High School Love Story

By 1Shinee

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Taemin enters a rich high school, but even though his life is already hard, he gets bullied during school. Mi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 19

764 19 14
By 1Shinee

Taemin was laying next to Minho. "I'll have to start school now."

"You'll have Key and Jonghyun with you,"

"I know, but it's a whole new school. What if I get bullied still?"

"No one will bully you. You're amazing."

Taemin smiled. "Thank you. I love you." He kissed Minho's cheek.

Minho kissed him gently. "I love you too."

The doctor came in. "I got Minho's tests back. Minho's clear to go."

Taemin smiled. "Yay!"

Minho smiled.

"I'm so happy! I'm sorry you got hurt." Taemin said.

"It's okay. I did it to myself, but now I get to be with you."

Taemin smiled and kissed him. "I'm glad we get to be together forever."

Julie came running in. "Minho?! I heard you are okay now. I'm sorry. I didn't notice you were so weak and hurting yourself. I'm really sorry." She ran and hugged him.

Minho held Taemin's hand. "Hey, Julie,"

Julie looked at Minho's hand. "Minho? Why are you holding his hand? Are you together?"

"I love him." Minho confessed.

Julie pulled away. "Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hugged you then."

Taemin smiled. "You're not mad?"

Julie shook her head. "I'm not in love with Minho. I see him as a big brother, but our parents were forcing us to be together."

"I think of you like a little sister too." Minho smiled. "We did grow up together. You can hug me all the time."

Julie smiled. "Then can I stop calling you yobo and call you oppa?"

"Of course." Minho smiled.

Julie smiled. "Thank you, oppa." She hugged him.

Minho hugged back. "Have they been nice to you?"

Julie nodded. "Yeah, actually, I'm going to be taken to an orphanage. I'm scared."

Minho frowned. "I'm sorry. Maybe you can come with us."

Julie frowned. "But how? Won't I be a bother? Your parents already have a lot of kids to take care of."

"You won't, sweetie. I'll see what I can do." Onew said.

Julie smiled. "Oh thank you, sir!"

Onew smiled and ruffled her hair. He left.

Minho smiled. "Maybe you could be our sister."

Julie smiled. "That would be awesome! We'd be like a huge family!"

Minho smiled and hugged her. Julie hugged back.

"Okay, I need to change." Minho said.

Julie nodded and left the room.

Taemin helped him. "Is your leg better too? Can you walk on it?"

Minho nodded. "I'm all good!"

Taemin smiled. "Yay!" He undressed Minho and blushed. "It's been a long time since I saw you naked." Taemin got Minho's clean clothes.

"I know. I can't wait to see you naked." Minho smirked.

Taemin blushed. "Minho!"

Minho kissed him. Taemin kissed back.

Minho pulled away. "Let's go home!"

Taemin nodded and dressed him. They went home.

Minho smiled and curled up with Taemin on the couch.

Taemin smiled and hugged him. "I missed being in your arms."

Minho kissed his forehead. "I missed holding you."

Taemin giggled. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you."

"It's okay." Minho yawned.

Taemin smiled. "Let's go to bed."

Minho nodded. They went to sleep.

The next day, they all went to the new school. Taemin was nervous as they arrived at the school. Minho held Taemin's hand. Key was nervous as he held Jonghyun's hands tight. They went to their separate classes. Jonghyun, Key, Julie, and Minho had the same classes, while Taemin was separated because the school separated kids by grade. Taemin was only a first year while the others were second years. Taemin walked alone to his first class.

Minho missed Taemin already. "I can't handle being away from Taemin."

"Well, you have to get use to it. He is a year under us." Jonghyun said.

Minho frowned. "I hope he's okay,"

"I'm sure he's fine. We'll see him at lunch." Julie said.

Minho frowned. The classes went by fast and lunch came. Jonghyun, Key, Julie, and Minho sat at a table. Taemin came into the cafeteria. A group of guys were following him. One of them laughed and ruffled his hair. Minho noticed and went over to Taemin.

Taemin looked at him. "Hi, Minho."

The guys looked at Minho. "Who are you?"

"I'm...his foster brother." Minho said. "We've been friends for a long time."

Taemin looked at him. He went over to him. "I'm going to eat with Minho."

The guys nodded. "Okay, see you in class." They left.

Minho smiled. "You have friends."

Taemin nodded. "Yeah, at first I thought they were going to bully me, but after dance class, they wanted me to join their group."

Minho smiled and pulled him to the table.

Taemin sat down. "How was your classes?"

"Good," Minho said. "I'm going to try out for soccer. Practice starts tomorrow. Tryouts are next week."

Taemin nodded. "You'll be the best."

Minho smiled. "Thanks!"

Taemin giggled. "It's true!"

Key was holding Jonghyun's hand under the table. He wanted to tell everyone that Jonghyun and he were dating, but Jonghyun wanted to wait at least a few days. Jonghyun ate his food. Julie was pouting.

"What's wrong, Julie?" Minho asked.

"You are a couple with Taemin, and Jonghyun and Key are together, but I'm all alone."

"You'll find someone." Minho said.

Julie shrugged.

Minho smiled at her. "You'll meet a lot of new people."

"I guess." Julie sighed. "But I want to be a couple with someone."

"You'll find someone."

Julie nodded. She stood up to throw her trash away, but once she stood up, a boy ran into her, spilling his food onto her clothes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" The boy said.

Minho got up with a napkin and handed it to Julie. "Are you okay?"

Julie nodded.

"Oh, are you her boyfriend?" The boy asked. "I'm really sorry. I didn't do that on purpose."

"No, she's my sister." Minho said.

"Oh, okay," He looked at Julie. Minho could tell he had a crush on her.

Juliet looked at him. "Thanks, I'm fine."

The guy nodded. "O-okay," He walked away.

"He was cute." Minho said.

Julie looked at Minho. "Yeah, a little." She blushed.

Minho smirked. "He's got a good butt too. Not as good as Taemin's though."

Julie gasped. "OPPA!"


"You're hitting on a guy!" Julie yelled.

Taemin pouted. "He is?!"

"He was looking at that guy's butt!" Julie said.

Taemin glared at Minho. "No treat for you tonight." He got up and joined his new friends.

Minho pouted. "I was not hitting on a guy. I was checking out a guy Julie liked."

"Well, you looked at his butt." Julie said. "Now Taemin's mad at you."

Minho pouted.

Taemin was laughing with his friends. The tallest boy ruffled his hair again, making Taemin giggle. Minho went to the bathroom, not wanting to watch.

Jonghyun got up and followed him. "What's wrong, Minho?"

"Is it bad that I'm jealous?"

"Not at all. I mean, you get jealous quickly and easily. If you want Taemin to have friends, then you have to stop being jealous everytime someone else makes Taemin laugh." Jonghyun said.

"But I make him laugh. Why do other people have to make him laugh?"

"Because Taemin's human. A lot of people will make him laugh and smile." Jonghyun said.

Minho pouted. "I miss him."

"Then you shouldn't have checked out another guys butt." Jonghyun teased.

"I wasn't and I said his wasn't as good as Taemin's anyways."

"Well, Taemin didn't hear that part."

"Because he didn't listen to me. He just left when he heard what Julie said."

"Then tell him what you said. You need to talk to him." Jonghyun said. "Tell him how you feel."

Minho nodded. The bell rung.

Jonghyun sighed. "Let's go to class."

Minho nodded. They went to class. At the end of the school day, they all waited for Taemin by the front door.

Taemin was walking out with his friends. One of the guys were carrying him on his shoulder. Taemin giggled as they put him down.

"Meet us tomorrow after school for dance practice." The tall guy said.

Taemin nodded. The guy ruffled his hair. Taemin giggled. Minho frowned.

Taemin walked over to them. "Hi, guys."

Jonghyun smiled. "Hi,"

Minho gave him a small smile and held his hand as they started walking.

Taemin pulled his hand away. "Not here. Wait until we get farther away." Truthfully, Taemin wanted to hold hands, but he was still mad at Minho.

Minho nodded and they continued to walked.

When they were further away, Taemin held Minho's hand. "Minho, why did you look at the guys' butt? Is it better than mine? Are you not interested in me anymore?"

"I was checking out a guy Julie liked. I said he had a nice butt, but yours is better." Minho said. "I love you so much. You mean everything to me."

Taemin blushed. "I love you too. I forgive you. I'll give you a big present tonight." Taemin winked.

Minho smirked. He slipped his hand in Taemin's back pocket. "Yeah~?"

"Hey! We're on the street!" Jonghyun yelled.

Taemin giggled. "I like Minho's hand there."

Minho kissed Taemin. Taemin kissed back.

"Oppa! Wait until we're home!" Julie yelled.

Minho picked Taemin up and carried him with his hands on Taemin's butt.

Taemin giggled. "Minho~ you're so touchy~"

Minho squeezed Taemin's butt. Taemin yelped. Minho smirked. They soon arrived at their house. Key went straight inside. "Minho's molesting Taemin on the street."

"What?! Minho!" Joon yelled.

"I'm only touching his butt." Minho confessed.

"That's no way to act out in public!" Joon said.

Taemin pouted. "Appa, it's fine."

"No, it's not! You're grounded!" Joon yelled.

"Okay, come on, Taemin, let's go to our room." Minho said.

Taemin sighed and nodded. They went to their room. Taemin smirked and locked the door. Minho pulled Taemin into a kiss. Taemin kissed back and wrapped his arms around Minho's neck. Minho pushed him to the bed. Taemin giggled and started to undress.

Minho stared at his body. "You're gorgeous."

Taemin blushed.

Joon started banging on the door. "Hey! You are not allowed to be in the same room!"

Minho groped Taemin hard. Taemin gasped and moaned.

Joon banged harder. "Stop it, you two! I do have the key!"

Minho groped Taemin harder. Taemin moaned and came into Minho's hand. Joon unlocked the door and grabbed Minho. Minho freaked out when he was grabbed roughly. Taemin hid under the blanket.

Joon took Minho out. "You two sleep in separate rooms for two months!"

Joon had Minho sleep in the guest room. Minho sighed and curled up in the bed. Taemin pouted all night.

It was raining hard outside. Key stayed close to Jonghyun. He and Minho both hated thunder. Key thought it was too loud and was easily spooked by the sudden flashes of light and the sound. Jonghyun held him tight and put on music. Key laid in his arms. Jonghyun held him close to his chest, so that his eyes were closed and he couldn't see the lighting. Key relaxed and fell asleep.Jonghyun fell asleep right after.

In the morning, everyone, but Minho was eating breakfast.

"Can someone go see if he's up?" Onew asked.

Taemin went to Minho's room. "Minho?"

Minho wasn't in the bedroom.

Taemin frowned and started to freak out. "Umma! He's gone!"

"What?" Onew said.

Taemin started to cry. "He's not in his room."

Onew hugged Taemin. "We'll find him."

Everyone started looking.

Taemin was crying, calling Minho's name.

Key checked Minho's room again. He went into the closet and noticed Minho hidden under blankets. "I found him!"

Taemin ran into the room and clung to Minho. "Minho! Wake up!"

Minho woke up.

Taemin clung to him. "Why are you in here? You scared me. I thought I had lost you."

Minho was quiet.

Taemin looked at him. "Minho?"

"Let him rest. I don't think he got any sleep last night." Key said helping him to the bed.

Taemin frowned. "Why not?"

"He's scared of lightning." Key said.

Taemin frowned more. "I never knew that."

"He doesn't tell people." Key said. Onew came in.

Taemin frowned. "I wish he did." He looked at the ground and left the room.

Onew sighed and tucked in Minho. "Come on, you'll be late for school."

Taemin nodded.

They all went to school. Taemin didn't hang out with the group. He hung out with his new friends. Key held Jonghyun's hand under the table during all their classes. Jonghyun was worried about Taemin. He wasn't at lunch.

After school, they went home without Taemin.

Key was worried. "Do you think he's at home?"

"No, he's staying after school for dance, but not seeing him at lunch made me worry. He must be really upset." Jonghyun said.

"His friends didn't seem worried." Julie said.

Key sighed. "I'm worried."

They arrived home and there was no sign of Taemin.

"Where's Taemin?" Joon asked.

"He's not with us."

"Where is he?" Joon asked. "The school called and said he missed some classes."

Key frowned. "We didn't see him."

"Oh, was he upset today?" Joon asked.

"I don't know. We should go look for him." Key said.

Julie nodded. "We'll go out and look for him."

Joon nodded. "Okay,"

They left.

They went to the school. They found Taemin in the dance room, dancing with the guys.

Key sighed in relief. "Let's wait here."

Jonghyun nodded. They waited for a couple hours.

Taemin didn't smile or laugh once. He looked serious the whole time he danced.

The tall guy ruffled his hair. "Don't worry, Tae. Your brother will be fine."

Taemin nodded. "Thank you, Dae."

Dae smiled. "Anything for our youngest one in the group. You're our awesome maknae."

Taemin smiled. "Yay!"

"Youngest? Aren't they all the same age and class?" Julie asked.

"Maybe he's like younger by a month."

"Oh, okay," Julie said.

Taemin walked out and jumped, surprised to see them. "What are you doing here?"

"We didn't see you at lunch and Joon said you skipped classes." Key said. "We were worried."

"Oh, sorry, I-I was talking to a teacher." Taemin lied.

"It's okay, let's go home." Key said.

Taenin nodded. He walked quietly behind them. Key sighed.

Taemin walked in and went straight to his room. Minho was sitting in the living room.

Julie went over to him. "Hi, oppa."

"Where's Taemin?" Minho asked.

"He's in his room." Jonghyun said.

Minho got up and went to Taemin's room.

Taemin was curled up on the bed, reading an english book. He was having trouble reading it and answering questions. Minho sat next to him.

Taemin looked at him. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"But I do. I didn't know you were scared of thunder and lightening. I shouldn't have gotten us in trouble either." Taemin said.

"I got us in trouble. Anyways, I didn't want you to know."

Taemin frowned. "Why not?"

"It's embarrassing."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm scared of something stupid too. Do you want to know?"

Minho nodded.

"I'm scared of bugs. All kinds of bugs." Taemin smiled.

Minho shrugged. "A lot of people are."

"A lot of people are scared of thunder and lightning." Taemin pointed out, hugging Minho. "You can tell me anything. I won't make fun of you and I'll always think you are the bravest and strongest person ever."

Minho hugged him back, holding him close.

"If you were scared on your own, then you should have gone in here or to someone." Onew said.

"Joon said I had to sleep in there." Minho said.

"Joon got mad because Minho and I were...being naughty. So he said Minho had to sleep in a separate room." Taemin said.

"You could have gone into Key's room."

"I didn't want to make Joon hyung more mad." Minho said.

"He would have understand if you told him." Taemin said.

"He scares me sometimes....." Minho said quietly.

Taemin smiled. "It's okay." He hugged Minho. "I'll talk to him."

Minho hugged back.

Taemin smiled. "I'll never let you be scared again. I'll protect you like you protect me."

Minho hugged him and yawned.

Taemin smiled. "You've been sleeping all day and you're still tired? Get some rest." Taemin kissed his cheek.

Minho fell asleep.

Key came in. "Is he okay?"

Taemin nodded. "Yeah, he's just tired still."

"He always gets really scared." Key said.

"I'll protect him at night." Taemin said.

"It's because when he was young, his parents would lock him outside in thunderstorms when they were mad at him." Key said.

"They did that to him?" Onew asked, shocked.

Taemin sighed. "They shouldn't have treated him like that. I bet he was a perfect kid. I was just a stupid kid. I still am. I can't even do English right."

"That's not true. I'll help you." Key smiled.

Taemin looked at Key. "You know English?"

"Yeah, it's my best subject. My parents used to take me to America and England when they went there for work. I loved to go shopping."

"You'll really help me?!" Taemin asked.

Key nodded.

"Thank you so much!" Taemin hugged Key.

Key hugged back. "It's the only thing that I'm good at."

"What? But you're so smart. You get straight A's and you're in the top two of your class!" Taemin said.

"That's because I have Minho help me." Key said.

Taemin frowned. "He is number one. I hope I get to be up there with you guys in my second year. This year, I'm third."

"You just started here. You'll get to number one soon." Key said. Minho started mumbling in his sleep.

Joon walked in. "Is everything okay?"

"Tae~" Minho moaned in his sleep and started kissing the pillow. Key laughed.

Taemin blushed. "Hey! Wake up!"

Joon frowned. Minho pulled Taemin into his arms and kissed him, still sleeping.

Taemin blushed. "Minho! Wake up!"

Minho groaned and started to wake up. "What are you doing, Tae?"

Taemin frowned. "I should be asking you that question!" He slapped Minho. "How dare you have naughty dreams of me while moaning and kissing the pillow with my parents and Key here! How could you do that! You're a pervert!"

Minho blushed.

"Let's go, Joon." Onew said, taking his hand.

Joon growled and left.

Taemin glared at Minho. "You're a sex maniac!"

"I'm sorry. It's been a while." Minho pouted.

"Well, because of that, you have to wait a whole year before you can touch me!" Taemin yelled.

Minho pouted. "What!?"

"You heard me!" Taemin yelled.

"You wouldn't last that long." Minho said.

"Yes, I can." Taemin said. "You're the one who's always forcing yourself on me. I can live without you touching me."

Minho pouted. "Tae!"

Taemin frowned. "I'm serious!"

Minho sighed. "Okay.."

Taemin nodded. "Good, you deserve it. I still can't believe you."

"I didn't do it on purpose." Minho pouted.

"Well, you did it and now you're in trouble, by me." Taemin said.

Minho pouted.

Taemin smiled. "You're so cute when you pout."

Minho sighed. It started raining outside.

Taemin frowned. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Minho nodded and held his hand. Key ran to Jonghyun. Another thunder made Minho jump.

Taemin pulled him into his arms and hugged him. "It's okay."

Minho clung to him as the storm got worse.

Taemin grabbed his phone and let Minho listen to music. Jonghyun did the same with Key.

Taemin held Minho close. Minho cuddled with Taemin. Taemin stroked Minho's back. Minho kissed Taemin lightly. Taemin kissed back, so Minho kissed deeper. Taemin let him kiss him. He held Minho close and kissed back. Minho licked Taemin's lips. Taemin opened his mouth. Minho sucked on his tongue, making Taemin moan. He knew exactly what Minho was doing, but he didn't want to pull away and have Minho freak out about the storm. He let Minho do as he pleased. Minho stroked his butt, kissing deeper.

Taemin gasped. "Hey!"

Minho continued to stroked his butt and sucked on Taemin's tongue.

Taemin pulled away. "What did I tell you?!"

"We're just cuddling. I won't go any further." Minho said. He jumped at the thunder.

Taemin sighed. "Do whatever you want." He kissed Minho.

Minho kissed deeper. He continued to stroke Taemin's butt. Taemin moaned. He pulled Minho on top of him and wrapped his arms around Minho's neck. Minho was content with just kissing and stroking Taemin's butt. He didn't do anything else.

Taemin smiled. "Good, you're behaving yourself."

Minho smiled and kissed deeper. Taemin kissed back, opening his mouth. Minho attacked his mouth, massaging Taemin's butt. Minho could feel Taemin had a boner as it rubbed against his leg. Taemin wanted to pull away so badly, but he didn't want Minho to get scared. Minho continued to massage Taemin's butt and kiss him for hours.

The storm finally went away. Taemin clung to Minho, panting hard. Minho fell right asleep. Taemin sighed. He changed his clothes and laid down next to Minho, following asleep.

They woke up the next morning. Taemin yawned. He groaned. "My butt hurts."

Minho frowned. "I'm sorry."

Taemin sighed. "It's not your fault. I just let you do it so that you'd be okay and not focus on the storm. You're lucky of the storm or else I wouldn't have let you touch me."

"You liked it."

Taemin frowned. "No, I didn't."

"You were really hard and came twice."

Taemin gasped. "Y-you felt that?!"

Minho nodded.

Taemin blushed hard. "I had to change before I went to sleep. I was hoping you wouldn't notice. Even when you just kiss me and touch my butt, I get too excited. It's just your touches."

"You love my touches~."

Taemin blushed even harder. "So? You're still grounded from touching me!"

Minho wrapped his arms around Taemin's waist. "I can make your butt feel so much better~"

Taemin frowned. "No,"

"Are you sure~?" Minho whispered into Taemin's ear, stroking his butt softly.

Taemin got mad. He pulled away and stood up. He slapped Minho. "I'm not your stupid sex toy! Dae was right! You're just using me for my body, right?! Is that it?! He said it's bad to do it every time! My body hurts after it, yet you always want more! I won't let you touch me anymore! We're over!" Taemin stormed out.

Minho was shocked. Taemin went to the front door, passing Onew and Joon who were on the couch.

"I'm going for a walk." Taemin left, slamming the door.

Key ran after him. "Taemin, what's wrong?"

Taemin kept walking. "Nothing,"

"Taemin, why are you mad?"

"I'm not. Just leave me alone." Taemin started running.

Key sighed and went back home. Taemin kept running until he was too tired to keep going. He went to a small playground and hid in a tunnel. He curled up and cried.

Minho curled up in bed, not understanding why Taemin was mad. He alway told him he loved him. Why did Taemin think he was only using him?

Taemin was gone the rest of the day, he skipped school and didn't come home.

Onew was very worried.

Joon was too. "He said he was going for a walk. What if he's hurt?"

"We should go look for him."

"I'll go look." Joon left.

"I want to look too." Minho said.

Joon nodded. "Okay, then come with me."

Minho went with him. They looked for hours.

Joon sighed. "Where could he have gone?"

"Let's split up. We'll find him faster." Minho said.

Joon nodded and they split up.

It was starting to rain, but Minho kept looking. He was more scared of losing Taemin than anything else.

Taemin was shaking from the cold, but he stayed hidden.

It started raining hard. The thundering made Minho scared. He ran to a playground and hid under the equipment.

Taemin was shaking even harder. He started to cry. "Umma! Umma!"

Minho could hear him. He ran to Taemin and held him tight.

Taemin pushed him away. "Go away!"

Minho was trembling hard. Taemin pulled him into his arms and held him tight. Minho clung to him.

They held each other as the storm passed. After it calmed down, Taemin pushed Minho away. "Just leave me alone." He got up and left.

Minho stayed there. Taemin walked off.

Joon ran over to Taemin. "Taemin, are you okay?"

Taemin nodded. "I'm fine." He pushed away from Joon and ran off.

"Taemin!" Joon yelled.

Onew called Joon.

Joon answered. "I found Taemin, but he's really upset."

"Bring him home!" Onew said.

"He won't let me touch him." Joon said.

"I don't care. Bring him home."

Joon grabbed Taemin and dragged him home. Taemin fought, but lost. Joon brought him home and dragged Taemin over to Onew. Onew hugged Taemin tight. Taemin didn't move.

"What's wrong?"

Taemin shook his head. "Nothing,"

"Go change and get dried up." Onew said.

Taemin nodded and went to his room.

"Where's Minho?" Onew asked.

Joon frowned. "I don't know. I didn't see him."

"Go look for him."

Joon nodded and left. He couldn't find Minho. Joon was worried. "Minho! Minho!" He called.

He didn't get a response. Joon kept looking, going to the park. "Minho! Are you here?" There was no one there.

Joon sighed. He called Onew. "I can't find him."

"That's not good. He should have his phone."

"Okay," Joon called Minho's phone.

The phone went straight to voicemail.

Joon sighed and called Onew again. "It went straight to voicemail."

"That's not good. It's getting late."

"We should call the cops for help." Joon said.

"Yeah," Onew said.

Joon called the police and they started to search for Minho. Joon continued to look.

Taemin was quiet. He didn't eat dinner.

Key was worried. He went to Taemin. "What's wrong?"

Taemin didn't answer and worked on his homework.

"Taemin, please talk." Key asked.

"It's nothing. Why are you asking?"

"Because you're upset and so is Minho." Key said. "Just tell me."

"Minho shouldn't be upset." Taemin mumbled.

"Why?" Key asked.

"Because he used me. He only wants sex. He can't last a day without having to touch me. I told Dae that we were together and he said that it sounds like Minho wants me for my body and it's true. Minho knows I get hurt, but yet he always wants more, then he'll fall asleep on me."

"He didn't use you. He's a guy. He loves everything about you and that includes your body. Jonghyun's the same way. When we're alone, he always has his hands all over me. He says he feels connected to me when our bodies are connected." Key blushed.

Taemin frowned. "But Minho's different from Jonghyun."

"No, Minho loves you so much. That's why he always wants to touch you. Jonghyun said he's jealous."

"Jealous? Why? Of what?" Taemin asked.

"He's jealous of your friends. He gets really jealous when they make you laugh." Key said. "That's probably why he's been so touchy lately. He's being territorial."

Taemin frowned. "I never noticed that and I was mean to him! Where is he? I have to apologize."

"We don't know where he is. They called the cops." Key said.

"What?! This is all my fault!"

"Do you know where he would go?"

Taemin shook his head. "No, well, the soccer field."

"They checked there already." Key said. Onew came inside.

"It's time for bed." Onew said.

Taemin shook his head. "No! We need to find him!"

"It's really late. Go to bed and we'll look in the morning." Onew said.

"No! I won't go to sleep until we find him! It's all my fault that he's gone!" Taemin cried.

Onew hugged him. "It'll be okay."

Taemin shook his head and cried. "I'm so stupid and mean!"

"You're not. You just misunderstood him." Key said. "Do you want to sleep with me and Jonghyun?"

Taemin shook his head. "I can't! Minho's alone somewhere! It might storm again and he'll be scared!"

"He'll be okay."

"No, he won't!" Taemin yelled. "I have to find him!" Taemin ran out.

Onew ran after him.

Taemin kept running. "Minho! Minho! I'm sorry! Please come back!"

Onew continued to run after Taemin. He caught up to Taemin and held him tight.

Taemin tried to push away from Onew. "I have to find him! I have to find him!"

"Taemin, it's okay." Onew said. It started raining.

Taemin freaked out. "No! I have to find him! He's scared! He's all alone!"

"He would be somewhere dry. He'll be okay." Onew said.

"Are you sure?"

Onew nodded. "If they haven't found him by now, he's hidden."

Taemin nodded. "Okay,"

"Now let's go to sleep."

Taemin nodded. Onew took him home and wrapped him up to keep him warm. Taemin curled up and stayed quiet.

"Do you want to sleep with me?"

Taemin nodded. "Yes, please."

Onew took him to his room. Taemin clung to him. Joon sighed and laid on the outside, having Taemin sleep in the middle.

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