My Husband Is Gay (On Hold)

By _HaniGemini

132K 3.5K 2.3K

(Not a GAY story/ not BxBxG story/ not BxB story/ not RATED 'R' story) ~Mathew Sister Book I~ How can Christo... More

My Husband Is Gay <2>
My Husband Is Gay <3>
My Husband Is Gay <4>
My Husband Is Gay <5>
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My Husband Is Gay <9.a>
My Husband Is Gay <9.b>
My Husband Is Gay <10>
My Husband Is Gay <11>
My Husband Is Gay <12>
My Husband Is Gay <13>
My Husband Is Gay <14>
My Husband Is Gay <15>
My Husband Is Gay <16>
My Husband Is Gay <17>
My Husband Is Gay <18>
My Husband Is Gay <19>
My Husband Is Gay <20>
My Husband Is Gay <21>
My Husband Is Gay <22>
My Husband Is Gay <23>
My Husband Is Gay <24>
My Husband Is Gay <25>
My Husband Is Gay <26.a>
My Husband Is Gay <26.b>
My Husband Is Gay <27>
My Husband Is Gay <28>
My Husband Is Gay <29>
My Husband Is Gay <30>
My Husband Is Gay <31>
My Husband Is Gay <32>
My Husband Is Gay <33>
My Husband Is Gay <34>

My Husband Is Gay <1>

20.2K 232 153
By _HaniGemini

-This story is not yet edited!!


How can Christopher marry a girl when he's gay?

Julia's been pampered all her life, now it's time to give something back.

Follow these two as they take a journey from getting everything they want to doing what everyone else wants. Christopher's an heir to a hotel - the only heir. Julia is the daughter of a famous - turned bankrupt - parents. They both now need to learn how to put other people before themselves - even if it goes against everything they want.

Can they do it? Will they do it?

~My Husband Is Gay ..1..~


Hello fellow imaginary friends, my name are Julia and my full name is Julia Adeline Mathew. My parents are artist, painting artist. Famous duo painting artists whose name is recently being known well by arts lover around the world and I am their only daughter.

Having famous parents is advantage as in you have turn to be those rich kid whose parent have never say 'no' to whatever you want. Whatever you wish for, you'll end up get it and yes they pampered me a lot with everything that I want.

And this lifestyle is like living inside heaven and you could never want to leave this cloud nine.

Mom and dad own galleries. Well not that much, just one in town and a few in other towns and each galleries is home to those beautiful scenery canvas they made and of course home to other beginner artist well okay kind of colorful canvas.

Although mom and dad are amazing with their brushes and canvases but it doesn't run in my system to paint. I'm not a great painter and probably will never be one.

Well sorry dear fellow imaginary friends, it just seemed like arts really hate me and doesn't want to be my friend. But whatever because I has this friend of mine who really loves me and I bet you every girls with money like me, loves to be friends with this friend s of mine.

And if you guys wondering what am I talking about and who exactly this friend of mine, well, please meet the malls. I repeat again please meet the malls where it store a lot of new outfit and that my fellow imaginary friends is my best friend.

Sorry for being ridiculous here, but come on girls, everyone loves shopping right? Who in their right mind would not loves shopping?

Just says which place come in your mind when I mentioned shopping? Seoul, Milan, Madrid, Dubai, Vienna, Buenos Aries, Hong Kong, Paris, London, and well, anyplace your mind come with, I've been there.

If you can name it, I will be there or already been there.

I am proud to say myself as shopaholic, you know the one who seriously addicted to shopping, but I can assure you that mom and dad don't seem to mind a bit in their mind. Well, what to say when they have issues with canvas and brushes and colors.

When they actually are addicted to painting, so what you thinking they going to say to their shopaholic daughter? No. Nothing for them to said for sure.

This addiction of mine make my life complete and without them, I feel like losing half of me. Some old folks might have said that money can't buy happiness but I can assure you that without money, you will totally be far from reaching the happy life.

All this happy ever after, rich lifestyle, never ending happiness keep on going until one fateful day that I swear will remember for the rest of my life.

"Are you punishing me for shopping all the time? Is this some kind of sick joke you making? We're bankrupt? Lost everything? Are you serious, dad?" I half shout at dad while my eyes keep darting from mom to dad.

Okay, I guess I kind of make everyone lost right. Let just get back to a few hours ago.

Let just cut all the crap thing out and go straight to the point where me, Julia, who else and my lovely cousin, Kat getting ready for our shopping spree. We already reached the mall and already fill our need with all clothes and while waiting for the sales girl to bring back bags that contain my new clothes and my card, I was happily chatted with Kat but then was cut when the sales girl come bringing only my card.

"I'm sorry, Miss Mathew do you have another card? This one was denied." Said the sales girl with such sickly sweet and cheery voice and I swear I saw she smirk a little but quickly hide it.

I used that card almost all the time when I went for my shopping spree and imagine when suddenly it was denied. I was shock to the bone, but quickly recover it and hand her another card. When she was gone I look at Kat and see she have this weird expression on her face. It is weird for all this time suddenly my card was denied.

"This one is denied as well Miss Mathew." Said the sales girl and this time she didn't even hide her smirk.

"That impossible, I used this all the time." I said quite loud for my own liking, bringing attention from other shoppers to us. "Have you tried it twice?" I said hiding my nervous that trying to creep out of me.

"I tried twice on both card and both was denied even on the second tried I made." Miss sales girl said with those smirk on her face and not to forget quite loudly when she said it and I, when she finished have swear heard other shoppers started gossiping about me.

Almost died out of embarrassment coming from my denied card, I harshly take my card back and grab Kat hand and quickly went out leaving all of my supposed to be new clothes behind. Home is where the right place to be this time.

As Kat and I reach our modern mansion that we call home, we approached mom and dad who already sit quietly in the living room and told them about the cards being denied and that when I've been told by dad that we are bankrupt.

You know as in losing everything.

And now we are back to the part 'are you punishing me for shopping all the time?' where I for the first time being rude by shouting at them.

Even though mom and dad own galleries, our house is nothing screaming fancy, most of thing in this house is design as simple as it can. Soft green with white paint as the highlight has been chosen by mom is the color of our living room. A striped rug picked by dad with green, blue and white color making the living room look vibrant.

A clear acrylic table disappears into the surroundings. An oversize white sofa is placing in the middle of living room and that where mom and dad sit. While on each side of the sofa is placing a single white couch matching the long white sofa and that where Kat and I sit.

Despite the vibrant living room, nothing about this situation is vibrant at all.

"Honey, this is neither punishing you nor sick joke. We really are bankrupt." Mom says sitting closer to dad with dad hand on her waist, side hugging her. With mom keep on twiddling her thumbs and dad who look paler than normal, I know this is real.

'How am I going to shopping after this?'

Was all I could think about as mom spoke the dreaded words that i wish my entire life to never listen and come on, you can't blame me for thinking like that. Especially after you, my dear fellow imaginary friends know how close shopping is to my life.

And guys, come on think about this, when you close to something or someone in your life and suddenly it all gone and you can't have it no more, what would you do? Will you stop thinking about it just like that?

Well that not me, for sure.

"Your mom is right. We are not kidding about this." Paler than normal dad says but stop to look at me and only me and somehow I kind of thinking that he is waiting for my reaction, "and all of this is my fault." He continues to say and with that I just 'died'.

Well, nah, just joking. The truth is I just fall out from my cloud nine, me heaven. Wait, no, it doesn't sound right, let just says mom and dad dreaded words is actually kicking me out from my heaven and here am I fall into hell.

"Wh-what do you mean y-your fault?" I stutter.

"Oh dear god, is this some kind of dream you giving me for all my sins that I committed? If so, pretty please forgive me and take me out from this nightmare." I say with my hand put together and my eyes close.

"I was stressed out yesterday and last night, I went out to gambled, to release the stressed that I have. I guess I over did it, I end up betting all that I have to Nicole. I'm really sorry sweetie, it all my fault that I can't control my action. Just because I won one time, I end up losing everything." Dad says with his face fill with regret but somehow his words slid off easily.

It was like, he is regretting everything that happened but this is not putting him in pain. Losing everything was like, okay to him.

So, you heard it and yes you heard it right my dear imaginary friends. Yes, dad not only addicted to brushes, canvas and colors but he is also having serious issues with gamble. He doesn't drink but when it comes to gamble and betting, he just can't say no.

This new news just so much to take in my head and I really need something to take my mind out from this present time and how about we do a little story telling. Dear fellow imaginary friends, how about we get to know more about my family.

First off, let get to know about the galleries. When the first gallery opened in this town, not much people know them and arts lover mostly prefer other gallery in town that already been known for quite a long time. It took mom and dad years to get people known them.

Until one day, one of the rich men who come to this town for his business deal, choose to waste his time in mom and dad gallery. He happened to know them as soon as he saw them and it all started with him, other start to notice mom and dad.

Visitor who saw their arts would often say how realistic and artistic mom and dad painting are and mostly are coming from rich tourists that come to our town.

And if you guys wonder how did they know my parents? That was totally the greatest question.

Now let get started with the second story, the story as in how people around the world know them even before they opened the gallery. It was all because of their passion towards art making them choose to end up travel around the world so they could witness how beautiful the world is and capture it inside their canvas.

Everywhere they went, they will paint at least one miraculous scenery in their canvas and leave it at the local gallery at the place where mom and dad currently at. That how people around the world know them.

They didn't even stop traveled when they found out that mom was pregnant. With me growing in her womb, they still continue to fulfill what they dream off. Once I was 'pop' out into the world, they still continue doing so.

To them it was like, pregnant or not, having infant with them or not, travel and painting will always be the biggest dream. And yes, when I was younger, I am ending up travelled with them.

But once I was started to enter my school years, everything change. Mom and dad decide that they can't provide me home school because they will be busy with their painting and end up sending me back home to where dad's younger brother is.

And that also when I found out my family didn't only consist of mom and dad, but also consist of aunt Trina, uncle Nathan and Katherine.

At first thing was hard for me. Especially when I already get used to traveled here and there with only mom and dad. Now they were gone traveled to whom know where and it was only aunt Trina, uncle Nate, Kat and me and everything was different.

It took me quite some time to finally make myself at home with them and at that point, staying with them didn't even bother me anymore. To me aunt Trina and uncle Nate were like my second parent and I love them dearly with my heart.

It was until I was twelve years old. An accident happened and both aunt Trina and uncle Nate were killed, hit by drunk driver on their way to pick Kat and me at school.

But what I like about the accident is karma didn't take such a long time to payback. The drunk driver who hit uncle Nate and aunt Trina, end up getting hit by another drunk driver when he tried to run away from this town after hitting uncle Nate.

Well, karma is a real bitch when they want to be.

After the car accident, mom and dad flew back into town to take care of Kat and me. A few months later they end up opened gallery. Their paintings are like drugs. Once you see their pieces you get addicted and want one. Your eyes will never get bored watching their painting.

"Ni-Nicole? Is this Nicole is the Nicole Kayden, f-from Krystal Kayden Hotel?" I stutter.

"Yes. That right. She's the one and only." Mom says with heavy sigh leaving her mouth. One thing that I found everything is kind of weird is when mom look like she doesn't even mind we broke.

And speaking about mom, how about we get to know more about her.

She was not attentive kind of mother. She fails to cook, fail to clean, and definitely fail to do dishes. What she was good is when it was involving canvas, brushes and colors. That what she good with. When it was involving other thing, that's where dad came. Other than painting it was like dad job to check on other thing and that involve Kat and me.

That the reason why we don't give damn about dad habit of gamble and betting. What to care when you have your own addiction.

And now that I speak about Kat, just remind that Kat haven't spoken even one word since my cards were denied at mall. It feels like it was just mom, dad and me. So I take a look at where Kat is thinking that maybe she left when we start to talk, but that's not what it is.

She was still there, sitting like a stone quietly and look paler than normal. She looks like she just run into a ghost. Well, nah, scratch that, because she actually looks like a ghost and maybe the real ghost will run away after seeing how white her face is.

Or how about we make thing cooler and because I am the only daughter to the duo painters, let just says actually mom just paint Kat face with white colors and that why she like that.

"B-but why don't both of you look that upset about t-this?" Kat finally spoke after see me looking at her and her words came out broken. What she says, have truth in it.

Now that I think about it, maybe that the reason why she is all quite about this. Kat might be thinking and wondering as to why mom and dad don't look like shit scared like how Kat and I are. I mean yeah they did look regret with what happened and that was it.

That's all!

Do they really not mind losing the galleries? The galleries they love and cherish? And I know when you cherish something the most, losing it will be like killing half of you and mom and dad don't look like this is killing them.

While I take my time to understand what actually in the heaven name is happening to me, why don't we get to another story mode and this time, let get to know more about dear Katherine.

As what you guys, my fellow imaginary friends know that once upon a time ago I did stay with her and to be exact it was the moment that I got back here and she is my best friend, but that all you guys know right and now how about we get to know a few more info about her.

For example like she is a few days older than me and yes I'm count on that one too, because that simply made me the youngest in our family.

When I got back here, she is easily being my best friend and even until now she still my best friend. She not just my family, not just my big sister but she is also my best friend. And you guys already know that her parents are like my second parents.

And to her, mom and dad is like her second parents. Just like how I thought about aunt Trina and uncle Nate.

Between us, might have a few similarities and for example like how we think both our parents as second parents or perhaps how both of us love shopping. But there are few things we are different from each other.

Example, she is the shy one and I are far from that. Far from being a shy girl. Next, she and arts get really well together and maybe she will end up follow mom and dad step, while arts and I are far from being well together. Arts and I only have hatred for each other.

"Yea, Kat is right. Both of you look... fine about this?" I say, looking at them expectantly.

"Nicole did say something after I lost to her." Dad says hesitantly. It is like he want to tell us but at the same time he don't want to. "She told me that she won't take anything that belongs to us." He continues with a small sigh leaving his mouth. "But of course not taking anything doesn't mean she want nothing with us. But it is okay if you don't want to sweetie." Dad continues and the last part he says with his eyes set on looking at me.

Only me!

"And don't you forget honey, that this is not your fault, this is your dad's fault." Mom said then glared at my father, who retorted with a shallow grin. "So we don't mind if you don't want to do it. We can move to Nate and Trina's house if you don't want to. Nicole can't have that house because that is not your dad's property. That house belongs to Kathy." She paused, "Kathy you don't mind if we move there, right?"

"Um-" before Kat could answer mom, I addressed the question that's been running through my head.

"What do you mean we could save everything if I do something? What is it? What does Nicole want from me?" I ask, looking from mom to dad and back. And yes, I ask what can I do and not what we can do, because I got this odd feeling in my stomach that said, Nicole want something from me.

"Well, honey, Nicole said..." Then mom whispered the last part.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I ask again, my hand cupping around my ear and I leaned in.

"Nicole wants you to marry Christopher, her one and only grandkid." Dad said quickly, looking over at mom who gave him a dirty look.

"Ma-marry...? D-did I hear you co-correct?" I ask my dad.

"Yes, it is, but you don't have to do it if you don't want to, sweetie. It's not your fault to begin with. It's mine. We just have to move to Nate's house and then and live with a simple life." Dad said, looking a little more relaxed now. Like there no more heavy stone on his shoulder to make he feels hurt and can't get relax.

I looked at mom and she was already staring at me.

I looked at Kat and she was already staring at me too.

I didn't have to look at dad because I already knew he too was looking at me. They were all waiting for the answer. The air in the room seemed to heat up. Now I was the elephant in the room. My heart was pounding in my chest so vigorously I thought it may climb up my throat and run away. I wanted to run away, but I couldn't.

'Live a simple life' just keeps echoing in my head. It keep going on again and again and again, causing the thumping in my chest to move to my ears, making it hard to think clearly.

My Shopaholic side tells me that this is such a big joke and I can't stay with simple lifestyle and definitely can't survive without money. How am I going to survive without money? Money is my other best friend and again without money, how am I going to go shopping with Kat?

I mean to go shopping, you need money and without money, you can't go shopping. You see, that really important thing right now and I really don't want to lose it, but do I want to get married at young age? With married Nicole's grandkid, my happiness might have to end now.

"Don't we have another way to hold all of our money?" I look at mom and dad with a big eye. Actually, I prefer it as pleading them with my big eye more.

"No, sweetie. Nicole is completely serious with what she said. Get married or move out." Dad answered me.

No, no no. This must be a nightmare. It is not happening. I am dreaming right now. Oh dear lord of money, please, please, please wake me up from this nightmare. I can't get married, I'm only twenty for god's sake and not to forget married to a stranger. I can't do this. . .



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