Aligned | Finn Hudson

By lex_hudson

174K 3.1K 1.2K

°•°•°•Book 2 of 'Opposites' series•°•°•° °•°•°•Completed•°•°•° Camila has her life figured out, well, at leas... More

The New Girl
Check Up
The Football Team
It's Brittany Bitch
Why Him?
Seeking Amy
The Text
The Trial: Part 1
The Trial: Part 2
Taking Over....Again
Can't Handle You
Her Shoes
Good Enough
Next Destination
Shiny and New
Glossy Eyes
Be Strong
Sectionals Part 1
Sectionals Part 2
Sectionals Part 3
Racoon And His Trash
Turning Back Time
A Miracle
Merry Christmas
**Author's Note/Announcement**
New Year's Day
Stop, Just Love
Regionals Part 1
Regionals Part 2
One Last Thing
A Year Later
Rebel Games
A Hurt Heart
Bath Bombs and Lovely Candles
Bursting Bubbles
Competition Day Part 1
Competition Day Part 2
Great Fighters
One Year ♡


2.6K 53 31
By lex_hudson

**Please read the comment that has the song name in it after reading this**

"I've decided this week, we are going to do something totally different." Mr. Schuester popped open a fresh new marker. He wrote 'Countries' on the board. "This week, everyone is to perform a song to represent a country. I want to bring my culture into the classroom. I smiled and looked around at everyone getting excited over it. "But Mr. Schuester, won't it take forever for us to learn a new language?" Rachel raised her hand shyly. "I'm glad you brought that up. Angie?" Mr. Schuester looked at her. She walked to the front of the room and stood by him.

"Angie is going to give us an example of what you guys are doing. If you do the song in English, that's a normal grade. But if you take the task of a new language, I'll let your time expand working on it and give you an extra fifty points." He grinned, causing all of us to jolt with excitement as he sat down. "My country is Ireland. Since they're mostly known beer and St. Patrick's day, I just decided to represent them with my Jacksepticeye merch." She smiled. Finn got up and went over to the drums and grabbed his sticks. They began to hardcore rock out.

Angie: I'll wait for you till I turn blue, there's nothin' more a girl can do. Don't get your bollocks in a twist, settle down, don't take a fit! Ya drank with demons straight form Hell, they almost nearly won as well. Ya wiped the floor with victory, then puked until you fell asleep!

I clapped and cheered for Angie as she tried to do an Irish accent. It was cute how hard she tried.

Angie: Blackened was the banshee's wail, these boot will never fill her jail. So you crawled into an empty boat, for the Gulf of Mexico! Till Cortez came an' when so did you, from the ashes charred and blue. Smellin' like a Salty Dog, back from Hell where you belong!

Finn already had sweat beating down his face from how hard he was playing the drums. The accordion player's fingers were bright white from how fast she was moving.

Angie: Anarchy. The scourge of every sea. The Antichrist aboard a rig with us your cutthroat thieves. The ship went down we all near drowned ya stood there on the deck. Till the Spanish came and flogged yer arse and dragged you from the wreck.

Angie grabbed Sam and started dancing around with him quickly, causing all of us to burst out in laughter.

Angie: They threw a rope around yer neck, to watch you dance the jig of death. Then left ya for the starvin' crows, hoverin' like hungry whores. One flew down plucked out yer eye, the other he had in his sights. Ya snarled at him, said leave me be.

Everyone became silent and waited for her to continue.

Angie: I need the bugger so I can see!

We all clapped in applause as Mr. Schuester handed Finn a towel to dry his forehead. Angie and Sam sat down and fanned themselves. "That was a perfect example! Thank you Angie!" "No problem." She smiled. "To make sure no one chooses the same country..." Mr. Schue pulled out a hat and shook it. "Everyone will draw one from here. Finn, you're first." Finn walked up to it, shuffled it around, and pulled out a piece of paper. "France." He read. Everyone else then went, drawing Germany, Japan, Russia, and others like those. Amelia got up and pulled hers out. "Italy." She cheered. "Finally, Camila." He looked at me. I got up and walked over, pulling out the last piece of paper. "India." I smirked.


Finn and I sat on his bed and listened to our song choices through earbuds. I watched as he mouthed the words and cocked his eyebrow when he got it wrong. I continued to scroll through Google Images and look at traditional Indian Women outfits. He took his out and looked at me. I took my out and paused my music. He stared at my lips and bit his. "I think I'd rather French kiss you then learn about French music." He leaned in. "Finn, we have work to do." I put my hand on his chest. "We can take a break." He smiled. "No we cant. We have a new language to learn." I eyed him. "But I haven't had a make out quickie with you in a week." He frowned. "You want me that bad?" I crossed my arms and turned my head playfully. Finn continued to stare at me.

I looked down at my phone at the song I was learning. I had listened to it all day and was pretty tired. "Fuck it." I quickly mummbled before Finn pushed me to the bed. I kicked all of our stuff of and stroked my hips with the tips of his fingers. I then began to messe up his hair. I listened for his groan of pleasure, and once I heard it, I smiled to myself.

"Hey guys! I found these boo- OH MY GOD."

I jumped off of Finn to see his mother standing in his doorway. Finn sat up and fixed his shirt that was halfway off. "Yes mom." He asked. "I, uh... I found these books that can help you pronounce stuff in the basement." She set them on his dresser. I was madly red and stared down at my lap. "Thank you, we'll use those." Finn nodded. "Do you guys need anything? Water, snacks, cond-" "No mom, we're good." Finn stopped her mid sentence. She swiftly left the room and locked the door herself before she shut it. I looked at Finn and he began laughing. "I got enough of you. Let's work." He chuckled picking our stuff up from the ground.

He laid back against his headboard and I laid against his chest in between his legs. I put my earbuds in as I grabbed my laptop and started researching India again. Finn grabbed my hair and softly played with it.

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