The Huntress

By lostinWonders

24.8K 800 155

What do you do when your best friend betrays you in the worst way possible? How do you come to terms with the... More

Prologue & Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Serious question time
Character sketches by me
Fun News Time!

Chapter 24

407 18 2
By lostinWonders

I pack all my stuff together - again. It's been two days since I told Archer about someone who can help us get his heart back. He's constantly asked for the name of this person, but I refuse to give it. Honestly, I don't know this person's could be just about anything. But I do know where to find them.

My foot is much better now, thanks to his constant worrying over it. At one point he actually went out, bundled a bunch of snow in a rag, and used it to reduce the swelling. It was cold and stung for a while, but eventually I got used to it.

"You ready?" Archer says, popping his head into my room.

I turn and smile at him - I know it's stupid, but I've already fallen for this man. I just hope that when he finds his heart that he can love me back. "Always."

He chuckles and grabs my bag before heading out.

I take the moment to get one last look of the house before heading out. Archer built this place place in less than three days. Of course, he stole a lot of the furniture...but he made most of everything. The beautiful fireplace, the large rooms, the couch, the dinning table. He's as creative - if not more so - as Will Scarlet. Oh, how I hope Will can find someone - like I've found Archer.

At least, I hope I have Archer. I don't know if he'll want to stick around after we get his heart back. And the thought that his heart may belong to someone else pains me. Of course, if that's the case...I'll just have to return to Sherwood when all this is over and try to forget the cottage in the woods.

My eyes start burning with the threat of tears. I blink them away and head outside.

"Thought you'd never come out." he says, obvious teasing in his voice.

"Well...I was contemplating letting you do all this on your own. But, I guess I'm too nice for that sort of thing." I say, shrugging and pretending to be serious.

He just laughs and mounts his horse - a beautiful mustang as black as the night.

"Follow me." I say and take off.

We stop once we reach a familiar forest. It's strange how large, yet small our world really is. With only a few days' ride, I'm back home. A place that I've avoided mentally for quite some time now. A place I never wanted to return, but knew I'd have to.

"Skylar!" I hear a familiar voice and jump down from my horse.

I rush over to a nearby bush and crouch low, coming face-to-face with a tiny rabbit - although this rabbit is larger than I remembered. I look behind him and see a adolescent deer and skunk behind him.

"You're back!" Thumper says happily, jumping up into my lap - I'm guessing it's the animal's version of a hug.

I laugh as the other two come up and nuzzle me.

"Um, Skye...why are you cuddled up to a rabbit, deer, and skunk?" Archer asks nervously.

"They're my friends, Archer!" I say happily. "Their names are Bambi, Thumper, and Flower. They helped me find my brother after I'd run from my city."

He looks at each of them with cautious eyes before something dawns on him. " mean to say we're near your old home?" His words are angry and hurt. It seems he's finally caught on to what we're doing here.

"Yes...we're here to find Rumpelstiltskin. He's the only one I know of that can help us...I just hope he'll help us." I say, looking at the ground.

Archer walks over and drops to his knees beside me, lifting my chin to gaze into my eyes. "He'll help you. If he has any dignity left, he'll help."

I nod and look over at the animals around us.

"Skylar, I think he loves you." Flower says, looking shy.

I smile and look over at Archer. "Not yet...but soon."

"What're you talking about?" Archer asks, looking confused.

"They asked when we'll get everything sorted...i told them it will all work out soon." I say, lying.

He smiles and says some encouraging words to the animals. A load of stuff about how I'm good at keeping promises and secrets. Also, that I am perfect amounts of beauty and manipulative. Though, not in a bad way. Unfortunately, he's speaking in so many circles and looks so adorably self-conscious that I can't exactly catch everything he's saying. It's like how Sheriff Vaisey just said whatever came to his head when Robin broke into the castle in Nottingham - that's how confusing it is. Also there was something in there about how he's a lunatic for talking to animals when he can't understand them.

I start laughing at all that's coming from his mouth.

"What?" he asks, looking over at me.

"Nothing, you're just amusing when you have no clue what to say." I say, smirking.


Were you expecting her to go back home? What do you think will happen next? Is Rumplestilstin still even living there?

Vote and comment.

Always yours,


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