
By Captain_Backfire

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(Sans x Frisk with a whole lot of drama, action, bromance and comedy with a splash of awesome. ^^) NovaTale i... More

Chapter 1 - Alone
Chapter 2 - Voices
Chapter 3 - Fix You
Chapter 4- Help Me Understand
Chapter 5- Trust Abides
Chapter 6- You'll Be The Death Of Me
Chapter 7- Through The Darkness
Chapter 8 - Before The Fall
Chapter 9- Control
Chapter 10- The Unraveling
The Unraveling Part 2
The Unraveling Part 3
The Unraveling Part 4
The Unraveling (Final Segment) Part 5
Chapter 12- Like Sands Through An Hour Glass
Chapter 13- The Forgotten
Chapter 14- Death Of A Dream
Chapter 15- Shattered Memories
Chapter 16- Lost Souls
Chapter 17 - The Inevitable
Chapter 18- Riddle Me This...
Chapter 19 - Along Ran A Spider....
Chapter 20 - The Found....
Chapter 21 - Part 1: The Truth Within The Lies

Chapter 11- Where Do We Go From Here

1.1K 51 70
By Captain_Backfire

(Okay, guys. I've put a LOT of thought into how I wanted this to be, as I generally always do. But then again, you all know that. There will be a little mush, but things are about to get so much more interesting. ^^ 

I'm taking it back for the song for this chapter. But this song is a classic, and the words are just. So. Perfect. I couldn't help myself here. Lol. I hope you'll all appreciate it, as I spend a lot of time looking for music for every chapter, making sure that it's fitting for what is happening. In my mind, the visions of what I'm writing, while listening to the music, literally play like a movie and I get completely submerged. ANYways. XD On to the song and story! (Also, the song will be changing mid-chapter... but I thought this a good way to start. ^^ )

Song: Collide

Artist: Howie Day


And as always, I love you guys and TRULY hope you enjoy!)

"They believed in their Soul's light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter --- Tomorrow, we will run faster. Stretch out our arms farther......

              ...... And one fine morning---" F. Scott Fitgerald (Edited by me a little to be more fitting.)

The rays of light began peering through the cracks in the blinds to the tiny window across the room from where Sans lay. Groggily, his eyes began to open, and immediately he was met with a sight he was definitely not expecting. Still wrapped up within his embrace, Frisk slept soundly and seemingly peaceful. She was facing him now, curled up into his frame as if it would ward off any evil that might attempt to plague her dreams. He stared a good long while, eyes roaming over the contours of her face. Even asleep, she was an angel among monsters. The adorable way her nose turned up just slightly, and the lovely tulip shape to her lips. She was a study of light and shadowplay. He contemplated getting up, but knew that it would rouse her and he wasn't sure he wanted to disturb her just yet.

So many questions swirled around his mind. How was she still here? Shouldn't she have 'woken up' within her own reality by now, just as it had been before? He knew the Save Star was still hanging from the end of his chain, so none of this made sense. Had it been the merging of their Souls? Could he have finally found a way to keep her here, with him without worry that she'd wake up one day and simply never come back? Just the thought alone sent a rush of euphoria through every bone in his body as a hand came up, gently caressing the loose strands of her hair that fell over the side of her face in a cascade of chestnut. Still, this roused more questions than either of them had answers, and Sans now knew with a certainty that they'd need to travel to see the Oracle. Hopefully the woman would be able to tell them something that would shed some light on what exactly had happened between them last night, and what it meant for them now. One thing he did know, deep within the fiber of his very being, if what had happened resulted in Frisk never leaving, neither of them would ever be alone again.

The light glistened over her smooth cheek, and just by the way she mumbled unintelligibly, he knew she was dreaming. Of what, he wasn't certain, but it didn't seem to be anything resembling a nightmare. A good sign, for sure. Maybe that merge had purged the crazyness from her mind and they could put that fear to rest. Oh, how he hoped that was the case. Somehow though, despite all the questions, Sans still found himself recumbent beside her. Content to simply have her near. It was.... there weren't any words he could think of to describe it, but he loved the idea of it all. When Frisk then stirred slightly, Sans took that as his cue and leaned in to kiss her forehead. No reaction. He thought surely that would have roused her.... Maybe if he moved a bit? Sliding his body away from her and toward the edge of the bed, her hand only slipped from his ribs and gently fell to the bed. Still, she didn't wake up. Worry now marred his face. Maybe she was just a sound and heavy sleeper? Yeah... that had to be it. For now, he'd leave her and go check on Papyrus, who was likely already awake and preparing breakfast. Why he insisted on making spaghetti for every meal was something Sans never really understood, but if it made Pap happy, he was happy.

Gentle footfalls brought him out into the hallway, a soft 'click' as the door was pulled closed and he padded his way down the stairs. Right on cue, he spotted Papyrus. Something, however, was amiss. His brother's expression seemed.... abnormal somehow.



Sans only stared a moment. "You alright, Pap?" Papyrus waved him off with another laugh. "I'M BETTER THAN ALRIGHT, BRO! THIS NEW OREGANO TEM SPOTTED ME MADE THIS SPAGHETTI MY BEST EVER! CUZ THE GRIZZLE PAPIZZLE MAKES THE BOMB DIZZLE SPAGHEZZILE!" He giggled, then snorted, then laughed even harder. Sans did smirk, but wasn't necessarily amused that Tem had swapped the normal Oregano Papyrus usually bought for something a little.... stronger.... Still, seeing his brother this way was pretty hilarious. He was high as a kite. "Have you even been to bed, Pap? What happened last night after me and Frisk left."


Sans shook his head, now a full blown smile crossing his face as he cupped a palm to his forehead and shook back and forth with a laugh of his own. "You're blown, Pap. Go get some sleep. I got breakfast covered."


Sans laughed harder, then did his best to quell his mirth before answering. "It's called munchies, Pap. I'll explain it all to you later after you get some sleep." Papyrus didn't move. He didn't even blink. Only stared for a moment before bursting into guffaws. "MUNCHIES? .... MUNCHIES. THAT'S A FUNNY WORD. MUNCHIES... MUNCH-" Sans stopped him, trying desperately now to maintain his composure. "C'mon, bro. Upstairs." A hand came to press gently against his brother's back as Sans led the stoned skeleton up the stairs and to his room, Papyrus giggling all the way. "GO GET YOUR MUNCH ON! I'LL SEE'YA IN A FEW HOURS!"

"... yeah, after you faceplant into the pillow and knock the fuck out until tomorrow." he mumbled to himself as Papyrus closed his bedroom door. Silent laughter gently rumbled as he walked back toward his bedroom to check on Frisk. When he opened the door, he found her still curled up on his bed. A sigh managed to escape as he realized that he still feared he'd have opened the door to look upon an empty bed. "I guess you're stuck with me now, Dollface." he said before walking to his side of the bed and sitting down. Could he tell her how he felt? Somehow, he suspected that she already knew. He could feel it.... feel her... last night, after the merging of their Souls. It was if a piece of her had filled the void, and now they were somehow linked. Not that he didn't find it fascinating, albeit strange... but in a good way.

"Get'yer shit together, Sans. You got the girl, now just tell her how you feel." he thought inwardly, trying to brace himself for the inevitable vulnerability that he would practically be laying at her feet. Never had he opened up to anyone like this other than Pap. Never let anyone in to the point that he felt naked in their presence. Not in the physical sense, but it was as if she saw straight into his soul, and accepted him despite his flaws. Something he didn't think anyone could do. Could he tell her the rest though? The horrors he'd faced? The things he'd seen? How would she react to the horrible things he'd been forced to do? Chiding himself then, Sans smirked. She'd take it just fine. How many times had he pummeled her before they'd wound up here, and every time, she came to him with acceptance and understanding. This human. This beautiful soul. She was a beacon of hope for him.... and hope was something Sans hadn't felt in a very.... very long time. It wasn't until last night that he truly knew that he could, in fact, trust her. With everything. Sure, she might not enjoy hearing it, but she deserved to know. It would give her more insight as to why he was the way he'd been with her at the start, and why he was so protective of the things he held dear.

And now... he had another addition to that arsenal. Yes. She was dear to him, and it scared him to know just how much. He wanted to hold her, to hear her laugh, to ease her fears and take her burdens. If only it were that simple. Looking at the clock, it was then that Sans decided it was about time she came out of the world of dreams and back to him in the present. He placed his hand on her shoulder and gave a gentle shake. "Time to wake up." he said in a soft cadence that wouldn't startle her when she awoke.....


This time, Sans shook her a bit harder. "Frisk? Oh hell naw, don't tell me this is happening all over again...." Fear began to creep up over him. He knew this was too good to be true. She was stuck in some nightmare, and he couldn't do a damned thing to help her. "Frisk!" He shook, much rougher now. He had to wake her up.... had to get her back. They had to get to the Oracle.... especially now. He had to save her from this. She didn't deserve it, and he felt so helpless that it sickened him. "Dammit, Dollface! Please wake up!"


(Music change, guys. Important music, might I add. ^^ Note: As stated before, every song I use, I use for a reason. Keep that in mind. ^^


"So we beat on, boats against the current......

...... born back ceaselessly into the past." -F. Scott Fitsgerald

Frisk's vision blurred, blackened around the edges as though she could feel the very essence of her life slipping away. Her soul, detached and astray. Both hands were like weights at her sides as she raised them to rub at her lids. Attempting to rise from the bed, the moment she stood, the room began to spin. Her head throbbed unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Instinctively, shaking fingers rubbed at her temples, though every movement she made felt like being underwater. It happened slowly, and with resistance.... until her body simply gave way and collapsed, delving her into shadows.....

...... Laughter rang out in the darkness. Not the malicious type. No. This was genuine, and came from a male voice that Frisk knew she'd heard before, but couldn't place for the life of her. It was then joined with another voice, and the chorus of giggles made her spin to see if there was someone there with her in the void. Unfortunately, she found nothing.

"When are you ever gonna learn that I beat you every time?"

Chara's voice. Frisk sighed, noting that the throbbing within her mind was still present, but tolerable now. "Beat me how?" Frisk retorted, but the voice that had been first been laughing seemed to respond to Chara's question rather than Frisk.

"You cheat though! Throwing snowballs to slow me down is totally not fair."

"Cheat?! Me? Never." Chara's voice feigned innocence. It seemed as though neither of them had even heard her. "Hello?!" Frisk finally said, trying to quell the quivering within the words. Again, it was as if she hadn't even spoken.

"Oh? Remember that time we were with the two 'Lovebirds' playing that one game, and when you thought nobody was looking, you stole two of my board pieces?" the familiar voice said, to which Chara then responded. 

"Ugh, don't remind me. Those two are so sappy and constantly all over each other. I mean, I get that their in love or whatever, but they don't have to shove it in everybody's face all the time."

"Yeah.... It's a little overkill sometimes, but it's not like we don't ever hold hands or kiss in front of people. And don't think I didn't notice the subject change, by the way." the male voice finished sarcastically. Frisk could hear Chara chuckle then. 

"It's a gift, what can I say?" she quipped, and the male voice joined her in quiet laughter. Frisk's brows furrowed, creasing her forehead as she grasped desperately for an answer to who that voice belonged to. She knew it, for sure. Had heard it several times.... but where? The laughing seemed to gradually fade away, leaving nothing but silence.

"Hello?" she called out again, this time in a much quieter tone. She hated this void. Eternal and all encompassing darkness. The dull ache at her temples dissipated more now, thankfully, but she still didn't get a response. "Chara? Are you there?" Still nothing.... until...


......"Dammit, Dollface! Please wak-"

...."You don't have to yell." Her voice came out scratchy and almost hoarse. Light began to filter through her lids as they slowly opened to see Sans looming over her, worry visibly melting away at the sight of her open eyes. "How.... how am I still here?" Unexpectedly, Sans slipped his arms beneath her frame and pulled her up and close to him in an embrace. "You scared the shit outta me. Again." She could feel tears well up as he held her. "I don't understand any of this, Sans." her words were muffled into his shirt until she pulled back slightly, vision blurring with fresh tears that freely began to roll down her cheeks. "There's something wrong with me. I keep hearing these voices that I can't explain... I just listened to a conversation between Chara and someone that I'm assuming she'd loved before she became.... whatever she is now... I don't know what to make of it all! And what's worse is I feel like I'm being torn in two when all I really want is for it all to just...stop. Did I even go back home when I fell asleep? Was it all in my head? It's driving me insane because I don't understand any of this!" she pulled out of his arms, which reluctantly let go and rose from the bed to pace the floor.

"We gotta get to this Oracle. If she's my only hope at finding answers, we need to find her."

She put her face within her palms and shook her head. "I'm sorry. I love being here with you, Sans. But my presence here? And then all this other shit is slowly making me feel like I'm losing my sanity. I'm scared one of these times, I'll go into this void and just... never come out.... I mean, where do I even belong? I don't know what's real anymore..."

"We'll figure it out, Dollface. But I ain't goin' anywhere." he said, trying to reassure her as he rose to once again close the space between them and envelope her within an embrace. Frisk sagged in his arms.....

....."I know you're not, but I always do.... and that's what scares me the most."

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