Not Your Typical Teenager

By LoveTHiddles

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"Darling I'll kill you!" "Oh if you only knew, I'm already dead. And you can't kill the dead." Not everything... More

Chapter One: Meet the Band
Chapter Two: Babysitting
Chapter Three: S.H.I.E.L.D. & A Mad Scientist
Chapter 4: Don't Go In
Chapter 5: A Cry For Help
Chapter 6: Megan Johnson
Author's Note
Chapter 7: Too Late
Chapter 8:Guinea Pig
Chapter 9: "Accident"
Chapter 10: Mission Report
Chapter 11: Waking Up
Chapter 12: Finding Normal
Chapter 13:No More Animals
Chapter 14: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 15: Time for Your Mission
Chapter 16: Mission Time
Chapter 17: No Longer A Slave
Chapter 18: You're Kidding
Chapter 19: Not as Free as I Thought
Chapter 20: You Really Shouldn't Have
Chapter 21: We're Too Late, Sir
Chapter 22: Your Call
Chapter 23: Another Tranie
Chapter 24: Time to Begin
Chapter 25: There Was an Idea
Chapter 26: I Am Loki Of Asgard
Chapter 27: Is Everyone Okay?
Chapter 28: Getting Some Members
Chapter 29: Gather The Rest Of The Team
Chapter 30: No That Can't Be Right
Chapter 31: On the Helicarrier
Chapter 32: Life, Scars, Apologies
Chapter 33: You're Needed...NOW!
Chapter 34: Preparing
Chapter 35: Ain't Nobody Dancin' Now
Chapter 36: Not So Pleasant Surprises
Chapter 38: A 'Thank You' Would Be Nice.
Chapter 39: So You Don't Want Me Dead?
Author's Note! Important! Please Read!

Chapter 37: All On My Own

110 8 2
By LoveTHiddles


No One's P.O.V.

"So you have no idea who I am talking about?" Nick Fury asked Maria Hill and Sharon Carter. 

"No sorry, sir. We never saw her come in. Actually we didn't even know about her until you mentioned her. But if she jumped out of the helicarrier then she is dead for sure, no doubt at that. That was a suicide mission, she's gone." Sharon Carter said. 

"I am curious about how she managed to sneak her way on the helicarrier," Maria said. "She was one intelligent kid to be able to do that."

"I want to find out who she was. Agent Hill go get some agents looking through the cameras to see how she got in. Agent 13 I want you to go tell the team, or what's left of them, to meet me in the conference room in 10 minutes." Fury was already heading toward the conference room to wait for the team. 

"Yes, sir," Agent Hill and Agent 13 said at the same time as they ran off in opposite directions. 

Jessica's P.O.V.

"Wake up," a deep voice above me said as someone shook me. "Come on, wake up.  Don't be dead, please don't be dead! Wake up!" 

I slowly opened my eyes. A tall blonde with shoulder length hair towered over me. He held a hammer, and wore a red cape, his outfit reminded me of Loki's-Asgardin. I began to wonder if this was Loki's "brother" Thor that Coulson told me about. 

I looked around me and saw that I was lying in tall grass in a valley somewhere. I didn't know where I was or why I was here. 

"Are you alright?" The man whom I assumed was Thor asked.

"Um...yes I think I am fine. Thank you." I said. 

He extended a hand to me. "Allow me to help you up."

I grabbed his strong hand as he pulled me up. "Thanks."

"My name is Thor Odinson." Thor stared at me for a moment then he gave me a questioning look. "And you are?"

"I'm Jessica. Do you know how I got here? Or what happened?"

Thor shook his head. "I don't know exactly how you got here, but I did see you fall from the sky. Actually I didn't really see that either. You dropped, from the sky, right in front of my feet. Maybe it was destiny that you came across my path."

I smirked. "Or just the wind. I need to get going back home, thanks for checking up on me, Thor."

"Would you like for me to walk to back?" 

"Nope I am fine. I can take care of myself." 

Concern filled his eyes. "Are you positive?"

"100 percent!" 

"Well I guess I should probably be getting back to my job also. It seems like my brother is gonna make a mess and once again I am left to pick up after him. Goodbye, Jessica," he gave a firm nod.

"Bye, Thor!" 

He smiled then looked at the sky as he started to swing his hammer. Then he took flight, and it seemed like his hammer was the reason for his flight. Which I found odd. 

When he was gone I collapsed into the tall grass and began to cry. I cried over Phil. I cried over what I had to soon tell my father. I cried because I still didn't think I had earned Brooke's full love or trust back, no matter what she said. But mainly I cried because now that Phil was gone, it was up to me to prove who Predator really was. And I couldn't do it without him. 

No One's P.O.V.

"Agent Barton? Do you remember who this girl was? She came from your jet when you attacked the helicarrier." Fury said as everyone in the conference room attention turned to Clint. 

"No, sir," Clint said. "I don't remember her. But I don't remember to much from being under Loki's control. Did she harm anybody on board?"

Fury shook his head. "We don't think so. But I went through Agent Coulson's phone and found a number that he had called right before his encounter with Loki and before she came in the room. I hadn't seen the number before and wondered if it could be her's."

"Maybe," Clint said. "We have some business to do. So instead of talking about this girl, I say that we go back down to earth and take care of the business."

"Clint's right," Natasha said. "We need to go. Now. We can worry about whoever she was later."

Fury nodded. "Well then I guess I am finished with you. Go do your thing."

The team stood from the table and left the conference room. They had a problem to go solve. 

Brooke's P.O.V.

"Why isn't she coming?" Jeff, my stepfather and Jessica's and Bekah's biological father, asked through the phone. 

"I told you I can't explain it now. But Jessica can't be at your wedding, because she is...out of town. Bekah is on her way down with Sandy though, she will be there." I said. 

Sandy was a really good family friend. She pretty much took over doing all the female things with Jessica and Bekah when our mom died.

"Brooke listen to me closely. Jessica is my daughter. I think I have the right to know why she won't be at my wedding and where she is." Jeff said sternly. 

"She doesn't want me to tell you. She will explain everything when you get back in town." 

"She is my daughter Brooke!" Jeff yelled.

"And my sister," I calmly said. "But believe me, I know that you are stressed right now because of what I told you. But you are getting married May 16th, which I guess is tomorrow. If I told you why she won't be there, you'd be even more stressed. So sorry, Jeff, not gonna happen."

"You and I are gonna have a long talk when I get back."

"I am sure we will, until then." Then I hung up.

Not that I hated Jeff, but I didn't feel like arguing. And better yet he didn't need to be even more stressed out before his wedding than need be. 

No One's P.O.V.

"Wait? Stark these things are still coming!" Captain America said after hearing that IronMan didn't want to close the portal that allowed the aliens to come in. 

"I've got a nuke coming in, it'll blow in less than a minute." IronMan said as he flew over the city and after the nuke. "And I know just where to put it."

Jessica's P.O.V.

I'd been fighting in Manhattan against Loki's stupid alien army, without anybody seeing me. I had just given a young child back to it's mother, that I'd rescued from a building, when I saw a nuke flying over the river. It was heading toward the city. 

I ran to the edge of the the river and took flight just before I touched the water. I never even bothered shape shifting. There just wasn't anytime when a nuke was about to destroy a city. 

As I was flying to the nuke I saw a man in a red and gold tinman looking suit. That must have been IronMan, I'd seen a little bit about Tony Stark on the media. Not much (because I don't usually watch the news), but just enough to place him and the suit together. 

I picked up my flight's speed to pass him up. There was no way I'd let him steal my chance to prove my new colors to the world. Sorry Mr.Stark, but this is my time to shine, you've had plenty. 

I grabbed the nuke and began to fly it to the portal from where the aliens where coming from. 

No One's P.O.V.

"Um. Who is that?" IronMan asked into his earpiece.

"Who is what?" Nick Fury asked IronMan, confused.

"The thing that just grabbed the nuke!" IronMan nearly hollered.

"What thing that just grabbed the-PREDATOR!" Nick Fury yelled into his earpiece.

"Thanks, Nick, I didn't need my hearing anyways." IronMan said sarcastically. 


"Did you miss the whole part about my hearing?" Ironman asked rolling his eyes.

"Just stop her!" Nick Fury said sternly. 

"No problem." IronMan said a grin starting to form.

IronMan kicked up his speed to the fastest he could get it to go. But she was faster. Going to Plan B he began to shoot out energy blast at her. Most of them she actually managed to dodge. Except one. One scraped up the side of her leg. Causing her speed to drop.

Jessica's P.O.V.

Pain, like fire, shot up my leg. I made a quick glance behind me and saw IronMan firing at me. I could feel my speed start to drop after the hit.

No! No, no, no!  I thought to myself as I began to panic. Not now! Don't stop now! Keep going!

I gathered up all the strength that I had left, pushing myself to my extreme. I forced my body to go faster than ever before and forced my body not to give up strength. 

And shocking it was working. I was going faster and getting stronger. 

When I reached the Tesseract's bright blue beam that shot up into the sky, making the portal, I went straight up. 

Straight up into the alien portal. Straight up to ruin Loki's plan on Earth. Straight up to prove to the world who I now was. And straight up to my death. 

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