The Graffiti Artist (Camren...

By Yolandahhhh

218K 7.8K 8.2K

In which Lauren is a troubled teen whose creative outlet is none other than graffiti, and Camila is the daugh... More

Should i attempt to finish this story??


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By Yolandahhhh

A/N: HELLO. SURPRISE. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY. It may be my birthday (19, let's turn UP) but this is my gift to you guys. Enjoy :) 

"Lo." Camila breathes out as Lauren's plump lips attach themselves to her tan and sweaty neck. She runs her hair through her friend's silky hair, and Lauren settles herself in between her slightly parted thighs.

"Shhh." The green-eyed girl whispers against her skin. She re-attaches her lips to the base of her neck and sucks harshly, causing the older girl to moan.

"Fuck." Camila lets out. Honestly nothing turns her on more than having her neck played with. "Lauren, what are we doing?" she manages to ask in between breaths.

"Well, it's your birthday, now. Let me treat you." The black-haired girl looks seductively into the now nineteen year-old's eyes, and it takes a huge amount of control for Camila not to spread her legs for her right then and there.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured or anything, babe."

"Pressured? You're the virgin, not me." Lauren leans up and places a small kiss on Camila's lips. "Relax, okay? I got this, and I got you." The small Latina nods her head before shoving their mouths back together. The kiss is deepened as Lauren starts to grind her center on Camila's thigh. She lets out a moan at the pressure she can feel through her Soffe shorts.

Lauren moves back down to Camila's neck, and gives her a few love bites before moving down farther to palm Camila's sweatshirt covered chest.

"Let's get this off." The brown eyes girl raises her arms and lets Lauren take the large sweatshirt off of her, revealing her bare chest, and her decorated underwear. Camila squirms uncomfortably, trying to not to display how uncomfortable she actually felt. The farthest she's ever gotten with someone was second base, but both her and the other girl had their bras and pants still on. Right now there is nothing covering her top half and she can't help but feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, you're beautiful, okay? I love your boobs." Lauren whispers, softly palming the small breast.

"They're not that big though." Camila frowns. She's never been one to be ashamed of her body, but if there was one thing she could change, it would be her chest size. Even slightly bigger than an A cup would satisfy her.

"Camz. Does it look like I give a shit?" The green-eyed girl raises her sculpted eyebrows in question. "Exactly. Now shut up and let me fuck you." Lauren attaches her lips to Camila's soft nipple which results in a loud moan from the older girl.

"Fuck, that feels so good." She breathes. She's never gone this far with someone, so this alone is incredible. She can't even imagine how it's going to feel when Lauren touches her down there. As if the girl read her mind, Camila starts to feel an amazing pressuring touch on her center through her underwear. As Lauren has now switched to the other neglected breast and continues to cup Camila's vagina. She continues to massage the older girl's sex as her tongue plays with her nipple.

Every touch from Lauren felt electrified. Sure she's never been with anyone like this before, but she knows that whatever Lauren is doing, she is doing right. Being with Lauren is just right.

"Can I take off your underwear, Camz?" Lauren asks breathlessly when she finally removes her lips from Camila's chest. She could honestly play with her boobs all day. She's such a boob girl it's kind of embarrassing.

Camila nods her head, not saying anything. She's never been this turned on before, and she needs Lauren now.

Lauren obliges and slowly slides down the girl's colorful panties. She can't help but break the mood by snorting at her friend(?)'s underwear.

"Nice underwear, babe." She giggles.

"Listen. They were cute and on the deal at Target okay?" Camila blushes.

"Rainbows, really?" she raises her eyebrows with a smirk. "I mean they are pretty fitting to the situation, but . . ." Lauren trails off, giggling again.

"Would you shut up? I'm fucking turned on and you're laughing at my fucking underwear." Camila grumbles playfully, but really meaning what she's saying.

"Okay! Okay, you're right. I'm sorry." The green-eyed girl leans forward to kiss Camila on her lips in apology. She quickly moves back down to Camila's center and takes a few deep breaths. She is about to take her virginity, and she needs to make sure she does it right.

"Just tell me if anything feels off, or uncomfortable, okay?"

The brunette nods her head and just pushes Lauren's head toward her now spread legs. Lauren takes one more calming breath before spreading Camila's lower lips and giving the smallest lick up her slit.

"Oh. Shit!" Camila breathes out, closing her eyes.

Lauren begins to grow more confident and quickly finds her clit. Her tongue immediately begins the task of making Camila come. It shouldn't take long, considering Camila was above her moaning so loud, she might wake up everyone else in the penthouse.

Lauren detaches her mouth from her clit to bring her volume to her attention. Camila does nothing but roll her eyes and pushes her friend's face back to where it was. The younger girl licks her some more, and moves to stick a finger inside. She slowly slides in her index finger into the warm channel, causing Camila's walls immediately flutter and for her to moan loudly.

"Holy shit, if I knew sex felt this good, I would've lost my virginity a long time ago." Camila moans.

Lauren just shakes her head and re-attaches her mouth to Camila's aching clit. She sucks lightly on the bundle of nerves, which results in Camila's slick walls to tighten around her finger.

"Fuck. Keep doing that. I'm gonna come." She breathes out frantically.


"Fuck, I'm gonna come."


"Holy shi--"

"Camila! Wake the fuck up birthday bitch." Dinah yells, hitting her in the stomach with a pillow, effectively knocking her out of her oh so wonderful dream.

"Dinah, what the fuck?!" she grumbles, sitting up and protecting herself before the blonde can deliver any more attacks.

"I wanted to be the one to wake you up. Happy birthday my love!!" Dinah exclaims, jumping onto her best friend, hugging her tight.

Camila can't help but roll her eyes and allow for the taller girl to embrace her. Yeah she's pissed that her dream was only a dream, but if she's being completely honest she's kind of relieved. That gives her more time to prepare for when her and Lauren actually do it. And maybe she'll remember to wear nicer underwear this time.

"Thanks, Cheechee." The brunette smiles.

"So how does it feel to be old as fuck?"

"Bitch, I just woke up. Also I can't really feel anything considering you're lying on top of me."

"Rude!" The blonde exclaims, and grabs the pillow again to hit her best friend.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, you're as light as a feather, Dinah." Camila says fast, not wanting to get hit again. Dinah has a heavy hand and Camila bruises easily, so she'd rather avoid getting hurt on her birthday of all days.

"Girl, no. You know you want these thick thighs." The taller girl moves off of her and flips her hair over her shoulder, arrogantly.

"Well . . . you're not wrong. Mani's pretty lucky."

"Hell yeah she is. I'm hot as hell. But you got your own girl. Speaking of Lauren, y'all got in so late that I didn't get to hear about the date. How was it? How was the show?" Dinah crosses her legs and looks at Camila, interested in what she has to say.

"It was fucking amazing. I took her to McDonald's and then we to the show, which was incredible! The 1975 are so good it's unbelievable. Lauren had such a good time, it was awesome seeing her so happy."

"Wait. You took her to fucking McDonald's? You're a fucking millionaire and you took your girlfriend to one of the largest fast-food chains in the world?"

Camila glares at the short-haired blonde. "Okay, one." She counts on her fingers. "It was close to the venue. Two, she loves McDonald's and I'm a caring person. And three, she's not my girlfriend. Not yet, anyway."

"Yeah, about that, when is that going to change?"

"I'm working on it, okay? Just gotta work up the nerve." The birthday girl admits, moving the covers off of her and standing up to stretch. As her arms move above her head, her large sweatshirt rides up, exposing Dinah to her embarrassingly colorful underwear.

"Nice underwear, Walz." She snorts.

"Be quiet." Camila playfully glares. She pulls on some skinny jeans and turns her back before stripping herself of her sweatshirt and pulling on her bra. She pulls over a black pink and blue striped long sleeved shirt and turns around.

"Where is everyone else? And what time is it?"

"It's about eleven now. And they're around, somewhere. We've been waiting on you so we can do something."

"Wait, how were you up earlier than I was?"

"Brittany made waffles." She shrugs. "Now come here, I want to get the first picture with the birthday girl!" Dinah smiles when Camila rolls her eyes but comes over anyways.

"I look gross, I just woke up."

"It's no different than how you normally look." The blonde shrugs.

The older girl's jaw drops and she reaches for the poor pillow to hit Dinah on the head with it. "Why is everyday 'Roast Camila Day'? Good luck with that picture because you're not getting it, and I have someone I need to give a good morning kiss to. Well, after I wash up."

"Hmm. Is it the same someone that you had a sex dream about?"

Camila gasps and her jaw drops again. Her face is beat red and she feels like disappearing into the walls. "Dinah, no, shut up."

The blonde snorts. "Oh honey, I could go all day. This is just the beginning of payback for obnoxiously roasting Mani and I's sex life for years."

"I don't know what you're talking about." The brunette crosses her arms and heads out the room to the bathroom across the hall. She takes her time to brush her teeth and wash her face. When she's finished, she goes back into her and Lauren's temporary room to grab her makeup back. She rolls her eyes when she sees Dinah still sitting on the bed, taking selfies.

"Since you're still here, can you do my makeup for me? I don't feel like it, and I trust you to make me look cute." She holds out the bag, pouting playfully.

"Well when you put it that way. . Okay. Come on, loser." The blonde giggles and pulls Camila into the bathroom once again.

After ten minutes of Dinah intricately putting on her best friend's makeup, they are both heading out towards the living room, where the rest of the girls are.

"Camila!!! Happy birthday!" Ally yells, running towards her best friend and wrapping her in a tight hug. Ally loves birthdays.

"Thank you, sunshine."

"I made you banana bread if you want some!"

"Are you serious??! Where?!" she pulls out of the hug to look at her shorter friend excitedly.

"In the kitchen."

"Ugh, I love you so much, Ally. Thank you." She hugs her again and Ally blushes. To her, the best thing in the world is making people happy, and when she achieves that it makes her feel so good inside. Maybe that's why she likes performing so much. Evoking emotions out of people, is such an incredible experience, and being a positive influence means even more.

"Happy birthday, my little jalapeño." Normani ruffles her hair and kisses her obnoxiously on the cheek, leaving a bright red lip mark on her light cheek.

"Thanks, Mani." She rolls her eyes and tries to wipe the mark off.

"You don't want my love? Fine, be that way." Mani sasses, collapsing back onto the couch, where her and the other girls were watching Wreck It-Ralph.

"Camz! Come here!" Lauren calls from her spot on the couch. Camila looks towards the younger girl and instinctively smiles. She's so cute with her wavy hair in a messy high ponytail, and her oversized sweater with leggings. She looks so cozy.

Camila quickly complies and collapses into Lauren's open embrace. "Happy birthday, Camzi." The black-haired girl whispers cutely into her ear.

"Thanks, love." She pulls away to kiss Lauren on her pale cheek. "You look cute today. I love your hair." She reaches up and runs her fingers through her thick ponytail.

"Aw, really? Thanks, babe, so do you."

"Thank you." She smiles and kisses her again, but this time it was quickly on the mouth. Lauren is such a cutie.

"Camren!" Dinah shouts from her spot on the couch.

"Dinah! You just yelled in my ear!" Normani wines from her spot in her girlfriend's arms.

"Sorry Hunny, I just got excited. Witnessing my favorite ship does that to me." The blonde apologizes.

"I'm dating an idiot." The dark-skinned girl shakes her head.

"She ain't no idiot when she's licking that—" "Ow!" The birthday girl yelps, holding her arm. She turns to Lauren and glares. "What the hell was that for?"

"You were being inappropriate. Now go get some food from the kitchen. You need to eat. Oh! And can you get me a piece of the banana bread Ally made you?"

"Are you kidding? Ally made that just for me, I'm not sharing, it's my birthday!" Camila looks at Lauren like she's crazy.

"Ally! Camila won't let me have any banana bread!" the green-eyed girl whines like a child does to their parents when they are arguing with their siblings.

"Calm down children. Camila, give Lauren a piece. Everyone is allowed to have some."

Lauren beams and sticks her tongue out at Camila, who glares back at her. She walks away and grumbles under her breath to herself.

"You baked two loaves, didn't you, Allycat?" Dinah asks.

"Yup, but she doesn't need to know that." The girls all laugh. Camila can be so dramatic sometimes.

"Wait, no! I hate this part!" Normani exclaims, covering her ears. All of the teenagers in the room turn toward the large TV, where perhaps one of the saddest scenes in any Disney movie is taking place. The four girls watch in horror as Ralph smashes Vanellope's car.

"Oh my God."

"That's so sad."

"I'm upset."

Ally, Lauren, and even Normani, who barely cries, have tears in their eyes, threatening to fall. "You really are a bad guy." Vanellope whimpers on the screen. Those are the words that break the girls, and they all burst into tears at once.

"If I knew this movie was going to break me, I wouldn't have agreed to watch it." Lauren sniffles, wiping her eyes.

"But it's such a good movie!" Ally sobs out.

"Mani, stop crying, you're gonna make me cry!" Dinah whimpers.

"But it's so sad!" her girlfriend whimpers in response.

An oblivious Camila walks back into the room, now content because she has food. She stops short and looks at her best friends in concern.

"Did I miss something?" she asks, with her mouth full and eyes wide.

"He was only trying to protect her!"

"But she was so excited about the race and then he ruined it!"

"But can you imagine how her saying that affected Ralph? He's spent his entire life trying to not conform to his given role as the bad guy, and then even when he was trying to be the good guy, he still had to be the bad guy. That even fucks me up, dude." Lauren sniffles.

"Are you guys serious? You're seriously crying over this movie?" Camila asks, rolling her eyes. She shakes her head and takes another bite of her banana bread. She hands some to a grateful Lauren who begins to nibble on the delicious food.

"Says the bitch that watches Phineas and Ferb religiously." Mani disses, no longer upset at the previous scene.

The birthday girl's jaw drops, showing all of her food. "You know I will fight you, Mani."

"I've kicked your ass before and I'll do it again."

"Okay, let's not do anything drastic now—"

"I'd like to see you try!" The lighter skinned girl cuts poor Ally off, causing her to roll her eyes and throw her hands up in a huff.

"Lauren. Hold my banana bread." She thrusts the paper towel into the green eyed girl's hands, and stands up.

Normani stands up with a glare, which causes Dinah to whine from the loss of heat.

"Mila, why are you so stupid? Mani's gonna kick your ass again." The blonde laughs. Dinah laughs again, once her girlfriend lunges for Camila and the smaller girl yelps and runs away.

"Should I be concerned?" Lauren asks the two other girls on the large couch.

Ally laughs and shakes her head in the negative. "Mani would never hurt Mila. And Mila has the agility of a turtle. It either always ends in a laughing fit or them getting bored and acting like it never happened."

"Camila you better come back here you little bitch!"

"It's my birthday, you can't kick my ass!" is heard from somewhere in the penthouse. The girls then hear the front door open and Anna announces her arrival.

"Hello Aca-bitches, we're home."

"Auntie. You're not in college anymore, cool it." Ally jokes.

"Be quiet, little one." She glares playfully at her niece as she takes off her coat and shoes, that are dusted with snow. Both women just got back from a joint CD/book signing that they decided to hold together for the fans of their respectively successful works. Brittany's latest book recently became a New York Times Bestseller, and Anna's latest collaborative CD just came out last month.

"Wait. Is that snow?!" Lauren asks, excitedly, springing up from the couch. She runs to the window and yanks open the curtains, that until now were completely shutting out the outside world.

"Holy shit!! It's so pretty, oh my God!" She squeals.

"That's right, you've never seen it before. The novelty of it goes away after the first storm, trust me." Brittany laughs.

"I don't think I could ever get used to this. It's beautiful!"

"Oh, come on Lauser it's just white shit falling from the sky. In fact it's freezing white shit falling from the sky. Not too much fun if you ask me."

"Stop being such a Dinah Downer! Snow is always fun!"

Anna snickers at the nickname her niece gave to the taller girl and plops down next to the said girl. "Oh my god, are you watching Wreck-It-Ralph?"

"DID SOMEONE SAY SNOW?! MANI TAKE ME TO THE WINDOW." Camila screams in excitement.

"Hold on, bitch, you just screamed in my ear!"

A few seconds later Normani bounds into the room with a giggling Camila on her back, and takes her over to the open curtain where Lauren is standing, wide-eyed.

"OH MY GOD. This is the best birthday gift in the world!" The nineteen year-old squeals.

"Camila, why are you on my girlfriend?" Dinah asks.

"Hush, child. There are more important things going on. Snow! There is snow!" The brunette shouts.

"Yes, I am here." Brittany states, causing Ally to fall out laughing. "So what do you want to do today, birthday girl?"

"I want to play in the snow with all of you." She immediately states. Looking at the two older women pleadingly.

"YES!" Lauren agrees, looking at the girl, with wide-eyes and a beaming smile.

"Ugh, kiddos, I don't know. It's fucking freezing out." Anna whines. "Plus, I love this movie." She gestures to the large flat screen that is displaying the Disney film.

"Anna, stop. It's her birthday, we have to do whatever she chooses." The blonde scolds her longtime girlfriend.

"Ugh." The small brunette whines dramatically.

Camila climbs off of poor Normani and runs over to the older woman. She crouches down on her knees and puts her hands in the praying position. "Please. This is all I'm asking for. Please. Well, I also want pizza for dinner, but that's all. Please Anna." She begs like the established adult she is.

"Fine. But only because I love you. Besides, nothing can be worse than Ally's 10th birthday trip to Chuck E Cheese."

"Yes! I love you!" Camila springs up and brings the equally as small woman into a tight hug. She lets go equally as fast and runs to tug Lauren down the hall.

"Camz! I'm so excited, this is going to be so dope! What do . . ." they hear the green-eyed girl's excited voice fade into the background as she is tugged farther and farther into the home.

"It's going to be fine. It's going to be great." Anna says to herself.

Two hours later . . .

"Ow! Dinah! That hurt!" Camila whines at the older girl, who just hit her in the face with a snowball.

"Ha! Take that!" the blonde cheers, even though she is freezing. She doesn't really know how long it's been since they got out here, but she has been snowball fighting with camila and lauren for what seems like hours. Her own girlfriend abandoned her to try and build a fort with Ally. Anna and Brittany retired from the snow a long time ago, and are sitting on the bench a few feet away from the girls, making sure they don't kill each other. They may be a group of older teenagers, but the key word in that is "teenagers", and the five of them aren't exactly the calmest group of girls.

"Dinah! That really hurt!" The birthday girl whines again. She feels tears spring to her eyes and she lets out a sniffle.

"Camz, are you okay?!" Lauren asks, frantically. She hates whenever she sees Camila crying. It physically hurts her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm a badass, remember?" she sniffles, wiping her eyes, which she's pretty sure are dripping out icicles right now.

"I'm sorry, Walz. I didn't mean to make you cry!" Dinah gasps, reaching out to hug the crying girl.

"No! Anna, Brittany, I want to go inside now. I'm cold." Camila grumbles.

"Oh thank god! Let's go, kids." Anna cheers, standing up. If she's being honest she never wanted to come out into the cold in the first place, but thankfully Camila is ready to go so she isn't hesitating.

The group of women all tiredly make their way back to the penthouse, where they immediately rush to the showers. About thirty minutes later, the girls are lounging around the house. Camila and Lauren are currently cuddling in the guest room bed that they've called home the past few days.

"I have a present for you." The green-eyed girl rasps out.

"You didn't have to get me anything, babe."

"Yes I did. I care about you, and it's your birthday. There wasn't even a question."

"Okay." The long-haired brunette sighs, knowing that the stubborn girl wouldn't relent. Lauren removes herself from Camila's arms and gets up from the bed. She walks over to the closet and lifts out something covered with a trash bag.

"It's not much, but I've been working on this while I was stuck at home when you were at classes. I hope you like it." She hands the girl the bag and Camila excitedly opens the bag. She pulls out the canvas and tears spring her eyes at the sight. Lauren copied a picture of Camila and Alejandro from when she was a little girl. In the painting, shows the utmost joy on little Camila's face as she kisses her dad happily.

"I know how much this picture means to you. I'm sorry if I've gone over the line. I just. I know what it's like to not have a father. Its fucking horrible, yes, but I keep his spirit alive by cherishing all of the good memories I had with him. And that's what you should do with Alejandro. Remember the good times. I know it's hard, and he doesn't particularly like you at the moment, and vice versa. I'm not too fond of him myself, and when he finds out what I did, I'm sure he'll hate me too. But, it's not about that. I'm serious, Camz. If you cherish the good memories, you will have a dad." She speaks so passionately to the older girl. She blushes when Camila looks at her with the most caring eyes she has ever seen.

"This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. I love this. So much." She breathes out.

"You're welcome, Camz." Lauren blushes.

The brunette leans forward and plants a big kiss on Lauren's full lips. Their lips move against each other softly. There is no battle for dominance, nothing too rushed or rough. It was a simple kiss. Simple, but meaningful.

"Happy birthday, baby."

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