The Wolf Is My Killer (A Naru...

By kibalicious

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Aisha Inumaki was found by leaf ninja running away from Orochimaru, late at night. The Hokage allows her to s... More

Chapter 1: I Made A Deal With The Pervy Hokage
Chapter 2: Excuse Me Bitch-cakes?
Chapter 3: He Calls Me Cutie
Chapter 4: Zabuza Momochi Is My Buddy
Chapter 5: Kakashi Is A stupid, Old, Asshole
Chapter 6: I Hate Everyone With A Fiery Passion
Chapter 7: Awe! What A Cute SasuNaru Moment
Chapter 8: I'm A Food Ninja, Beware!
Chapter 9: Why Don't You Have Eyebrows?
Chapter 10: You Weird-Ass Little Fuckwad!
Chapter 11: Well Fuck Me Sideways With A Lunchbox, We're Screwed!
Chapter 12: Dont. Ever. Call. Me. Short.
Chapter 13: Team 7 VS The Creepy-Ass Pedophile
Chapter 14: Someone Give The Boy A Gold Star
Chapter 15: Let Me At The Little Shit-Fuck!
Chapter 17: Mr. Grouchy Pants And The Cunterpillar
Chapter 18: Chatting With Captain Obvious And The Hormonal Emo
Chapter 19: Mrs Inuzuka Doesnt Want Grandchildren...Yet
Chapter 20: The Hoe-Kage
Chapter 21: Tanaka Returns (You're Welcome Fangirls)
Chapter 22: Hey Lovebirds, I've Been Abducted By Aliens!
Chapter 23: Hide And Seek; Ready Or Not, Here I Come Uchiha!!
Chapter 24: Today Seriously Sucks
An Update (a/n)

Chapter 16: I'm A Fucking Rainbow Sent By The Gods

623 20 2
By kibalicious


Kakashi's POV

"First of all congratulations on surviving the exam," Anko adresses the genin teams standing in front of herself and us jonin. There was a lot more teams that made it than anyone expected, eight teams to be exact.

"I see your team didn't do too bad, Kakashi, must've been real lucky. Course with my team still around your team is doomed to fail. Suppose part of growing up is to have heartbreak," Gai chuckles beside me.

I turn my head over to him, "Did you say something?"

Gai's jaw drops and I smirk under my mask amused. Anko continues, drawing my attention back to her, "Now pay attention, the Hokage is going to explain the third exam to you!"

Lord third steps up and clears his throat then explains the meaning behind the chunin exams, "So here's what you'll be doing in the third exam–," the Hokage stops talking to allow a leaf ninja interrupt. His name is Hayate, I remember, the proctor of this exam. The Hokage allows him to speak.

He coughs a few times between his words, "There's something I'd like the genin to do before the third exam. We need to hold a preliminary round due to the unexpected amount of you–cough, cough–before you continue into the uh real one."

The genin throw out questions and I hear one of my own students yell out, "Bullshit!" Pretty sure you know who...

Hayate quiets them down and explains to them how it seems the exams before were too easy, "So if anyone is unwilling or injured and dosen't wish to–cough–proceed, raise your hand and exit the building. The preliminary rounds will be starting immediately. "

A collection of signs and groans fill the air and I see Sasuke raise a brow before clutching the back of his neck. I narrow my eyes.

"The winners will be determined by one-on-one combat, sudden death. So like I said, if you don't feel up to it nows the time to say something." Hayate wheezes.

I look back over to my genin team. They stood next to each other, Sakura talking to Sasuke in a hushed voice while Aisha and Naruto argue with Kiba Inuzuka from Team 8.

The proctors of the first exam discuss Sasuke's mark with the Hokage, "We have to pull him out before the mark gets out of control—"

"Right, and he's just going to go along with this," I can't help saying, "You're forgetting he's from the Uchiha clan."

Anko bursts out in anger. I'm aware she has one and knows lots about it and the dangers it possesses, but I know Sasuke is stronger than that.

A hand shoots in the air, distracting me from any thoughts or conversations. The guy has familiar silver hair and round specticals. I cross my arms as he leaves the room, something about that guy isn't right. I see Aisha too, scowling at the guy, as if she were trying to blow up his head by glaring at him.

Hayate coughs twice, "Now then, does anyone else want to quit?" My eye darts to Sakura as she slowly raises her hand half way, I raise a brow but her arm is slapped back to her side by Aisha who mumbles a few words to her. Surprisingly, it doesn't look like a threat or anything she'd normally say. Sakura looks down and nods once.

"Alright then, let's begin. This one-on-one battle of combat has no rules," I see Aisha practically jump at this, "The surviving candidate from their match will advance to the third and final exam. If I deem it necessary, I will er intervene. Now let's see..."

A panel on the wall slides up and reveals a screen, "The names of each pair of opponents are chosen completely at random. Before each match, these names will uh appear on display behind me. Guess that's all there is to say, in a moment the names of the first match will appear on screen."

Everyone stares at the black screen as it goes through several names rapidly. Genin hold their breath and the silence drags on. The names stop and I lean back.

"Well that sure didn't take long, heh, good," the speaker cracks their neck and places her hands on her hips. I looked back to the screen.

Aisha Inumaki v.s. Nariko Abukara

  I stood next to my remaining students up on the balcony with the other teams further along it. Within the few minutes it took to get everything set up and ready, Sakura and the boys explained to me all that happened in The Forest of Death with Aisha hushing them whenever they mentioned her fighting. Even now I'm still working through my thoughts about it. But from the sounds of it, Aisha should have no problem in this match.

  Said person stood facing her opponent on the ground looking...bored? I sign, that girl. She was still as a stature but power radiated off her with a deadly force.

  Her opponent was a spiky redhead who wore white pants and a leaf village headband. He carried small twin scythes in ether hand whose handles were made out of bamboo. Narikos mouth was pulled up in a smirk as he overlooked my genin.

"GO AISHA! YOU GOT THIS!" Naruto screamed beside me, leaning in so much I had to grab his jumper so he wouldn't fall off. Sakura smiled and cheered slightly as well, Sasuke gripped his neck but leaned in slightly with interest.

Aisha pays no mind to their jeers and simply stares straight. However when a certain Inuzuka cheers for her she snaps her head over and stares daggers at him. I raise my visible eyebrow. Hmm......

Hayate strolls down to the match coughing viciously, "Well if everyone is ready...." He looks between the two fighters. Aisha nods while the Nariko guy shouts obnoxiously, "Hope your not scared girly, but seeing as your fighting me, the great Nariko, known across the lands for my impeccable skill with my Fire jutsus and devilish looks, I would be scared too."

I practically hear Aishas eyes roll, "I hope your not allergic to nuts because I'm going to kick yours up your throat."

I hear Hayate laugh but covers it up by coughing but I can't really tell if it was intentional, "Yes er right then...... You may begin!"

Aisha leaps backwards immediately to distance herself from him while he hesitates and holds out his blades. This guy doesn't seem very bright but none the less Aisha is smartly still on guard.

"Do I really have to fight a girl? Much less one as tiny and unattractive as this, I want a real fight with someone who could actually have a chance against me. This girl isn't anywhere near my level!"

"WHAT DID YA SAY ABOUT HER? I WILL FUCKING DESTROY YOU, YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" Kiba yells while being restrained by Shikamaru and Choji. Sasuke and Naruto grasp their hands around the railing so tight their knuckles go white. I look down and see my own are no different.

Surprisingly Aisha doesn't behead him instantly like I'd thought. Instead she throws back her head and laughs. She finishes with a sickening look in her eyes and I fell my toes curl.

"Your right great Nariko, I'm not on your level I am much farther above it. As for your impeccable skill I wouldn't be so sure, otherwise you'd see this coming," she moves forward with such speed in sure most people wished they had a repaly button. Then she brings out a fist and hit him straight in the throat. Nariko gasps, leaving himself wide opened. Aisha takes that shot and spins around to kick him in the chest.

He lands on his back and slides back a few meters. It's almost scary to know that that wasn't even close to her full force. Nariko groans but gets up.

  "Oi Naruto," Aisha turns around to the boy beside me as if she wasn't in the middle of a fight, "What's the difference between this guy and an egg?"

  Naruto thinks for a bit then shrugs, "What?"

  "An egg gets laid."

  The balcony bursts out in laughter with collective shouts of, "Burn."

  The sound of a kunai whizzes through the air and Aisha reaches her hand behind her head lazily. Nariko had thrown a kunai aimed for the back of her head but Aisha had reached back and caught the handle, without looking, before it could impale her.

  "Whoa! So cool!" Naruto shouts amazed. I wonder how many times she practiced that before she mastered it....perhaps that's why she wears gloves on her hands.

  Aisha turns around to face the red-faced Nariko while spinning the knife on her finger, "Ya know, I'm sure it's the thought that counts and I appreciate the sentiment but does this gift come with a receipt?"

  Nariko bellows in rage, "Are you kidding me right now? That's it, no more playing around, Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" His hands move at a slow, untalented pace but when he finishes the flaming ball shoots forward at the kunoichi.

  I see Aisha smirk before she is indulged in flames. The flames grow over her like a dome burning her to the crisp. The flames extinguished and my eye opens wide. A wooden shield of trees surrounded around the area where she'd been. They receded back to the ground and Aisha stood there unharmed, with a smug look. 

  "Impossible..." I, along with the other elite, mutter.

  "What do you mean Kakashi-sensei? What's impossible?" Sakura questions taking her eyes away from the fight.

  "The Jutsu that Aisha just used is a Wood Style Jutsu created by the first Hokage that only he was able to use. No one has been able to use it since, not to mention Aisha doesn't have water or Earth elements which are required to use it. So I have no idea how she's able to..." I don't dare remove my eyes from the sight but I know Sakuras jaw dropped.

  There's just no way she should be able to do this....and yet, she can.

Nariko runs to her slashing his scythes around and she is just barely able to dodge. She pulls out two kunai and blocks the attacks. She manages to unarm him, the twin scythes falling to the ground with a clang, and does two backflips backwards to create distance.

  I miss the words that fall out of Aishas mouth but don't miss her arms being wrapped around in thick branches until it extends five or so meters. The wood moves along with her arms movement and she pulls them both back behind her before snapping them back forward. The branches shot out like a whip and snake around Narikos chest and legs. She lifts him up high in the air and then smashes it back to the ground. She repeats this process twice and then let's him go on the last one mid drop.

Clinging to life, Nariko opens his eyes and looks wildly at the wood style user while he lay stomach down in the dirt, "I....h-hate you!"

  "You only hate me 'cause you ain't me, bitch-cakes."

  And with that she undos the wood Jutsu, making her arms normal again, and walks up to his body and whispered in his ear, "See you in hell, you sexist bastard."

  Before Nariko could do anything else she punched him in the back so hard she make the ground around them crack and the walls shake. Nariko yelled bloody murder but fell unconscious.

  The room was silent momentarily until Hayate announced Aisha the winner. Naruto busted out in cheers, "YEAH! NICE JOB AISHA! YOU ROCKED!"

  "WAY TO GO CUTIE!" Kiba shouted while Tenten cheered, "Nice one!"

  Medical ninja pulled Nariko onto a stretcher while Naruto and Kiba jumped down to congratulate Aisha some more while I still stood shocked.

  "Hey kid, you can't attack him!" But Kiba had already punched Nariko hard in the face. If Nariko ever woke up, he'd have one extremely crooked nose.

"That's for what you said to Aisha you assh—OW!" Aisha had thunked him over the head and glared at him but walked back over to the ballistic Naruto. I hear Tenten giggling something about boats and pirate ships...whatever that means.

"Naruto would you please stop yelling, your giving me a headache, you baka!"

"Gah! Sorry!" He said hastily waving his hands up in a surrender. Aisha smiled at him then they jumped back up to the balcony.

"So what did ya think Kakashi?" Aisha said to me. I opened my mouth to ask her how the hell she used wood style jutsus but thought better of it, she'd probably just brush it off like usual.

"Gotta say, I was hoping you'd get the shit beaten out of you."

"Tch, like that'll ever happen; I'm too awesome!" She says grinning. I roll my eyes and ruffle her hair to annoy her. Which is a success.

She walks away (after kicking me in the shin) and goes to chat with her teammates and I notice something scarlet on her side, "Aisha your bleeding!"

"Huh?" She looks over her shoulder at me the down at the bloodstain that was quickly growing in size, "Oh that, yeah should probably fix that up."

"How are you so calm about it? There's a fricking gash in your side!"

"Chill Sasuke, I'm fine." She then pulls out a kunai and heats up the tip with a small puff of fire. She pulls back her vest and presses the hot metal to the wound grimacing in pain as she seals the wound.

"Aisha stop! There's a hospital wing right over there!" I say gesturing to my left.

She shrugs, "I don't like hospitals," she clutched her head in pain with the hand she wasn't now holding against the sealed wound while glowing a pale green, "—Yeah....definitely don't....Hey look at the screen!"

  All eyes were brought up to the black screen that was now flashing Sasukes and another's name in a bright green.

  "Took long enough," Sasuke says smirking.

  "It's only been one match ya know," Aisha comments. I look back to her once wounded side, now looking as if nothing ever happened. I marvel at her skill in medical jutsus.

  "You should probably go to the hospital wing anyways. Let them make sure your okay."

  "Hell no, I wanna see Sasuke fight!" She complains puffing out her cheeks. I stare at her until she caves, "Fine. I'll go to the stupid hospital where they're just going to tell me I'm completely fine, dad."

  I shake my head in amusement as she stampers off. The forest really changed her....I just hope it's for the best.

  Aisha's POV

  I'm fucking going to shove that cunterpilar up a horses ass. The trip to the hospital was as expected, pointless. Basically it was just a bunch of old doctors with bad breath and nurses that make me look like a fucking rainbow sent by the gods, who told me things I already knew. But, wow I didn't even know I'm having amnesia or that my head is royally fucked. Thanks Dr. Whatsyourface (note the enormous amount of sarcasm.)

  So now I missed Sasuke's match because it took forever to get out of those evil doctors clutches and I must say, I'm ready to go on a god damn rampage. Wait, too late I already am.

  I stormed though people with my Ookamisensu activated so it's easy to track the old sack of porn books down. I ran down stairs where a sign said leads to the basement of the building where I sense Kakashi and Sasuke.

I stop mid kick from taking the door down and my eyes widen in horror. 'It's him,' I think while lowering my shaking leg, 'He's here...'

I immediately conceal my chakra so he can't sense me, hoping he hasn't already. My rage disappears in an instant and I focus all my energy on the scene behind the closed door. I use my already activated Kekkei Genkai to sense what is happening in there and so I could hear too.

The room is relatively dark and Sasuke laid shirtless on the ground unconscious, surrounded by a circle of blood markings and his curse mark seemed to be suppressed. Kakashi must have tried to seal the mark. That fool, if anyone I should know that that won't work. It'll help for a bit but eventually break. Kakashi stood protectively in front of Sasuke's form in a ready stance. He breathed hard from the loss of so much chakra. He alone will not be able to fend of Orochimaru.

  "It's been a while, Kakashi..." His voice draws out. The sound of his high voice fills my ears and my mark flares like a hundred needles pricking my skin. I shiver.

  "But not as long as it's been since I last saw you, Miss Inumaki."

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