Teenage Romance (Larry Stylin...

By Can_I_Have_Yo_Number

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What happens when Louis and Harry had the perfect relationship, But then a small mistake happens and everythi... More

Part 1
Part 2
part 3
chapter 4
story of my life
Part 5
part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23 (please read A/N :)
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30!!!
Part 31
New Story???
Part 32.
Part 33.
Part 34 (Important Message please read!)

Part 12

700 9 0
By Can_I_Have_Yo_Number

So i dont remember half of the things i wrote on the chapter that was suppose to be updating yesterday but my computer is stupid and turned off -.- so sorry for any mistakes :/ 


Louis' Pov. 

i was waiting for Harry to come to my house so we can go to school together i have no idea why but im really excited...so im just in my living room alone cause the girls were sleeping and my mum went to work early so i just sat there alone i ran upstairs and did random things when i was on my phone i heard the door bell ring 'oh my god finally' i said to myself 

I ran down the steps almost tripping over my own feet good thing there is a railing i put on my dark blue TOMS and got my backpack off the floor and answered the door. When i did i saw a smiling Harry "Hi" he said and i smiled a big grin and waved a hi and he just chuckled 

We walked for about 10/15 minutes cause we kept stopping because of Harry and we got to the school and we walked to our table "I heard there are going to be new kids tomorrow" i said and he looked up "really?" "mhmm" i said back and he nodded "we need to try and make some more friends y'know your an amazing friend but like we only hang out with each other" i actually agreed with him its true we haven't talked to anybody except some people in my other classes "yea that's true we should" i said and he smiled "good i thought you would take offence to that" he said and sighed out in relief i just giggled 

In class>>>>>>>

"so class as you know where getting new students tomorrow" she said and the class nodded including me and Harry "i expect you guys to be nice to them, and especially you Louis and Harry" she said and me and Harry looked at her in confusion "there going to be sitting next to you" she said "Ooooh" i said and the class laughed harry just looked at me with a little smile and class continued 

it was a couple of minutes of class and i saw a little note being slid to my desk and Harry said to read it and it read 

'Can you come with me somewhere after school? -Harryxxx' 

i looked at him and smiled and than wrote back 

'Yea sure is something wrong?'


'alright ill wait for you outside school?'

'k :)'

than i slid the note in my pocket the teacher almost caught me but she just shrugged and went on with the lesson thank god. it was about another 5 minutes until this period ended so i was excited because than i really want time to go by fast so i can talk to Harry and see where he is taking me im not one of those people who are patient and i cant wait but ill wait for him....if i can, than right there the bell rang meaning the next class was going to start and i walked out with Harry and we went our separate ways i was going to history this should be fun note the sarcasm 

After school>>>>>>>

I waited for Harry to come out of the school and i leaned against the wall.... i got to admit i looked like a thug, it was about another 2/3 minutes until i saw Harry walking towards me and he smiled at me and we started walking in silence but the good kind not the awkward one "so where are we going Hazza?" i asked him "first my house cause the place where going is really far" he said "ok" i was wondering how he was suppose to drive but than i realized he had his mum's car we walked to his place i already texted my mum im going to be out for a few hours with harry she said ok im lucky my mum loves Harry or else she would be throwing a lot of b**** fits 

We where at his house and he asked if i wanted something before we left and i said no cause i was to curious to see where he was taking me we got in the car and he started it we waited a few minutes for it to heat up and we where on our way to the mysterious place "Hazza can you put the radio?" i asked i got to admit i cant be in a car and not hear music "sure Lou" he said and i turned it to my radio station and the song Little talks came on oh my god how much i love this song i didn't know many lyrics but i still like it. "i like this song" i said and we started singing along mostly humming cause we didn't really know the song we laughed every single time we messed it up.

we got to a little park about 20/30 minutes later and it was amazing and so pretty it had lights hanging on the tree's and there was a really big tree and Harry got out and before i can open my door i saw Harry open my door and i smiled at him he held out his hand for me to take and i politely took it and he pulled me off my seat and than let go of my hand and we started walking towards the big tree 

When we got closer i saw a little pic-nic set up with candles surrounding little spot i looked up at Harry and he smiled and held out his hand once more and i took it and he sat us down and he pulled out some things and he sighed "is something wrong Hazza?" i asked him he looked up and smiled "Um there is something i got to tell you" those are never good words but sometimes they are " and what is that?" he got on his knees and looked at me and i sat the same way he was even like this he is still taller than me but i didn't mind "I wanted to ask you.....u-um" "yes...?" "ifyouwantedtogotoutwithme?" he said really fast "um im sorry i didn't understand you" i said and he sighed and he started talking again "um i wanted to say if you wanted to go out with me, like be my boyfriend?" i sat frozen and he looked at me and scratched the back of his neck oh my god IM SO HAPPY!!! "YES!!! i mean yes" i said louder than i expected "Really?!?" he said and smiled he reached out and got closer to my face and i felt his Lips on mine i didn't hesitate to kiss back i was so happy 

We kept kissing not a sloppy one but a really passionate one i enjoyed it was much and than he pulled back and i pouted he kissed my pout away "lets eat i didn't send this whole time making this food to let it go to waist" he said and got the food and we started eating and feeding each other food it was the best moment i ever shared than a question popped in my head "Hazza what about school?" i said and he looked at me.....

AND that was chapter 12 hoped you liked it i wrote more than i thought i would haha......well bye guys xxx 

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