The new girl is the Alpha's m...

By Meeplovespie

735K 17.7K 782

Fay Fortua is a werewolf. More importantly shes the new girl in town. Fay is her own person going to an expen... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four

Chapter thirty five

14.9K 418 64
By Meeplovespie

Chapter thirty five


Her life force was faint, but I could still feel it. The forest was burning at a rapid pace and I feared I was running out of time. The more I ran everywhere the more I went crazy. Angry built up inside  of me, and I was frantic with every move.

'Where is she?!' Celia helped. 'Is she dying?'

'No! She'll be fine.' I say.

I don't know where she is. I can't feel her anymore!' Celia squealed in pain.

'Urhhhh. It's weird regarding all of you guys... We'll find  her don't worry.' Katie snorts. It is true. Hearing all of their thoughts is weird.

'We've looked everywhere.' Zane says trying to be reasonable.

'I'm not leaving here without Fay.' I growl.

'I found her. Hurry!' Jason said.


Fay. She was so weak. She was mumbling to herself and I strained to hear what she was saying.

"Fay we love you. Please don't go," I say. I ramble some more, but she falls asleep. That's when I notice she isn't healing. "Jason! She isn't healing right."

"Fuck. I don't know what to do."

"I don't either."

We stood there looking at her. And we cried. I'm no doctor and neither is Jason. She's going to die and all we can do is watch.

"Fay!" Ash cries running through the forest. His face one that I wish to forget. So haunted. We all attempted to rush to the hospital.

Few hours later


She's going to make it. My wolf said to me, but the longer I waited the more unsure I got.

"She might not make it." The doctor said. My heart was pumping and I was shaky.

As I waited with everyone else I pulled out a piece of paper. Reading it over and over again.

Fay Fortuna's Will

All money will be split by Celia and Zane, Jason and Lydia, and Wolf.

Katie will receive my car.

My parents will get all of my childhood items and toys.

Lydia will get my apartment in Tacoma.

Ash will receive anything he wants that is mine.

Note-Please bury my body next to my brother.

Another Note-Live and be happy.

That's all she wrote. And I can't understand. First of all the will was poorly written. So I guess she thought we'd figure things out. Second of all no one is going to listen to the crappy will. Everyone agrees that no one gets any of Fay's stuff.

"Ahhhh. Is there an Asher here?" A nurse called out.

"Yes, here." I say standing up. She nods and motion  for me to follow her.

The room was very still and quiet. Fay was asleep. She looked very content and her breathes were soft.

"She's most likely not going to make it. I'm sorry." The nurse said leaving us alone. I was stunned. She's not make it, the few big words stuck in my head. I cried.

"Fay. This sucks. I swear if you....." I couldn't finish my sentence. I kissed her and when I did the heart monitor flat lined.


I can see the light. So pretty. I walk towards it. The closer I get the less I can remember my life. Before I go through it I see an.. An angel? My brother. He is here. I smile happy to see him again. He smiles back and takes my hand.

Fay. He says. Come with me. So I don't have to be alone anymore.

"I want to, but I feel like I'm forgetting something." I say.

You're forgetting your life on Earth. Fay maybe it's not time for us to be reunited.

"I remember now, but what purpose do I have? Can't I stay here with you until they join us?" I plead.

I wish Fay. I love you, but that's not how life works here. If you stay soon you'll be reborn and may never see some of the souls that your friends possess. You'll always be connected with Ash, but he'll be the only one.

"I understand, but will I ever see you again?"

Maybe not. I cry at his answer. I can not see you cry Fay. Out if the two of us, you were always the one who was brave. Something I always wish I had. I will try to see you again in the life you live now if you go back.

"How will I know it's you?"

You will know. I promise. Please go back Fay. They need you.

"What about you?"

Grace will join me soon since she has passed. Don't feel ashamed or shocked that Ash killed her. She is happy now. Free like me. I wish I knew she was mine when we were alive.

"I'll think of you."

You always do Fay. Until we meet again.

With that said, everything blurred and I forgot everything that just happened. Everything but the promise that I'd see my brother again, and the feeling that Grace and him were happy.


She died. She..... Died? She can't leave me. The doctor said that they couldn't do anymore. Everyone else was crying and said goodbye to her. I couldn't say goodbye. All I could do was hold her hand and say

"Please don't really be gone."

That's when the monitor started up again. And her eyes opened.


Everyone was staring at me. I don't understand why. I was perfectly fine. It looked like someone died. I swear. After everyone was done hugging me and left Ash stayed behind.

"I thought you left me for good." He said. His voice scratchy.

"I could never leave you."

"That's good because I would have gone insane."

We smile at each other and he kissed me. Almost as if I could break at any moment.



"I love you."

"I know," I said smiling.

EPILOGUE which is also in the last chapter because I don't want to make it very long.

Ten years later


"HOLY COWS!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!" I screamed trying to kick Ash.

"AHHHHHH. DAMN WOMEN!!! I'M NEVER GETTING YOU PREGNANT AGAIN!" He shouts back more amused then mad.

"Calm down everyone and shut up!" Celia said.

Celia became a doctor after all the crazy shit that happened back in the day. Because of her love for people being a doctor was the only way. Zane and her got married after they took over Grace 's pack. Zane being the beta it was the logical choice. They have three kids, the youngest is a girl named Hope and two boys named David and Blake.

"I want my baby!" I cried. Finally after what seemed like hours, oh wait it was hours, the baby was born.

He was pretty gross looking, but that's just because they didn't clean him yet. Even then he was mine, and in my eyes and Ash's he was an angel. When Celia took him away to clean him Ash looked at me and laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Everything that's happened since I've met you. You became my mate and we kicked butt together. And more recently with Jason and Lydia finally getting married only because Lydia was pregnant and she though HOLY SHIT we got to get married now because this baby is coming in a few months." He chuckled.

"Well, maybe Lydia's girl will be perfect for our son."

"Yeah, maybe. You never know, we have a thing with being connected to each other." Ash shrugged.

The door was kicked open and we heard Aunt Katie.

"WHERE IS HE!?!?! I want to see him!" She yelled. Katie found her mate a few years ago and they always fight. It's very funny actually, but that's just because they always make up after a few days.

"He's right here," Celia said holding him up for everyone to see.

Ash was the first to hold him and then Katie. I was last because I swear Katie gave me the I'm next or the world will implode look.

As I held him I looked into his eyes. I heard the door open and close. Briefly glancing up I saw it was just Ash and I again.

As I looked back into my baby's eyes I saw something that made me cry.

"What's worry?" Ash asked worried.

"Nothing, I'm just so happy."

"Because of our baby?" He questioned.

"Yes," I replied, but there was more then that. In his eyes I saw my brother and knew he kept his promise. In my mind, I said welcome home, this time I'll take care of you.

"What are we going to call him?"

"Van, it's simple, different, and just fits."

"I like it," Ash replies looking at the two of us.

Just another beginning I told myself. And Imagine it all started when I moved to Tacoma.


I FINALLY ENDED THIS SUCKER!!! YES!!!! I'M SO SORRY IT SUCKS! Also sorry that my caps lock was on. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Thanks for reading this terrible TERRIBLE book.

Please don't shun me. And I may write another book, but I'm not sure, cause I suck at writing. Haha.



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