idea." He got off the bed and ran out the room.

                During the few minutes Tiana was left alone she tried to pull her hands out the tight knot but she was only hurting herself more. Kevin came back half naked and this is when she realized that he had a tattoo on his shoulder. She stared at it trying to forget about her current submission but when Kevin crawled back on the bed, between her legs, she couldn't forget anymore. He was there staring at her with a blue tie and a smirk on his face.

"I heard that it more intense if you don't see what your lover is doing. What about proving it?

-Kevin, please! We are friends, don't do it! Please!

-I'm tired of being your friend! I can be more to you and I will prove it." And with that he blindfolded her. She cried for pity but was soon shut as he put his pants off and mercilessly trust in her mouth while holding on her hair for stability.

                All Tiana could hear was her cry muffled and Kevin grunt of pleasure. She wanted to vomit so much and he was trusting so hard and deep in her throat that she thought she was about to die. She gave up on pleading and wait for it to end. It took less than five minutes to end but it felt like an eternity to her. Kevin came in her mouth and stroke her hair as if it could sooth her after what he just did. Tiana coughed and spit all his semen out and kept on crying silently. Kevin suddenly spread her legs wider and hit her clothes womanhood. She shouted and insulted him but he kept on hitting her. Even she didn't want to admit it, it was making her wet. She felt even more shameful and disgusted.

"See...or more like feel it. You know you want me. Your body wants me and if it's the only way to reach your heart then I will go for it!

-No! NO!" He teared her panties and pulled on her bra so her nipples were exposed. He slammed in her making her shout. She was tight, so tight that his sudden and violent trust made her bleed. She started screaming from pain as Kevin was slamming in her again and again going deeper and harder each time.

"Kevin, stop! It hurts! Put it out! PUT IT OUT!" She cried out but Kevin didn't care. 

                  He leaned down and bite her right nipple. She cried even louder and pain was mixing with a bit of guilty pleasure. She hated that she was actually feeling even just a bit of pleasure from him biting and sucking on her breast when he was raping her. Kevin on his side felt like it was the first time he was that much connected to her but at the same time he knew it was wrong and that he should have stopped the moment he started but couldn't control himself, drugs shutting his mind up. He was so high that Tiana's pleadingd sound like pleasure shouts to him. He held on her up-thighs, almost on her butt to go even deeper so he could hear her shout louder. His nails started wound her skin leaving marks and Tiana was shouting less and less. Suddenly she came, hard and Kevin so satisfied that he had made her come, Adrenaline went through his body and he completely lost it. He trust out of Tiana and turned her on the stomach. She was panting hard and scared of what was happening next and she was right to be. He slammed in her by behind, hurting her again and started spanking her hard. 

"Let me help you forget about him. Let me help you forget about these bad memories." She
pleaded him to stop again and again but he wasn't listening and with a hard trust he released in her.

                 Tiana though her nightmare was ending here but she was wrong. He removed the blindfolded from her eyes and took her by behind again and then in another position and another one. During 2 hours he abused of her and she wasn't even struggling. After the first half hour she stopped screaming and pleading, she became numb and was silently crying letting him used of her body as he wants. She was like a doll that he was playing with.

                  He finally stopped. He untied her hands and Tiana couldn't even move from the bed, her whole body was sore and she felt like her arm was missing from the shoulder. She stayed there in the same position he had left her for hours. She heard him breaking glasses in the living room as he was drinking again.

                   Kevin was starting to get his mind together and realize what he had done to Tiana and he didn't want to. He took a bottle of whiskey Tiana always had in case she received someone who likes it. She rarely drank even less got drunk. He started drinking to forget what he just had done. He wished he could have stopped himself but couldn't and he was disgusting himself. He fell asleep on the sofa from the excess of alcohol and woke up the afternoon after. His head was banging so he started to drink again from the whiskey bottle on his laps and got up. As he stand in the living room looking at the glasses he had broken, he realized how dead silent was the apartment. He tried to go in Jason's room but it was locked. He started banging at it and all he could hear was whimpers in the room.

                   He gave up and went back to the master's room. When he opened the door and didn't see Tiana in the bed he started panicking but when he turned the lights on he saw a little white and red ball in the corner of the room. Tiana was sat in the corner rolled in her cover who once was white but was then covered with her blood. She was silent and seemed to be looking at the wall but she was gone, she was far away from this reality and her mind was blank. She was breathing but nothing else. Her back was starting to stop bleeding, her arm was still in a bad state, her womanhood was a little bit bloody and even her feet were bleeding since she had walk on piece of the glass bottle from earlier but she couldn't feel any pain. She was dead in her head.

                  Kevin looked at her dumbfounded. He thought she would have gotten up and choked him to death but no. She was there looking dead. He carefully went toward and crouch down a few steps next to her. Immediately she back away against the wall, almost trying to go through it. Kevin hesitate to tell her something but finally did.

"I love you. I truly love you.you know that?"

               He tended his hand toward her face but as he was about to touch her she scratch his hand with a piece of glass. Kevin winced in pain and looked at her bewildered. She quickly jumped on him, the piece of glass in hand. She was sat on him being lied on the floor and she had the piece of glass against his throat. She was crazily shaking, scratching a little bit his skin.


-How....How could you..."

                  Kevin tried to be careful so she wouldn't kill him. He put his hand against her and she started panicking. She jabbed the sharp piece in his shoulder and as he started to rolled on the floor from the pain he was feeling, Tiana pushed by the adrenaline, ran to the living room, took her phone and ran to the bathroom where she locked herself up. Kevin ran after her when he managed to get up and banged on the door as Tiana was nervously typing 911 on her phone.


-Help me!

-Madam calm down. What is happening.

-This man he...he hurt me and he will hurt me more!

-Madam where are you? We are coming right now!" She gave her the address and waited sat on the toilet. Kevin was keeping on banging on the door. She was so scared and felt like the police wasn't coming as time was going by. She dialed a number of someone who could maybe help her.


-Gio...help me...Please.

-Tiana? What's wrong? Why are you crying?


-Who is this? What is happening?

-Gio, please come take me and Jason out of here. I locked myself in the bathroom but I can't stay in there forever!

-DAMN, WHAT IS HAPPE...." The battery of her phone was dead and there she was locked in this room but somehow she felt safe. It was like this room was protecting her.

                 After what felt like an eternity. She heard the police yell and she heard the door being crashed. She heard Kevin being arrested too but she didn't want to come out of the room. She felt like if she went out of there, she could have been put down in Kevin trap. She could hear a sweet police woman talking from the other side.

"Are you in here madam? You can go out we took care of the criminal.

-I don't want to...I...I...don't trust you!

-Madam, don't be like that.... who are you? Get out of here! You...

-Tiana!" Tiana recognized Giovanni's voice.

"Gio! Gio is it really you?

-Yes! Come out. I'm here.

-No....If I come out he'll hurt me again!

-No he won't! I'm here and I will protect you.

-You promise?

-Promise! Open the door."

                 Tiana got up and now that all the adrenaline was out of her system she was feeling the pain in her whole body. She fell to thr floor but limped to the door to unlock it.  When Gio and the Police saw her state they started to be panicked. The woman quickly called the medical team to take care of her but she wouldn't let anybody touch her. Giovanni lifted her but she wouldn't let the medical team take her away. They were trying to shut her up when she was trying to talk. Finally they gave up on it and wait for her to say what she wanted.

"J...Jason." at first it was whisper as she felt suffocated by the people with confused face around her.

"JASON! JASON !" At first everyone thought she was crazy except for Giovanni but then the sound of a door opening alerted everybody and the little boy coming from it too. The young lady tried to carefully go to him but Jason ran to Giovanni's arms and started to ask for his mom but when he saw his mom on the stretcher he started crying out loud and wanting to go in her arms. Finally to sooth the little kid and the mom panicking at her son crying so loud they all went in the same ambulance and Jason stayed with his mom to all the exams silent and sleepy. Giovanni felt like dying when he heard about Tiana being raped by Kevin. He vowed to stay by Tiana's side. 

                  On her side Tiana was dead silent since she had her son back in her arms. They both, her and her son, stayed a moment without talking. It took Tiana a bit more than two weeks to started talking and stop shaking each time a male doctor or nurse was coming in her room, she was still not comfortable around them yet. For Jason it took way longer. He was only showing things to talk and Tiana always felt like it was her fault. She always thought that if she had took her son and ran away until Kevin was sober it wouldn't have happened. Giovanni tried to help Tiana to go out of her depression and Arison was letting her work at home since she wasn't really confident about going out anymore.


Here is it. IT WAS SO HARD TO WRITE IT. I wanted to make it rougher but it came to write it.....I couldn't! I now Tiana is a character I created but for writing I picture the scenes in my mind and just the image of what I was planning was way too much to write.... So~ Here we go! I hope you.....Like it....? Anyway! I love you guys! XOXO

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