Topanga's {Riarkle}

By LoveIylwt

75K 2.9K 198

Riley, daughter of Topanga. Topanga, owner of the small bakery down the street, and Farkle, the boy who happe... More

-brown eyes-
-Chapter 7-
-raison face-
-she dont like me-
-left out-
-thanksgiving break-
-turkey day-
-lake placid-
-more secrets-
-snowed in-
-christmas party~
-third wheelin-
-breaking up-
-what if-
-goodbye party-
-thank you-
-it's here!-


2.2K 81 2
By LoveIylwt


Topanga looked up from the magazine she was reading. "Yes, dear?"

"If somebody is able to help the people in need, should they?"

"Elaborate." Her mother smiled.

Riley took a deep breath. "I mean, if you have a huge company, with lots of money, and.. there are people out there who need money, what do you do about that?"

"Where's this coming from? Of course you could help... You're not required to but..." She paused. "Are you talking to the homeless again?"

"No- I kind of like a boy." Riley confessed shyly.

"A boy!" She exclaimed. "Cory, another boy!"

"I know!" Riley's father appeared from behind the couch.

"Dad, why were you-"

"Doesn't matter, who's the guy causing you to zone out in my classroom?"

"Well, his name is Farkle, I met him at Topanga's, and I sort of really like him. I think."

"Come on," Topanga grinned at Cory, leading a shut eyed Riley to her bay window.

"Oh, we're here!" She laughed, removing her face from her hands.

"What's this about money?" Cory asked, sitting beside her on the bay window.

"Maya thinks that I shouldn't go out with the guy."

"Why, honey?" Topanga rubbed her back.

"She said that they have all this money, but they don't use it to help anybody."

As if on cue, Maya climbed through the window. "Crowded in here today." She muttered, glancing at Riley's parents.

"We'll let you two sort this out." Cory smiled, shutting the door.

Awkward silence filled the room.

"Why can't I date Farkle?" Riley blurted, turning to face her best friend. Maya didn't speak, instead played with the ends of her long blond hair.

"You aren't saying anything, why aren't you saying anything?"

"Riley, I live in a apartment where the ceiling leaks and my bedroom window doesn't fully shut. Where rodents crawl in through pipes and the shower runs out of warm water every other day." Maya paused. "Then there's Shawn, my... Dad? Who buys me clothes and helps me and my mom out, and I appreciate it. But there are also people in our city who have it worse."


"And then there are people like Stuart Minkus who are loaded with money, owns a big company, and they don't use even one percent or their money to help people like me, like the homeless- and Riley I can't stand to see you with him."

"Why is this such a big deal, Maya? It's just a boy, I'm not dating his money or anything. God, I'm not gonna run off and marry him."

Silence covered the room like a thick, invisible blanket, none of them daring to speak.

"B-but you're right," Maya forced a smile. "It's none of my business."

"You're my best friend," Riley grabbed her hand, forcing her to look her in the eyes. "It is your business. I don't know what any of that is like, but I do know that you're my extraordinary relationship,"

"You are too." Maya laughed.

"If this is a problem for you, it is for me too," Riley continued. "What if I asked Farkle about it? I want you to be comfortable with who I like."

"I'd like that." Maya smiled. "Thunder."


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