Breathing the Dead ~ H.S

By Shani_Shana99

385K 14.1K 12.5K

❝...eighteen and a half months ago, October the 8th was when the zombies came out to play.❞ *** October the 8... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Discussion: Chapter 45
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Thirty-Nine

3.9K 163 156
By Shani_Shana99



"Penny?" Mike's jaw dropped, "W-What are you doing here?!"

"I could ask you the same thing!" Penny's widened eyes seemed to freeze that way.

"I thought you were dead!"

"I thought you were dead!"

"How did you escape from the invasion?" Mike asked her.

"I was feeding Lucas by the back of the base, and-"

"Lucas?" Liam frowned.

"That's the name of the goat," she said curtly - seemingly annoyed that she had been interrupted, "anyway - so I was feeding Lucas when I heard walkers breaking into the base. I tried to fight some off, but they were starting to overpower me. So, in the end, I escaped through the back end of the base, and found this motel a few days later," she then looked at Mike, "what about you?"

"Same thing, more or less," Mike shrugged, "except I ended up travelling to my daughter's base."

"Harry!" I turned around to see that Laura had caught up to us with Hailee, "A-Are you OK? Are there any walkers left?"

"Nope," I smiled at her, "it's OK, love. We got 'em all."

"Thank God," Laura sighed in relief, "you were taking ages, I just...I thought something had happened..." she bit her lip.

I shook my head. "Just bumped into a blast from the past."

"And I see you've reunited with your - oh my fuck," Penny's eyes widened as soon as her eyes fell on Laura, "er, Mike? Has your daughter been eating a lot, or is she knocked up?"

"Oh...right. Erm..." Mike's voice trailed away, and he bit his lip, "she's..."

"She's knocked up," Liam butted in casually, "6 months knocked up, as a matter of fact."

"," Penny raised an eyebrow before looking at me, "uhm, I don't mean to rain on your parade or anything, Harold, but now's not exactly a good time for babies."

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes, "and it's Harry - not Harold,"

"Whatever," Penny shrugged, "so, uh, what made you lot want to come down here?"

"Mike thought it was a safer place for Laura to have the baby," Hailee explained.

"Seriously?" Penny cocked an eyebrow at Mike, "Dude - this is one of the worst places to take a pregnant girl - especially if it's to have her baby."

"But those mansions in Greyfort's rich area," Mike objected, "that's where I wanted to take her."

"You're trusting those rickety old shacks to shelter you for three more months?" Penny laughed, "Good luck with that,"

"No - we're setting up temporary camp here," Mike began to explain, "and then, when Laura's close to having the baby, we'll take her to the mansions,"

"Really?" Penny looked doubtful, "This isn't really a good place to 'live in', per se. I mean, have you seen those fences?"

"Of course," I nodded, "but we're hoping to really fortify this place. We brought a lot of building supplies in the back of our van,"

"Yeah?" Penny seemed impressed this time, "Well, well. You lot sure are organized, aren't you?" she then sighed, "I guess you're gonna want this place to yourselves. Looks like me & Lucas have to find another place to live."

"No, Penny," Laura rushed to her, "there's really no need. Feel free to stay, please."

Penny's eyebrows rose. "You sure?"

I nodded. "We could use an extra pair of hands,"

"I'm not doing any fortification, if that's what you were hoping," she said stubbornly.

"OK. Fine. You can look after Laura while the rest of us buff up this place," I said, "because she needs someone with her at all times. And we're not just being overprotective."

"You sure about that?" Laura asked me with a smirk.

"Well...maybe a little," I rolled my eyes, "but that's beside the point,"

"I'm OK with that," Laura shrugged, "but, er, keep the goat at a distance. I mean - he's cute, but...y'know...goats...ram things," she bit her lip.

"Yeah. OK. You got it," Penny nodded.

"This place is totally walker-free now?" I turned to everyone else.

"Looks like it," Hailee nodded, "Laura & I only saw dead ones on our way up here."

"OK," I nodded, "Mike, Liam, let's start getting out those supplies. We need to get this place secure ASAP."



"So, uh, this little kid...was it planned?" Penny asked me hesitantly as she handed me a cup of tea.

"Honestly? No," I chuckled, "but I don't mind. I'm happy to keep her."

"'Her'? So it's a girl then?"

"Mhmm," I smiled down at my bump fondly, "we can't wait to meet her."

"It seems kinda tedious carrying something that big around for nine months," Penny looked down at my stomach with a light frown, "and it's still getting bigger."

" get used to it," I shrugged, "she doesn't make it any easier when she starts to kick, but it's fine."

"What about the hormonal imbalance? Or all the aches?"

I shrugged again. "Same thing. You get used to it. I just feel bad whenever Harry & the others have to suffer my emotional wrath."

"Takes a lot of patience to carry a baby around, then?"

"Definitely," I nodded, "I'm just so grateful to them all for being so understanding," I then looked up at her, "why all these questions about my pregnancy, anyway?"

Penny shrugged. "I dunno, I've just...never really seen a pregnant chick properly before. I find it kind of...fascinating how big a woman's stomach can grow," she then bit her lip, "also...kinda freaky,"

I chuckled. "It's really not that bad."

"Anyway...what's your plan? Are you just gonna be, like, totally out of action for the next three months, or..?" Penny asked me.

"Oh, no. I'm gonna try and help out as much as I can," I said, "that is, if Harry actually lets me do anything," I added with another chuckle.

Penny broke out an amused smile. "Well, if there's one thing I've always known, it's the fact that he is hella protective over you. Probably even more so now that you're carrying his baby around,"

I laughed. "That's very true."

"So I won't keep my hopes up about you doing much," she winked at me - making me laugh again.

"Thanks for the tea, Penny. It's perfect," I wrapped my cold fingers around the hot cup and smiled at her.

"No problem. If I am stuck looking after you for the next few hours, I thought that I should at least try and be helpful,"

"You're being helpful just by keeping me company," I assured her.

"D'you need anything else?" She asked me.

I began to shake my head, but then cut myself off with a shiver as a chill suddenly shot through my whole body. "Ugh...I guess it's getting a bit cold,"

"It is, actually," Penny rubbed her hands together before folding her arms and hunching up a little, "I'll just ask Harry for a blanket or something."

"Can I come?" I asked her before she could walk out the door.

She turned to me. "You sure?"

I nodded. "I miss Harry,"

"Of course you do," she rolled her eyes and chuckled, "come on, then."

I smiled and rose to my feet; having to lean against the wall for a moment to keep my balance as I protectively laid a hand over my bump. I then gasped as she began kicking once again - the constant flutters in my stomach forcing me to stay where I was as I waited for her to calm down.

"Everything OK?" Penny looked at me worriedly.

I nodded. "I forgot to tell you - she does a hell of a lot of kicking,"

"Is that...bad?"

I shook my head and smiled. "Nope. Quite the opposite, actually. Lets us know that she's alive and well."

"Maybe she misses Harry too?" Penny guessed.

I laughed. "That's actually quite a likely explanation. Every time he touches my stomach, she starts kicking like there's no tomorrow."

Penny chuckled fondly. "That's...kinda cute,"

"Yeah..." I sighed in relief as the kicking finally died down, "OK...OK. I think she's done."

"You sure?"

I nodded. "Uh-huh,"

"You need a shoulder to lean on just in case?"

I smiled at her. "That...would actually be real swell. Thank you."

"No problem," she smiled back at me and pulled me closer to her so that I could lean on her shoulder.

Together we left the motel room that we had been talking in and went over to where Harry & the others were still fortifying the whole area - blocking off any corners with cars or rubbish bins temporarily until they could start building fences around there.

"Harry," Penny called out to him, "you got a minute?"

Harry looked up from where he had been sawing some wood planks to size; smiling yet with a worried look in his eyes as he made his way over.

"Hiya, love," Harry took my hand, "everything OK?"

"She's fine," Penny chimed in, "she's just a bit chilly. Anything you guys brought over to get her warmed up? The motel bedsheets aren't doing it for her right now,"

"Yeah, no problem," Harry smiled and pulled me to his side, "I'll take care of it. Mind telling the others where I've gone?"

"You got it," Penny playfully saluted him before making her way over to Mike, Liam and Hailee.

"How's the fortification going?" I asked Harry as he led me towards the van.

"Good - I think. I just hope we have enough stuff," Harry bit his lip, "I honestly thought we'd brought over plenty. I still needed to leave some planks back at the base for the others to keep our own defences up, y'know?"

"Yeah - I know," I gave his hand an assuring squeeze, "but I'm sure you'll figure something out, Haz. You always do,"

Harry smiled at me. "Thanks, babe."

I smiled back shyly and rested my head against his shoulder. "You sure you can't take a break?"

"I'd love to, but I can't do that to the others," he then smirked, "miss me already, huh?"

"Always," I said innocently.

"I miss you too," Harry pulled me closer to him and kissed the top of my head, "so what do you want me for, then?" He asked me cheekily.

"Cuddles?" I smiled up at him.

Harry chuckled. "Of course,"

"And our little girl's missing you," I continued, "as soon as I asked Penny if I could come with her to see you, she started kicking like mad."

I saw Harry's face light up instantly. "Really?"

I nodded and laughed. "I swear I could almost hear her saying 'Daddy, daddy! I wanna see daddy!'" I gave a tender smile towards our now-calm daughter, "I knew I had to see you then."

Harry gave a bright smile before he let out a sigh. "I want to see her again. I really do,"

"Well...Liam did bring all his Ultrasound stuff. I'm sure once he's got it all set up, he'll call us in for another session."

"What did he say again last time? That she's about as big as an acorn squash?"

I laughed and nodded. "And I don't even know what an acorn squash is,"

"Neither do I," Harry laughed as well as we finally made it to the van, "OK - let's see what we can give you, love."

He opened up the back of the van and began to search through it; pulling out one of the three duffel bags and unzipping it. Inside was a bunch of blankets and some of our group's thicker jackets.

"Do you want this?" He pulled out the extra blanket that was from our bed back at base, "Memories of...'home', I guess?"

I chuckled and nodded; taking the blanket with a grateful smile. "Perfect."

Harry smiled back. "Here," he took it from me and shook it out before draping it around my shoulders, "any better? Or do you want a jacket, as well?"

"That's much better," I felt the cold disappear almost instantly, "thanks, Harry."

"Anytime, baby," he kissed my forehead and took my hand; leading me back to where Liam, Mike & Hailee were still working on the walls. As we began to approach, he sighed.

"I wish I could stay with you," he turned to me and gave my hand a squeeze.

"I wish you could too," I sighed as well and tried to blow a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"Do you want to ask Penny if she knows the way to that baby shop, so you don't get bored?" He suggested.

I shook my head. "I don't want to go there without you. It wouldn't feel right just taking random things for her when you can't even see what they are."

Harry chuckled. "I can see where you're coming from, but you know that I trust your judgement, Laura."

I shook my head again - a little more vigorously. "I want us to do that. Not just me,"

Harry broke out a smile. "OK, love. As you wish."

"Hey," we both turned around to see that Penny had approached us, "feeling warmer now, Laura?"

"A lot warmer," I smiled at her.

"You sure look it," Penny smiled back.

"I'd better get back to it, love," Harry gestured towards the wall, "I'll check on you soon, OK?"

"OK," I nodded, "I'll see you soon, Haz."


I woke up to the feeling of soft, warm lips being pressed against my forehead, and as soon as my fluttering eyes adjusted to the light, I realised that it was already dark - and Harry was crouching by my bedside with a warm smile on his face.

"Hello," I giggled.

"Hello, love," he said with a chuckle, "got a bit sleepy, did you?"

"Mhmm," I nodded, "what...what's the time?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "but the fences are finally done. And the water actually works around here,"

"Really?" My eyebrows rose.

Harry nodded. "I guess the previous group got one thing right, at least."

"So...Penny didn't have to use the water from her own satchel to make my tea today?"

"No," Harry chuckled, "but we'll break it to her gently tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan," I smiled at him tiredly.

"And how's our special little girl doing?" His eyes drifted down towards my swollen belly.

"Good. Missing you, I bet," I placed my hand over my bump and rubbed it gently, "having to put up with her whiny mother for company," I chuckled.

Harry smiled and crawled into bed next to me; lifting my shirt to place both of his hands on either side of my belly, and smiling.

"Three months, little lady," Harry whispered tenderly to my bump, "just three more months until we can finally see you in the flesh."

He then began to press endless, gentle kisses along the surface of my stomach, and I felt yet another flutter in my stomach as our little girl tried her best to respond to her father's touches - and I chuckled.

"Can you feel it?" I asked him quietly.

"The kicking?" Harry grinned, "Of course."

He rested his head on my arm; still keeping one hand over my bump so that our excited baby could still feel his touch. We spent the next few moments just laying there; both of us smiling tenderly at the feeling of her little kicks.

"She's been kicking a lot lately," I told him, "she must be getting stronger every day."

"I'm sure she is - with such a careful, protective mother carrying her around," Harry chuckled.

I giggled and ran my fingers through his hair - stroking the soft curls and twirling a few strands around my finger.

"I want to go to that baby shop soon," I continued, "I've been through all of Alex's outfits - none of them would be small enough for her when she's first born," I bit my lip anxiously, "we really need to get her some good-fitting clothes. Especially with how the weather is right now."

"I agree," Harry nodded, "we'll head off as soon as we can tomorrow," he then gave me a knowing look, "I'm guessing you want to choose all her clothes, Miss Fashionable?"

I chuckled. "Don't be like that. Of course you can pick out some outfits for her. I'm just gonna be silently judging what you choose from a distance."

Harry laughed. "OK, love. Whatever floats your boat,"

"You can be in charge of the toys, if you want," I smiled at him, "I know you're just itching to spoil her."

"How could you tell?" Harry asked me with a smirk.

I let out a giggle, and Harry's smirk only grew before he covered up my bump with my shirt once again and pulled the bed covers over me a little more. I smiled and turned on my side so that he could hug me from behind - keeping a protective hand over our baby once again.

"By the way - I got some disappointing news from Liam today," he told me quietly.

"Yeah?" I asked, "What was it?"

"That little 'party' you want us to have after baby's born? We have to wait until at least six weeks after, apparently,"

My eyes widened. "What?!"

Harry laughed. "It's just safety precautions, love. And I agree with him, actually. I don't want you feeling discomfort in any way when we start again."

I groaned. "Why, Liam, why?" I cried dramatically.

"Baby, it's just gonna be a few extra weeks," Harry used his free hand to rub my arm comfortingly.

"You do realise that a woman's libido can easily rise after she's given birth?" I groaned again, "I'm gonna die!"

Harry couldn't help snickering. "I believe in you, Laura. You'll survive,"

I didn't say a word, and only rolled my eyes and let out a long, deep sigh.

"Get some sleep, sweetheart," I felt Harry's lips press against my temple.

I scoffed. "Yeah right."

I heard him chuckle quietly before he kissed me again.

"Goodnight, Laura. Sleep tight, baby."


"Hey Liam," Harry made his way over to him while holding my hand, "what's the deal with the van? Is everything unloaded?"

"Pretty much," Liam nodded, "we've just chucked everything anywhere at the moment, but we'll organize it as soon as we've all eaten."

"That's good. Now, have you seen Mike or Penny?"

"Uh, yeah. They're in the motel lobby having breakfast, I think."

"Thanks," Harry smiled at him.

"No problem, Haz," Liam called after us before Harry pulled me towards the lobby; making me smile fondly at his eagerness to get to the baby shop.

When we entered the lobby, we found Mike & Penny eating out of a couple cans of fruit salad, and having a friendly chat. However, Mike managed to catch us from the corner of his eyes, and he turned towards us and smiled.

"Morning, you two," he said, "everything OK?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded, "yeah, we were just wondering if you, er...wanted to take us to that baby shop today?"

"Oh, of course!" Mike nodded eagerly, "I'd be happy to."

"Er...Mike?" Penny interrupted politely, "Have you forgotten something?"

"What?" Mike turned to her.

"You're talking about the baby shop in Uptown Greyfort, right?"


"That's where all the dead hang out, Mike!" Penny hissed, "There is no way in hell that place is safe!"

"Oh..." Mike inhaled sharply, "...right. I, er...forgot about that,"

"Seriously?" Harry's eyes narrowed, "You get our hopes up by making us think that we can actually get a few nice things for our daughter - just to put a smile on her face - and you forget that the whole place is full of walkers?!"

Mike sighed. "I'm really sorry, you two. I guess I...just got so caught up by trying to help out, that I forgot how dangerous that area actually is,"

"No shit," Harry grumbled.

"Are you sure there isn't any stealthy way in?" I asked.

Mike & Penny looked at me in disbelief.

"You're not seriously considering going there?" Penny asked with wide eyes.

"That shop doesn't just have stuff we want for our baby. It has stuff we need for our baby," I said, "she needs warm clothes to survive down here. We've only had one baby in our group - and he was already six months old. His clothes will be way too big," I placed a hand on my bump protectively, "she needs warm clothes. Right when she's first born. And clothes made for a six-month-old baby isn't good enough. Not for me, at least."

Harry looked at me, and nodded in agreement.

"It's not good enough for me either," he said, "look Mike, you may have fucked up once again, but it doesn't matter anymore. Our child needs sufficient clothes. We have to go, no matter how risky it is."

"You guys are suicidal!" cried Penny, "You aren't only risking your own lives, but you're risking your baby's life too!"

"We just cleared this whole motel, and it was full of walkers," said Harry, "that was just as risky."

I nodded in agreement. " order to achieve what's necessary, you have to take a few risks."

Mike bit his lip. "Well...only if you're sure..."

"We are," I nodded, "we need to do this."

Mike sighed and hesitantly nodded back.

"So, it's settled then," said Harry, "both of you come with us to make sure the van is completely unloaded," he took my hand and began to walk out of the motel lobby, "looks like we're going baby shopping."


Hello :3

I just want to say thank you guys for all your patience. I have moved into my new house and it's been busy but I managed to find time to whip up this chapter :D but HOLY SHIT these votes have been crawling up fast! Over 1K votes on this book already!! :D Thank you all so much, I love you to pieces and hope you enjoyed this chapter <3


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