Art Project [BoyxBoy]

By FailingAmbition

886K 27.5K 29.6K

Kris Sullivan is openly gay. In a close-minded small town, everything could go wrong, especially when you're... More

Art Project
School kingdom
Magnetic butterflies
Tyler sucks
Swarm of Guilt
Charity Case
Clash of Thunder
Late Night Swim
Venom Sucking
Over Protective
Pushing Memories
Newspaper Coverings
Burying The Past
Sneaking Out
Gay Clubbing
In Love
Crowded Room
Moving On
The Date
I Like You
Meet My Boyfriend
Colored Scars
Happy Halloween
The Truth
Art Project

Held Hostage

17.9K 648 696
By FailingAmbition

I looked over to my left to see Tyler hiding his face in my shirt which sent a nice warmth throughout my body and I smiled.

I can't believe h. e's mine.

Woah, that sounded weird coming from me! My cheeks felt hotter and I leaned down to Tyler's face, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek before unwrapping his arms from my waist and getting out of bed.

"I love you," I whispered to Tyler, placing a simple note down on his nightstand. I couldn't write much since Skylar was rushing me along with Gabriel and Damian so I all I got wrote down was Going to Tate's.

I got to break up with him, Tyler is who I belong with. I cringe at Tate's face, I really hope he takes it well. I mean, we barely knew each other... two dates really and he was a bit weird sometimes.

"Ready?" Skylar whispered and I turned to see his head poking through the crack in the door. He was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a Hollister shirt.

I nodded and we crept downstairs where the rest of the gang was; Damian looked impatient only in one of Skylar's oversized t-shirts and skinny jeans– guess he forgot to bring extra clothes?– and Gabriel looked bored as he scanned the room before his eyes lit up seeing us enter the room.

"Finally!" Gabriel jumped up off the counter he was leaned up against and headed forwards the door, "I need to get home."

"Why?" Damian questioned, putting two hands on his hips in a more girly like manor.

"Nunya." Skylar said, ruffling Damian's hair before pulling him in a head lock and giving him a noogie.

"Ow! Get– off–"

"You two! Stop, you'll wake Tyler!" Gabriel hissed pulling the door open while glaring at the brothers.

"He started it." Damian huffed, crossing his arms when Skylar let go of him.

"I don't care," Gabriel shot back, leading us outside before we all piled into Skylar's car with claims on who got what seat, "Why are we leaving Tyler anyways?"

"No particular reason, he just looked like he needed the rest." Skylar droned, shrugging before he switched on the heat after realizing we were shivering.

"Hey, brother," Damian pleaded beside Skylar batting his eyes.

Skylar shocked me by a light blush that crept up his face before it was replaced with a merciless glare and a whack on the head directed for the blonde.

"Ow!" Damian yelped, covering his head as if to make it better by doing so.

"Oh, sorry. Did I hurt you? Brother." Skylar asked hatefully and I shrunk back in my seat to began zoning them out.

I care about Tate, we had some really good time but I never really felt the magic that I have with Tyler. I hope Tate still wants to be friends. It'd be a waste to let a friendship go like this.

My heart clenched in my chest.

I really hope this goes well.


"Bye, guys." I said a goodbye, stepping out of the car when Gabriel grabbed me.

"Aren't we waiting for you?" He asked and then I noticed the way he was shaking.

Is he scared?

"It's just- Tate's kind of weird– I mean, he seems weird – we should wait." Gabriel stuttered looking around frantically.

I leaned down and pulled him into a hug as my heart laced with concern, did Tate say something to Gabriel? I shook my head.

No, no way.

Gabriel would've told me.

"I'll be okay," I assured and pulled away sending him a smile then looked at the others in the car, "Tate should drive me home... if not, I'll call one of you."

"See ya later!" Damian shouted out the window as Skylar along with Gabriel waved.

I took a breath before walking up to Tate's door and knocking a few times. There was a shout and the the door slung open earning me with a shirtless future ex-boyfriend. The house smelled of smoke which I'm guessing he burnt something since he's against cigarettes and the house was silent.

"Hey, Tate." I said finally and regretted it immediately when the air was filled with more awkward tension.

"Babe," Tate leaned down to kiss my mouth but I turned in time for his lips to fall onto my cheek. I shook my head.

I cleared my throat, "Uh... no, actually, we need to talk about something."

He looked hurt but nodded anyways, gesturing to come in and I hesitated.

Something in me was screaming to get away. The situation seemed wrong, it was as if someone was screaming for the dumb girl not to open the basement door in a horror movie.

"Thank you," I said and stepped inside, deciding in was just being paranoid. I'll be fine, we're just breaking up.

"Listen, Tate..." I started off slowly, looking at him frown like he knew what was coming, "I just– I don't think this is going to work."

"You're breaking up with me?" He questioned sadly.

"Yes, but... that doesn't mean we can't be friends –"

"Yes, it does! God, you're so stupid. Of course we can't be friends!" Tate yelled now pacing back and forth.

"Calm down, Tate! I'm sorry... I just... I don't think you're the one, okay? I thought I could love you but I can't, my heart is already taken by someone else!" I said, trying to get through to him.

His fist swung onto the wall making me gape at the hole that broke into it. Oh... maybe this was. a bad idea – this was a really bad idea.

I backed away, tot he front door, grabbing the handle behind my back.

"Listen, Tate... I'm so sorry but I need to get home now. My friends will be worried, m-my pet rock might need fed and maybe I could work on that art project Tyler and I never do–"

A hot pain cut across my cheek making my head snap to the right and blood spill from my mouth. I gasped, holding my cheek pulling my head up to look at Tate's demanding figure in front of me.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere."

"Wha-what do you mean?"

Tate smiled but it didn't send me butterflies like it used to or warm my heart, but instead, this time it sent chills down my spine and fear down my throat.

"Are you deaf?" Tate laughed coldly and even threw his head back as if it were the funniest thing in the world; me asking him what.

The laughing stopped as Tate wiped the tears from his eyes and stared at my face. He shook his head, a small grin on his face and half way through blinking I felt a heavy object slam down on my head.

I clutched the top of my head, my body curling up as my legs fell forward and the last thing I remembered was Tate sending a hard stomp on my back.

Why does everything hurt? I groaned silently, it felt like I was tied down to something with a cold metal rope. I rolled my heads back only to hit something solid that made me cringe but it somehow woke me up from my daze and panic filled my lungs.

I opened my eyes slowly only to clench them shut when a light hit them. I shifted uncomfortably and tried again, opening them even more slower this time to see that I was in a... basement?

Great, I am the girl in the horror movie.

I looked down at my body to find myself chained up on a chair and gross enough, I was covered in blood. Who put me here, I thought before my memory flooded back to me.

Why... why did Tate do this?

Is he really just crazy enough to hurt me because I broke up with him?

The door creaked open and my breath stopped. Did Tate hear me move around in the chair, why is he coming down here so fast? Oh no, no, no. I pleaded to myself, I don't want to die.

Not when everything's just now getting better.

"Did bubby lock you you in here?" I heard a child-like voice but saw no one since the room was only lighted above me.

"Bu-bubby?" I stuttered but quickly remembered something Tate had told me, "Are you Tate's... brother, maybe?"

Silence filled the room like a second person.

"Yes." Came a reply a couple of minutes either.

"Will you untie me?" I asked.

"I can't."

"Why not?" I asked, squinting through the darkness trying to see the boy.

"Bubby make me do stuff again." Tate's brother whimpered.

Do stuff? For helping me? My heart sunk and I swallowed some fear down my throat. What kind of stuff?

"What if I can get both of us out of here?" I asked hopefully no matter the fear filling up my chest.

A cry cut through the air making my frown deepen.

"That what last one said!" The boy cried harder.

"The last one?" I tested, goose bumps rising on my arms in fear instead of the cold air in the room.

"Bubby has people in here and last time the boy said he have help us both. And I has to help him so I did and Bubby hurt him when he saw us." The boy explained still crying.

"How old are you?" I asked suddenly, he couldn't be older than six or seven.

"Three," The boy said and my heart fell out to him.

"I promise you, Tate's brother–"


"– Sora, I will get us out if here, somehow... you just need to trust me, okay?" I said after being interrupted, looking in the direction that his voice was coming from.

After a couple of minutes, my hope was dying. Sora wouldn't risk getting hurt again, all he's seen is pain... he's just a little boy. But if he does untie me, I will make sure to save him. I can't leave without him.

"Sora!" A voice hollered and the basement door slammed open to reveal a – might I add, very angry Tate. His shirt was still off but he was now in a pair of blue jeans that hugged his body smoothly.

"Sorry, Bubby!" Sora apologized and I finally caught a glimpse of him as he ran up the stairs; he was very pale and looked sick, his black tangled hair bounced with each step he took and his clothes were baggy on his skinny figure.

"Where you trying to free him? Do I have to remind you at how that failed last time?" Tate threatened, picking the kid up by the shirt.

"No!" Sora cried trying to get free from his brother's grasp, "I has not! I promise!"

"Good," Tate gritted out, throwing Sofa to the door before walking down the stairs and shutting the basement door with Sora outside of it.

Heavy steps clinked down the steps and I could feel myself wishing for anything else at the moment, my breath stopped as my heart jumped around for air.

"You look so cute... so defenceless." Tate said curtly before leaning down to play with a strand of my hair and if my hands weren't tied up, I would've punched him straight in the jaw too.

"Please, let me go..." I begged, "My family will miss me."

"What family? Yours is dead." Tate said after awhile, shocking me.

"No, they're not!" I yelled but Tate pulled on my hair making me go silent as he pressed his lips to my ear.

"Who do you think you're talking to, bitch?" Tate sneered yanking on my hair again, "Right now, I call the shots."

I nodded slowly but it wasn't good enough seeing as he punched me in the stomach.

"G-got it."

"That's better! Now, no more lies." Tate cheered before all the basement lights came off and I had to blink my eyes before adjusting.

The room was a brown color and was wet, pipes at the top of the curling as they rained water on the stone floor. No windows, I realized sadly. The room otherwise was completely empty accept for a desk at the side of the room.

The desk was rotting but had scattered papers everywhere on it and some even in the floor. In front of the desk on the wall was newspaper articles and faces with x's in red on them.

"I have been collecting data about you, Kris." Tate said, answering my thoughts, "Usually I pick a cute little thing off the streets but you were more than that. Do you know why?"

Tate's face was leaned in front of mine as he put his hands on his hips, searching my face for any clue.

"No? Well, you should! You did kill my dad after all– or did you forget that?" Tate mocked sadness placing a finger on his chin as he backed up and walked around some more.

Kill his dad? I didn't kill anyone– wait, oh God. Th-the guy... the guy who was going to rape me. That was Tate's dad? His dad?

"B-but he was going to rape me! I didn't mean to!" I protested, it had been an accident, "I didn't know the fence was electric!"

He nodded, smiling.

"Sure, sure. But enough of your excuses, you killed Dad. He had been telling me and little Sora about the cutest little teenager he had laid eyes on in years, he had followed him for a few weeks. He even told me I could have a round with the beauty after he had caught him but one night... Dad never came home."

"Sometimes he doesn't come back for a a few days so I let it be but after a week, I began to worry. Going into his study I discovered a desk... all about you. You were the beauty. One of my father's last documents I discovered was pinpointing your school field trip and where you would be," Tate explained, "So, I went down town to the fence only to find his wrist watch. After following you, I decided to interact. It didn't have to be like this. You could've lived longer, Kris. All you had to do was wait it out, maybe you could've figured me out sooner."

My skin began covering in goose bumps

"And you know the funniest part about you breaking up with me before all of this?" Tate laughed, clutching his sides.


"That you're precious little Tyler doesn't care about you after all," Tate said, showing me a page on his phone, "See."

My eyes ran through the page, a hate page, for me. The owners were Tyler and some Carl guy. My heart sank at a posts from Tyler, Kris is a gross fagot who tries to get into guy's pants. It was dumb and immature but so much pain came piercing down on me.

"Aw, don't be sad." Tate teased, moving his phone from my view and back into his pocket.

I didn't talk back just sat there, staring at the rusty chains on my body. So, I really don't have much to live for then. I have Gabriel and Skylar but they'll be just fine without me. Does this mean Tyler never really did care? He just pretended to and everything he said last night... was a lie.

"At least he's not dead like you're parents, right?"

"They aren't dead!" I screamed, anger boiling over me now along with the betrayal and hurt.

"Yes, they are! They died two years ago in a car crash, you were driving too. Oh Jeez, I'm sorry, how does it feel to kill your own parents? Sorry, it's just you never asked about mine!" Tate laughed, grinning madly.

How did he know this?

I didn't mean to kill anyone.

I'm so sorry, Mom and Dad...

Tears formed at my eyes and in the back of my throat as I began to struggle making the chains jingle and the chair tip a bit.

"Shut up," I trembled.

"I don't think so. Now, when you were driving, did they tell you to stop? Did they yell? Did they plead you to slow the car down?" Tate asked and my tears began to fall as a sob ripped through me and he silenced me with a punch.

"Shut up, bitch!" He growled, punching me again causing more blood to spill out of my mouth, "You're not allowed to cry!"

"Bu-but I didn't mean to, let me go." I sobbed and he kicked my chair down causing my head to split open as blood filled the floor's gray color.

"I'll be back in a minute. Stay." Tate ordered, kicking me in the stomach before stomping up the basement stares, "And if you yell, I will shove a fucking brick down your throat."

With that he slammed the door and I heard a lock click in place.

"Sora?" I whispered slowly with a whimper.

"How'd you know I here?" The small boy whispered back.

"You were kicked out of here earlier," I said, wincing when my mouth began bleeding, "How did you get back in here?"

"T-t-there'a a hole."

"A hole? Sora– I need you to listen to me." I said shutting my eyes tightly when the chains scraped my bruise. "Please. I can get us out of here, I promise... just help me."

"Bu-but last one say that!" Sora yelled making me wince.

"Sora, calm down. We got to be quiet. I'm not the last guy... I will get us out of this." I tried to sound calm but even I can notice the tremble in my voice, "All I need you to do is tell me where the key is."

"O-okay." Sora agreed and crawled over to me slowly. I gave a small smile when he hesitated and he stumbled to the back of me. A lot of minutes passed by (the kid is only three after all) and I had to wiggle a lot while chains clanked before it all fell to the floor, almost hitting my foot.

I got up slowly almost falling before I caught myself. My head began to swirl as I stopped and shut my eyes for a moment. Opening them up a second later, I looked around for Sora to see him hiding in the corner.

"H-hey, it's going to be okay." I soothed hunching down to see him more clearly.

"I don't want you to die." He whispered.

My heart swelled at those words. I barely knew the kid and he doesn't want me to die? But seeing the guys before him die too must mess him up too.

"I won't die, I promise." I said, pulling the startled boy into a tight hug. He seemed shocked at first before his small arms wrapped around me too.

"Here's the hole." Sora pulled away and led me to the back of the basement where he pulled a wooden board out of the way and a three foot hole stood, "Here's your toy. He likes to take their stuff and put it on table."

My phone! It was covered in some blood but a flood of relief washed over me. Getting on my knees, I began crawling in the hole with Sora beside me.

"Gabriel?" I asked after pushing some numbers in. I wanted to call Tyler – he used me though. Tears began brimming my eyes, Tyler's lies hurt me worse than being hit by Tate.

"Kris?" Gabriel's voice came through like an angel and I saw the end of the hole where sunlight streamed inside.

"Help me! Tate i-is crazy. He-he's going to kill me! He has this whole this victim thing and I'm one of them! You're the only one I could call, Tyler lied about everything!" I sobbed for the most part crawling to the edge of the hole.

"What?! I'll be right there –"

I was jerked up by my forearm and met with Tate's angry face, my phone falling to the grass. Gabriel's voice rang through the air before Tate stomped his boot down onto my phone and breaking it into little pieces.

"Sora?! We have been over this before! Go wait in your room, I'll deal with you in a minute!" Tate yelled making Sora flinch.

"I not wanna do bad stuff again!" Sora whimpered before Tate shoved him back in the hole, keeping a firm grip on my wrist.

"Now you," Tate addressed me after his brother had went inside, "How dare you manipulate my stupid brother into helping your sorry ass! He has no idea what you did to Dad!"

"I-I didn't mean to–"

Tate slammed me against the side of the house, punching me square in the jaw making my head fall down where blood began to pour outside of my mouth. Not even a second passes before Tate pushes my head back up to sneer at me.

"How about we get you out of those clothes? No one lives around here, no one to hear you scream..." Tate suggested making my blood freeze. He can't mean that. "Let's finish what my dead daddy started."

"No! No, get off of me! Get off!" I screamed, my throat ringing with every word that came out. I began kicking as he stepped in between my legs and grabbed my wrist in each hand. My knee came out and got him in the stomach but only made him stumble. I took it to my advantage and pushed him down, grabbing a rotted rope that seemed to be tied to a pole, dropping it around Tate's ankle.

"Get back here, you little fucker!" Tate hollered as I got to the front of the house.


I promised! I can't leave him, he's only three years old!

I sprinted to the front door, letting it bang open. A big blood stain covered the floor like a mess making me grimace.

"Sora!" My voice rang throughout the house, "He's tied up! Come on, we're getting out of here!"

I didn't have the patience to wait as I ran up the stairs, my heart racing to remind me of how much danger I was in. Everything kept flashing and I could hear old conversations shooting into my head. I could tell I was about to faint but I had to stay awake; Sora needed me and Tate was still alive.

A pink door came in view and I jogged over to it.

"Be careful!" Mom shouted at me before opening the door.

"Claire, he's old enough to do stuff by himself." My Dad disagreed, rolling his eyes before stealing a kiss from Mom.

As the door open, my parents disappeared leaving me in tears.

"Are we working on the project or not?" Tyler asked, greeting me at the door entrance but I went right through him.

My heart swelled. I love Tyler, without him... I don't know if I can keep going on. Maybe I should just let Tate kill me? Everyone's better off anyways. My throat closed at that, tears falling from my eyes now.

I sobbed, taking a once over at the room before they landed on a small Sora sitting on the bed. He was looking down at the floorboards, a tear dropping from his pale face.

That's why I need to make it out of here.

For Sora.

I quickened my way over to the scared boy and grabbed his hand, "We got to go now while he's still tied up."

"Okay." Sora whispered and I grabbed his hand, leading us downstairs. Stepping off the bottom stair, I stopped dead in my tracks and pushed Sora behind my legs.

There, in the door way was Tate.

His ankle was covered in scars where I had wrapped a rope around him, the blood was covering his bare feet that were dirtied from outside.

"You're going to take my brother too?" Tate asked.

My eyes gazed around for any kind of weapon and I brightened up at the sight of a kitchen knife on the dining table. Trying not to act suspicious, I lifted my gaze back up to Tate only to watch him stomp over to me.

"I'm going to kill you!" His scream latched onto the walls making it seem more louder than it should have been.

"No!" I yelled, slinging Sora to the front door, "Go! I'll be there in a minute–"

"I not leave you alone!" Sora cried out, catching himself on the door frame

"– NOW. Sora, Leave! I'll be there in a minute, I promise!"

I ran at the table and caught the knife in my right hand as Sora ran off outside. Tate's hand caught the back of my shirt and threw me across the room. I stumbled a bit but managed, cutting his arm open when he furthered his steps.

"Agh! You bitch! That fucking hurt!" He seethed holding onto his bloody bicep.

Stepping back only for him to grab onto my waist, throwing me over his shoulder and then once again throwing me but into the wall this time. My back hit with a thump, a pain feeling my body.

"Do you like that, sweetie?" Tate teased and took the knife away from my grasp, running it across my jaw. "Hmm? This could have ended easy. You shouldn't have fought back. I always win."

"N-no." I whispered, my eyes shutting easily letting my tears fall down my face. My voice was hoarse with all the creaming and crying, my mouth full of blood.

I was going to die.

"Say goodbye." Tate added as he gripped the knife in his right hand, the other pinning me down by my chest.



Tyler! Tyler... he's here. What if I'm just imagining stuff again?

Over Tate's shoulder I see Tyler by the door frame running over here in anger with a sad Gabriel behind him.

"Tyler!" I scream and jump up at sight of him. I try to push Tate a way a little but can't escape. "Tyler–"

A sharp pain cuts into my chest. I choke out of my words as blood comes tumbling out of my mouth. I look down to see the knife plunged into my chest, stuck deep inside. I blink rapidly, my hands coming up in a dizzy motion.

I hiss and close my eyes.

I slide against the wall, crying out when I touch the wound by mistake. Everything feels dizzy, the need to sleep is worse than it was earlier.

Tyler begins punching Tate in the face, bringing him to the ground. Tate pulls Tyler down more by gripping onto his hair before Tyler slams Tate's head onto the ground with each punch.

"Don't you ever fucking touch my boyfriend again." Tyler grunts out as he stomps Tate's chest in with his foot.

"Kris, can you hear me?" I hear a faint voice beside me and look over to see Gabriel in slight tears. Like he's trying not to cry.

I nod faintly after realizing I can't talk.

"Stay awake, okay? We-we're going to get you out of here," Gabriel whimpered, beginning to cry. His mouth was quivering and if I had the willpower I would lean over and hug him.

"Gabriel, the cops are here. Let's get him up." Damon said, grabbing one of my arms causing me to groan in pain.

"You're hurting him!" Gabriel yelled, wiping his face off.

"Listen, I know you're older than me and you probably don't like to get lectures from little kids but we need to get lectures but a little pain won't kill Kris. We just need to get him out of here and to the hospital, you with me?" Damon asked, going for my arm again.

Gabriel nodded, picking me up by the other arm making me whine. My eyes shifted again but flew open when I was jerked onto the ground.

"You're not leaving me!" Tate roared.

"Get the fuck off!" Gabriel demanded, kicking him in the face which leaded him into unconsciousness.

"I got him, we need to get him to the hospital." Tyler picked me up bridal style casing me to wince. Gabriel nodded and Damon continued to walk with Skylar, both of which looked at unease.

"I'm so sorry." Tyler soothed, kissing my head. "You'll be f-fine. I never meant to hurt you."

"G... get Sora." I whispered as blood fell from my lips, they needed to get the little boy out of here.

The last thing I saw before I was filled with complete darkness was Tyler saying he loves me.

If only I could hear him.


¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü iü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü iü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü iü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü _________________________________________________________________________

* I'm horrible. Poor Kris and Sora. :( I love them.

I love you guys who actually enjoy what I write. <3 And I'm so sorry for being sloww.

I mean, I haven't updated for a year. GET IT? BECAUSE IT'S 2014. NO? OK

This is kindaaa rushed. Don't complain. Or do. I'll love you either way.


What's you get for Christmas? c:


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